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The Consumed: Virgil Series Book Two

Page 6

by Kyle J Cisco

  Hey moved into the combat with the one closest to Laura. He reached behind his back and grasp the hammer with one hand and brought it forth from his shoulder. In a vicious choppy slammed it down onto the man's head. The wet sound crushing bone, sounded is the hammer crush to deep into the men's skull. Blood ran from the man's nose, as a Gray substance also ran from his ears. Has he finished off the phone he looked to his left and saw that Laura had also smash the skull of the man that she was fighting with her mace. That left only three, until the bolt from Natasha's crossbow entered one of the man's chest of the right Virgil. The man gasp for air is a punctured is lung.

  Virgil sent a tendril of red energy towards last two victims, the energy quelled around two next of the men. Virgil began to close his hand. As he increased the pressure on the men's windpipe grew closing off the air they so desperately needed to Live.

  Went all the photos were put down Frederick Laura Natasha and Virgil met on the edge of the camp. They had to find their way back to Deeter in this company fast if they wanted to catch up with Xavier before he left the island. Virgil and Natasha ran forth into the forest.

  "Where do you guys think you're headed?" Said Laura.

  "We have to follow Xavier, people pay for what he is done to Rex," said Virgil, as he ran deeper into the woods.

  Does the two of them ran forth into the woods, they gleamed with seem to be light on the distance. It emanated from the top of the hill in front of them. "That is definitely where he's headed," Virgil said.

  The castle was shrouded in darkness is a set up on the hill. The Fog covered the towers so that the top could not be seen. It looked as though the walls the fortress border the water. Large statues of men student equal intervals on the that bordered the Sea. Some of the statute showed age as they lie in ruins upon the surf. They seem to be the statues of the ancient vampiric lords.

  "This is where he went, I can feel it." As Virgil approached the walkway to the castle.

  "How can you be sure?" Natasha asked.

  "It seems the only right place he would Head in a time like this," said Virgil.

  Without response Natasha fall virtualization move farther from the wood line and deeper into the interior of the castle walls. He pushed through the door that was left cracked open. The first sign of Xavier being?

  "Don't you think we should wait for the others?" Natasha asked, but still followed Virgil through the door.

  "It'll take them twice as long for them to get here. If we wait that long, we w would lose him." Said Virgil.

  As I moved deeper into the castle they could hear creaking and footsteps from rooms beyond. Virgil became aware of the presents that he had not felt before. Something cold air breast along his cheek as a pastor the thresholds leading into a grand hall. Sweat overtook his brow is this nerve settles into his stomach, he realized it now what it was he felt.

  Potential black energy popped out of the corner to his right. The tendril of energy snaked out towards his throat. Virgil was ready though, with the least amount of energy possible he dodged the tendril sending his own fourth snapping the black energy parte before it reached him. Xavier had and sent the specter to slow down. This was obvious enough, but Virgil and fought many specters before vesting all of them including their leader the Shadow ripper. He took his accidental hand grasp as he swung back and forth trying to make contact with the specter. However the specter was trained well in the use of a sword. For the clipped figure blocked all the blows that came forth from Virgil Warhammer.

  Suspect to return the blows and kind with slashes of his own. Aimed at the areas in between virgil's armor where the plate was weakest. Virgil duct the blows., without much effort bolts flew over his shoulder into the figure has Natasha to game with the crossbow from behind him. The specter stumbled backwards surprised by the assault. Virgil taking the initiative in this moment charged in to close combat with the specter. It's want to sort aiming for legs of the figure. The specter was unable to block this time. The howling a pain sent the demon to its knees in front of Virgil.

  "Next time your master should be more cautious of who he leaves behind to cover his retreat. Do you won't be able to tell him your self," send Virgil.

  The specter of raised up his hand as a protesting on coming glow from the hammer. But Virgil did not care perspective is had no soul. So it was not sin to deny them the last words before death. The specter crumpled to the ground under the incredible strength of the bluff brought down on it's from Virgil's Warhammer. The body disintegrated only in the black cloak on the ground as well as the sword held within its grasp just seconds before.

  The footsteps of Natasha approaching from behind Drew Virgil's attention to his rear. He nodded to her and satisfaction for the distraction she had given them a shooting specter with the crossbow. She nodded to return and they kept searching to The core doors of the castle trying to head to the dock that surely held that Xavier would take. The lower level castle or quiet as Virgil and Natasha poked around trying to find the area where the boats were held.

  As they enter the large room I saw the floor open the middle for rushed into the room. Filling up the gap in the floor about them on two small boats. The spot for the third boat was already empty, they were too late to catch up Xavier but they could find him now in their own boat. Virgil sat at the end of the dock his feet dangling over the water. Natasha came and sat next him, he raises arm and put it around her is he began to say.

  "This is but we will wait for the others. We know he has taken a boat. He will do what is logical and head towards the Middle Island." Said Virgil.

  Natasha nodded in agreement, But said nothing. Her face looked as of torn between asking a question and staying silent. I thought of Natasha holding something in that you needed to say disturbed Virgil.

  "What is wrong, there's no need to hide anything from me," said Virgil.

  "It's just that-I feel your changing. I don't- I don't know how to put it, but you are different your eyes have lost the glow of innocence. They have adopted a harder more red tint. It's it's concerning, Virgil, we cannot have - you're Falling to the darkness don't you sense it?" Natasha asked.

  "I don't know what you're talking about. I have not changed, this is the man I was meant to be. I have g grown bold, but that is the only change."

  "Then you have been blinded." Natasha said that she stormed off, headed away from the dock and back up the stairs.

  Have hi changed? Am I losing my connection to the light, but how does one stop the rage contained within?

  Darkness crept over the land, as Virgil and Natasha sat waiting for the others. The rickety dock jetted out into the water, it's old wooden boards decayed from the gears of moisture. The face of one of the stone statues that lined the outer wall to the Ocean, lay face down in the water. The structure looked as though it had not been lived in thousands of years. The last time someone occupy this castle would've been the rain of the vampiric Lords that once ruled necromancer isles.

  "there's a lot of history to this place," Virgil said, as he looked at Natasha.

  "are you saying that this is one of the vampiric castles?" Responded Natasha.

  "I think so, if that is the case we should be more on our toes. It is said that these castles are bound to the darkness, and can summon great evil." Virgil's head turned on swivel, has he looked behind him towards the footsteps getting closer.

  The site of Laura, warmed his heart. As he raised his hands and thanks to the mother for it not being a monster.

  "so where is this boat?" Said Laura. "you don't mean we're taking one of those small ones?"

  "Yeah, that's the one we're taking. But we need to start soon if we want actually catch them," Virgil said.

  "how are we all going to fit on those boats? We have a whole company of men," capt. Deater said.

  "well I guess we're going to have to make several trips then." Virgil replied.

  The man from captain Deater's company got to work on the boats. It would take some time since t
hey were both connected to the ceiling of the inner docking bay. The chains creaked as the first of the boats was lowered. The pulley the chain hung from groaned one last time before it snapped from the ceiling, it showered fragments and debris onto those below. The boat now unstable in the air as it hung from only on pulley. The nose of the craft dipped into the water repeatedly as the pulley that was intact sung from the jolt from dropping half the boat.

  "Slow it down, easy now," Virgil said.

  The boat teetered then gently came to a rest the nose only barely in contact with the water below. The water rippled as the nose of the boat sync back and forth with the swelling of the pulley above. Virgil watched euchre is the motion of the police slowed. He eases hand into the air notifying the team to continue the operation dropping the boat. The chain creaked once more as it was thrust back into motion. He watched as the tip of the boat dipped farther into the water slightly evening out what is the backside caught up to it.

  "how many trips you think is going to take?" Asked Deater.

  "I'm not sure, but it's our only hope to get to the other side, and catch up with Xavier," said Virgil.

  The change shop creaking, Notifying that two that the time for talk was over. Virgil Laura Natasha and Deater were the first on the boat accompanied by five Battle Brothers. They began to make their way across the waters which were growing ever more intense due to the incoming storm. He looked at the dark clouds on the horizon, the flash of lightning illuminated the distant mountains they had traversed just a day earlier.

  The force of the waves rock the boat, as it move through the water. Water splashed over the side spritzing the faces of those who sat within the confines of the small boat. The coast of the center island within view now, and Virgil could feel the anger welling up inside him as he thought of facing Xavier once more. When he closes I saw the face of Rex his longtime mentor and only friend within the order. Virgil Heard footsteps coming from behind, already alert of the presence of another he spun on his heel. He saw the man Frederick standing right behind him.

  "what are you doing over here alone?" Said Frederick.

  "I don't get much free time," Said Virgil. "it's part of being a high chaplain. Why did you leave the order?"

  "... Well... I served not for the order but For the Kingdom of Novak, this is why I did not stay. I was never sure if I will fit in the order." Said Frederick.

  "you are Still welcome like to join? Feel as though your talents of being wasted, you would make a great ranger." Virgil said.

  Wind whipped cutting into the conversation for on the second as it died as fast as it started. The smell of salt intensify during gail Wind. He noticed of Frederick glanced over his right shoulder as the wind passed them. As if he saw something in the breeze.

  "you alright?" Ask Virgil.

  "Yes why?" Frederick said.

  "looked as though you saw something in the breeze. You need to be honest with me, Right now! This Liliane of the blackhearted that your after, why do you hunter her?" Ask Virgil.

  "she murdered my family in cold blood.... her goons raped my wife, strangle my daughter. Once They were done with my wife they beheaded her." Frederick said.

  "why did she target you?" Said Virgil.

  "hunted down her brother, demon named Ilia," said Frederick.

  "I'm Sorry to hear that. Thank you for joining us, it will not be forgotten and there will always be a place for you among us, said Virgil.

  Over the next hour Virgil and Frederick spoke at the mission a hand, and how they should approach from here on out. The Plan was set, they only thing that could set them back now was the storm is steadily approaching from behind them. The torrent cloud to grow closer over the hour, my didn't now illuminated everything in the horizon to their rear. Crackling bolts spread across the sky and spider web patterns. Virgil and always liked watching lightning, but he had never seen a storm of this intensity before.

  The surf picked up, And the waves grew larger as the storm neared. The boat rocked violently in the swell the small craft was being lifted over the waves and then crashed back in to the water upon falling from them. Virgil could feel his stomach churning with the motion of the boat, you never been fond of the water. Never grown accustomed to the ever moving tides the ocean. His hands firmly placed on the side of the boat and leaned his head over to hurl one more time. But this time he only dry heaved, for he already expelled all the days food.

  "land ho!" Said one of the Battle Brothers , from the other side of the boat.

  Virgil turned his head in the blink of an eye. When he admitted all the way around his eyes landed upon the giant looking tomb jetting out from the top of a hill. What the hell is that!

  The gale force wind raged about Virgil's face, as the boat sprinted straight towards the coastline. He could hear the sound of smashing sand beneath the whole of the ship. Virgil vaulted over the side of the boat, his boots stuck into the sand as if it were pulling him down. As he rose to full height, he lifted the hammer from the clasp on his back.

  Virgil watches Frederick look to the ground, his head scanning back and forth across the earth looking for any sign of footprints or anything that would lead them to Xavier and Liliana. Frederick's expert tracking abilities had do not lead them astray yet. Virgil admired the man skill, but still thought with wariness about the men's intentions.

  Since they would only have a few hours before nightfall, Virgil recalled Frederick from the tracking. As they huddle near the side of the boat Virgil Natasha Laura Fredrick along with captain Deater.

  "I say we call it for today," said Deater.

  "No, we are continuing no matter the decision that is made here," said Virgil.

  "we can scour this entire beach footprints. But it will take time, Time we don't have," Frederick said.

  Virgin turned to face Natasha, he gave her a look that spoke the need for her to speak up now in his defense.

  "I don't think we need to track them, we Head them off at the tomb," said Laura.

  "I agree with Laura," said Virgil, he shot Laura wink of thanks.

  Out of his peripheral vision you could see the nasty look Natasha was giving him, after he gave the wink at Laura. It was almost as if the heat of her anger had scorched the side of his face. It did not they're look over there, he knew what would happen.

  "captain, how long will take together the man be ready to move out?" Asked Virgil.

  "I don't think that's a good idea. I...." Frederick started.

  "we can be ready in five, Virgil," said Deater.

  "what did you say?" Virgil said, As he gave Deater a nod in response to his answer.

  "I... I said, that isn't a good idea. I think we should track them," said Frederick.

  Virgil shot Capt. Deater take curious look, as he turned respond to Frederick." Why is it not a good idea?"

  "we may find a more difficult passage, if we head off in the random direction towards tomb itself. Where free follow them maybe the path they have taken Will have been cleared," said Frederick.

  "Virgil, this is ridiculous. The man obviously has other obligations other than this mission. We must stop them before they wake the devour and released him up on this world." Deater said, as he pointed his finger towards Fredrick.

  "you think I want them to raise this thing? I would rather see myself die before I see that thing be set upon the world I live in," Frederick said. "you call me traitor? Capt. Deater, perhaps one has forgotten his own past."

  The two men moved at each other with fists raised ready to fight. Virgil jumped in between the two holding both off with one hand each.

  "we don't have time for this," send Virgil, as he restrained both men. "are we so petty, resort to fighting each other instead of the enemy at hand?"

  The two men began to relax, because they both gave up ground and started to Back away from each other. Virgil had a knack for cooling off situations such as this one. He began to lower his arms as the two moved farther away from each other.

we done now? We have stuff to do, now I do like Lawrence suggestion that I do think that we should head for the tomb directly." Virgil said.

  "I still... I just... nevermind," Frederick said.

  "the decision has been made, do not question it again!" Said Virgil.

  Frederick gave an obligatory not of his head in surrender, as he backed away from the conversation and headed back towards the men. No one tried to stop him on his way away from the boat, so they continued. Within the next few minutes, everything was ready to go and they set off in the direction of the tomb.

  The forest that lie on the edge of the beach had a sick look to it. It looked as of the trees were decaying, a Black vine snaked around the trees as if they were smothering leaves on the very branches of the tree. He thought he felt the shiver of winters breeze coursing through him as he approached the tree line. Was too late to head back now though, with his hammer held tight in his grasp. He waited through the thick underbrush of the Forest entry.

  Sore pricked Virgil's finger, he drew it up fast to his face saw the blood being expelled from the tip of the finger. The memory of the debt forest flashback into his mind. The faces of Jack and the others look back from the tree line, they looked straight at Virgil. Then it was over he was back, but this was not the debt forest.

  "Virgil, I'm afraid Frederick does not understand the mission we are on. As want for revenge has clouded his mind, it his what Is driving him. It is our responsibility to keep this realm safe. Those were bent on revenge are reckless. If we continue with him he will put us in danger." Deater said.

  The words from Deater's question pulling him from the memory of the horrible things that happened in the dead forest. Although Virgil have no patience for his question.


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