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The Consumed: Virgil Series Book Two

Page 9

by Kyle J Cisco

  They met in a furry of blows as both men threw a swath of energized fist at one another. Virgil caught a shot to the gut, then as he leaned forward with the blow was caught with a knee that cracked against the bridge of his nose. Blood dripped from the tip of his nose as he looked at the ground.

  Virgil recovered bringing the back of his head into Xavier's jaw, He proceeded to land blow after blow to the face of his foe. Xavier's back made contact with the large wooden pillar from the dock. He made a woozy strike at Virgil, but was blocked without thought. He then grasped the mans face and funded his head onto the pillar. Xavier's body crashed into the ground, his hand moved to grabVirgil's leg. But was battered away with a savage kick.

  The weigh of Virgil's foot coming the rest on the puncture wound on his arm. He ground the bottom of his boot into the wound as if putting out a small fire. Xavier's mouth began to open, as if to howl in pain. But it would be hard to do that with a boot in his mouth. The kick sending teeth ajar some bouncing on the inside of his mouth.

  "Shut your wreched mouth!" Virgil said, as he brought Xavier's head from the ground to whisper. "Time to pay up."

  Virgil wrenched, Xavier's wounded arm, as he whipped him over onto his back. Xavier's pale face in shock and his face covered with gore. He opened the one eye that hadn't swollen shut.

  "I'd kill him again... if I had the chan-"

  Virgil grabbed his head, and began smashing it into the rock covered ground. A crunch signified the collapse of his skull. But rage is not a easy thing to quell. After a few more times, he stopped, and rose from the his knees. A grey chunky liquid leaked from Xavier's ears, and back of his head. He collapsed from the excess adrenaline in his system. His muscles twitched in revolt at each thought of movement.

  His hand grasped fro the pillar, but in the act of getting up the tree exploded into splinters before him. Shrapnel from the blast hit Virgil all over. His armor doing a good job of protecting him, but the unarmored places were hit hard. Virgil flew through the air from the force of whatever hit the pillar. He rolled away just in time. As two gigantic feet hit the ground beside him.

  He looked up as the clawed blackened hand reached down for him picking him up with little effort. A jagged onyx sword held in the other hand. The Devourer! Damn it. This time tossed through the air back to the entrance onto the dock.

  "You, shall be a worthy gift for thy new master," said the Devourer, as it stomped it way toward Virgil.

  He raised a hand, in an attempt to use his powers, but nothing happened his arm falling limp to the ground in exhaustion. The devourer threw his horned head back, and bellowed in amusement. As its hoofed foot slammed into Virgil's ribcage. He could feel the large dent in his chest plate.

  "Virgil!" Natasha screamed.

  A glimmer of hope entered Virgil's eyes, as he watched, her dash down the small hill headed toward the dock. But once more he was lifted and thrown, but landed in one of the boats this time. Followed only a few seconds behind the Devourer leaping onto the boat. Then men began to come out of the lower area of the boat. Wearing red tunics that their suits of gilded armor. He could feel the gentle movement of the boat.

  "You, down," Natasha's voice cut through the sound of the water that crashed into the boat.

  "A great gift indeed. Heir of Dvorak..."

  Shit. How would he know that?...Nata...

  His head smacked into the wooden deck as his vision faded into darkness. His last glimpse was a woman falling to her knees on the beach.

  Water covered the deck of the boat now, as waves poured more into the boat every few seconds. Sweeping the fresh blood from the drenched body laying on the deck. The waters were rough with an approaching storm. The entire shy covered in darkness between fork of lighting that scattered like a web across the sky. Followed by a boom that echoed off the rocky coast to their rear.


  Act Two The Rescue


  One solitary ray of light broke through the cloud cover that hovered over the boat. The seas had been rough, as it relentlessly battered the boat on it two day sail back to the western watch. The boat was full of the dead and wounded that had not been so lucky on the mission.

  "It was a failure, it was all for not," Dieter said, as he leaned over the side of the boat.

  "That doesn't, help us right now," Natasha said, as she pulled Dieter head in close. "Don't you dare belittle the sacrifice made during this quest."

  Dieter shrugged, her hand from his shoulder, and stormed off back into the hull. Natasha made her way to the prow of the ship, and looked back toward the islands they came from. But her focus shifted to the direction to the east, where Virgil was headed to. If he made it there.

  White sheets covered the bodies of those who paid, for their participation. They died for the order, and their sacrifice will not be forgotten. She grasped the pendant around her neck, in recognition of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

  "Land ho!" said the helmsman.

  She spun her entire body in a flash, and could see the western watch. The citadel that stood Virgil over the area of coast line controlled by the Order. The view from atop the tower that loomed almost 6stories above the ground. Somedays piercing the clouds in the sky.

  "Is it your first time looking upon Cloud Breaker from the sea?" asked Laura, as she came to stand alongside Natasha.

  "Yes. What about you?" asked Natasha.

  "I have seen much of this world," said Laura. Not all of it has been pleasant, but then you look upon something man has created. How it can be so majestic... Makes you wish there was more things as beautiful as the cloud breaker."

  "What is so great about a tower?"

  "Oh Natasha, tis not the tower that is beautiful. But the achievement." Laura said, as she pointed the the massive tower. The ship came to rest under, its looming shadow. "It gives hope. To know killing isn't the only skill we have. That we can make this world a better place."

  "That kind of peace will require a co-"

  "Yes, the cost would be high, but the darkness must be eradicated before we can have peace," said Laura. "With peace we can focus this... into constructing things meant for good. Perhaps reaching the heavens someday."

  "Grand dreams, but what good are they," said Natasha. "Even without the darkness men will find reason to fight."

  "Without the corruption of the dark things of the world, What would they fight for?"

  "Are you that nieave? Power, Status, Land, Resources, and Greed, must I go on?" said Natasha, her almost having to pick her jaw off the floor in surprise. "You are blinded by ignorance."

  Natasha pushed off the side of the ship, and turned away. When Laura's arm grabbed hers.

  "We, must save him... We must save, Virgil," said Laura.

  "I plan on it," replied Natasha.

  "I will join you."

  No, I will do this alone. A rangers skill is needed f-"

  "And a Sister of the Light, is also needed. You will never make it in without help from the power of the Light."

  "...Alright," said Natasha.

  The two of them moved toward the smaller craft they brought from the center island. It was a smaller craft, but more then enough for the two of them would need. Somehow they would need to get on it, all without Dieter knowing they had left.

  They were not so lucky. As they made it to the ship. Natasha grabbed the mooring rope to test the tightness of the rope. That is when they were spotted by Capt. Dieter.

  "What is going on here?"

  "We were readying the smaller craft to take it ashore," Natasha lied.

  "We are going back for the Chaplain," Laura said, Her response had Natasha picking her jaw up in surprise once more.

  "Have, you, gone mad Sister? And you...?" said Dieter.

  "No, I have my orders. And they were to protect the, Chaplain. To make sure no harm was done, him," said Laura.

  "What will the, Executor, say when you don't re-"

  "That I failed my miss
ion," Laura said. "But I am not returning without, him."

  "Neither am I," said Natasha. "We need, him, if we are to stand a chance of defeating the dar-"

  "I am not going on a suicide mission for one, man," said Dieter.

  "He, is the hei-" Nat said.

  The boat was jared as it bumped the dock and came to rest. The boarding ramp clanked against the wood of the dock.

  "There will be no further discussion," Dieter said, as he turned to the men gathering near the exit of the ship. "Wounded, and dead off first."

  Once he was out of sight of the two women, they sound into action each grabbing one of the weapons from a neat and ordered looking rack of weapons. Each jumping from the aft of the ship onto the line that tethered the two of them together. Holy Mother of Light. They zipped across the fifty feet distance between the two ships in no time.

  Natasha leapt from the rope ending in a roll that put her right in position to stand. Laura's landing had not been as graceful, she nearly clumped to the ground. Just another reason I wish she hadn't come. Pushing her thoughts aside she set back to the task at hand, as she drew her dagger and cut the rope setting them free.

  With the sail at full they began pulling away from the ship, and the western watch. Dieter walked upon the wooden ramp, as a rider approached him. No doubt from the fortress of light. Nothing could be heard though with the distance increasing between the boat they were on and the conversation. At the crest of a wave she saw him churning his fist in the air. For they were on their own now.

  Once the boat reached out past the swell that was hammering the coast with giant waves. She adjusted the wheel of the boat heading them due east. Never thought id see beyond the shadow mountains before. Laura was also at the helm. But was huddled over the meager supplies that had been left of the boat.

  "We, should have grabbed some supplies," said Laura.

  "Trust me, we have enough," Nat said.

  "How do y-"

  "I am the ranger here. We have enough!" Nat snapped, at Laura.

  With her head down still looking over the remainder of the supplies, the conversation ended. With the next few hours being completely devoid of conversation. The two just waited, and watched for the sight of land on the horizon, that expanded before them. Illuminated with the glow from the setting of the sun in the west.

  "I am sorry for my outburst earlier." Nat said.

  "No, apology needed. I know, your connection is strong with, Chapl... I mean, Virgil," said Laura.


  Laura waved a hand and said with haste. "I mean no offense or to make it awkward. One must know about a person to protect them."

  "Than...Thank you for understanding," nat said.

  Something sent a shiver through Natasha, as if being watched. Then she saw it. "Get, down!"

  Laura ducked in the nick of time, as the arrow Natasha saw with her keen vision spotted. The arrow dug deep into the mast of the boat right above Laura's head. Where the abyss did they come from? She bolted toward the railing of the boat as she grabbed her crossbow, and began to fire back at the ship that loomed over them. A goblin raiding ship should have known.

  Arrows whizzed past them as they both send projectiles up at the occupants of the other ship. But a boat can never stand up to a ship of that size. Then a crack of white slammed into the bottom of the hull of the goblin's ship. Breaking open the hull as it sucked water in through the insatiable maw.

  Grappling hooks began to reach out and catch the smaller craft, and goblins rode down them boarding the small vessel. Nat leapt from the steering area of the smaller craft, while she drew her daggers, and came down upon those just starting to land on the boat.

  Water continued dropping the other ship into the water. Its going to drag us down too! Natasha noticed this between cutting down the fiendish goblins invading their boat. She flashed into action, as she used both blades to wade into the foes. She slashed her way through the enemy. She focused her energy into cutting as many of the lines coming from the other ship as she could.

  The rope couldnt stand up to the slice of her blade, about ten goblins crashed into the water. One being dropped into the water, and was sucked into the ship through the hole in its side. The other ship was going down fast, reminding natasha what she must do. She continued all the way down the side of the boat as she cut the remaining lines but three that connected them selves tight around the mask.

  The boat shifted under foot, as the bigger boat was getting lower and lower. The movement was gradual but stead as the port side of the boat began to raise from the water. The boat was tipping faster now as it gained the momentum of gravity. Ran up the deck of the boat and caught the railing on the other side. Laura's hand coming to pull her up as the ship stood precariously on its side in the water now. Then the tension was broken as the rope snapped beneath the water. It released the small boat from it grasp. The release of tension enough to drop the boat back down onto the water. Natasha, and Laura climbed back into the boat its decks soaked in the blood and water from the ocean. Most of the bodies of the goblins sank into the deep below with the ship they had used to attack two of the worst people they could have.

  Although the boat survived in the aspect of its structure the same was not true for the mast and sail. They had been significantly damaged in the fight. A giant tear flapped in the light breeze, and the mask creaked as splinters of wood from its base cracked with each movement of the boat. They could not see anything with a thick layer of fog crossed their path and left in Zero visibility. Natasha's eyes struggled to find Laura in the fog with her being only a few feet away from her. It took a minute of searching in the increasing fog to find the wheel once more. She looked down on the compass and adjusted their course to head east once more.

  It was about an hour after the battle with the ship that the boat slammed to a halt upon hitting land of some kind. She reached the prow to see that fog was dissipating. The jagged rocks that lay underneath the prow of the boat were grey. Natasha jumped from the boat, onto the gaveled beach. She took a few more steps before hearing the foot falls of Laura at her back. Once she broke through the fog, was her first time laying eyes upon the inner lands of the shadow kingdom...

  The vast land swept out in all directions, mountains rose from the ground to the left. The shadow Mountains. In front of her a razor sharp labyrinth of grey rocks. And to the right was a vast swamp, with a thick underbrush covering the watered areas.

  "Who would have thought of a place so Grim?" nat said. "I thought the north was barren, and grim."

  "It was not always so. A mighty house once ruled these lands in the time where it was known as the Kingdom of Scimbor." Laura heaved her pack in the air and placed it at her back. "Once a great Kingdom of Mankind."

  "What happened?" asked Natasha.

  "The most common of things that can beset a Kingdom, war, corruption. A brutal civil war between brothers, over the use of magic, and ones connection to it." Laura frowned. "Leading to the creation of the Shadow Kingdom, and the First of the Wars of Darkness. But, we should get moving. It will be fully dark soon, and will need shelter."

  "Its a four day journey to the spire. We can't afford the time to camp tonight," said Nat.

  "Then I am with, you. Take the lead, ranger," Laura said, as Natasha started off in an eastward heading.

  As the sun fell on the day Natasha heard the scattering of animals, and other wild life that fled from their path. The labyrinth of rocks before them, was the grey maze the stood between them, and Virgil's life and freedom...


  The spire was the only thing that could be seen, as they approached the large structure. A gaggle of goblins and other creatures looked through the cage bars. There a broken, and bloodied Virgil, sat in the hay which covered the interior, as if it contained an exotic animal.

  He stared at the ground, as he had for the ride across the wastes of the coast to here. What have you done. The phrase had been repeated in his head for the past days
since his capture. Pain lingered in his leg, as well as his heart. From the sight of Natasha, as she watched the ship set sail. To his left stood the Devourer.

  "I will not turn!" Virgil yelled.

  The Devourer's head swiveled around.

  "I won't be broken.

  "I shall remember that, when you are begging me to end your pitiful existence."

  "The Order will come for me," said Virgil.

  "Yes, they will," said Devourer. "You, were the secondary objective."

  "Was, Xavier's death part of the plan?" Virgil asked, as he grinned with pride for having killed the man.

  "All that matters is we have, you, and when your friends get here to save you they will be ambushed and killed. Thus leading to a swift campaign of eradicating the rest of you disgusting humans."

  Virgil fell silent, as he slumped back down bars coming to rest on the ground.

  "All while you watch your failure as it unfolds before you. You Heir of Dvorak, will watch the world burn, before you may die."

  The gate of the cage opened, as they reached the Spire doors. Hurled out of the cage like some beast. As he rose from the ground he looked up from the base of the spire. Seeing the stark black of the tower made of pure onyx, as it loomed over him reaching nearly as tall as the west watch. His captures in the gilded armor poked and prodded him up the stairs leading into the tower.

  A red carpet covered the floor as they entered the spire doors. Purple banners hung from the black walls, same snake sigil from the cavern in the forest of the dead. At the end of the long carpet stood a wall. With a rectangular carpet cut out from the rest of the carpeting. His shoulder jerked as he was poked once more to continue moving. Closer and closer to the rectangle carpet.


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