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The Consumed: Virgil Series Book Two

Page 15

by Kyle J Cisco

  A goblin ran from behind the throne toward the staircase. A bolt stuck it in the neck before it left the raised platform where the throne sat. It's body crashed to the ground with a thud.

  "Those who suffer me do not survive girl," Vraxes said, as he pulled an onyx sword from its sheath with his free hand.

  "I am no girl. I am a Battle Sister of the Light. I have been trained to combat evil like you since I was but an intiate," Laura retorted, as Vraxes grew evercloser. "Virgil, you need to go now. Your safety was my concern. I promised Evon no harm would come to you dont make me liar."

  The words stung at Virgil's heart he had gotten to know Laura, well since joining the Order. She had been there for him when he needed instruction, and someone to talk to that knew Rex almost as he did. I wish not to see her die this day.

  Largoth released Virgil's arm, and charged toward Vraxes. His sword gleamed with purple hue as the torch light caught the blades edge. The flail swung up toward him, but it was ducked, but the sword found its mark. As the blade errupted from Largoth's back, his father fell to his knees next to Virgil releasing the hold on him. They starred in horror as the Vraxes threw the lifeless body to the floor, as if it were a scrap of food meant for a begging dog.

  Laura shieked in agony at the young man's death, then hurled herself forward. She sent a blast of white energy aimed at Vraxes. Though it was sidestepped with little effort. Virgil seethed with rage, as he felt the heat of his fury burning within, his body was once more full of energy.

  He spat an almost inhuman warcry as he too hurled himself into the combat. The yell forcing Vraxes on the back foot. He swung the hammer in a looping arc toward the beaked mask. Though that too was ducked in short work. Laura's mace was next to fall being stopped short by the blade of the sword. She was forced to duck as the spiked skull of the flail neared her head.

  Virgil did not duck in time the spiked head crashed into his chest plate throwing him to the side. The air expelled from his lungs. He gasped in panic trying to get air back into his lungs. As he did that his hand inspected the damage at his chest. The front of his armor had almost beed caved in by the blow.

  Howls came from the other side of the room accompanied by the sounds of combat starting once more. Goblins poured into the room, and attacked Deater and his men. Natasha moved to try and hold of the horde while Virgil, and Laura faced off against Vraxes near the base of the throne.

  Once more on his feet Virgil charged again, but stopped short, as the flail passed in front of him once more. Laura was now on the attack as she rained blow after blow onto Vraxes sword while staying away from the swinging head of the flail.

  This was the opening he was looking for he charged head long into the side of Vraxes tackling him to the ground. Virgil climbed on to the chest of his enemy and began to rain blow after blow to the side of the helm he wore. But a quick head butt to his thigh sent the sharpened beak into Virgil's leg. With a flick of his wrist Virgil was thrown from atop Vraxes. Landing somewhere behind the throne.

  Hargoth now joined in the combat, as he and Laura pressed the attack. Another blast of black energy engulfed the two of them and sent them flying back as well. Hargoth slammed into one of the stairs of the raised platform of the throne and Laura sent toppling into a statue of Banon off to the right of the throne.

  Virgil rose wearily from the ground once more, the adrenaline from the rage he once felt fadding back into the pain, and exhaustion he felt earlier. Another tendril of energy came. Virgil held out a hand and sent a tendril of energy as well the two energies mixed ina brilliant purple light. His arm shook with the intesity of Vraxes energy as it pushed its way steadily toward Virgil. Just a bit longer...this is for you Rex... With one final burst of rage Virgil poured all the fury into the stream of energy. Red energy coming from Virgil began to creep its way towards Vraxes.

  A flash out of the corner of Virgil's eye nearly blinded him for the moment as the white tendril of energy slammed into Vraxes's chest. This stopped the flow of black energy, and sent Virgil's blast into a pillar to the right of the throne. Vraxes stood in no time smoke eminated from the charred mark in the center of his chest.

  In the tongue of the elders Vraxes spoke an incantation then thrust his sword into the air. That charged the blackened onyx blade, with dark energy. The head of the flail hit the ground, and he strode toward Virgil once more.

  Larua stepped inbetween the two, as she said to Virgil once more.

  "Leave! Leave now!" Hargoth once more in control of himself, grabbed Virgil's arm along with Deater and a few other of Hargoth's men. He planted his feet firmly upon the ground but the strength of all the people pulling him moved him through the hall toward the threshold to the entrance way.

  All that could be heard was the remaining sound of combat lingering from the clash of sword and mace. Virgil watched helpless as Vraxes struck Laura with his fist. She stumbeled back, but came back with a strike of her own only to be caught by Vraxes's hand midswing.

  Vraxes tunred his head, and looked Virgil in the eye as he drove the blade deep into Laura's chest. The cry of pain cut short by the second stab to the gut. With another stab came a flash of light from laura's hand that forced Vraxes to drop her to the ground, along with the mace. She crawled franticly to reach her fallen weapon, but it was too late, as the foot stepped in the middle of her back. Vraxes thrust his blade once more into Laura's back, her head lifting in pain, then fell hard to the ground.

  "Laura!" Virgil yelled, as Vraxes tunred to face him. The dark armor smeared with the bright red blood from Laura's body. Virgil sent a blast into the cieling of the corridor bringing it down just before Vraxes could get through.

  Hargoth released Virgil's arm, and pushed the heavy wooden door open. The sound of combat echoed throughout the courtyard, and outside. Another horn blast sounded this time not so distant.

  "Damn gates closed," said Deater, as he crossed the threshold and back out of the spire.

  Mother of light...


  Dust lingered in the air as the swirling torent of battle consumed the flat plain outside the black spire. The cocaphony of battle echoed off the mountains to the north. The screams of dying men and beasts the clash of steel, mixed with the odd warcry.

  Evon strode thought the canrage as he, and Brandon cut their way through the enemy. The horn blasted once more to the right of Evon, as he hacked another foe to the ground. The two had opened up a circle around them where no enemies stood for five feet around them. Evon was determined to reach the spire. He ran forward in the direction of the spire. His shield smashed into the face of a hillman throwing the man to the ground with the force of the blow as he stabbed the man to his right in the chest.

  The blue cloaks of the royal guards whipped as they moved in amongst Evon and King Brandon. Weilding thier halberts with an expertice one might expect from the most regaurded combat unit in the Novakian army.

  Evon's glanced over his shoulder as he stood on a small rise where he could see the right and left flank clearer. Another horn blast caught his attention, thats when he saw the soldiers being attacked on the flanks by not one but two seperate forces one on each flank. The army quickly collapsing onto its self as the enemy enveloped thier forces.

  "Second Company! Move to cover the right flank," said Evon, as he reacted to the ploy they had walked into. Well thiers no going back now. He thrust his broadsword into the air, "Forward to the spire men!"

  The enemy they had been driving back then turned and charged in once more at the army of light. Completing the deception. Evon rushed forward, as he took on the first three men he found. He ducked an incoming blade stabbing the man in the gut, then shifted his footing avoiding another incoming blade. Then a third stike he caught with his shield. He coutered by bashing the man's face with the shield and stabbing the other man in the throat.

  The bodies of the two men laid still before Evon as the third man who had been hit with the shield tried in desperation to crawl away to safety.
Evon hefted the teardrop shaped shield and burried the narrow point of the shields bottom into the back of the man's skull.

  Two men in magnificent armor stepped into view of him they bore gilded chestplates and the eyes glowed with red energy. Evon, slung the shield to his back and drew a dagger into his left hand. They charged him attacking together, but Evon had trained two on one more then once. Parrying the first blade into the dirt with the dagger he swung out to catch the other blade on his. He attempted to push them back to gain some ground. But they barely moved an inch. The both attacked again and in a move of desperation evon turned taking both blows on the shield covering his back. He thrust his sword back into one of the foes behind him and the suit of armor fell empty to the ground. The other kicked the shield sending Evon into a roll that ended with him back to his feet.

  Brandon fought his own of the suits of armor as blow after blow came for him as well. Though without effort the young warrior ducked and dropped the suit of armor in a single strike to the helm. Though it did not end there as four goblins ran from his right, and egaged the King once more.

  Evon caught the blade of the other suit of armor, and kicked his opponents knee straight on. Yet nothing happened. That blow should have shattered his leg? The thought thrown from his mind as the blade of the enemy knicked his inner thigh. The pain flared, and Evon seethed at the thought of being caught off guard like that. He charged in on the attack using both dagger and sword to keep his foe on the backfoot, he drove the dagger into the unarmored shoulder of his foe. Noticing the blade still bore no blood on it. The hesitation cost him as a punch off set his balance and sent him to the dirt.

  He rolled fast to avoid the blow as it fell harmlessly into the dirt. He kicked the blade from the ground, and the foe stumbled to the side. As he gained his ground, he ran at the armor and plowed the blade through the helm. The armor sent clancking to the ground. What the abyss was that?

  The question barely entering his mind when he saw the hulking Demon approaching him. The serrated sword he bore in his grip was one that would have sent normal men running. Evon stood his ground in the face of whatever this thing was. It stood about eight feet tall, and wore no armor, besides the medalion around his neck of a serpent.

  Brandon came to the side of Evon, and gave him a nod of assurance. At that singnal both men charged the demon. The serrated sword came just after Evon shifted from its path. Brandon then struck out at the demon his hand caught, and was thrown out of the way. Evon, sheathed the dagger, and unslung his shield.

  "You, know not who I am do you mortal?" said the Demon.

  "Nope, and dont give a rats arse neither," said Evon, as he renewed his attack.

  Their swords clashed and the demon came face to face with Evon.

  "They, call me the Devourer of Realms," the devourer said, as he threw Evon back breaking the clash of blades.

  Evon wore a look of shock as he came to stand a few feets distance from the devourer. No one throws me like that. His face was beat red with exersion, and the anger he felt. Clack, his blade was met each time with a parry. He swung and swung, but could not defeat the defenses. The serrated sword lashed out as it countered Evon's blow. The shield met the blade but then was torn away from Evon thanks to the serrated nature made it easy to grab the shield away.

  He took an two handed grip on his sword, parrying and blocking each blow, although the force of the assault was still forcing him back. A blast of energy threw him back, and as he rose he saw the approaching foe as he meandered towards him.

  A flash of blue crossed his vision as three royal guards closed in with the Devourer. Each losing thier life in a split second as the Devourer took the heads from two of them and kicking the third into a rock that snapped his neck. The man's body laid on it stomach but the head still looking toward the sky.


  The causway that lead to the spire was filled with bodies, as the group made their way through droves on enemies. The stairs ran slick with the mix of black with goblin blood. Virgil swung his hammer from the front of the line the weapon hurling the foes it came in contact with over the side to their deaths.

  The bottom of the staircase was clear, and they were almost home free. Now we just have to fight through an army to reach our side of the battle, no problem. Virgil began to sprint toward the open gate of the outer walls of the spires defenses. Arrows struck the ground all around him, as he charged head long from the foot of the spire. The heavy iron gate released, and slammed into the ground. Hurling dust into the air with the impact with the ground.

  With the one exit closed he shifted his attention to the ramparts. The arrows grew closer as he sprinted headlong for the stairs to the ramparts. Natasha overtook Virgil's pace as she passed him with ease. He watched as she danced up the stairs, with a poise of cat. She dropped two of the archers in a single breath. Just as Virgil reached the top of the parrapet. The archers dropped thier bows, as they drew their swords. Virgil, wadded through them with ease, only to notice that the mechanism for the gate had been jammed closed.

  The group now was trapped on the ramparts with a horde of goblins and other more evil things on their tails. The howl of goblins came from the stairs as Hargoth's men stuggled to hold them at bay. Virgil's head swiveled side to side as he scanned his surroundings for someother way down. He moved to the edge an glanced over the side noticing the slopped angle of the walls exterior. We might be able to slide down.

  "Nat, I found a way down," he called to her over the sound of the combat.

  She twisted the goblins neck she held in headlock letting the lifeless, body slump to the ground. Then hurried and looked over the side.

  "What are we waiting for then?" she asked as she threw herself over the side and started the slide down the twenty foot high wall.

  The others did the same, as Virgil waited for the last of the men to go down before he went. Only one of Hargoth's men remained. He ran as fast as he could but was overtaken by emenies right before he made it. Virgil caught a blow to the leg with a club as he stood on the edge before he dropped off the wall sending him sliding down the wall in an awkward angle. His back slammed into the ground as he landed.

  He rose to his feet with hammer in hand as he looked and saw the armies in front of him. The battle had been costly, and he saw the pocket of Men of light shrinking as forces charged in from both the flanks.

  The small group descended the hill and smashed into the back of the enemy ranks scattering the weak willed goblins. The panic spread as the unit dissolved into chaos. Virgil and the other slaughtering the survivors. In the distance he saw gilded armor and red cloaks. It felt as though his stomach was in his throat as he tried to swallow once he saw the greyskinned Devourer, locked in combat with a heavily armored man. Evon, no!

  He headed in that direction, dodging blows from enemies, but not responding other then moving forward. Another glance at the devourer and the heavily armored man was on his back as three blue cloaked warriors were all slaughtered by the Demon. Within twenty feet now he struck the enemies before him and cleared the path.

  The Devourer held a seratted blade in the air above, Evon, as he knelt before the demon. His eyes full of rage, as he starred into the demon's face. Virgil sent a blast of energy hitting the demon square in the back as Evon rolled to not get crushed. Virgil took the hammer in a two handed grio now. The end of the hammer glowed red with the energy and rage that flowed through Virgil's body. His vision narrowed as if he entered a tunnel, the world tinted with a red hue. What is happening?

  The thought pushed from his mind once he was locked in combat with the Devourer. His hammer shaft caught the serratted blade of his enemy then threw it to the side and swung. The hammer end contacting the chest of the Dvourer pushing him to the side. Another swing and the hammer was caught by the Devourer. He threw Virgil to the side.

  Brandon and Evon now took the attack to the demon again, as they both once again danced around the Devourer, as they scored some hits but nothing to inc
apacitate it. Virgil now back on his feet closed in as a blast of energy threw the others away from it. Virgil, weathered the blow, and continued at the demon. He threw a blot of energy that was blocked by the sword. Then swung the spiked end of the hammer catching the devourer in the chest. The Demon looked to the sky, and then down at the spike in his chest. His red eyes filled with horror, and surprise. Virgil pulled the hammer from his foe, and raised a hand conjuring a tendril of energy, the red energy lifting the eight foot demon from the ground, and released a feral blast of energy. The pent up rage from the death of Laura, and the others lost during this mission.

  The blast incinerated the demon, as he dropped to the ground in a flurry of ashes that fell like the heaviest of snows during winter. Virgil, dropped to the ground in exhaustion, behind him the horn signaled retreat sounded as the army of light began to back up toward the pass. The middle of the ranks opened up as Evon, and Brandon stepped in the gap.

  Virgil felt someone grip his arm. Hargoth stood above him as he pulled Virgil to his feet. And Fredrick, on the other side taking the other arm. Natasha stood behind them firing her crossbow at the incoming goblins. They moved through the middle of the column of men. Then the orderly retreat turned into a full on route as the grandi charged through the ranks of retreating men. Skewring men upon its horns, and eating others.

  One such beast charged within ten feet of Virgil, and the others before a crossbow blot ripped throught the beast soft topped head sending it sliding on the ground toward the others.

  An hour had passed since the sound of the retreat. The last of the light that hing in the sky was extinguished, as the mountains eclipsed the sun. They had reached the mountains. Arrows poured down upon them as they entered the shadow pass. The emeny army broke pursuit, as they began to enter the pass, and the archers of Novak began to take them down in the close quarters kill box of the pass. They had made it out for now...


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