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ANTONIO: Diablos MC Page 7

by Barbara Overly

  He points down the hall “I saw him carrying her down the hall towards his room.”

  I smile at him “Thank you.” Turning around and walking towards his room. Once in front of his door I lean against to see if I can hear anything but I hear nothing. After lightly knocking Toni opens his door. Without saying a word, he walks over and sits down on a chair that is directly placed beside his bed. Which is where I see a sleeping Emma. “How long ago did she fall asleep?” I ask quietly.

  “15 minutes ago.” He says softly without looking away from her.

  “We should get going. It is past her bedtime anyways.” I say as I gather her shoes off the floor.

  “Where are you staying?” He finally turns and looks at me.

  A shiver runs over me as I make eye contact with him. I forgot how intense his eyes can be. “Um we are staying at Tank and Monica’s house.”

  “NO.” He says sternly.

  “No what?” I look at him confused.

  “You are not staying at Tanks house.”

  “Well that is where we stayed last night and that is where all of our stuff is. So yeah I think that means we are.” I try to move in front of him to pick her up. But he stands up affectively blocking me from picking her up.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” He growls.

  I hold my hand up. “Look I said we will talk. And we will but not in front of her. As much as you may think she is out she is a very light sleeper. So once she is in bed you can yell at me all you want. Although I don’t know why you feel the need to. But if you want to then fine you can then. But not until she is in her bed.”

  He stands there looking at me. I see his face go from angry and softens a little. “Fine. But you are not staying at Tanks. You two are staying at my house. End of discussion.”

  “Toni. All of our stuff is at Tanks.”

  Turning and picking Emma up in his arms. “This is not up for discussion Haylee. My daughter will be under my roof. Period. And I will have one of the prospects go and gather all your belongings. Now I assume you have a car seat in your car so if you will please lead the way. Unless you want her to have her first ride on a bike tonight?” He smirks at me.

  Shaking my head in disbelief. I forgot how fucking demanding he can be. Through clenched teeth I say “Fine. But I am saying goodbye to Monica and Tank before we go.”

  Smiling big he swings his arm out in a grand gesture that says lead the way. Rolling my eyes, I turn and storm out of his room with him and Emma following close behind. Seeing Tank and Monica over by the bar. I make my way to them. Tell them congrats, giving hugs and saying goodbye. Once Emma is secure in her car seat I turn towards Toni. “You lead and I will follow.”

  Without any show of emotion Toni gets on his bike and leads the way. Honestly I was half expecting to be heading towards his crappy little apartment that he used to live in back before I left. But instead he leads us towards a nice subdivision. Houses with huge yards, big houses. When he turns into a drive way that leads up to a nice two story house with a two car garage attached I almost feel like this is a joke. I work my ass off and could barely afford my small 2-bedroom house. Not saying he doesn’t work hard but damn I am jealous. Parking my car right beside his bike. I get out and follow him inside his house. He carries Emma upstairs into a room with a huge King size bed in it. Once she is in the bed he leads me outside onto his back deck overlooking his pool and nice size back yard. Handing me a beer, he sits down a crossed from me and gazes off into the distance.

  Not liking the silence anymore. I decide I will speak first. “Your house is beautiful. Very big.” I say looking back at it.

  He just shakes his head yes. Not saying anything and not even looking at me. Just fixated on his pool. Wanting to get it over with I decide to jump right in. “Toni you wanted to talk. Well here I am. Let’s talk.”

  “Why?” Is all he says turning and looking at me.

  Confused by his question. “Why what?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I was going to. But then your lovely wife showed up and well yeah why waste time on someone who clearly lies to get what he wants. And honestly you told me so many times you would never be a dad.”

  “Maybe I would have changed my mind. Maybe I would have saw how stupid all that was and been there since she was born.”

  Looking at my beer bottle. Feeling guilty for not telling him. “Do you honestly believe that. Can you tell me deep down if would have known about her back then that you would have stepped up? That you would have been excited to have her. Can you honestly tell me that you wouldn’t have tried to talk me into getting an abortion?” He just sits there processing all I have said. Not saying anything just looking at me with so much sadness in his eyes. “Toni we talked so much about how you did not want kids. I have even heard you say spending the $100 dollars on an abortion is worth every penny instead of stuck with a damn kid your entire life. Honestly what the hell did you expect me to do.” I say crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Honestly what I expected you to do was tell me. I get why you didn’t but still. Every man has a right to know they have a kid out there.” He says raising his voice.

  “Even if he doesn’t want that kid?”

  “Yes. Even at that moment he doesn’t want to have a kid. You had no right to keep her from me.”

  “You could have looked for me. Hell Toni for all I knew you were living a happy little life with your wife you lied about.”

  He stands up, towering over me, he yells “I did look for you. I looked for you every god damn day.”

  I chuckle. I know not the right time but I find this funny. “Well obviously you didn’t do a very good job. I wasn’t hiding. If you wanted to find me, you could have. Hell Vera did. Fucking bitch.” I mumble quietly.

  “WHAT!” He yells.

  “About 2 months after I moved to Portland she confronted me on campus. Told me that it was in my best interest to stay away from you, never return to San Diego, and to understand that you were her husband and all I was, was a club whore. And that I wasn’t your first club whore you played. Honestly I laughed in her face. Reminded her that she found me in an entirely different state and that I wanted nothing to do with a lying cheating asshole. Told her that she could carry her trashy ass back to her fucked up husband and leave me the hell alone. Then I pushed her out of the way and never heard from her again.”

  “Does she know about Emma?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “No idea. Don’t know how she would. I wasn’t really showing when she confronted me and besides she thinks I am a club whore. So no telling who Emma’s daddy is right.” Yeah I know I am going to piss him off with that but honestly I don’t care.

  “You were never a club whore.” He growls. “And Haylee I looked for you.” Looking down at his hands “Honestly I searched everywhere for you. I even had one of our techy guys searching all databases that he watches to see if your name popped up anywhere ever but he always came back and told me you were off the grid or he couldn’t find anything on you. I had him working so much that for the first 2 years he was to report to me every week with updates. But tonight I found out that Tank paid him off and all the shit he was leading me was false. Made shit up. So yes Haylee when I say I was looking for you, honestly I truly was. Just trusted the wrong people to help me.”

  Hearing all he was doing and being blindsided makes me laugh so hard. It brings tears to my eyes. He gets angry and throws his beer bottle into the trash making glass shatter inside the thing. Storming over to me he grabs my face between his hands, inches his face as close to mine as possible without making contact “Hearing me look for you and worry about you every god damn day is funny to you.”

  Shaking my head, no “Hearing that Tank lead you on a wild goose chase is though.”

  Letting go of me and plopping back down into his chair. “Yeah well that fucker shouldn’t have stepped in my way. He will learn. And then we will see who is laughing then.” Rubbing his hands ove
r his face showing his annoyance and impatience. “So what do you want from me?? Money? Is that all I am going to be?? Someone you can throw Emma at just to get a quick buck.”

  Is he fucking serious. I have never asked him for anything. I haven’t even hinted that I want a fucking cent from him but yet here he is treating me like as if I came back for his fucking money. Standing up I throw my beer bottle as hard as I can at him. He ducks out of the way fast enough that it doesn’t hit him but shatters behind him on the patio. I scream at the top of my lungs “You fucking piece of shit. I don’t want anything from you. I don’t want your money. Honestly I don’t even want to be staying in this house for one night. But I was going to try for my daughter because I want her to know her daddy. But fuck you. I don’t want anything from you.” Walking away from him I yell “Matter a fact I don’t even want to waste your fucking time. We are out of here. Fuck you Toni. You lying fucking prick.” Storming through his house making my way to the room Emma is sleeping in. Before I reach her door I feel hands wrap around my waist and hoist me up and over his shoulder. Walking past Emma’s room Toni takes me into another room and throws me onto the bed. Crawling on top of me, he wraps his hands in my hair so I can’t move my head. “God I missed you.” He says right before he crushes his lips hard onto mine. I at first try to fight him. Or at least I want to fight him. But just like 4 years ago my mind says one thing but my damn body says another.

  Pushing him away so he leans up and looks at me. “I didn’t come back for your money.”

  Crashing his lips back down on top of mine. “I was just testing to see what you wanted from me.” He says while kissing up and down my neck.

  “Toni I want you to be involved as much as you want to be. But that doesn’t mean I want anything from you. She is your daughter.” Before I could finish my statement Toni leans up and places a finger over my lips.

  “Tomorrow. Tonight I just want to enjoy you. We will talk tomorrow.” He says looking me straight in the eyes. Deciding everything else can wait until tomorrow I lean up and kiss him. He takes that as my agreement and kisses me back. While his hands work down my back and start to unzip my dress. Once he has my zipper all the way down he slowly pulls my dress down my body. To his surprise I went braless and am only wearing a black thong under my bridesmaid dress. Taking in my naked state he growls a low throaty growl that sends a shiver down my body. Before he fully stands up he hocks his fingers in my thong and slowly pulls them off of me. Laying completely naked in front of him he gets off the bed, never taking his eyes off me and begins to undress himself. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” He asks.

  Placing my hands over my face in embarrassment. “Look at me!” He demands. Moving my hands away I turn and look at him. “Always beautiful.”

  “Yeah stretch marks and all.” I say rolling eyes.

  While stripping out of his clothes he says “That makes you a woman. And that Haylee knowing you got them from carrying my child makes you sexier than any woman I have ever seen.”

  I go to make a smart ass comment but he stops me. “If you say one negative thing about you not being sexy I swear Haylee I will beat your ass so red you won’t be able to sit for days.” I don’t say anything. I just sit there and stare in amazement at how fucking hot Toni is. I mean yeah I knew he was sexy but damn over these last years he has gotten more muscles than I remember him having and damn it makes my mouth water. Soon he is standing in front of me completely naked. His glorious cock standing at attention for me. “God I can’t take it. I have to be inside you right now.” Grabbing a hold of my legs and throwing them over his shoulders. I stop him before he thrusts into me. Looking down at me puzzled.

  “Condoms Toni.” I say quietly.

  “Haylee I am clean. And I never go bare with anyone. Only you.” He says looking at me with eyes pleading to let him make contact with me.

  “I am not on any birth control. We got pregnant last time while I was on birth control. So I think we for sure need a condom.”

  Smiling down at me Toni thrusts his hips and slowly slides inside of me. After a long groan he looks at me and says “Well looks like Emma will be getting a brother or sister than.” He leans down and kisses me while picking up his speed. It doesn’t take long before I am falling over the edge in pure ecstasy. And it doesn’t take long before Toni is moaning my name and filling me with his seed. Once we both come down and our breathing normalizes he flops down on the bed beside me. Pulling me into his embrace. “Haylee I love you. I always have. God I missed you so much.” He says squeezing me closer to him and nuzzling his face in my neck.

  Turning over I push him back onto the bed and straddle him. Knowing he doesn’t really have any recovery time I grab his semi hard cock and sink down onto it. Bringing it back to life inside me. While riding him I look him lovingly in his eyes and tell him everything I have always held back “Toni I have always loved you. I have never stopped loving you.”

  Sitting up so we are face to face Toni asks “Marry me Haylee.” Hearing those words throw me over the edge. I scream his name into his mouth while he claims my lips to silence my screams. Seconds later I feel him expand and explode inside me. Resting my forehead against his to calm down he repeats “I am seriously Haylee. Marry me.”

  Looking up to see if he is serious. I see no joking, no worries, no stress. All I see is pure love. I know I want to say yes but I need to know why. And that is what I ask him “Why?”

  He laughs “Why am I asking you to marry me?” I shake my head yes. “Because I have lived 4 years without you and I can’t live one more day without you in my life. I love you so much it hurts to be without you. I thought I would never know what true love is but Haylee the moment I saw you that day at Mama’s I knew. I instantly knew you were it for me. Which is probably why it pissed me off so much when you blew me off. I didn’t know what it was then but looking back now it is because I knew you were meant for me. I love you, I need you and I want you every single day. Marry me Haylee.”

  “And you’re ok with being a dad. You’re ok with Emma.” I ask.

  “I am more than ok with my beautiful baby girl Emma. And if I am not mistaken I have twice now tonight tried to get your pregnant. And I won’t stop until you are yet again carrying my child. So yeah I think I am ok with being a dad.” He says lightly laughing. After a couple of seconds, he stops dead in his tracks and looks at me with a stern face. “I might be a really shitty dad but I promise I will do everything I can to make sure my kids are happy and safe.”

  Grabbing his face between my hands “Making sure she is happy and safe makes you a great dad. And I love you Toni. I don’t want to spend one day away from you either. Yes, I will marry you.”

  Grabbing me by my hips Toni pick me up and takes me into the shower. Where we make love for the third time that night.




  If you would have met me a month ago you would say I was a very angry person. You would say I hated life. I was unhappy. I didn’t even enjoy being around my brothers. Most importantly you would have known I hated kids. I really hated kids. Honestly I still do. When we would have family days at the club or days I knew kids where going to be around I would stay away. I just couldn’t handle being around the brothers with their old lady’s and all their bratty spoiled loud ass kids. And if I had to be around them I always made sure to scare the shit out of them so they stayed away. I don’t know what it is but kids make me want to drive my bike off a cliff. But all that changed within a matter of seconds. When I watched that beautiful little girl walk down the aisle at Tank’s wedding. I felt drawn to her. I felt something deep inside that made me know she was special. But it wasn’t until I picked Emma up in my arms I knew my life would be different for ever. And my brothers knew it as well. All those damn fuckers taking pictures of me holding her. Yeah I would have done the same thing. First time ever I picked up a kid instead of making it run away crying. The second she raise
d her arms to me I had to pick her up. I felt a need to protect like never before. I wanted to hold her close and never let go. I have never felt like I had something in my life that makes me want to be a better man. And instantly I wanted to be better for her. I wanted to have my little girl with me 24/7. I knew instantly that she was mine. No way can I deny her. She is a Hernandez through and through. But what is crazy is I want more kids. I never thought I would want this life. With how deep I hate kids and my shitty up bringing I always thought it was best to just never have them. But holding Emma in my arms and having her look at me with those dark eyes knowing she is mine. Something inside of me changed. Tank always used to tell me it is different when it is yours. Of course I never believed him. Thought he was full shit. Having me never stopped my mom from being a whore and never stopped my dad from beating the shit out of me just for breathing. But when I held her in my arms I knew Tank was right. I will never raise a hand to my own flesh and blood. If anything I will kill anyone who ever tries to hurt my little girl. Now I am not going to say I am going to be a perfect dad. Hell can anyone be a perfect dad. But I will do everything in my power to make sure she is happy and safe. That is what Haylee says makes a good dad. Making sure my kid is happy and safe. And so far I have done a pretty good job at doing that.


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