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ANTONIO: Diablos MC Page 9

by Barbara Overly

  Vera drops me to the ground. Kicks me in the stomach and storms off yelling “Tear this fucking place apart. Find that little girl now.” Rolling into a ball holding my stomach. I watch in silent as they destroy my home. It only takes them 15 minutes to completely destroy everything. Break and turn furniture over, putting holes in the walls, looking in ever small space they can until finally they realize I wasn’t lying. Emma isn’t here. A man walks over to me, bends down, lightly stroking my hair says “Play nice and give me your phone.”

  I point to my purse that is laying on the floor next to me. I don’t say anything. He nods, walks over to my purse and finds my phone. Giving me a wink. After a little while of going through my phone he calls someone. I know instantly it is Toni he calls. I can’t really make out what Toni is saying. I just can hear his voice. The man using my phone gets a big grin on his face “Oh isn’t that sweet.” Turning to me he says “He is going to love talking to me.” Toni grabs his attention back to the phone “Oh I am sure you would love to know that. But don’t worry all you need to know is I have your pretty little woman. And you won’t ever see her again.”

  I can hear Toni on the other end growl loudly “You are dead.”

  I sit in disbelief when the man starts to laugh. I mean really laugh. “You will never find me.” The man says.

  I need Toni now. I need him to stop this. I yell “Toni help me. TONI!” But Vera comes over and kicks me again. This time I block her assault on my stomach and take the blow to chest. I scream out in pain from the kick.

  I hear Toni yell “Do not fucking touch her.”

  The man comes over to stand next to Vera. Looking me up and down he says “Oh I plan on touching her. A lot. But don’t worry. She won’t be harmed. At least not by me. Vera is an entirely different story.” When the man says Vera’s name she grabs the phone and hangs it up.

  “You fucking idiot. Now he knows it was me. Stupid mother fucker.” She turns and looks at me. Shrugs her shoulders. “Oh well. He won’t ever find me. Which means he won’t ever find you.” Walking away she yells. “Grab the whore and let’s go.”

  Saying a silent little good bye to Emma and the life that I had here. And praying that Toni finds me quick. I know he will find me. I have no doubt about that. But now the only problem is will he find me in time. After being thrown in the trunk of the car. I whisper “Toni I love you.” The car speeds away from my life, my family, from my love.



  I don’t know how long we have been driving but after what feels like hours we finally come to a stop. I can hear muffled voices but I can’t make out anything or can I tell who is actually speaking. That is until they open the trunk. And luckily for me Vera is nowhere in sight but the man who called Toni is. “Welcome home sweets.” He laughs as he drags me out of the trunk. “That is until Vera decides what to do with you.”

  “Why are you doing this?” I ask.

  “I am only doing this for one reason. And that is because Jimmy told me to.”

  I don’t understand. I have never met a Jimmy so what would he want with me? “Who is Jimmy. And what does Jimmy have to do with Vera? Or me actually.”

  “Well you see Jimmy is a very powerful man. One who even scares the shit out of even me and not much scares me. And since I work for Jimmy I do as I am told. Which was to help Vera. And Vera wanted to take your daughter. But since we can’t seem to find her. You were just as good.” After a few minutes of walking he continues “I know that pretty little head of yours is trying to figure out a way to escape. But let’s just get some things understood right now. It won’t ever happen. And it would be smart of you to understand that our gang is pretty powerful. Very strong. We have killed people just for looking at us wrong.” He says while laughing. “So if you cooperate with us it might be a little smoother of a stay for you. But if you fight, try to run or hell just go against any of our orders we will have to punish you. And trust me you won’t like it.” He hisses at me.

  “Ok I understand all that but can you please answer me one more thing.” He shrugs but shakes his head yes. “What does Jimmy have to do with Vera?”

  He laughs and leans into my ear. Quietly he says “Jimmy is Vera’s brother.”

  Ok now I am starting to understand some of this. I have been kidnapped. That I understood from the start. And I also know I will have god knows what happen to me. Not that I am ok with this but it is helping with my fear to acknowledge what will happen. And the reason for all this is because of one person. Vera. Stupid skanky bitch. I am fully aware no matter what this was my fate. She did warn me to stay away. And I didn’t listen. Like I would have listened to her anyways. But tears start to fall down my cheeks when I think about Emma. At least it is me they found and not Emma. If Emma would have been home instead of with Monica she would be right here with me. In this horrible situation. That is who Vera wanted in the first place. I shudder to think what they would have done to her. How could anyone be that jealous of a child. That they would plan to kid nap a kid. For what. To get back at Toni?? Why because he didn’t take in her child who clearly was not his. One look at Emma and you know who her father is. But Vera clearly is crazy. And I will do everything I can to make sure she takes all her anger out on me and not my child. I do know one thing that they don’t. Toni will come for me. That I am certain. He thinks I don’t know but the watch he gave me right after I moved back home isn’t just a plain watch. It has a tracking system in it. He thinks I don’t know but I do. I used to think he gave it to me in case I wanted to run again and hide from him. Which it actually could have a been one of the reasons. Not going to lie at first it pissed me off thinking he wanted to keep tabs on me all the time. But how can I be too pissed. I know I did that to myself by running away the first time. But now with the situation I am in. I think he always felt like something would happen. Maybe not this soon after moving back. I mean I am not stupid. I know some things he does with the club is illegal and dangerous. The club doesn’t always deal in illegal or bad situations but Monica and I have talked before and we both know they deal with pretty scary and dangerous people. But I never thought it would fall back onto the families. I guess now looking at it that was just being naive. Because clearly being with men like Toni and Tank have their disadvantages and makes every day more precious. But being with a man like Toni I also know he will not stop until he finds me. I know he will kill anyone who stands in his way at finding me. I almost feel sorry for this strange man guiding me to my doom. He thinks he is strong. I mean yeah he looks strong. And he thinks his boss is scary and he might be. But he clearly has never met my man. He clearly has never been told who the real Antonio Hernandez is. But he will soon. I laugh knowing how stupid and in the dark all these men are. The man holding me doesn’t like it because he jerks me around a little out of frustration. “What about this do you find so funny.”

  “The fact that you think you are going to win. The fact that you think you are scary. Because you have no idea what scary is yet.”

  “Oh and let me guess this Toni I talked to earlier is scarier than I am.” He laughs as if he thinks he is making a joke. I just smile and shake my head yes. Leaning closer to me he says “You wanna know what I think is funny.” I shrug. Not really caring at this point what he finds funny but I also have no choice in hearing what he has to say. “I might die tonight but I can guarantee you will die before me.”

  With a huge eat my shit kind of smile I say “Wanna bet.” Yeah maybe not be the smartest thing to say because it earns me a punch to the side of my head. And yet again everything goes black.


  I can’t see straight I am so pissed off. I don’t even know if pissed off is the right words for what I am feeling right now. Fucking Vera. I honestly am confused by all this. Why is she doing this? Is she that jealous of Haylee? I mean I guess she could be. But why now. And why Haylee. She didn’t give a shit when I fucked all the club whores while we were married. And she certainly i
s no saint since she got knocked up with someone else’s kid while we were still married. So why Haylee and why now.

  We are all gathered at the club house getting every bit of information we need before we head out. Vinny the tech guy is fast at tracking her location. Which I knew he would be able to. The girls don’t know this but any time one of us get serious with a girl and make them our old ladies we give them something that has a tracking device in it. Some piece of jewelry that she always wears and we will be able to find her. For example, Tank put it in Monica’s engagement ring. But for Me I couldn’t do that to her. I just didn’t like the idea of her engagement ring being tainted with that. I love Haylee so much it hurts some times. I want her to look at her engagement ring and just see my love. To see and feel I want her forever. Not to look at her ring and think that I want to keep track of her where abouts. Which is why I gave her a watch with the tracking device in it. I know to some it is a huge invasion of privacy but in our world we can’t take a chance on anything. Sometimes we deal with some bad people like the mafia or the cartels. They have never tried anything in the past but I only trust them so much. Which is not at all. And right now I am so thankful that we do this jewelry tracking system in place. Because Vera is very hard to find on her own. I should know I tried finding her for years just to get a damn divorce. So if I didn’t have this little ray of hope in finding Haylee I would be tearing this entire world apart killing anyone or anything in my path just to get to my woman.

  No one has asked me anything or tried talking to me since we got here. They have left me alone. Which is exactly what I need right now. They know where my head is. And they know what I will do when I find Vera and her goon of thugs. I am the most dangerous man in our club. Hell maybe even the most dangerous man alive. I am the reason most other gangs leave us alone. Haylee calls me a soft teddy bear and to her and Emma yeah I am. Not going to lie about that. I am such a fucking push over especially when it comes to my little peanut. But to anyone else out there in the world you cross my path you better start to run. Because when I get my hands on you, you are done. But it is even worse if it is because you fucked with something of mine. Like my woman or my precious little girl. I just sit at the table staring at my little girl. Thinking about what would have happened if she was home instead of out with Monica today. Anger rips through me when I think about that. About someone taking my little girl. And I am sure Vera wasn’t just after Haylee. She would have taken Emma in a heartbeat. But thankfully she wasn’t home. But that doesn’t help dissipate my anger. My rage.

  “Got her.” Vinny yells. All men turn their attention to the computer to see where we are going.

  “Holy shit.” Bambi says rubbing his face.

  “What?” One of the prospects ask.

  Yeah holy shit. None of this is good. He tracked Haylee to the one location none of us ever thought we would have to go. To Mexico. Haylee is being held at one of the most dangerous and largest drug cartels compounds in Mexico. Ran by a nasty fucker who goes by the name of Jimmy. Honestly I don’t know why he calls himself that. His real name is something like Hector but whatever. Either way this is not going to be easy. And this is not going to go down as smooth as I had hoped it to go. Either way I don’t care. I don’t care if I get myself killed doing it. I am going to get my woman and bring her home to our baby girl.



  After a few hours of making phone calls and getting all our brothers from across the country in on helping us we all gather at the meeting point. Which is a few miles outside of Jimmy’s compound. Looking around I see hundreds of men. Hundreds. More than I ever thought could possibly be here to help. Not only did our brothers come from all over for support but they called in favors as well. No one likes the idea that the cartel can just break into a man’s home and take his woman. Hell no. Now I know this is all because of Vera but somehow she has managed to get this Jimmy to play pup-it master for her and got them involved. How she managed to do that only time will tell. But either way. The story remains the same. The cartel broke into my home, destroyed it, and stole my woman. And even though I am here to get Haylee back and safe we are also here to make sure to show them you can’t just fuck with us for shits and giggles. And we are not scared of them one bit.

  Tank whistles and gets everyone attention. “Thank you everyone for coming and helping. I am going to over step Toni here for a minute and tell you how much this means to all of us. Yes, this is Toni’s woman but everyone in our club just loves Haylee. To me personally she is like a sister. So no matter what we are all in this full hearted. And we want to get her out in one piece. I am all for killing anyone that gets in our way but please remember protect Haylee. We have passed out a few pictures so everyone knows what she looks like. Now the plan is going in hot. Hopefully Jimmy will see we are not fucking around and just surrender her and anyone who is involved. But that is wishful thinking and more likely he will put up a fight. I am not going to say this will be easy but it is worth it. We have to stand our ground. For protection of our clubs and for the protection of all our families. So let’s get this shit rolling and go get our girl.”

  The whole place erupts in cheers and gets in position to go. Hundreds of bike pull right up to the entrance of the compound with guns blazing. Jimmy’s gang come running and at first we exchange a heated round of gun fire. After a little while someone holds up their hands in a sign to stop. Everyone on both sides stop the assault and out walks Jimmy himself.

  Waving his hands to show he is unarmed. Tank and Viper dismounts and proceeds toward the goon. I do not make a move to go forward but I do hold my hand on my gun safety off and ready to go just in case. Tank shows no remorse for the men killed during the exchange on Jimmy’s side and gets right up into Jimmy’s face. I can’t hear what he is saying but I really hope whatever he is doing works and gets us to Haylee.

  After a few minutes of talks Tanks turns to me and nods for me to advance.

  “Haylee is here.” Tank says.

  “I already know that.” I growl. I turn towards Jimmy. “Give me my fucking woman now before I tear this place apart.”

  “I was not aware of the situation I have seemed to find myself in. Vera told me someone did her wrong and that she wanted to make it right. I messed up by not looking into it. If you have sisters, you will know how annoying they can be if you don’t give them what they want.” Jimmy says trying to back away from me.

  But I have none of that. Although that is some good information to have. Vera’s brother is a high ranking leader in the cartel. Although out of all the years we were married I never knew the bitch had any family. She always told me she was an orphan. “Her brother?? Really I find that hard to believe.”

  He shakes his head yes. “She is all the family I have left. A few years back she got married and said her husband wouldn’t let her see any of her family. So when she finally got away from that bastard I brought her here. To protect her. Now I don’t know who you are or why she has your woman but I want to end this peacefully.”

  I smile and shake my head no. This is going to be fun. “Oh Jimmy you are a stupid stupid man. So let me educate you a little on the situation your skanky sister has put you in.” I can see that Jimmy here doesn’t like it when I insult his sister but frankly I don’t give a shit. “First off let me introduce myself to you. My name is Antonio Hernandez.” His eyes widen. Oh yeah he knows exactly who I am. Smiling bigger now “Well I will take your reaction as you have heard about me. And what I am capable of. Especially when you cross me.” Jimmy here shakes his head yes. “Ok well let’s continue on with this little education of yours don’t you think Tank?” I turn my attention to Tank.

  “Oh Toni. I think Jimmy here has plenty more to learn.”

  Shaking my head in agreement and turning back to Jimmy. “See Jimmy a long time ago I met Vera. She seemed like a nice, sweet. Woman. I thought at the time that she was a great fuck. And so I married her. Yes, see Jimmy I am the ex-husban
d you are trying to blame for your separation. Now I will say if I knew she had a brother in the cartel I probably wouldn’t have shunned her away. I mean damn an insider with the cartel. That’s fucking smart for our group. But no Jimmy that could never happen because I was under the impression she was an orphan with no family at all.”

  “We were orphans. But we were never separated. She is my sister.”

  “Yeah see that little part was never shared with me. But that is irrelevant now. Since see I threw that trash away when I found out she was nothing more than a whore and was pregnant with someone else’s kid. You see the problem there right. Well anyways. The situation your sister has put yourself in now is she for some reason has it out for my new woman. The mother of my actual kid. And she came to my house. Had your thugs destroy my home where my daughter lays her head at night. And took my woman.” I yell those last few sentences. Yeah I am getting tired of teaching this man about the situation but I know I have to calm down to make sure Haylee is safe.

  “Like I said to your leader I was not aware of the situation I was put in. My sister said this woman wronged her and that she needed to pay.” He says the last part and looks away. They hurt Haylee. I can see it.


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