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Roping a Runaway Wife

Page 6

by Jans, Honey

  Sarah sighed. “I can see there’s no love lost between you two.”

  Rafe looked at the dust cloud Blackthorn’s car left with narrowed eyes. “You can say that again. Nevell’s been dogging my heels since we were kids. The jerk rubs me the wrong way.”

  RAFE WALKED onto the Barclays’ patio with Sarah at his side. He glanced at her usually animated face now set in serious lines. There’d been a certain stiffness in her expression and manner since their confrontation with Blackthorn in the driveway this afternoon. He was still amazed at the way she stood up to Blackthorn for him.

  Jim and June Barclay were old friends and owners of the largest spread in the area. Their annual Barbecue was always well attended and tonight was no exception.

  Rafe guided Sarah through the crowd to their hosts. He glanced at her closed expression. She was probably regretting her capitulation this afternoon. Well, he wanted a whole lot more than the burning kisses they’d shared. And from her passionate reaction, deep down, so did she.

  All through the day, he’d thought about the enigma that was his wife. All his preconceived notions about what made her tick had been wiped away since she’d moved in. The way she always came to his rescue was amazing. It was rather novel having someone protect him and he had to admit he liked the feeling.

  “Hey there, Rafe, why don’t you introduce us?” Jim Barclay, a tall man with silver hair, said jovially.

  Rafe came out of his reverie. He nodded at Jim then reached out to draw Sarah to his side. “Sarah, these are my neighbors, Jim and June Barclay.”

  Sarah reached for Jim’s extended hand and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you both. You have a lovely home here.”

  Jim grinned and patted Rafe on the shoulder. “I can see you’ve got yourself a pretty little filly, Rafe. You’ll have to make sure no other stallions come sniffing around.”

  June nudged her husband in the ribs. “Pay no attention to Jim, Sarah. He suffers from hoof and mouth disease.” She grinned and reached out to shake Sarah’s hand. “Hello, Sarah, I’m glad to finally meet you. We’ll have to get together for a cup of coffee sometime this week.”

  Rafe relaxed when Sarah grinned back at Jim and then shook June’s hand. Sarah was a bit on edge probably from her showdown with Blackthorn, damn his hide. He’d been worried Jim’s joking remark might set her off. He reached out to caress Sarah’s shoulder feeling the tension ebb away. “That would be nice, wouldn’t it, honey?”

  Sarah smiled at June. “Yes, I’d like that.” She turned back to Jim. “It was nice meeting you both.”

  June said, “Same here, honey. I guess I’d better see to the refreshments. You two have a good time now.”

  Jim said, “Rafe, I’ll call you next week about your proposal. So far it sounds good.”

  Rafe was relieved. It was the news he’d been waiting for, now he could move forward with his plans to convert part of the ranch into an inn. This would help create a more secure future for his family. “Great, I’ll be waiting for your call.” He turned and guided Sarah toward the bar. “What would you like to drink?”

  Sarah shrugged. “I don’t know. What are you having?”

  “A beer.”

  “I’ll have the same.”

  His eyebrows lifted. “You, a beer?”

  Sarah grinned. “Maybe I don’t have the high falutin tastes you assumed I’d have. I’m going to try to fit in with your crowd.”

  Rafe smiled back, happy that she was starting to relax. Her attempt to fit in with his neighbors was a good sign. “I appreciate it, darlin’. Two beers it is. I’ll be right back.”

  Sarah looked around the crowd while Rafe went for the drinks. She saw Blackthorn. Wrinkling her nose, she turned her back on him. Then she saw Lisa and Gabe.

  Lisa walked up to her trailed by Gabe who bore a striking resemblance to Rafe but a little smaller. “Hi, Sarah, I see you beat us here.”

  Sarah smiled back. “We just got here. Rafe’s up at the bar.”

  “I think I’ll join him,” Gabe said eagerly. “I’ll bring you back a cold one, honey.”

  Lisa shooed him away. “Go on and have your man talk. Sarah and I will do some talking of our own.”

  Lisa led the way to one of the benches on the lawn. “Thanks a million for watching Mandy for me this past weekend. It gave Gabe and me a well-needed rest.”

  “Don’t mention it. It was a pleasure to have her,” Sarah hastened to reassure her. “I hope she wasn’t too shaken by the stampede Saturday.”

  Lisa shook her head. “No, it doesn’t seem to trouble her. She did tell me you saved her though. I owe you a big one, Sarah.”

  Sarah felt herself blushing by the praise. “All I did was tell her to get behind a tree. She would have figured that out on her own.”

  “But not as quickly. What I can’t figure out is how the stampede happened,” Lisa said softly. “As far as I know it’s never happened before.”

  Sarah shrugged. “Who knows? Rafe figured that somebody forgot to latch a gate.”

  “Oh look,” Lisa said. “Here come our two Western Romeos.”

  Sarah grinned at Lisa. “Western Romeos, huh?”

  Lisa grinned back unrepentant. “Sure, tonight’s a perfect night for romance. The stars are twinkling, music is playing, and we’ve got a night out with our hubbies. I don’t know about you, but it gives me ideas.”

  Sarah looked up to see Rafe and Gabe making their way across the crowded dance floor. Rafe looked especially happy tonight she thought wistfully. And why not, like Lisa had just said it was a special night.

  Rafe handed her a beer. “Here you go, sweetheart.”

  Sarah smiled up at him. He was her Western Romeo. “Thanks.”

  Rafe looked startled by her change in attitude. He leaned down to brush a kiss across her lips.

  “What’s that for?” Sarah said softly.

  His mouth curved into a smile. “Just for you being you.”

  Lisa got up. “Gabe and I are going to take a turn around the dance floor.”

  “Have fun,” Sarah called out.

  “Dance with me,” Rafe asked.

  It wasn’t an order but a plea. Sarah smiled instantly agreeing. “I’m not sure I know this dance.”

  Rafe led her to the plank dance floor. “It’s a country waltz, just follow me.”

  Sarah stepped into Rafe’s strong arms and surrendered to the music. They twirled around the floor and she gazed up at the stars wanting to press this night in her book of memories.

  After the dance ended, Rafe led Sarah off the floor. “Hungry?”

  “Not really.”

  “What do you want to do then?”

  Sarah smiled up at him. “It’s such a beautiful night why don’t we take a stroll?”

  Rafe linked his arm with hers. “Sounds good to me. But you’re the one that’s beautiful.”

  She was warmed by the compliment and the sincere way he’d said it. Come what may she knew she didn’t want to resist his advances any longer.

  She gazed up at Rafe’s profile as they walked. “What proposal was Jim talking about earlier?”

  Rafe leaned closer. “I might sell him a parcel of land from the Double-H.”

  She’d come back to keep him from losing the ranch. Why would he sell off a parcel? “Why?” she asked sharply.

  “It’s a good business deal, and nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart.” Rafe said softly. “I want to make some changes at the ranch and I need an infusion of cash to do it. Once the deal goes through, we’ll be in good shape.”

  This was serious. She hated to just stand by and let him sell off part of his birthright. “I thought you were going to reapply for an expansion loan.”

  Rafe nodded grimly. “I did, it was a no go. Blackthorn is on the board of directors at the bank. I guess he persuaded the loan committee that I was a poor credit risk.”

  “He must be pretty influential.” Sarah scowled at the thought of Blackthorn meddling in Rafe’s business.

  Rafe nodded. “You could say that he’s got his finger in just about every important pie in town.”

  Sarah placed her hand on Rafe’s arm, bringing them to a halt. “You can’t sell off part of the ranch. It’s part of your heritage.”

  Rafe glanced at her intently. “The way the Maxwell Consortium is yours.”

  Sarah met his gaze implacably. “Not quite. I’ve got some news for you Rafe, I’m not the heiress you assumed I was. I walked away from my birthright years ago but there’s no need for you to do so.”

  She gazed at his sweet expression looking for any sign of disappointment. “So, you’re not put off by the fact that I have no ties to my grandfather’s empire?”

  Rafe frowned at the question. “I didn’t marry your grandfather. I married you.”

  Sarah was touched by his sincerity and she wanted to help. “I’ve got some money saved up. It’s yours if you need it.”

  “I don’t want your money, sweetheart.”


  He cut off her protest with a kiss. Pulling back he said softly, “It’s too nice a night to argue. Just look up at the blanket of stars overhead and think about us.”

  Sarah settled into the crook of his arm and they strolled about the grounds. When they neared the parking area, she gazed up at him and came to an instant decision. He was her Western Romeo and she wanted him. She’d take whatever he had to offer. In time he’d grow to return her love.

  Rafe looked down at her. “Want to go back to the party, sweetheart?”

  She knew what he wanted. She wanted it too. “I want to be alone with you. Let’s go home, Cowboy.” His brilliant smile told her he got her meaning and she’d made him a very happy man.

  Sarah slipped into the blue slip and glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were bright with excitement. Drawing a deep breath, she opened the bathroom door and went out to meet her destiny.

  Rafe stood by his dresser, unbuttoning his blue cotton shirt. The color highlighted his tan skin and the fire in his eyes. Sarah’s heart stopped in her throat when his gaze locked onto hers.

  His shirt hung open, tempting her to reach out and touch his hot silky skin. She froze. What if she didn’t please him? Mesmerized, she watched the easy play of the muscles in his chest as he shrugged off his shirt. He reached down for his fly. The audible snap of the button undone made her flinch.

  Sarah looked deep into his scorching gaze. She wanted him with an unreasoning hunger that could be stifled no longer. Her hands went to the hem of her slip, drawing it up and off her body. She carelessly tossed it onto the floor. Rafe’s sensual mouth arched up in a grin and he stepped toward her, rapidly closing the distance. Sarah breathed in his masculine scent, shaking with the hunger it stirred deep inside her.

  Rafe stopped inches from her, his expression sobering, his breathing ragged. “Want me?”

  “Yes,” Sarah said with a breathy sigh. “More than you can possibly know.”

  “Oh, I think I’ve got a pretty good idea.” He glanced down at his too tight jeans. “You’ve made an impression on me, too.”

  Sarah blushed when she followed his gaze to the ever-growing bulge. She sucked in her breath, shocked at how much he wanted her. “So I see.”

  Rafe scooped her up in his arms, turned, and carried her toward the bed. “You’ve had me tied up in knots, wife. Now we’re going to do our best to unravel them.” He leaned down to plant a passionate kiss on her lips.

  Sarah opened her mouth to him. Oh God, the taste of him was heavenly. The rough texture of his tongue against hers was driving her wild. He slowly lowered himself onto her, pressing her heated body into the cool sheets.

  Sarah reached up, embracing his broad shoulders as she continued to kiss him. When his mouth lifted, she pulled him back down, scattering kisses across his face, trying to memorize every part of it. Rafe’s powerful hand moved down to cup her breast, bringing the peak to aching tightness. She moved against him, delighting in the sweet friction. He bent down to tease the tight bud with his wet tongue and Sarah squirmed beneath him, gasping out her pleasure. Pressing herself tightly against him, she silently begged for more. Her legs thrashed restlessly against the cool sheets. With maddening slowness, Rafe’s hand moved down, gently cupping her mound. His index finger insinuated itself between the folds.

  “Open yourself, sweetheart,” he husked. “Let me touch you.”

  Sarah hesitated momentarily, looking up into his heated gaze. He wanted her with a fire that matched hers. Her legs flowered open, and his hand slid home while he bent down to kiss her. Sarah gasped into his mouth when his finger touched that exquisitely tender place. She felt his lips curve into a smile at her blatant reaction, but she didn’t care. Sarah cried out, burying her face in his muscular shoulder to stifle the sound. Her tongue flicked out, savoring the salty taste of him.

  Rafe laughed. “That’s it, honey. Go wild for me.”

  Sarah reached out to touch him and he stopped laughing. He gasped and surged like hot, steely, velvet into her hand. She reveled in his reaction.

  Rafe groaned. “Oh, sweetheart, that feels like heaven, but if you don’t stop, I’m not going to be able to control myself.” He pulled away from her hand and came down gently on top of her, making a place between her thighs.

  Sarah reached up to grip his shoulders, her body humming with excitement. His shaft slid smoothly between her damp petals and she cried out at the sudden aching discomfort.

  Rafe’s eyes widened with surprise. “This was your first time?”

  Annoyed by his shocked tone, Sarah glared up at him, the wispy, sensual spell she was under, evaporating. “Well, we never did consummate it last time.”

  Rafe looked at her probingly. “But still, how old are you? Twenty-eight? And you mean to tell me in all these years you’ve never...”

  Sarah frowned and looked away. “Thanks a lot for pointing out what an anachronism I am. Now get off me.” She pushed at his chest, but it was like trying to move a boulder.

  Rafe’s rigid face broke into a delighted grin, his hand absentmindedly caressing her thigh. “Oh no, sweetheart. You’re not getting away from me now. Not ever!”

  Sarah frowned at his satisfied smile. “But...”

  Rafe leaned his head down to nuzzle her neck while slipping his hand between their bodies to touch that tender spot. Sarah gasped at the sweet pleasure that rocked through her. Her eyes drifted shut as she concentrated on the sensation. When Rafe took his hand away and moved gently against her, she met his thrust, smiling at the feeling. This was going to be all right. He surged into her increasing the pressure and she gasped, her hips springing up to meet his.

  “That’s right, honey, let me pleasure you,” Rafe murmured against her ear. “That’s all I want to do.”

  Sarah moved against him, her pleasure building. Rafe reached down, pulling her hips against him and Sarah screamed, coming apart. Rafe’s muffled shout followed her over into the land of bliss.

  Chapter Five

  Sarah awoke to songbirds singing outside her bedroom window. She lifted her head off the pillow and looked around. Judging from the sunlight streaming into the room, it had to be at least eight o’clock. Why hadn’t Rafe woken her to fix breakfast? Then it dawned on her; Mrs. Murphy was home. There would be no need for her to do all the wifely chores she’d grown used to. More than grown used to, if she was honest. She’d actually started to enjoy taking care of her family.

  Even so, Rafe could have roused her with a kiss. She would have welcomed a morning show of affection. He’d started a fire in her last night that would have joyously responded to a morning cuddle. She sat up in bed, fluffing the pillows behind her. A twinge in her nether regions was a vivid reminder of their lovemaking last night. It had been the thrill of her life. Now, she felt used and abandoned.

  Could she accept being shuttled off to one corner of Rafe’s life? Was she to be the accommodating little wife at night and a polite stranger during the day? What choice
did she have? She loved Rafe. She knew that now with every fiber of her being.

  Well, she couldn’t hide in the shelter of their bed all day. Sarah got up, showered, and made her way to the kitchen. It seemed vigorous love making was a spur to the appetite.

  Sarah turned the corner and peered into the kitchen. Relief surged through her at the sight of the deserted room. She wasn’t sure she’d have been able to hide her distress or engage in any awkward morning-after conversation, should Rafe have been waiting. She went to the cabinet, got a mug, and poured herself a cup of the coffee that smelled so good.

  “There you are my dear,” a cheerful voice said. “I was wondering how long to hold your breakfast.”

  Sarah spun around to see Rose Murphy, a tall, plump, woman with sparkling blue eyes and salt and pepper hair. “Welcome back, Mrs. Murphy. Rafe said you’d be resuming your duties today.”

  Mrs. Murphy bustled into the room. “Now you call me Rose, dearie. I don’t hold with formality. You just have a seat and I’ll fetch your breakfast. There’s a good girl.”

  Sarah took a seat at the dinette, feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the motherly attention. She smiled when Rose set a plate of hot cakes and bacon in front of her. “Thanks, Rose, but there’s really no need to wait on me.”

  Rose flustered around her. “Now, now, I won’t hear such talk. It’s my job to take care of you. Eat hearty and enjoy it.”

  Sarah watched as Rose wiped off the kitchen counter and then started to unload the dishwasher. She felt like an idle bum, but she dug into the delicious looking breakfast anyhow. Rose Murphy was an excellent cook. Sarah was sitting back, sipping her coffee, when Rose brought the pot and an extra mug to the table.

  Rose poured a refill for Sarah and then sat down across from her. “So, my dear, how are my two lovebirds getting along? I could see by the smile on Rafe’s face that he’s happy as a calf in a field of daises.”


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