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Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2)

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by Rayne O'Gara

  Taming Her Past – Protecting Her Future

  Taming Her Past – Protecting Her Future

  Hearts of Heroes

  Book Two

  by Rayne O’Gara

  © Copyright January 2015 JK Publishing, Inc.

  ISBN# 978-1-310-95588-4

  All cover art and logo © Copyright January 2015 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Artwork by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  To my husband. Thank you for the amazing support and help with inspiration ; ) To my readers, without you I would be nothing. Thank you so much! To the amazing JK family...I am so blessed to be a part of this amazing group of people! To my mother and Whiskey Starr, who kept me motivated and guys are my rock : )

  Lots of love to you all


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Books by Rayne O’Gara

  Excerpt from Keeping Her Close

  Excerpt from Remathyst

  Excerpt from Jaxson

  JK Publishing, Inc.

  Chapter One


  “What do you mean you’re not coming over!?” Will, my partner of four years, screams into my ear over the phone line. With a shake of my head in quick jerky movements, I grab up the files that lay scattered on the top of my desk. This is such total bullshit! I can’t believe the old man's doing this to me! Files tucked away under my arm, I give a quick turn on my heel and start to make my way through the maze of desks in the busy and chaotic police station.

  “Chief said I had to take it. Either I take the time off or he will suspend me with no pay! Dammit, we are right in the middle of a case,” I explain heatedly to my partner. Walking through the first set of revolving doors I make my way down the white walled hallway, my steps echoing back to me.

  “Shit, well who’s he sending in your place? We've gotten three truck stop murders in the last six weeks! He’s not making me run solo is he?” Will asks with concern. Solo? Give me a break.

  “No, he said he is sending Keene over to you. I made sure our asses were covered. I have the files and I will review them at home. Call me when you’re done at the scene.” A sigh from Will freezes me in place right in front of the doors. “What?” I snap at him.

  “What part of break are you not getting here, brother? Go to a bar, have a drink. Shit, man, get laid! How long has it been? Stop thinking about work for a bit. You pull yourself into this too much,” Will grumbles at me. Giving an eye roll, I push open the heavy double doors leading out of the police station that was built smack dab in the center of Liberty, Texas.

  With the sun beating down hard on my closely cropped dark brown hair my body instantly started to sweat. Fucking summer. Wearing the customary dress clothes of my profession I start to swelter. Grumbling out, “Call me later,” I then snap my phone, shut ending the call abruptly. Juggling the files back into my hands, I slide the piece of crap cellphone into my dress slacks pocket and unbutton the top few buttons on my shirt, trying to get some kind of breeze on my skin.

  Having known Will for years, even before we were partnered, I wouldn’t be surprised if the jackass wasn’t the one who said something to Chief Marks. Bullshit, it’s all bullshit. I don’t get in too deep. So what I don’t take time off? I’m committed to my job! Bad people need to be put away and I’m going to be sleeping! I don’t think so. Marks can force me to take a vacation but he can’t make my head quit working. Deep in my ranting, I turn the corner beside the police station heading to my car and crash into someone sending files and papers flying everywhere.

  “What the!” I stumble, looking down to find my crash-ie in front of me. No, not this, not her! Pinching my lips together in a stern line, I growl out, “You.”

  Harmony Saint-Marks lay sprawled out on the sidewalk. I watch her sharp eyes fly around looking for what hit her. Staring at my shiny black shoes, she turns her body toward my feet and her gaze follows it up, up, up, until she is staring into my hard cut face. Everything else today is going to shit and now this. Sitting up, still staring into my eyes, I see the recollection and then her beautiful face pinches into a narrowed hateful look, she huffs out a breath. If I thought for a second that she wouldn’t bite me, I might offer her help. I like all my fingers where they are, thank you very much. Smoothing down her shirt and trying to fix her skirt, she gives me the most brilliant view of her large round breasts when her billowy white shirt gapes in the front
hanging down. For fuck's sake! The hot flash of arousal at seeing just a part of her lush goddess figure has me biting the inside of my cheek to keep the groan from slipping out. Why do we hate each other again?

  “Instead of looking down my shirt, why don’t you get your ass down here and help me sort through these files?”

  Oh yeah…that’s why. “Harmony,” I practically sneer her name. The harsh tone of her voice just helps me curb my attraction to her.

  “Miss Saint-Marks, if you please, Mr. Ariea,” Harmony sneers back.

  I watch as her narrowed yellow eyes stare daggers into my chest, and I swiftly remember why I try my damnedest to stay away from her. Sweet curvy ass and big tits begging to be squeezed aside, she has a temper. Of course, Mom would skin me alive before Harmony had a chance. If Mom saw how I was treating her, yikes. That wouldn’t end well. Shaking myself back into the moment, I lean down and grab up paper after paper, trying to get everything sorted. The faster I get this done, the faster I can get away. Come on, Luc…you can do this, play nice.

  “I’m sorry, Harm…ah, Miss Saint-Marks. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. Here, let me help,” I apologize, looking into her strange cat eyes. This woman rubs me the wrong way, but, I could be polite…ish.

  I notice Harmony’s breath catch in her chest, making it push out farther toward me, making something of mine push out farther as well. Her throat constricts from her swallowing hard, Harmony nods her head and quickly looks away from our eye lock, focusing on the files and papers. Those eyes are way too easy to fall into. Every man likes to look at a hot woman even when they know they are, well, bitchy. The trick is to know when to walk away before they drag you under. The problem with Harmony is…that’s all my body wants when she’s near. Under my bed covers, her under me. It has been that way since the first time we met. Imagine my surprise when invited over to dinner by my police chief’s wife, DeAnna, I find, there arguing with the chief, is a gorgeous woman. Sleek straight black as night hair cut short to just under her ear giving me a tasty glimpse of ear lobe. Kohl rimmed topaz eyes snapping fire, and a curvy body a Greek goddess would envy. I wanted her on sight. Then the whole awkward ‘this is my daughter’ introduction happened, and when hearing the ‘Detective’ before my name, her pert little nose I just thought was sweet, turned up and her attitude revealed itself. Okay, so way off limits and a snob to boot. I can honestly say every meeting we have had after haven’t been pleasant ones. Unfortunately, my body doesn’t heed my mind. Mentally shaking myself out of my entrancement, I see the shields slide down covering the vulnerability in her eyes. Ah, the bitch is back. Just won’t let me in, will you, cara?

  “Just what in the hell were you doing? I could have been seriously hurt because of your inattention,” she snaps.

  There she goes again, grating on my last nerve! I can’t believe this! “Damn, lady! I just apologized and you are still giving me shit? Just because your father’s my boss doesn’t give you the right to be so bitchy to me! My mom taught me to respect a woman, but there has to be some exceptions!” I rage at her but still try to keep my voice down. We already have an audience, no need to garner more attention with an all-out yell fest.

  “What!?” Harmony shrieked. I know I hit a nerve. The oh so cool and calm Miss Saint-Marks never loses her cool. She quickly steps in close to my broad frame bringing us to stand toe to toe. “You’ve got to be kidding me. I have never used my connection with my father for anything I have achieved. For you to say such a thing just proves how crude you really are. So here, let me bring myself to your level! Yes, I am a bitch, but only to people who are pricks to me,” Harmony growls out while poking me in the chest.

  “I guess you just bring out the best in me, doll face,” I retort with a smirk on my face. Gripping her poking finger in my large hand, I push it down and away from my body. Eyes flashing in anger and breathing hard myself, I jerk on the files in her hand making her accidently stumble fully against me. Finding her pressed from hips to chest against me, my anger dissipates, leaving only heat in its place. The feeling of my hard body against her soft, pliant flesh sends my head spinning and my cock pressing painfully against my zipper.

  Fascinated in Harmony’s eyes, I can’t pull away from the swirling yellow depths. I cannot help my tongue as it peeks out and moistens my bottom lip. Her eyes flare hotter and she immediately mirrors my actions. Fuck! Does she feel this too? Is that why she pushes me away?

  Still caught in those cat eyes of hers, the only thought running through my brain is pushing her over to the nearest wall and sinking my aching cock into her hot pussy. I know for sure she would be hot and ready. A hellcat in and out of bed. No! No. This cannot happen. Jerking my files out of her hand I step back, taking myself away from her tempting body, and try to use the manila files as an erection shield. The last thing I need is for her to know how badly I want between those plump thighs. Fuck! Brain flow to the right head please!

  I bend over and scoop up her still discarded briefcase off the sidewalk and thrust it into her fumbling hands. “Maybe you should use that from now on. Wouldn’t mix up files and what not when you run into people. Have a wonderful day, Miss Saint-Marks.” Brushing past her, I continue to make my way, once again, to my car.

  I sit in my car with the air blasting full force and I am just not able to pull my eyes away from her ample backside walking away, until she disappears around the corner. Closing my eyes, I give my head a quick twist left then right, cracking my neck in relief. I need a cold fucking shower. Not having a lot of interest in sex for a good couple years now, I have somewhat forgotten what a pain in the ass it can be. Shit, if I’m popping wood around her, what’s next? Breaking into song and dance?! Maybe Will is right. I need to go out and get laid. Unfortunately, the guys at the firehouse had it right when they gave me my ‘official’ nickname. The Monk. How fitting. Remembering the guys I got to know from working the arson case, brings a smile to my face. Those guys were a hoot. Maybe I can give Alex and Rome a call and see what’s up. Damn, it’s been almost seven months since we last talked. Wonder how their sweet thing, Cait, is doing? Laughing at my thoughts, I start the drive home with a newfound purpose. Maybe Rob’s wife knows some women I can break my streak with.

  Traffic was light so I am able to make it home in record time. Nobody wants to be out in this heat. Walking in the front door and slamming it shut I immediately start to take off my long-sleeved red dress shirt but I leave the white wife beater on and toe off my shoes by the door. Needing a drink I start rummaging through what’s left in my fridge and snatch up a beer, crank the AC up high, and finally collapse on the brown leather sofa.

  Just sitting here staring at the black blank screen on the TV, I try to shake off the shittastic day. Sliding out my cell and finding the right number, I hit send, relax my head back against the couch, and close my heavy eyelids while I wait for a pick up.

  “Whitlaw.” The gruff answer makes me smile.

  “Whitlaw, Ariea here. You on shift?” I ask.

  “Well hell! Nah, I’m at home with the ball and chain. How have you been?” Rob boomed over the phone. I chuckle at hearing a shrieking Sofie in the background. Uh oh.

  “Baby, I didn’t mean it like that. Let me talk to Luc for a bit then I promise I’ll make it up to you, okay?” Rob pleads.

  “What? Luc’s on the phone! Oh my God it’s been forever! Tell him to come for dinner tomorrow,” Sofie shouts happily, their fight apparently forgotten.

  “You mean ask him to dinner? He might be busy, woman!”

  “Don’t you woman me in that tone, and no I meant tell him to…oh for Pete's sake never mind.” I hear a scuffle and muffled thuds over the line.

  “Luccas, babe! How’s it, man?” Sofie’s overly sweet voice comes at me loud and clear. Ah, that’s what the thuds were. She took the phone. Chuckling to myself, I answer her question.

  “Hello, Sofie. It’s going alright. I just got a two week paid vacation so I was calling to see how you gu
ys were? Haven’t seen you two in a while.”

  “Two week vacation? Hmmm. You seem unusually happy about that. I picture you spitting nails when the chief ordered that. Don’t pretend with me, Luc,” Sofie chastises.

  Feeling the blush spread across my tanned cheeks, I mumble a “Yes, ma’am.” Even though we are pretty close to the same age, with me being the older of the two, she always comes across as the mother figure. Mother hen. The nickname Cait has for her really fits.

  “Now that I know you aren’t busy, we will see you for dinner tomorrow. Be here at five and don’t bring anything. Oooo. With your time off, we can have a BBQ! It will be fun, you’ll love it. Here is Rob back. Bye-ya, babe.”

  Hearing the thuds and a muffled, “Yes you have permission to talk. Don’t be over dramatic,” from Sofie, I try to rein in my laughter before Rob hears it.

  “Okay, she’s out of the room.”

  “You mean you ran to a different room? Scared of the little woman there, Big Bear?” I tease.

  “Laugh now, Monk, get it all out, ‘cause I’m tellin’ her you called her a ‘little woman’ and you will have to deal with her tomorrow,” Rob threatens.

  “And now I grovel and apologize. Do not sic her on me, please, man,” I humbly answer.


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