Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2)

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Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2) Page 4

by Rayne O'Gara

  I nod. Sofie shrugs.

  “Not seein’ the problem, boys. She’s a grown ass woman. If what is true of the Chief, he will let her live her life.”

  “It’s not that easy, Sofie,” I say. Surely it’s not.

  “Okay, Luc.” Sofie gives in. She stands up and starts clearing the dishes from the table. Rob and I help and offer to wash up. My tense shoulders start to relax at her dropping the subject. Normally she’s like a dog with a bone, but I guess she is letting it go. Thank God.

  I leave a few hours later with Sofie’s, “See you in a couple days for the BBQ,” still ringing in my ears.

  Chapter Five


  After one crappy night, with crappy sleep, it is only natural for my day to start crappy. Within five minutes of sitting down at my desk, my lip decided to grow a hole the size of Texas and now my cream colored blouse sports a magnificent coffee stain. Just peachy.

  The last day before my vacation and it’s turning into a doozy. TGIF never sounded so good this morning. Now I’m ready for Saturday. I talked to Bronnie last night and she couldn’t come over until Saturday afternoon so I had all night tonight to plan. If I can just make it through the day. Why did I come in today again? Should have made the request for starting yesterday. Blah.

  Finally finding the missing files I lost after the coffee fiasco, I get to work. Having absorbed myself, hours pass by. A quick rapping on my desk has me pulling away from the computer. A stunning, perfectly quaffed brunette stands before me.

  “Can I help you?” I ask completely professional.

  “Oh you’re gorgeous.”

  Hum what?

  “I’m sorry, do I know you?” I ask.

  Her smile, if possible, grows wider and she thrusts her hand out to me.

  “Sofie Whitlaw. We have never met personally so I thought to reconcile that mistake.”

  I stand, shaking her hand in my own fierce grip.

  “Nice to meet you.” I motion to the empty chair in front of me and sit my own self down. “So is this just an introduction or can I help you with something in particular, Mrs. Whitlaw?” And side question, how have you heard of me?

  “I’ll answer the question in your eyes before we get down to the dirty,” she says as she laughs. “My husband works with the LFD. He knows your father. I just wanted to include another woman into my circle of friends. Well two, you and your sister. I have had the pleasure of meeting her once, but it has been awhile.”

  “Okay.” This woman is a whirlwind. I like her. Also being a guarded person I’m still wary. Just out of the blue like this? Something just doesn’t feel right, but her emphatic smile starts to put me at ease.

  “Now. My friend has just gone on leave for a bit and we have all missed him considerably. So I had a wonderful idea for a BBQ. Do you like BBQ, Harmony?”

  Her friend? Leave? BBQ?

  “Um, yes. I like BBQ’s.”

  “Wonderful! It’s tonight around six. Here are my numbers and address, it’s going to be so much fun! Don’t even think of bringing something, I have it all covered.” She tosses a piece of paper down onto my desk and with a happy wave, she is gone. Just like that.

  What just happened?

  Did I say yes?

  With a shrug I decide to go with it. It will be my happy vacation kickoff. Meet new people. Eat some good—hopefully—food. Have fun. No need to worry or stress. I will be able to leave whenever I want. Um, I’ll just do some Googling before I go.

  Wow. This woman is impressive, and looks to be completely on the up and up. Strange though. For her to be so well known and popular, you would think she would be living in the city. Why stay here in Liberty? Well, the only way I’ll find out is to go and ask. I’ve never been one to be afraid to ask questions, why start now?

  Sighing out in relief as I walk out the office doors, I make my way to my car. I love my cute little Hyundai. Powder blue and perfect. With the air conditioner on full blast, I drive home to change. Not showing up in this outfit, no way.

  At home in my one bedroom apartment, I strip off my dirty work clothes and toss them into the hamper. Pulling on a pair of black capris, I top it with a lime green tank top with an aqua see thru t-shirt over it. I didn’t ask what the dress code was but surely it’s not too dressy. But then again, I’ve been to ‘BBQ’s’ that were a social event. I really hope this isn’t one of those. Please, just grilled meat and beer. Maybe some potato salad. I could really go for some right now.

  With my hair clipped back from my face I climb back into my car and input Sofie’s address into the GPS. Directions only take me seven minutes away to a cute little cul-de-sac. Cars line the street and jam into a driveway three houses down. No need to use my directions any more, pretty sure that’s the place.

  Parking behind the last car, well giant truck, I start walking up to the house. Music coming from the back, I relax a little further. Upbeat country music, has to be a good sign.

  “You made it!” Sofie squeals as she walks through a wooden door in the fence.

  How did she hear me?

  “Yeah. It’s the start of my vacation so your invite came at the perfect time.” I smile at her.

  Her hand grabs mine and I’m soon being dragged behind her walking back through the gate. “Come on. Let’s go start introducing you around. There’s bound to be some people you know already though.”

  Not likely. I don’t know many people outside of work, I think to myself.

  Over twenty people litter the backyard as she shows me around. I like to pride myself in remembering names but damn. It’s not coming easy to me. Most of the people here are firefighters with Rob. A lot, and I mean a lot, of good looking men surround me. My self-consciousness starts to flair up until Sofie pulls me in front of a trio. Two wildly different but completely attractive men surround a largely pregnant woman.

  “Harmony, this is my bestie, Cait Kavanah and her husbands, Roman and Alex. My peeps, this is Harmony.”

  “Hello,” I answer, pushing my hand out. I couldn’t have heard her right, right? Husbands…as in plural?

  “So nice to meet you, Harmony,” Cait says, shaking my hand before passing it to first Alex then a daunting Roman.

  “Likewise,” I say, wanting to keep the conversation going. Cait seems like a really nice person. “How far along are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Oh no, not at all. I’m about ready to pop! Very ready to hold my little boy.”

  “Congratulations,” I say with a smile. It is nice to see a baby being born into a wanted family.

  “So what do you do for a livin’?” Alex with a sweet drawl asks me. Loving it.

  “I’m a social worker. I specialize in adoptions.”

  “Now that’s a great job,” Cait compliments. I can’t help the blush at the two men’s nods.

  “How is it you’re able to finagle two men? I can’t even get a handle on one,” I say laughing, then realize my very rude questioning. I hate being in uncharted waters, dammit.

  Thankful the tension is broken by Roman’s laughter and I see Cait’s eyes light up looking up at him. Wow. The love is indescribable.

  “I have my ways. Me and Sofe can teach you,” she answers, laughing.

  “Now I see why you’ve got our Luc tied up into knots,” Alex laughs.

  I freeze. I can feel the blood drain from my face. Luc? Oh no, please not him, not here.

  All three seem to catch my shock at his name and a thud sounds from Cait’s hand as she hits Alex in the gut. It would be funny if I wasn’t reeling. Tied up in knots? Luccas? Over me?! No, has to be someone else.

  “You don’t mean Luc—”

  “Oh come on, Harm, more people to meet,” Sofie interrupts, narrowing her eyes at Alex.

  Getting out of ear range, I tug my arm back. Sofie looks back at me, shocked, before pulling her features.

  “What am I really here for?”

  “Okay, we’re cutting the crap. You dig him as much as he di
gs you. I’m tired of his head being up his ass. I love the big lug, he’s family. I know I just met you, but I like you and think we all would get on fine. He needs a good, strong woman—you’re it. He knows this but doesn’t want to step over an arbitrary line. I’m erasing the line because I think you’re just as miserable.”

  “I’m not miserable,” I mutter. God she’s so right. But. “Why are you jumping to me? Have you taken a good look at that man? He probably has women all over him and I will not be a notch, for anyone.”

  “Honey, they call him ‘The Monk’ at the station for a reason,” she whispers.

  The Monk? Like as in…? No way.

  “Luc!” Cait yells, waving to something behind me.

  Oh shit.

  “Game face time,” Sofie pipes in.

  Oh Jesus.

  I barely move, trying not to attract attention and watch the man of my fantasies, dirty and sweet, saunter over and kiss the everlovin’ daylights out of Cait.


  Two almost roars pierce the air and Luc jumps away, dodging punches from Alex and Roman. Does he have a death wish or something?

  “It’s good to see you too, Cait!” his deep voice booms, still trying to escape death.

  “You don’t touch her,” growls out an enraged Roman.

  “I’m gunna beat you to a pulp, Ariea,” snaps out Alex.

  “Gotta catch me first, Baby Face!” Luc laughs out before turning to run and freezes in place. Our eyes lock and an ‘Oh shit’ expression covers his face before he’s slammed to the ground.

  This is not going to end well. I wonder if I could sneak away?

  “Oh for the love of…” Sofie mutters before signaling over to a giant manning the grill and going over to the rolling men on the grass. One trying to punch, the other avoiding it at all costs.

  “Enough!” the giant booms.

  Everyone stops.

  With the men standing and dusting off, Luc pats Alex’s back in a friendly man way. “I was just funning.”

  Sofie hits Luc upside the head and I can’t stop the giggle that erupts. All eyes are on me now.


  I cover my mouth and look wide-eyed at Luc.

  He turns to Sofie. “What is she doing here?”

  See, Sofie has it wrong. He doesn’t like me. He hates me.

  With my anger rising, I clear my throat. His eyes snap to mine, as does everyone else’s.

  “I’m standing right here, Detective, no need to ask around me.” There, I hope I sounded bitchy enough. If I am enough of a bitch, no one will know how much I’m hurting. I was lured here for a purpose, now everyone is going to witness how off-scale that purpose really was.

  Chin up, Harm.

  “What are you doing here, Miss Saint-Marks?”

  Oh how I hate it when he says my name like that. Like it’s a joke.

  “Well, Detective Ariea, I was invited. So unwind your panties and get over it. I’m leaving anyways.”

  Three steps my way and we’re in the same bubble.

  “Running away? That’s not like you,” he sneers.


  “I’m not running. I’ll be walking. Maybe even sashaying. I won’t stay here with you.”

  He steps in closer, his voice almost a whisper, “Just earlier today it seemed you couldn’t get close enough to me, baby.”

  I gasp at his words as the same heat from before engulfs my body.

  “How dare you say that here. And if I’m not mistaken, you were participating. Your cock was so hard you were aching to get inside of me,” I whisper back. Looking down his front, my checks grow pink despite my demeanor. “Looks like you are once again in that state.” With my last parting shot, I brush past him and walk to the gate. It’s time for me to leave.

  “Wait!” Sofie hollers after me. Against my good judgment I stop.

  “Come on. Come inside with me for a bit. How about some wine or a beer. I want you to have a good time here and not leave just because of a party pooper.”

  I look at her raising my eyebrows.

  “I thought he was your friend.”

  “He is, but I think of you as my friend too.”

  “You just met me.”

  “I’m a good judge of character,” she says, winking at me.

  With my upper arm in her grasp I follow, bewildered. Once in the kitchen, I sip on the beer she gave me and recap what just happened. I can’t believe he brought up the closet in public! He has no shame. Well, I did bring it right back.

  Why can’t I have a simple conversation with that man without fighting? Oh he was hard again though. His tight jeans not hiding a thing. Mmmm…the feel of it pushing and rubbing against the most intimate part of me.

  The sound of the sliding glass door pulls me out of my dirty mind. It’s Luc. I gulp down a drink of my beer. We’re alone.

  Chapter Six


  “I’m sorry.”

  The wind I was sucking in for a fight instantly huffs out.


  “Can we just talk?” he asks, waving a hand over to the living room.

  “Um, okay.” I wasn’t expecting this approach from him at all. Without the anger, I’m out of my element. I have nothing to hide behind.

  I sit on the comfortable couch and I am shocked when he sits on the other end, not opting to go to the chair. I turn my body facing his and sit on my leg. Might as well get somewhat comfortable.

  “I’m not sure talking is going to resolve anything between us, Luc,” I say, wanting to be completely honest with him.

  “Is what’s inside your head so insurmountable we can’t get passed it at all? Not even willing to try?” His serious demeanor shocks me. What does he want from me?

  “What do you mean, Mr. Ariea?”

  “See. Right there. Not too long ago I was Luc to you, now you’re hiding behind a wall you won’t let me by. I want by, Harmony.” Luc shifts just barely an inch closer but I feel his heat radiate toward me, seeping into me. He’s right though. When I feel like I’m getting too close, I slam up walls. I need to protect myself. Especially from him.

  “I want a chance, Harmony. Can you just think on that for a little bit?”


  “Luc, sorry to interrupt but Will is here.” Sofie’s head pops through the revolving door and ends our conversation. His warm chocolate eyes bore into mine, not wavering.

  “Thanks, Sofe,” he answers and finally breaks contact as he rises from the couch. He stops at the door Sofie has fully disappeared from and turns back to me.

  “Balls in your court, baby,” he says softly before disappearing himself.

  I try to uncurl my tight fingers from themselves as I breathe slowly. He wants a chance with me? Why? I mean yes, I’m not the body type I thought someone like him would ever really look at, let alone be interested in.

  My head shakes those thoughts away. What a shallow way to think. I don’t have a problem with the way I look. My plumpy thighs and curvy hips have always been a part of me, never has a man made me overthink that. It’s not even an issue with him anyway, so why go there? And back to the original question…why does he want a chance with me? I’ve never been anything more than a bitch to him. Could I do what he asks, drop my smoke screen, and show him who I really am? Would my heart survive if it goes bad?

  Gah! He says he’s not through my walls. If that were true, then he wouldn’t consume most of my thoughts! I am so happy I will be seeing Bronnie tomorrow. I need to talk to her. I always figure out things better when talking them through with her.

  Noises from outside pull me out of my inner dialogue. I can’t hide in here. Standing up, I straighten my clothing and push Luc from my mind, well as best as I can, and make my way back outside.

  The sunlight from the evening sun shines down on my shoulders lending me its warmth. I tell myself not to look for him, but I can’t stop. Luc and his partner, William Harris, laugh before the nicely tailored blond man leaves to joi
n up with a redheaded man looking like he’s trying to hide in the shadows cast by the trees. I’ve met him before, what’s his name? Oh yeah, Carl. My eyes bounce away back to Luc shaking his head, grinning at the pair.

  “Mind if I join you?” Pulling my eyes away from Luc’s strong profile, I find Cait standing in front of me. The expectant look on her face has me quickly nod and answer.

  “Yes of course.”

  “Here, I brought you a beer, looks like you might need one.” She reaches out her arm with an already opened bottle, amusement dancing in her eyes and a cute little crooked smile, like what she said was funnier than it was.

  “Thank you,” I mummer, inwardly trying to figure her out.

  Sipping the cold brew, my body heat cools and I stop trying to unravel Cait.

  What is wrong with me? Come on, girl, get it together. This quiet game is not you.

  “Okay, enough of this bullshit.” Sofie stops at Cait’s shoulder giving me an up and down look. “Come on, out with the real you.”

  “Excuse me?” What, is she in my head or something?

  “This quiet, meek thing you’re doing right now wouldn’t hold Luc’s attention for five minutes. I know there is a fire in you, I was a firsthand witness not too long ago. So out with her so you can be you and we can be us and have a fabulous time!”

  Laughter erupts from me. I like her.

  “Not sure Luc likes the fire as you put it, it’s more bitch than anything else. But alright, you win. I’ll be me. Just a fair warning though, the inner bitch is on a hair trigger and she will probably get us kicked out of here. I’m loud, noisy, and bitch is my rally cry.”

  Laughter follows my announcement and Cait looks slyly between Sofie and I.

  “So what you’re saying is you’re another Sofie? Damn!” Cait says in mock horror. “How unlucky could I get!?”

  I roll my eyes at her and give an unladylike snort for good measure.

  “Yeah. You’re the unlucky one. Married and knocked up by not one but two extremely handsome firemen who probably give you everything you want, need, crave, and desire every morning, noon, and night.”


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