Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2)

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Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2) Page 5

by Rayne O'Gara

  “Don’t forget all the times in between,” Sofie chimes in. I point over to her and raise both my eyebrows at Cait in a ‘see what I mean’ gesture.

  “See! Even then too. So you’re going to have to forgive me for calling bullshit on you being unlucky regardless of who you choose as your best friend.”

  Cait is laughing so hard her arms hold her large stomach from moving too much.

  “Caitriona Kavanah, calm yourself. That basketball under your shirt is going to bounce out. Don’t you dare go into labor on my back lawn!” Sofie chastises with a sparkle in her eye.

  Suddenly Cait’s eyes widen and her arms wrap fully around her pregnant belly with a look of pain on her pretty face.

  “Oh my God, Cait!” Sofie shrieks.

  “Just kidding!” Cait laughs. Smirking, she stands fully upright again with no signs of discomfort.

  “I could kill you,” Sofie growls at her.

  “Okay, let me pee first,” says Cait unconcerned before walking toward the house, leaving Sofie and me alone together—me chuckling and her glaring in Cait’s direction.

  “You think murder’s the best option?” I ask once the chuckles subside. “Because she seems the type who would haunt your ass for eternity.”

  A thoughtful look crosses her face before letting out a loud, almost miserable sigh.

  “You’re right. She would haunt me. I guess that option’s off the table. It’s not like I wouldn’t have joined her quickly into the afterlife. You think those boys would allow anyone to breathe if they did something to their girl? Not. A. Chance. I’d be dead before she got cold. Ah love, tis grand,” she says whimsically.

  “Let’s eat.”

  Whoa. Quick subject change there. I need to watch out for whiplash around her.

  “Shouldn’t we wait for Cait to come back?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. “Naw, look.” I follow her hand wave to the food table. Cait’s men have a plate in each hand. One plate for them, two for Cait.

  “That’s sweet,” I say. Well, it is. What would it be like to be cherished and taken care of like that? Simple sweet gestures that say ‘I love you’. Maybe one day I will find out how that feels. My eyes seek out Luc’s tall frame and find him watching me. My thighs quiver as I remember his earlier words. Could I have that with him? My panties dampen at thoughts of him in my bed whenever I felt the need for him. My heart beats double fast at thoughts of eating dinner with him, strolling down a sidewalk holding hands, snuggled under his arm, and cuddling after making love, all warm and cozy. Should I listen and give a relationship with him a try regardless of what everyone will think? With no regard to my father? But if it went bad I could mess up his career and my father could lose a great officer.

  Ah! This is why I have tried to stay away from him! Now he’s dangling something I am not sure I can say no to much longer…him, all mine.

  “I think I’m going to pass on the offer of food, sorry,” I tell Sofie. My appetite’s gone. A swirling mass of knots has taken over its place.

  “Come on, Harm. Once you taste my man’s cookin’, you’ll forget all about the big, bad, mean, gorgeous detective. Promise.”

  “Doubt it,” I mumble.

  Grabbing my hand in a tight grasp, she gives me no choice in the matter as she drags me over to the grill and the hulking giant that is apparently Sofie’s ‘man’.


  Too much. How many beers? Wait…no. Not beers, ahh. I moan silently. It was the margaritas Sofie mixed up. Damn, how many of those lethal things did I have?

  After Cait was loaded up with care into a big truck and whisked away, Sofie started to whine about not having a drinking buddy and a whole batch of drinks made up. I took up the challenge thinking it wasn’t going to be a big deal. Someone as tiny as her should not be able to drink as much as she could! I don’t even think she’s buzzed.

  Stupid me. I’m going to be waiting it out for hours before I’m able to go home.

  “You’re running low. Want another?” Sofie asks.

  I giggle loudly shaking my head. “No, no, no. Limit reached. How yous not drunk?”

  “Rob taught me how to drink smarter not quicker.”

  “Good thing for him,” I say. “Oh I don’t want to pass out on your couch. What’s the time?”

  She laughs and checks her wristwatch. “Late. If you don’t want to crash here, ask Luc to take you home. I’m sure he would.”

  “He’s still here?” I ask, trying to sound innocent. Of course I know he’s still here. I can’t keep my eyes off him.

  Relaxed and lounging on some lawn furniture on the patio, I watch Luc in a gaggle of guys by the back fence. They gravitated to the coolers full of beer.

  “Honey, I’ve sat here and watched your eyes dress and undress that man a hundred times. I know you know he is very much still here. And if I know him, he won’t leave until he knows you’re safely home.”

  I blush at being caught. My eyes are naughty. The rest of me wants to be naughty too.

  “Go ask him for a ride,” Sofie nudges.

  I narrow my eyes at her and my brow raises.

  “I know what you’re doing,” I warn her.

  “So? Whatcha’ going to do about it?”

  This time I groan aloud and Sofie laughs at my pain.

  “Going to go ask Detective Hottie for a ride home.” Mumbling a ‘matchmaking busybody’ under my breath, I stand. Throwing my hands out for balance, the world tilts and I almost topple to the ground. I give myself a few minutes to get my head straight before walking, slowly, over to the circle of guys.

  Luc is standing opposite me, leaning up against the wooden fence. His face doesn’t look happy. At me for walking over or at the loud man talking? As I get closer I figure through the alcohol vale the man is the cause.

  “It’s probably shriveled up and dust by now. It’s not healthy! A man can’t go without sex for a year, it’s unnatural.”

  “Maybe for a manwhore like you, Jim. It’s Luc’s choice not anyone else’s.” Will steps in for Luc against a douche who is now named Jim. Wow, what a thing to talk about. A whole year? Luc?

  Ignoring the warning glares from most of the group, Jim continues, “No seriously, can you even get it up anymore?” he laughs.

  Enough of this.

  “Oh it works,” I interrupt loudly, making my voice carry. “I can and will attest to Luc’s full working order. He’s long, strong, and knows how to use it.” I start walking over to him while talking. His surprised face makes me bolder.

  “I want more,” I say before plastering my body against his. My hands tangle into his soft hair and I pull him down to me. Our mouths meet hard. I open to give him immediate access. I’ve tasted him before and I want it again. His hard cock presses into my stomach. I moan into his mouth and press harder into him.

  Arms wrap around me and hold me tightly. His hand skims up my back to grasp the nape of my neck leaving tingles in its wake. Another hand squeezes a handful of my ass. His long fingers brush close to my soaking pussy.

  Guffaws and clapping starts to come through but I don’t care. I’m touching Luc. Kissing him. The world spins around me before I feel the hard wood from the fence post against my back. He switched our positions.

  The kiss slows and gentles before he leaves my lips. We breathe heavily in unison. He leans down pressing our foreheads together and brings both hands up to cup my pinkened cheeks.

  “How much you drink, baby?” he asks softly.

  “Luc?” I don’t want to stop. Why did we have to stop?

  “I taste the tequila.” He pulls his head away to look me in the eyes. “How many?” he asks again.

  “I lost count,” I admit.

  “Come on, let’s get some coffee in you. Sober you up a bit before I take you home.”

  He makes to let go of me but I snag my fingers into his belt loops stopping his motion.

  “I don’t want to be sober. Too much thinking. Why do I have to be sober?”

  “Because,” he says before leaning in and nuzzling my neck, he finishes his statement, “every sigh, moan, and scream you make… I want you to be un-fuzzed for. Every touch, feeling, and thought that happens… I want you to remember clearly.”


  “But I heard drunk sex could be fun. I wanna try that,” I manage to say without a whine to my voice. I think.

  “Oh we will try all kinds of sex, I promise you that. Just not the first time. Come on, baby,” he chuckles into my ear. His hot breath on my neck sends my blood pounding again. That’s my spot. Mess with my neck and I’m a puddle of goo.

  He tucks me under his arm and starts to walk us to the house. All my concentration on my steps. I’m scared my Jell-O legs will give out on me.

  Chapter Seven


  In my car on the way to Harmony’s, I try to shift my still hard dick into a more comfortable position without her noticing. Her taste still tingles on my tongue. A couple cups of coffee and water had her buzz fade enough for her to walk a straight line and give me her address. That was a fight in itself. Once she grasped me taking her home those fucking walls started going up again.

  I am ignoring her sweet smell filling the interior of the car and her luscious body inches away from mine. I need a cool head and not to think with my little head. But is time what I really need to give her? I mean she responds better with the he-man take thing opposed to the sweet, slow talking I tried. Shit. I’m not sure what to do.

  I glance over to her from the corner of my eye. The tight tense way she is holding herself doesn’t bode well for me.

  “Are you feeling okay? Nauseous at all?” I ask her.

  “No. Well not in the way you mean,” she answers me through what seems like gritted teeth.

  She’s sick to her stomach…but not because of the alcohol?

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Why exactly are you not feeling well?”

  My temper sparks. There is no fucking way she’s going to say what I think she’s about to say, right?

  I wait for her answer and pull into her parking spot. Shutting down the vehicle, the inside automatic lights come on and I turn to face her fully. I want her to look at me when she says this.

  “Are you sick because we kissed again? Because you wrapped around my body like a vine?”

  Harmony just rolls her eyes and opens the door, making her escape.

  “I don’t think so,” I say to the empty car then follow her out and up the steps.

  “I can see myself in all by my lonesome,” she snaps to me behind her.

  “I don’t care. I will make sure you’re inside safely. Now answer my questions, Harmony.”

  My whole thought process on being slow and sweet with her is history. She’s not some blooming flower that needs nurturing, more like a wasp. Why do I want to get stung so bad? At her door she shoves the key into the lock and cracks open the door. Now facing me, she shakes her head.

  “In the view of regretting my words later, no. What happened between us is not why I am upset. I enjoyed it, okay? But nothing will happen with us. You asked me to think and I have. It’s not going to happen. It won’t work”

  I don’t accept that. Fine, she doesn’t want to give this a go but I want a damn good explanation.

  “Why?” my gruff question stops her from going into her place.

  “Dammit, Luc, why do you need to know? Why is it so important to be inside my head?”

  “I want to know why you push me away. You have for years, it’s time for me to know why,” I answer.

  “If we gave whatever this is between us a go and it goes south, what then? My father’s your boss. You work for him. Did you ever stop to think about what would happen to your career?”

  My eyes widen in shock at her. This is the reason? My job?

  “I never thought your father the type of man to intentionally tank someone’s job over his daughters’ relationships. Is he that selfish? I didn’t think he was. Did I read him wrong?” I say disbelievingly.

  “No he would never do that,” she jumps to his defense, then her mouth opens in an ‘o’ of surprise.

  I think princess is finally seeing the light I’m flashing.

  Harmony’s face screws up tight an instant later and her hand slashes the air between us.

  “That’s not the issue.”


  “You just said it was. Jesus, Harmony. Give me a straight up answer. Stop the bullshit.”

  “I don’t want you to have to leave!” she yells, exasperated, throwing her hands up into the air before dropping them back down to her sides. “You would feel uncomfortable if we broke up and had to see me all the time and hear about me. You would move away,” she finishes with a sigh like all the fight in her is gone.

  Gotcha, Princess.

  I take slow steps forward bringing me closer into her personal space.

  “So this is for me?” One more step closer.

  “Yes,” she answers quietly.

  “You don’t want to see me go away, do you?” Another step closer.

  She looks down to the floor and I barely hear her whispered, “No.” Reaching out my hand, my fingers graze her soft cheek. Exerting a little pressure to her chin, I bring her eyes up to mine.

  “Invite me in, baby.”


  “No.” I stop her. “You let me worry about me. Stop thinking of this in a past tense where it all ends badly. I don’t know what will happen. You don’t know what will happen. I just know what I want to happen.”

  Her eyes flare in a heat I love to see and I take away her chance of nay saying me again. I graze my lips against her soft mouth, tongue teasing the seam of her lips, asking for entrance. Her mouth opens and I tease her tongue with mine. Her soft moan makes my cock jump in my pants.

  Holding her close, I use my bigger frame to push her backwards. Slowly, one baby step at a time, we enter her home without our mouths releasing one another. My booted foot slides easily across her hardwood entrance room floor to connect to the door. A quick nudge has it closing behind us.

  Her blue over-shirt is quickly stripped away and I ball it up and toss it over to a large dark lump, I am assuming is the couch.

  “Your room, baby. Where?” I ask.

  She grabs my hand into her smaller, softer one and turns without a word. Leading me down her hallway, I follow her into the last doorway. The almost sweet looking room has me smirk in the dark. I knew there was a soft side inside her.

  I release her hand and click on a bedside lamp. The muted glow is perfect on her skin. I need to see more. Taste more. Something that started gentle races into an inferno. We seem to size up one another as we stand a few feet apart when our minds lock together and we both crash into each other. My hands stripping her clothes as fast as I can, no longer interested in waiting. I need inside her now!

  Once she has my shirt up and over my head, I trace her now bare collarbone with my tongue. She tastes like fuckin’ vanilla. The snap of my jeans pierces through the sound of our heavy breathing.

  “I need you out of these pants, Luc.” The husky tone in her voice has me grow even harder inside the loosened jeans. Thank. Fuck.

  “Strip me then, baby,” I tease her.

  A little devil smirk flits across her face before she drops to her knees before me. Oh shit! Flashes of my shower fantasy fills my brain and my cock jumps again in excitement, practically oozing pre-cum. My pants are gone almost instantly, followed by my now wet spotted boxer briefs.

  “Mmmm…nice,” she purrs.

  Now that’s what I like to hear from my woman. My woman? I look down into her smiling face, kneeling at my feet while her long nails scratch up the inside of my thighs. Fuck yeah, she is completely my woman.

  A warm, wet tongue slides up my shaft from my balls to the tip before the head of my cock is encased within Harmony’s hot sucking mouth.

  “Fuck, baby!” I groan out in pleasure.

  With each sl
ow glide, I am sucked deeper into her mouth and throat.

  “So good. Feels so good.” I’m close. The pressure from my balls tingles up my spine. No. Not yet. With my hand wrapped in her short hair I pull back on the strands, making her mouth release me with a pop.

  “Now is not the time to come in your mouth, Harmony.” I help her up off the floor until she stands inches from me. Her heavy breasts bounce and sway with her movement, hypnotizing me, making my mouth water. Her beautiful hourglass figure needs worshiping, I’m just not sure I can hold off long enough to do it properly right now.

  A wicked idea takes shape in my head as I run my fingertips lightly across the tops of her breasts.

  “Strip for me, Harmony. Then lay down onto the bed,” I order. I hope she wants to play.

  Her clothes peel away from her body and pale creamy skin teases my senses. She follows my commands in an uncharacteristic manner—easily and with no argument.

  Her curvy form spread across her bed is a visual buffet for my eyes and imagination. Large but still firm tits tipped with large nipples pearled and hard await my mouth. A slightly rounded stomach curving into wide hips made for my hands to grip tightly as I fuck her from behind. A sweet looking shaved pussy glistens with her cream for me to lick and a pair of thick thighs that will wrap around me while I pound into her.

  “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, baby,” I groan out.

  A smile curves her lips as she sits up, destroying my view. Her arm wraps around my neck and pulls me down against the mattress.

  “Stop staring and do something already,” she whispers against my mouth before kissing me.

  When did I lose control? Oh who fucking cares! Her soft skin rubs mine as we roll into a better position. A hard gripping, almost bordering on painful, hand squeezes my cock after I rolled a condom quickly on my leaking cock. An uncontrollable thrust of my hips sets us in motion, but I don’t want her hand—this time.

  I remove her hand and spread her thighs wide. Taking myself in my hand, I line up and toy with her opening. Her juice coats the head of my dick preparing me for a slippery entrance.


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