Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2)

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Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2) Page 13

by Rayne O'Gara

  The dark red shimmery fabric molds and curves with my body. A slim black belt rests under my bust with a sparkling buckle and the hem stops just above my knees. Yes, the dress is amazeballs. Me in the dress…not so much. But this is my sister’s wedding day. I will get through my self-consciousness for her. Just for a couple of hours. I have a bag of my normal clothes in my car truck. First chance I get. Dress off, shoes off, and hair down.

  In the mirror, my gray eyes are open wide as I see all of my imperfections shown to the world. I feel naked. My nose stud winks in the light and I force myself to concentrate on that. Taking a deep breath, I nod to Harmony who winks at me.

  “I know. But you look hot and it’s only for a couple of hours. There is going to be a lot of broken hearts when you leave tonight. You need to work that dress. I swear I am not torturing you. I am trying to help get you out there.” She hugs me before turning away to ask her soon-to-be mother-in-law a question.

  I love her…but I wanna slap her sometimes. Or maybe just a small push. I am not really the confrontational type.

  “Bronnie? Can you go see if the guys are ready? Please?” my cool and collected mother asks me. Her beaming smile broadcasts her proudness and I can’t hold back my own smile. It’s a good day today.

  “Yeah, Mom, I’ll be right back,” I say and turn to walk out the door, shutting it closed behind me.

  Now where were the guys supposed to be at?

  Walking down hallways and then more hallways, I think I found the room they are supposed to be in. I press my ear to the door but only hear a couple clinks like glass hitting glass. Maybe they are in there doing toasts or something.

  I turn the knob and open the door slowly. With a peek into the darker room, I spot someone I am looking for. Opening the door wide, I walk in and paste a smile on my face. He looks great!

  “Hey! I was looking for you!” I say.

  His eyes land on me but they hold no recognition of me. That’s weird.

  Luc straightens his back and thunks a glass of what I am assuming is liquor down onto the running board table. His eyes give me a slow up and down followed by a crooked grin.

  “Well hello, beautiful.” His low husky tone does something to my stomach. This is not right. Oh God, this is not right. Yeah, Luc is good looking, but I have never had an attraction to him. He has always been one hundred percent Harmony’s in my mind. What the hell is this?

  “Are you feeling okay? Harmony was just wondering if ya’ll are ready?” I ask, titling my head to the side a little more to scrutinize his movements. Something is different about him.

  “Oh I am ready, baby. For you.” His words grow even huskier to where if I had ever heard a bedroom voice, that would have been up there with one of the greatest. His broad frame moves closer to me, slowly, like I am being hunted.

  My natural instincts when up against a predator like this one is to back away. So I follow that instinct and stupidly back myself into a corner. Too late do I realize my back is literally against the wall and Luc is closing in.

  What is going on!?

  His large callused hand strokes my rounded face and I gasp. This should not be happening. Oh my God no!

  His mouth blazes against mine and my eyes roll back into my head at the cinnamon taste of him. His strong tongue teases me and my body trembles. I melt into Luc’s kiss for just an instant before my brain catches up to what’s happening. I pull myself away from his well-dressed muscles and shove him as hard as I can with little results. I think the surprise attack is the only reason he stepped back, a little.

  “What the hell, Luccas! You can’t do this! Oh my God you’re marring my sister in like five fucking minutes! That did not just happen!” I scream at him.

  A wicked-as-sin-and-temptation-itself smile appears on his face and I itch to slap it off. My sister was getting the fairytale and this fucker just screwed it all up. Oh God, Harmony is going to explode.

  “What’s your name, beautiful?” Luc asks me.


  “You know who I am! What’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing is wrong with me, gattina. Except wanting another taste of you.” His hand raises to caress my check and my breath catches.

  What do I do? I don’t know what to do! How do I get away? What do I say? This is so wrong. How much did he have to drink!?

  “Get away from me! I am telling Harmony and she is going to have your balls. How could you!?” I rail at him and become more and more enraged as his cocky smirk grows bigger and bigger at my words. Before I wholly give in and slap his pretty face, the door opens behind him.

  “What the fuck, Vik! I’ve been looking for you. I need help with this stupid tie and the procession starts in four minutes. How am I supposed to get married without my best man? Stop hiding, come on.” Luc walks in talking to the Luc in front of me.

  “Sorry, brother, became a bit occupied. Lost track of time.”

  The confused look on Luc’s face matches mine when he spots me against the wall. “Bronwyne?” he asks.

  “Uh hi, um…just checking if ya’ll are ready for the start?” I stutter through my duty to the bride. The only thing holding me from running away to safety is who I thought was Luc is still somewhat pinning me against the wall.

  Luc smiles and winks at me. Spinning on his heel, he leaves us alone again.

  Vik turns back to me. His hands take liberty, running up and down my sides, over my wide ass hips, then around to grab a handful of my ass. He presses his body into mine where his erection is noticed…in a big way, sticking into my fluff. His head leans in and he whispers into my ear.

  “Save a dance for me later, gattina.”

  Then he releases me and follows his brother out the door, leaving me in a big fat pile of confused yet turned the fuck on goo.

  “Twins,” I whisper to the now empty room.

  “They are identical twins!”

  The End

  Books by Rayne O’Gara

  Hearts of Heroes

  Taming Two Fires

  Taming Her Past – Protecting Her Future

  Coming Soon – Book Three

  The Landcaster Brothers

  Keeping Her Close

  Coming Soon – Book Two

  I would love to hear from you!

  Website: http://rayneogara.weebly.com/

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005135174992&fref=ts

  Excerpt from Keeping Her Close

  The Landcaster Brothers Book One

  By Rayne O’Gara


  Dammit! I tempted fate! That is the only explanation as to why at three a.m. I am looking through my peephole into the hallway at the distorted picture of my father! You have got to be kidding. Cinching my robe belt tighter I start to twist the end around my hand in a nervous gesture. I haven’t had contact with John in about seven years. My birthday in April will be seven years. No good. No good is going to come from this.

  “Please, Hailey. Open the door please,” the whiney voice comes through my door after a light rapping. My eyes slide shut and I lean my head against the cold hard wood of the door. Okay, let's see what he wants and be done with it.

  Unlocking the deadbolt and sliding the chain I quickly open the door hoping for the same effect as a Band-Aid. Do it fast and the pain will go away faster.


  This was not the man I remember. Stunned speechless I just stand there and take him in. The once thick brown hair so much like my own has gone, leaving a shiny dome. Unshaven chubby jowls, shabby dirty clothes too tight for his heavier body, and his brown eyes are red rimmed. Whether from crying or the drink, I don’t know. This is the only part of him I recognize from growing up. There is where I see my father. Coming out of my stupor, I stepped aside from the door.

  “Do you want to come in?” I ask him in a whisper.

  A nod of his head is all the answer I get when he nervously looks left then right before entering my small apartment. Quietly I click the
door shut behind him. Once again twisting the robe belt around my hand I can’t help but to stare some more at his changed appearance. He shifts from one foot to the other while looking around my small space of a home. The almost efficiency one bedroom apartment I rent is, well, just tiny. But affordable. I don’t need a lot of space. At least it’s well made up. My furniture matches and I accentuate with bold colors. I think it looks lovely. Welcoming even. Looking around and taking it in like it was through his eyes, I see a warm suede couch and dark mahogany coffee table with a bright red table runner. Matching red throw pillows on the couch make the sofa pop better. Matching side tables with lamps and a Walmart brand entertainment stand on the far wall gives space between the table and television. Now that was a luxury. My fifty-inch flat screen was pure heaven. I don’t regret that buy at all.

  Done making his observation through the room, my gaze focuses back on him and I remember my manners.

  “Would you like a drink? Some water? Soda?”

  “You always did try to take care of me, didn’t you, Hailey. And no thank you, I won’t be staying long. I need to ask a favor. A big one.” His voice comes out deep and raspy, like he took up smoking as well as drinking.

  My inner alarm starts to chime…loudly. “What happened, Dad?” I ask, some firmness coming back into my voice.

  “Ah, baby. I’m in trouble. Really big trouble,” he rushes out on a sob. Well I know what the red-rimmed eyes were for now. Not the drink. What could be so bad that would send my father here and burst him into tears? A couple steps forward has me next to him at the sofa.

  “We should sit,” I suggest. I get a nod in affirmation from him before we both sit facing each other.

  “Now. What is wrong? Let’s see if we can fix this,” I say in a soothing tone.

  “The answer to my situation is pretty simple. I need your help. I need money, Hailey. Quite a bit of it. I have a deadline and if I don’t make it I will be killed.”

  “What!?” I can’t believe he just said that with a straight face! What the fuck did he get into?

  “What the fuck did you get into, Dad?!” I yell at him.

  “Don’t yell at me! And watch your tone, young lady,” he grumbles.

  You have got to be kidding. “I don’t think so! You have absolutely no right to say that to me and you damn well know it. You’re also procrastinating. If you want my help, you will spill the whole thing. And then I will see what I can do.”

  “Oh thank you! Thank you, Hails!” he practically cries out in relief. This is so not good. Face impassive I wait for the story.

  Excerpt from Remathyst

  Dragon of Dragonose Book Four

  By Alice Brown & Lady V

  Doc retired to his private quarters, which was connected to the back of the medical unit. He tried to push the upcoming mission and everything surrounding it to the back of his mind, but it wasn’t working. Guilt like he’d never experienced before plagued him. As he lay on his bed, curled on his side, he grabbed an extra pillow to cling to, wishing he had a mate to hold instead.

  What would it be like to have a female for times like these? Would she understand what he was going through and hold him tightly, assuring him everything was going to work out? Would she be willing to work at his side day in and day out, caring for their people?

  As these questions spun around in his head, he sank deeper into depression. He had all but given up on ever finding his mate. Wherever she was, he was sure he would never come in contact with her. He worked long hours and never had time for extended leave, so how could he find her? Yes, the king would grant his request in a heartbeat, but he would never make the request. He knew to do so would leave his fellow man without the health care they deserved.

  Not only was he a damn fine medical doctor, he also was one of the very few people on Dragonose who had natural healing abilities through their dragons. King Thoran and Blain’s mate, Natasha, possessed the abilities but to a different extent. Now Dominic’s mate, Meldamiriel, as an Omega elf, also had some healing abilities. Wow, what would it be like to have a mate with those abilities? Truth be told, he was a little envious of both Blain and Dominic. Both men’s mates were stunning, sweet, and had unique powers. All the traits he was looking for in a mate.

  Finally, the last twenty-four hours caught up with him, and he fell into an uneasy sleep.

  Excerpt from Jaxson

  Island Warriors Book One

  By Kris Keldaran

  Several feet away in the kitchen, Pua looked over at Kehau and Jax talking and smiled.

  “They’re trying too hard.”

  “At what?” Carli asked, filling the sink with hot water and soap.

  “Acting like they’re not interested in each other?”


  “He’s only had eyes for her since he got here. Yeah, he looked us over. But he wants Kehau. And she can’t stop checking him out either.”

  “He is an impressive specimen,” Carli said appreciatively.

  “I won’t argue that. But Kehau sees him as a protector. She was getting hurt, and he saved her.”

  “So you think that’s all this is? An infatuation with a rescuer?”

  Pua shook her head. “No. But it’s up to him to ask her.” She looked outside once more. “Kehau’s got a clashing personality. She likes being submissive to men with authority and power, but it has to be on her terms. That’s part of why she and Sione broke up, he wouldn’t let her be herself.”

  “You think Jax will?”

  “Don’t know. He’s hard to read. Except when he’s mad. Then it’s obvious. He wants you to know he’s mad. He wants to put the fear of God in you. Remember when Sione stabbed him at the gym?”

  “Yeah, and he kept fighting. I didn’t get it. Paper cut and I’m done.”

  “He was so mad he didn’t feel the knife. He was still mad when he pulled it out. Didn't slow him down at all.”

  “That's kinda scary,” Carli admitted.

  “But he’s not insane either. Look at him. Totally in control.”

  “So what is he?”

  “Not somebody I want pissed at me. And we’re not letting him play poker with us.”

  Eventually, Pua and Carli left to take care of errands, leaving Jax and Kehau sitting on the soaking up the sun, deep in conversation. Neither seemed to notice that they were totally alone.

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