Mansi, Anthony
Mansi, Sandra; deafness of monster, as described by; eyewitness testimony; process gone through after taking photograph; publication of photograph, events of; taking the photograph
Mansi photograph of “Champ,” Fig. 2.6; animating, as part of investigation, Figs. A1–A5; camera used; conclusion, after investigation; experiment to imitate, Fig. 2.10, Fig. 2.11; Frieden analysis of; hump and head not connected; hydrographic explanation of driftwood rising and falling; journalistic errors in reporting expert analysis of; lack of movement of monster; lack of organs on head; lack of photographs after publication of; LeBlond analysis; location of sighting; negatives; original print; process gone through about before and after publication; Radford analysis, Fig. 2.10; Radford analysis, conclusion; sandbar in; scientific analysis of; sinking into water; size determination, Fig. 2.10; tracing from enlargement of, Fig. 2.7
maps, with monsters depicted, Fig. 1.1
Maquam Bay, Lake Champlain
Martinez, Lionel
Massawippi, Lake
Massey, N.
Maugel, T.
McElroy, Rob
McKinney, Mary
Memphremagog, Lake, Fig. 3.1; name, origin of
“Memphre” of Lake Memphremagog; description; name, origin of; photographs, Fig. 3.2, Fig. 3.3; sightings of
Meurger, Michel; and “Champ,”; and monster legends
Micmac Indians
“Migo,” Lake Dakatua, New Britain
Missiquoi Bay, Lake Champlain
mistaken sightings; “Bangles fallacy,” of mistaking art forreality; “bandwagon effect,” of sightings increased by publicity; beavers, Fig. 3.3; boat wakes; “Champ” of Lake Champlain; “Cressie” of Lake Crescent; crocodiles; deer, swimming; distorted perceptions; dolphins; driftwood; ducks; fish; heightened expectancy; Loch Ness monster; logs, Figs. A1–A5; manatee; moose; otters; otters swimming in a line, Fig. 7.5; overestimation of size; Silver Lake serpent; sturgeon; watercraft as swimming monsters; water reflections
mokele-mbembe, of Africa
Monk, Jerry
Monster Hunters (documentary), Fig. 7.8
Monster Island. See Rattlesnake Island, Lake Okanagan
Moon, Mary
moose, as mistaken monster
“Morag,” of Loch Morar, Scotland
Morgan, Lawrence
Mori, Kyoichi
“Ms. Crystal” of Crystal Lake
Muhammad, John Allen
Munster, Sebastian
Murray, Jan
Mysteries and Monsters of the Sea (Spaeth)
Mysterious America: The Revised Edition (Coleman)
Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology (Eberhart)
Nahuel Huapi
“Nahuelito,” of Argentina
Naish, Darren
Naitaka. See N’ha-a-itk
Napier, John
National Academy of Design
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mammals (Whitaker)
National Geographic Television (NGTV), and Lake Okanagan expedition
National Museum of Scotland
Native Americans/Canadians: Beothuk Indians; and “Champ” of Lake Champlain, lack of sightings by; Creek; and “Cressie” of Lake Crescent; horned serpents, in legends of; and Lake Memphremagog; Micmac Indians; myth and reality, lack of importance of distinction; in Nebraska; and N’ha-a-itk, at Lake Okanagan; at Okanagan, Lake in; Okanakane Indians; Oneida; Pueblo Indians; and Silver Lake serpent; Sushwap Indians; Tuscaroras; Zuni Indians
Natural History (Pliny the Elder)
Neigher, Alan
“Nessie.” See Loch Ness monster
Nessiteras chameleonopteryx. See Loch
Ness monster
New Britain
New Brunswick, Canada
Newport, Vt.
Newport Bay, Lake Memphremagog
New York’s Department of
Environmental Conservation
New York Times
New Zealand
N’ha-a-itk; attacks/killing by; black magic powers; demanding ransom of live sacrifice; fearsome nature of; home; Kel-Oni-Won, as predating; man made to be, as punishment for murder; petroglyphs of,; relationship to Ogopogo; and social control, using fear of; social function of; translation of name
Nickell, Joe, Fig. 4.2, Fig. 6.2; and “Champ” experiments; maps and drawings by, Figs. 1.1—1.2, Fig. 2.1, Fig. 3.1, Fig. 7.1, Fig. 7.5; mistaken sightings; monster hoaxes; and monster legends; naming of monsters; photographs by, Figs.2.2–2.5, Figs. 2.10–11, Fig. 4.1, Fig. 4.3, Figs. 6.3–6.4, Figs. 7.3–7.4, Fig. 8.1
Norm’s Bait and Tackle
Ogasawara Islands
Ogopogo; attacks/ killing by; children’s books about Ogie as; conclusion, after investigation; descriptions; divers investigating, Fig. 7.2; expedition to investigate; experiment to imitate film of; eyewitnesses of; film and video analysis; film and video of; folklore about; home; lack of skeletal evidence of; lack of skeletal evidence of prey of; as log; mistaken for swimming otters, Fig. 7.5; multiple persons sighting of; as N’ha-a-itk (Native American legend); as Ogie, the lovable mascot, Fig. 7.9, Fig. 7.10; origins of name; palindromic nature of name; photographs and video of; reality of, in 1920s; reconciling different incarnations of; relationship to N’ha-a-itk; seaplane search for, Fig. 7.4; sightings; sightings increasing, after song published naming it; sonar, use of in investigation of Fig. 7.3
Ogopogo (Gaal)
“Ogopogo: The Funny Fox-Trot, The” (song)
Ogopogo: The Misunderstood Lake
Monster (Levers)
Ohio River
Okanagan, Lake; depth ; length; map, Fig. 7.1; rare freezing of; sonar investigation of Fig. 7.3; tourism industry
Okanagan Valley, British Columbia
Okanakane Indians
Olavarria, C.
Olsson, Peter
Omaha World-Herald
Oneida Indians
Onondaga, Lake
Ontario, Lake
Optical Sciences Center, University of
Oswego, Lake Erie
Otter Creek, Lake Champlain
otters; creating illusion of humps of monsters; creating illusion of sea serpent; swimming in a line, Fig. 7.5
Oudemans, Antoon Cornelis
Owen, Elizabeth
Palmer, Richard
Papua New Guinea
paranormal writing, shoddy
scholarship in
Parker, Dave
Parsons, Fred, Fig. 5.4
Peace, Carolyn
Peachland, B.C.
Pear, Nancy
Penrod, Bruce
Penticton, British Columbia, Fig. 7.1
Perron, Darren
Perry, N.Y.
Peterborough, Ontario
petroglyphs of monsters, Fig. 7.8
Phillips, Fred H.
photographs; black and white
versus color; of “Champ” of
Lake Champlain, Fig. 2.6; hoaxes; Loch
Ness monster, Fig. 1.3;
Mansi photograph of “Champ,” Fig. 2.6; “Memphre” of Lake
Memphremagog, Fig. 3.2, Fig. 3.3; of Ogopogo; Stuart, Lachlan, of “Nessie,”; underwater photographs, Fig. 1.4
Piccardi, Luigi
Pickett, Thomas J.
Pierce, Sidney
Pioneer Museum, Perry, N.Y.
Plattsburgh Press-Republican, Fig. 2.9
Plattsburgh Republican
plesiosaurs; “Champ” of Lake Champlain, Fig. 2.8; Loch Ness monster; “Memphre” of Lake Memphremagog; “Nahuelito,” of Argentina; Ogopogo
Pliny the Elder
Plucknett, Alex
Plucknett, Dennis
Porter, Marjorie L.
Port Henry, N.Y.
Port Kent, N.Y.
Power, Jennifer
prehistoric reptiles
Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, The (1970)
Proof Positive (SciFi Channel program)
Pueblo Indians
pulley lines, used for fake monsters, Fig. 6.3
Pultneyville (N.Y.) Commercial Press
Punch and Judy
Puttkamer, Peter von, Fig. 7.8
Quebec, Canada
Rabbit’s Arm. See Robert’s Arm
Radford, Benjamin, Fig. 2.2, Fig. 5.4; and “Champ” expedition; and lack of skeletal evidence; and Lake George “monster,”; Mansi photograph analysis, Fig. 2.10; maps and drawings by, Figs.2.7–2.8, Fig. 5.1; and “Memphre,”; and Ogopogo; photographs by, Figs. A1–A5, Fig. 2.10, Fig. 2.13, Fig I.3, Fig. 5.2, Figs. 5.4–5.5, Fig. 6.2, Fig. 7.2, Figs.7.6–7.7, Figs.7.9–7.10
Ramsey, Charles H.
Rana catesbeiana
Rattlesnake Island, Lake Okanagan, Fig. 7.4, Fig. 7.6; physical dangers of
Raynor film, of “Nessie,”
Razdan, R.
reflections, as mistaken monsters
Rice, Clark
Rideout, Pierce
Rines, Robert
Roberts, Frank D.
Robert’s Arm, Newfoundland
Roed, Murray A.
Roesch, Ben
Rowland, Bruce, Fig. 2.9
Royal Air Force’s Joint Air
Reconnaissance Intelligence
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Ruah bed and breakfast, Lake George
Runnalls Denby (surveyors), Fig. A.6
Rutkowski, Mark
Ryan, Hughie
sacrifices to monsters
salmon, as producing “monster”
Sansom, E. W.
scientific investigations of lake
monsters: beginnings; versus compilations; late twentieth century; nineteenth century; scientific method, importance of
SciFi Channel
Scott, Lloyd
Scott, Walter
sea monsters: compared with lake
monsters, reports of; evidence of
Searching for Hidden Animals
seiche (underwater wave)
seismic activity, causing apparitions of monsters
Seljordsvatnet, Lake, Norway
“Selma,” of Lake Seljordsvatnet, Norway
“Seymour’T’Semoe” of Seymour Lake
Seymour Lake
Shiels, Tony “Doc,”
Shine, Adrian
Shuker, Karl
sightings of monsters; in Africa; Asia; “Champ” of Lake Champlain, Fig. 2.3; conclusion, after total investigation; “Cressie” of Lake Crescent; distances viewed from; interviewing eyewitnesses; in Ireland/Scotland/Wales; Kentucky; Lake George “monster,”; at Lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada; in lakes in Quebec; Lake Tahoe; at Lake Utopia, New Brunswick, Canada; Loch Ness monster; “Memphre” of Lake Memphremagog; modern; multiple person sightings of Ogopogo; in Norway/Sweden; Ogopogo,; in the Pacific; in Poland/Switzerland; publication of; related to publicity; Silver Lake serpent; in South America. See also mistaken sightings
Silver Bay, Lake George
Silver Bay Association
Silver Lake, Fig. 4.1
Silver Lake serpent; conclusion
after investigation;
Silver Lake Serpent Festival; hot-air
balloon, in shape of serpent, Fig.4.2
Simcoe, Lake
60 Minutes
skeletal evidence, lack of; of prey of monsters
Skeptical Inquirer magazine
Smith, Richard D.
Smith, Robin
Smithsonian Institution
sonar, use of, Fig.7.3; difficulty of relying on; at Lake Champlain; at Lake Okanagan, Fig.7.3; at Lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada; at Lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada, noticing of large animal
“South Bay Bessie,” of Lake Erie
South Pond
Spaeth, Frank
speed, of swimming otters
Spelman, Louis
Spicer, Mr.
Sproat Lake, Vancouver Island, Fig.7.8
Spurling, Christian
Squally Point, Lake Okanagan
St. Albans, Vt.
St. Augustine (Florida) Sea Monster
St. Francois, Lake, Quebec
St. George, New Brunswick
St. Johnsbury
St. Lawrence Seaway
Stonehouse, Frederick
Storsjo, Sweden
Storsjoen, Lake, Sweden
“Storsjoe,” of Lake Storsjoen, Sweden
Stowell, Henry
St. Pierre, Norm, Fig. 2.4
Strange and Unexplained Happenings
(Clark and Pear)
Strange Creatures from Time and Space
“Strange Spectacle in Loch Ness,”
Stuart, Lachlan
Sundberg, Jan-Ove
Superior, Lake
Sushwap Indians
Suttles, Wayne
Tahoe, Lake, Calif.
tails, of monsters; N’ha-a-itk; Ogopogo, Fig 7.5
Tappan, Sandi
Tappan, Walter
Tasmanian West Coast Monster
“Teggie,” of Lake Bala, Wales
Tele, Lake, Africa
Teresi, Dick
“Tessie” of Lake Tahoe
Thai, Larry
Thai Film (of Ogopogo); analysis; film artifact, giving mistaken “neck” of monster
Tianchi Lake, China
Toronto, Canada
tourism industry: Crescent, Lake; of Lake Okanagan; as source of monster stories
Town Topics
Travers, Eileen
tree rind, as mistaken monster sighting
Trois-Lacs, Lake, Quebec
Tromblee, William “Pete,”
Tully, Brock
Tuscarora Indians
underwater cameras
underwater photographs, Fig 1.4
underwater searches: Loch Ness monster; sonar evidence.
See also sonar, use of
uniqueness, of lake monsters
United Press International
University of Arizona
University of British Columbia
University of Chicago
Unsolved Mysteries TV show
Urner Lake, Switzerland
“Urnie,” of Lake Urner
Urquhart Castle
U.S. Customs label, on Lake George “monster,” Fig. 6.4
Utopia, Lake
Vachon, Brian
Valcour ferry
Van, Lake, Turkey
” Vanna,” of Lake Van, Turkey
Venise Bay, Lake Champlain
Vermont Life
Vermont Today
Vernon, British Columbia, Fig. 7.1
Verrill, A. E.
Victoria, Lake, Africa
videotape: of “Champ” of Lake
Champlain; of “Igopogo,” of Lake Simcoe; of “Issie,” of Lake Ikedo-ko, Japan; of “Migo,” Lake Dakatua, New Britain; of Ogopogo; of “Teggie,” of Lake Bala, Wales; of “Vanna,” of Lake Van, Turkey. See also individual films of Ogopogo
Virgin Islands
Vogel, Charity
von Muggenthaler, Elizabeth
Walgren Lake. See Alkali Lake
Walker, Artemus B.
Walker Hotel, Perry, N.Y.
> “Walk Like an Egyptian” (song)
Walsh, Dave
Warr, Bruce
Warr, Evelyn
Warren, Jill
Warren, Nick
Warr’s Service Station, Robert’s Arm
Washington D.C. sniper hunt, as example of eyewitness mistakes
“Water-Monsters of American Aborigines” (Gatschet)
Watrous, Harry
“Wenbo,” of Tibet
Westbank, B.C.
Wetherell, Marmaduke
whales; beluga; “Mobsters” as remains of
Whitaker, John O., Jr.
Whitehall, N.Y.
Wickstrom, Lois
Wilder, Billy
Williams, H.
Williams, Lake, Quebec
Willoughby Lake
“Willy” of Willoughby Lake
Wilson, Kelly
Wilson, Robert, Fig. 1.3
Wilson, Tony
wind slicks, as mistaken sightings
winged dragons
winged serpents
Witchell, Nicholas
With Hope We Can All Find Ogopogo
Wong family sketch of Ogopogo
Wooldridge, Anthony
Worden, John
Wyoming County, N.Y.
Wyoming County Mirror
Wyoming Times
York Sunbury Historical Society Museum, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Zarzynski, Joseph; and “Champ,”; and Lake Champlain; and overestimation of size; and photographic analysis; and protection of “Champ,”
Zeegrzynski, Lake, Poland
Zug, George
Zuni Indians
Lake Monster Mysteries Page 18