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Mortal Compass

Page 4

by Ann Cory

  “I’ve been absorbing too much negativity and haven’t released it properly. I’m drowning in other people’s pain.”

  Rook noted the bitterness in her voice. “Can’t you do something about it so you’ll get better?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t think I care. You know, I didn’t ask to have this gift.”

  “It makes you special.”

  “Not when it’s expected and its all people want from you.”

  There was more to her being sick. He felt it in his gut. The more time he spent with her, the closer he got.

  “You’re not telling me everything. When I first approached you, your skin glowed. Your eyes sparkled.”

  “I know. I felt alive.”

  “The difference is significant. What changed?”

  She glanced toward his hand.

  Of course.

  Why hadn’t he figured it out earlier? “The moonstone empowers you. It’s why you fought so hard to keep it.” Guilt consumed him.

  She nodded. “It gave me my strength back. The longer I’m without it, the faster my health deteriorates.”

  “The same as Faolan.”

  “Only he’s a great leader. It’s more important that he gets well. I’m insignificant.”

  How could someone who meant everything to him be insignificant?

  “No, you’re not.”

  She waved her hand at him. “Please go and take the stone back to Faolan. Let me die in peace.”

  Rook didn’t realize it would come down to a choice between a vampire who had introduced him to a new life, and a mortal who would sacrifice her life for someone she didn’t know. It pained him to have to decide, but the answer was clear.

  He took Ember’s hand and pressed the moonstone into her palm.


  Ember’s eyes welled with tears at the gesture. “Why?”

  “It’s what feels right. If Faolan were here, he’d do the same.”

  He rested his palm against her cheek. The touch soothed her.

  “So you’re not going to kill me?”

  “I could never hurt you.” His gaze lowered to her body and then back up. “Even when I said the things I did, I knew I would never go through with it.”

  The tenderness in his voice was new for her. She hoped to hear more of it.

  “That’s a relief to hear.”

  His knuckles brushed along her jawline. “I’m going to protect you, and I’ll see to it no one hunts you.”

  Ember reached up and laced her hands behind his neck.

  “I don’t mind being your prey right now.”

  “It’s probably not a good idea. You’re just getting your energy back.”

  Energy or not, her body begged for the feel of flesh on flesh.

  “I feel stronger already.”

  She pulled him onto her. His body fit perfectly against her.

  Rook sighed. “We shouldn’t do this.”

  “Yes, we should,” she countered and claimed his lips.

  He kissed her back. Long, hard and deep. Heat curled around her, lighting every nerve ending on fire. Aware of his erection against the softness of her belly, Ember rocked her hips against him. She wanted every dark and dangerous inch of him inside her.

  He kissed her deeply one more time, and then continued the sensual assault of his mouth down her body—dusting her chin, neck and collarbone. Briefly, he paused to untie the shirt from her waist and push her tank top up. Her abandoned lips tingled and felt bee-stung.

  He cupped her breast and rolled his thumb along her nipple until it peaked. Ember noted the lust in his half-lidded eyes. It made her feel wanted and beautiful. He moved to the other breast and tugged her nipple gently with his teeth. She moaned against the pleasurable sensation.

  In one languorous motion, he slid his body down and sprinkled a trail of kisses to her navel. He made quick work of unbuttoning her shorts, and wrestled them and her panties off.

  Her body quivered at the closeness of his mouth to the apex of her thighs.

  Head raised, he held her within his penetrating gaze. “Are you wet for me?”

  Drenched was more like it. “Why don’t you find out,” she dared.

  A wild gleam reflected from in his eyes and made her body rumble with awareness.

  “I think I will.”

  He slid one finger into her silky heat, followed by his tongue. Heat spread fast throughout her body.

  “Ah, so wet,” he rasped.

  She could only moan and spread her legs wider.

  His moves were swift, but skilled, daring to venture inside places that had long since forgotten the touch of a man.

  He continued his delicious torture by sliding another finger between her dewy folds. Opening her up. Readying her for more. Ember sucked in her breath. Desire scorched her insides.

  He slid a third finger inside and at the same time suckled her clit. His searing breath made her body writhe and tremble at his mercy.

  “Yes,” she whimpered.

  The speed and intensity of his movements increased. Her toes curled as the sensations drove her wild. Close to orgasm, she fisted her fingers in his hair and rode his mouth.

  “Yes, oh yes,” she moaned and cried out as the climax let go.

  Ember clawed through his hair and tried to bring him up closer to her.

  “I need to feel you inside me,” she moaned. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  Rook removed his pants and hovered over her. She tried not to stare, but the size of him brought a sob from her lips.

  He nudged her legs open, his eyes dark with passion. “I’ll take it slow. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  With his hand around his cock, he eased inside her inch by inch, allowing for her to accommodate his size. Her entire being quivered at the way he stretched her. Through half-glazed eyes, she watched him thrust inside her deeply, deeper than she’d ever been taken before.

  When he started to thrust faster, she swore she saw stars. The sweet friction set her entire body on fire.

  “You feel so good,” he groaned in pleasure. “Tight and wet.”

  Ember moved her hips beneath him, matching his swift tempo. The brink was within her grasp. She ground her body against his, opening her thighs wide to allow him deep passage inside.

  With a hand on either side of her, he lowered his mouth and laved her nipples, making them moist and taut. Desperate for relief from the delicious ache his strokes brought her, she slammed her hips up into him.

  She could tell by his grunts he was close to the sweet freedom, the same as her.

  Legs tight around his waist, she held onto him for dear life until the tightness in her belly started to let go.

  “I’m almost there,” she moaned.

  “Come for me, love,” he urged in a strained voice.

  It took only a few more of his deep thrusts and waves of bliss swept through her. She cried out and felt him join her.

  Chapter Five

  Rook helped her dress and then pulled his pants on. He stretched out beside her and swept damp, stray hairs from her face. The woman looked radiant and healthy again. Relief filled him.

  “Your glow is back,” he said.

  A smile lit up her eyes. “The glow is because of you.”

  “You’re just saying that.” He drew her in closer.

  “No, I’m not.”

  They lay in silence for several moments while scattered thoughts crossed his mind. He never expected to care about anyone the way he cared about Ember. He wondered if she had doubts.

  “You’re too quiet,” he said. “What are you thinking about?”

  “I was thinking about the scar on your neck, and how frightened you must have been.”

  The memory remained strong with him. Not a day went by that he didn’t think about it. Many times he’d convinced himself that he’d forgotten, only to feel the burn of the scar all over again.

  “I was afraid until Faolan rescued me and gave me a new life. He has been a father figure t
o me, and I’m grateful to all he’s done.”

  “Do you regret him turning you into a vampire?”

  “No. At least I haven’t up until now.”

  It didn’t take a genius to know it couldn’t work between a mortal and a vampire. Not without putting her in harm’s way all the time.

  “I’m not sure how we could be together,” she said. “Unless…”

  Rook didn’t even want her to finish with that train of thought.

  “I’d never ask you to make such a sacrifice.”

  “You wouldn’t turn me, even if I asked you to?”

  It wasn’t that he wanted to deny her. He didn’t think he could stop himself from drinking too much of her essence. Around her he was in very real danger of losing control. But he didn’t want her to know. He didn’t want her to fear him. “I don’t wish this life on anyone.”

  “But, I thought—”

  A noise distracted him in the distance. “Shh.” Rook covered her mouth in case she screamed. He heard another sound, this time close by.

  He turned to Ember. “Stay here.”

  Rook hurried to his feet in time to see Slade in his wolf form enter the clearing with Silbas and Curran—the leaders of the rogue vampires.

  Fists clenched, he approached all three, though he’d deal with Slade afterward. Even after Ember had healed him, the wolf had led them to her. He couldn’t wait to split the wolf in two with his bare hands.

  Silbas flashed a devious grin. “I see you’re getting friendly with the prey. Isn’t there a rule about playing with your food?”

  The comment only served to fuel him.

  “She’s no concern of yours.”

  “Her scent is strong,” Curran growled. “Smelled her some fifty miles away.”

  “You’re not to touch her,” he thundered.

  Silbas folded his arms. “I see the mortal has the moonstone.”

  “She’s holding it for me,” Rook lied, not wanting them to involve her. “If you allow me to return it to Faolan, I’ll tell him you aided in finding it. He might be lenient on you.”

  “We’re not here for negotiations,” snapped Silbas. “We want Faolan dead. We want you dead. And we want to feast on that mortal woman’s blood.”

  Adrenaline surged through Rook’s veins. “None of those things will happen.”

  Curran stepped forward. “We’re all aware of your fighting abilities, but you’re no match for all three of us.”

  He narrowed his eyes at the wolf. “I’m not fighting Slade. Just you two.”

  “Well, aren’t we lucky,” retorted Silbas with a deep chuckle.

  Rook refused to waste more time exchanging verbal threats with the rogues.

  He lunged for Curran and knocked him off his feet. The rogue vampire jumped up only to be knocked down a second time as Rook came at him full force.

  “There won’t be a third time,” the vampire growled and went to get up.

  Rook charged for him, and was met instead by a solid wall of muscle—Silbas.

  He turned in time to see Curran make his way toward Ember. She stood and started to back away. Terror replaced the smile she’d been wearing moments before in his arms.

  “Don’t you fucking touch her,” he shouted, spit flying from his mouth.

  Before he could take a step to help her, Silbas blocked his way.

  Rook charged forward, but Silbas proved a more worthy challenger by sending him reeling several feet. He got up and shook off the fierce blow.

  Silbas came at him again, this time ramming into him like a bull and pinning him to the ground.

  They struggled and fought. Rook kept trying to catch glimpses at Ember. When he saw her on the ground, his mind whirred. The last he saw was a flash of white fur taking off into the woods.

  “Why don’t you give up?” Silbas rumbled. “I’m going to kill you and then have my way with the mortal. I’ll bet more than her blood smells sweet.”

  Rook reached for the rogue’s jaw and gave it a good yank. That would shut him up. Stunned, Silbas paused and then fell back to the ground. Rook hovered over him and pitched his hand forward, ripping the vampire’s throat out. It wasn’t enough. He bit Silbas and drank quickly, ignoring the vile taste of rogue blood.

  When he finished, Rook looked for Slade and Curran. Where the hell had they gone? Unable to find them, he hurried to check on Ember. When he neared, he saw the amount of blood that spilled from her neck, and noticed the moonstone was gone.

  Rook feared the worst.


  Ember drifted in and out of consciousness. With each drop of blood, she felt her strength leave. She wanted to call out to Rook, but knew he fought for her.

  Her eyelids grew heavy. Vision blurred.

  The next time she opened her eyes Rook knelt over her. His handsome face circled for several seconds until her vision cleared.

  “Are you still with me?” He asked with worry apparent in his voice.

  She nodded, sorry she’d never get the chance to kiss him again.

  “He took the moonstone,” she whispered. “The vampire took it.”

  “I’ll get it back.” His dejected tone did little to convince her.

  “It’s long gone by now,” she reasoned.

  Her gaze shifted down and she saw streaks of blood on his chest. “You’re hurt.”

  “My wounds will heal. It’s you I’m concerned about.”

  “Nonsense.” Ember pushed his hair from his face to reveal the scar. “Not all wounds can heal.”

  She brushed her fingertips along the scar and then pressed her palm against it.

  White light flashed before her. Strong vibrations entered her body and shot through her like an electric shock. Her senses peaked. She’d never experienced another person to this magnitude. Images of Rook being beaten, whipped, degraded as a little boy filtered through her. So much black, more than any one person or creature should ever know.

  Too weak to expel them she held onto them, and forced all the golden light and positive energy into him that she had left. More ribbons of light filtered in. Violet and pink. She saw images of their kiss. Of their bodies intertwined. She experienced his heat and tasted the dark spice from his lips. Now it would live on in her memory. It would help to bring her peace in death.

  Ember didn’t want to let go of the cherished moment, but her strength ran out. Her arm fell limply at her side.

  She looked up and met Rook’s horrified gaze.

  His body shook. “Why the hell did you do that?”

  “You’ve held onto that pain for too long. It was time to let it go.”

  “You spent the last of your energy.”

  Ember smiled weakly. “Small sacrifice for the one I love. You saved me. In my own way I saved you.”

  Chapter Six

  Rook was ready to lose it. He wanted to rip the trees from their roots and tear each limb into shreds. It pained him to see the woman he loved suffer. She had a beautiful soul and deserved a life of light and love. If Silbas hadn’t been in the way he could’ve gotten to her in time. He’d meant to protect her but kept thrusting her into danger.

  Determined to save her, he knew he had to search out Slade and Curran.

  He took her hand and circled his thumb along her knuckles. “I need you to stay strong and hang on for me. If I can pick up Slade’s scent, I can track him.”

  “He helped me,” she said in a hushed voice.

  “Who did? Slade?”

  She nodded. “He stopped the rogue from taking more blood.”

  If that were the case, he’d been wrong about Slade’s character. “I didn’t know. Still, if I can find him, maybe I can find Curran.”

  “Don’t go,” she pled. “Please stay with me.”

  Carefully, he released her hand. “I’ll be swift. I promise. You won’t even know I’m gone.”

  Rook heard her faintly call his name but he had to find Slade. The wolf was his last chance.

  He walked a short ways, not wanting to
travel too far, and sniffed the air. Hard as he tried to pick up a scent, Ember’s essence was infused in him. Her sweet aroma hung on every particle in the air like perfume.

  He paced. Worried more rogue vampires would come.

  From the corner of his eye he saw a flash of movement. A dark figure headed in the direction of where Ember lay. Panic rushed his veins.

  Rook swooped in front of the figure, and then recognized Slade. Out of his wolf form, the man stood naked.

  Slade put his hand out. “Wait. I’m not going to hurt her.”

  “I know. She told me you helped her.”

  He held out the moonstone. “Here, it belongs with you.”

  Rook took the stone and cradled it in his hands. “How did you get it back?”

  “Let’s just say that Curran’s been dealt with and leave it at that.”

  “Silbas too. I have to know, why are you helping me?”

  “I’m not,” Slade muttered. “I’m helping the mortal. She took away my pain, along with my will to harm her. I’m in her debt.”

  “Then why were you with the vampires?”

  “I tried to head them off but they caught wind of her scent. I planned to return the moonstone to Faolan myself, in case something happened to you.” He gave a quick shrug. “It’s your choice to believe me or not.”

  Rook sensed his sincerity. “No, I believe you. I’m in your debt. Curran could have killed her.”

  “I did what was necessary. You can’t keep the mortal here,” warned Slade. “More of the rogues will be here soon. Word of what happened to Silbas and Curran will have reached them by now.”

  He nodded. “I know.”

  “Then you know what you must do to ensure her safety.”

  “Yes.” First he had to talk himself into it.

  “I’ll leave you to it.” Slade started to walk away.

  “Wait.” Rook hoped Slade wouldn’t take what he was about to say the wrong way. “I think it best you stay away from Lucretia. At least until Faolan recovers and I can speak with him. I want to tell him personally how you helped us. And remind him that loving another species isn’t all bad.”

  Slade nodded. “It’s appreciated. I’ll bide my time until you say otherwise.”


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