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Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders

Page 2

by Jacqui Knight

  Chapter Two

  I survived that first week without being beaten up by any other girls, raped or otherwise molested by any of the boys or criticized too harshly by any of the teachers. On Saturday morning I went to Morgan’s offices. I looked around before I went in, but the street was clear. I’d kept my clothes casual, teenage chic, black leggings, boots, short dress and a large designer handbag. If anyone from the school saw me, I wouldn’t look out of character. I went in and pressed the elevator button, the doors opened and I went up to the fifth floor, the offices of Strange Services, the private investigation agency run by Morgan Strange, the enigmatic man who was my boss. I walked into reception and saw Gale Margolis, his receptionist cum secretary cum coffee maker.

  “Hi, Sarah,” she brightened when she saw me. “How did it all go? I expected to see you in school uniform.”

  “I laughed. “Not today, Gale, it’s Saturday. How’s Morgan?”

  She grimaced. “The usual, all work and no humor. You’re to go straight in.”

  I felt her eyes following me as I walked across the office. Was there something she hadn’t told me, was I about to be shredded for something I hadn’t done, or something I had done and shouldn’t have? Well, I’d done my best, so that would have to do.

  I walked through the door and came face to face with Morgan Strange, my employer. His skin was dark black, his hair neat and short and his body muscular, an ex-cop who looked and was tough and competent. Invalided out of the force after a thug’s bullet clipped the bone in his knee and gave him a slight but permanent limp, he’d set up the company as an alternative to police work. It was successful, very successful, his natural abilities, strength, and determination together with his official contacts gave good early results in several high profile cases. Now he was often the first person people came to when they had a problem the police couldn’t or wouldn’t solve. It was one such problem that I was working on now. I wasn’t seventeen, I was twenty two, although I could pass for seventeen easily or even younger at a push. I’d worked for Morgan for almost a year, since leaving college. The apartment I went home to wasn’t my parents, it was mine. He’d called me into his office two weeks ago.

  “Sarah, this is Brian Ginsberg, I don’t believe you’ve met before.”

  I went forward and shook hands.

  “Brian, this is Sarah, I think she’s the best person for the job, don’t let her little girl looks deceive you, she’s clever and resourceful.”

  “Are you really twenty two, Sarah, you don’t look more than sixteen or seventeen?”

  “Thanks, Mr. Ginsberg, I’ll take that as a compliment,” I grinned.

  “Call me Brian,” please. He looked at me for a few moments more and I could swear that his eyes were slightly damp. A problem with his daughter, a girl that looked a bit like me maybe? I was right.

  “Brian’s daughter, Katie Ginsberg was found dead six weeks ago of a drug overdose. She was seventeen.”

  I nodded and he continued. “She was a pupil at Fleming Senior High School here in Jackson. Brian believes she was murdered and has asked us to look into it.”

  Ginsberg must have seen the skeptical look on my face, drug deaths amongst kids in their late teens was by no means unusual, many of them experimented with drugs, a few fatally.

  “Katie didn’t take drugs, Sarah. She was totally clean.”

  “I hear you, Brian, but if she was at a party and had a few drinks she might have been tempted to try them. But surely, if you think it’s murder, why not take it to the police?”

  “I did and they didn’t want to know. I went to the school governors and staff, the same lack of any interest. They said the same as you, kids mess with drugs and some swallow an accidental overdose and die.”

  “So why do you think it was murder?” I asked him.

  A shadow passed over his face as he recounted his last conversation with his daughter. “She came to me a while back and said that some of the kids at Fleming were pushing drugs, she was worried about it. Katie was like that, always thinking of other people. A couple of months back she said she was onto someone at school who she thought was actually behind the whole thing and that she’d nearly got enough evidence to take it to the cops. I told her to be careful.” He stopped to take out a handkerchief and wipe his eyes. He swallowed and then continued. “Two days later she was found dead. It was murder, plain and simple.”

  I nodded. “It sure sounds like it, someone covering their tracks maybe.”

  Morgan interrupted. “I want you to enroll at the school, Sarah, you can pass as seventeen. Get yourself kitted out with school uniform, all of the stuff, books, sports clothes and so on.”

  I smiled inwardly as I pictured myself back in one of those sexy little tartan miniskirts again. Maybe I’d strike lucky and pull a guy this time, trouble was, he’d be seventeen, not much use to virgin Sarah.

  “No problem, boss, I can do that. How long does the job last?”

  “One month initially,” he replied. “But Brian wants it to go on for as long as it takes.”

  Ginsberg leaned forward. “I want you to find the bastard who murdered my daughter, get the evidence and I can take it to the police and have the bastard locked up for ever.”

  His expression was fierce and determined, I imagined he wanted a lot more than that when the person responsible was uncovered. If he owned a gun, and he probably did, it was likely he would be tempted to use it. I hoped not, there was no future in that line of thinking.

  “So you’ll do it?” he said.

  I nodded. “No sweat, I’ll do my best.”

  We spent some time going over the details of Katie Ginsberg’s life, I made notes of her contacts and friends at school. Morgan handed me a hard drive.

  “That’s a copy of Katie’s computer drive, you can take it and look through it, there’s everything you need to know about the academic side of things and of course who she was in contact with, good or bad.

  “Could I ask you a question, Sarah,” Ginsberg said suddenly.

  “Sure, of course.”

  “You’re still young, I realize that, but are you married yet, Miss Walsh? Or have you got a regular boyfriend?”

  I blinked. Wow, some question, I couldn’t see the relevance of it, but still, there was no harm in telling him. “The right guy hasn’t come along yet, that’s why not. When he does, I’ll grab him quick.”

  “Yeah, I see. The thing is, Katie was, er, well, sexually, she was...” He faltered.

  But it was obvious. “You mean she was gay, a lesbian?”

  He nodded. Yeah, exactly.”

  “Is that relevant to this investigation?” I asked.

  “Not at all.”

  “Then it’s of no interest, it makes no difference to us.”

  I looked at Morgan and our eyes met. It made all the difference in the world, of course. The fact that the victim was a lesbian meant that the investigation would be slanted to look at other motives for murder, other girls, jilted ex-lovers, whatever.

  Morgan looked at me. “I’ll give you the file later, Sarah,we’ll talk more then, that’s all.”

  “Ok, nice meeting you, Brian. I’ll give it my best shot, I assure you.”

  “Thank you,” he replied.

  I nodded to him and left.

  Two weeks later I was making my first report. I handed over a file containing documents and other materials I’d photocopied together with prints from photos I’d taken with my cellphone. He indicated a chair and I sat down and waited while he read through the file.

  “Yep, this is good stuff, but no line on any drugs yet?”

  I shook my head. “Early days yet, Morgan. You know what these druggies are like, they need to get to know you and trust you before they make a move.”

  “That’s true. Anything that looks likely, arouses your suspicions?”

  “Nothing, sorry. It’s all kosher so far. But if it’s there, I’ll find it.”

  “I know you will.” He looked grav
e, thoughtful. “There’s something about this case that tells me that Brian Ginsberg could be right. Keep digging, and thanks again.”

  I left the office and Gale Margolis ambushed me as I was about to leave.

  “You got a moment Sarah?”

  “Sure, Gale, what is it?”

  “What’s it like going back to Senior High, the second time, I mean?”

  I laughed. “Not much different to the first time, I guess. Except that this time I know it’ll soon be over and I’ll be chasing down some scumbag who’s cheating on his wife or ripping off his employer.”

  “Have you made any boyfriends yet? Any handsome jocks broke your heart?”

  “Hey, Gale, give me a chance, they’re all seventeen, not much future there. Besides, I’ve been really busy.”

  I told her about the classes, the hockey team, and the cheerleading squad that I had decided to join when I went back to school on Monday.

  “So you’re going to be wearing one of those ditzy little cheerleading dresses, Sarah?”

  I laughed again. “I guess so, I hadn’t thought about it much.”

  “What are they like, the other cheerleading girls?”

  My face must have gone beet red. “Er, they’re fine, no problems.”

  She looked at me intently for a few moments. Whatever else she was, Gale Margolis was no fool.

  “I see, like that is it?”

  “Like what, Gale?”

  “Who is she, the head cheerleader?”

  I paused to get my wits together, but what the hell, I’d go redder than ever if I tried to deny it.

  “Yes, Alexis Eisenberg, she was real nice to me on the first day at school.”

  “I’ll be she was,” Gale said with a grin.

  “It wasn’t like that, she was just...” I thought about the golden Alexis, long legged, beautiful, confident, that lovely warm smile, those inviting red lips.

  “Sarah, honey, I’ve lost you, you’re wandering. What were you saying?”

  I came crashing back to the present. “She was just nice, Gale.”

  “And beautiful, I expect, with perfect teeth and skin, long legged, clothes and makeup perfect, hair to die for?” she continued.

  “Yes, that’s right,” I breathed, thinking of her.

  I was silent for a minute, thinking of her while Gale sat waiting for me to come back to Earth.

  “You’re not gay, are you, Sarah?”

  My face felt hotter than ever, damnation, why did I always give away my innermost thoughts?

  “No, of course not.”

  Now it was her turn to be silent. What was on her mind? Then it hit me like a thunderbolt, why hadn’t I thought about it before?

  “You’re a lesbian, aren’t you, Gale?”

  She nodded, her face serious. “I think so, yes, although I’ve never, well, slept with a woman. But yes, I do prefer to think of women than men.”

  Christ, what a life, not knowing whether you really lusted after one gender or another. I was glad I was firmly heterosexual. I was sure of that, at least. But shit, every time I thought of Alexis my thoughts were anything but hetero, they were downright lesbian lustful dyke. But I wasn’t a lesbian, couldn’t be. I liked being with guys, was looking for the right one to partner with and settle down for life. Someone like, who? But the only face I could bring to mind was Alexis. I realized that Gale had got up from behind the reception desk and was standing next to me.

  “What was that, Gale?”

  “Could you get me a photo of you in your schoolgirl uniform, Sarah?”

  “Christ, Gale, what is this, I’m not available, you know.”

  “I know that. But what if I was Alexis, what then?”

  My thoughts drifted again, then I realized that I could feel her breath on my face, she was only a couple of inches away from me. She swayed towards me and her lips were on mine and she was kissing me, it was warm, sensual, arousing. I felt her hand caressing my tits but I didn’t throw it off, couldn’t. Her kiss lingered, then she pulled back, but her hand stayed where it was, her other hand was behind me, holding me close to her. With a shock I realized my hands were both around her, pulling her towards me. We looked into each other’s eyes. I pulled my hands back, let them slip around her body to push her away, but as they did, I brushed both her tits. Then I gently disengaged. She was the one who was bright red now, standing with a horrified expression on her face.

  “Sarah, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” she muttered.

  “Yeah, that’s ok, Gale. It’s not something I normally do either, you know.”

  “Don’t say anything to Morgan,” she pleaded.

  I grinned. “Of course not, it’s between us girls. Look, we really mustn’t do this sort of thing, I’m looking for a boyfriend, Gale. I don’t want a lesbian relationship.”

  “Unless it’s with Alexis,” she said bitterly.

  I shook my head. “It’s not like that, really.” I wasn’t sure if I believed myself when I said it. I’d better start chasing down a boyfriend and break the spell of this girly crush that was growing within me.

  Chapter Three

  I spent a weekend cleaning my apartment, trying to keep myself busy to clear my mind. On Saturday night I’d even gone out to a singles bar, to try and hitch up with some guy and prove to everyone, especially myself, that the infatuation with Alexis was just that. I spent two hours being chatted up by earnest young men with promising careers in lawyer’s offices, accountancy firms and brokerage houses. Apart from being universally boring, they had one thing in common, they were all totally preoccupied with themselves. When I’d heard the fifth one start to tell me what an ace he was at making deals and beating down the opposition, I’d had enough and I went home. I had to make a huge effort in bed to keep my hand away from my cunt and not masturbate whilst fantasizing about Alexis. Damnit, sweet twenty two and never been fucked. I made it through the night, but it was a close thing. On Monday I dressed in my white blouse, navy panty hose and tartan miniskirt, put on my favorite Lauren jacket, a short, neat zipper jacket that I thought looked pretty good on me. I took extra care with my hair and makeup, I wanted to look my best. After a moment’s reflection I got out my prettiest earrings, small diamond studs that had been a gift and I’d treasured ever since. Then I set out to continue my schoolgirl career.

  Julia Kelly met me by the lockers where she was putting her stuff away. She looked neat, smart, in control, there sure wasn’t any doubt that she would work hard and get good grades. Although blacks made up a majority in Jackson life was pretty stacked against them in the U.S., we railed about the unfairness and discrimination in other countries, about the treatment of women in Afghanistan, but couldn’t seem to resolve our own problems. She’d probably get a decent job, I reflected, and then wind up with someone like one of those guys who I’d met on Saturday night in the singles bar. But this was older person mentality, like I was her big sister. I switched into schoolgirl mode as she spoke to me.

  “You coming to Mr. Newman’s class, Sarah?”

  “Sure thing, hang on one second and I’ll be with you.”

  I dumped my bag in the locker and took out what I’d need for the lesson.

  “Hey, Sarah, how’s it going?” a voice said behind me. I didn’t need to turn to know who it was. I told myself to keep calm and neutral. Then I turned around.

  “Hi, Alexis, fine, thanks. You have a good weekend?”

  Then she smiled and I was lost, my knees felt week, even my tits burned as I remembered her hand there during the shower.

  “Yep, great time. I wanted to talk to you about the cheerleading team.”

  I half noticed Julia’s look of disgust as she walked away, then I listened to Alexis.

  “We were hoping you’d try out with us this afternoon, Sarah.”

  “Yes, I’d like that, I’ll be there. Have you got a dress I can wear?”

  She smiled that lovely, resolve melting smile again. “Sure we have, honey, don’t w
orry about it, just bring yourself and we’ll take care of the rest. I told you I’d look after you, didn’t I?”

  I nodded, I couldn’t speak.

  “Ok then,” she went on. “Let’s go to old Newman’s class, it’s on some other crappy American author. Jesus, he wouldn’t know good English it if came and kicked him in the ass.”

  We linked arms and walked along the corridor, chatting like old friends. Yet every time she wanted to make a point, she touched me, just above my breasts, far enough away to be polite, but near enough to remind me of the potent, sexual aura that surrounded her and swamped me. She smelt good, too, a magical blend of musky, young woman scent, French perfume and that unique odor of expensive clothes that have just been laundered. It all added up to a heady mixture, certainly it was for me, anyway.

  We reached the classroom and I sat next to Julia. She gave me a cold glance and looked down to her book.

  “Hey, Julia, she just wanted to talk about the cheerleading team, don’t beat up on me, I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m sorry, truly. Give me a break, will you?”

  She looked up slowly and then she nodded. “Yeah, ok, forget it. Are you alright on what we’re looking at today?”

  Like six or seven years ago, I thought, and I got straight A’s back then. “I’ve looked at the books over the weekend, I think I’m fine. How was your weekend?”

  She talked happily about visiting her aunt in New Orleans. As it happened I loved New Orleans, the bit that hadn’t been washed away by Hurricane Katrina and I encouraged Julia to promise to talk to me about the city later. The last thing I needed was to make any enemies. I was pretty curious about her though. “Julia, you don’t seem to like Alexis or the other cheerleaders, why is that?”

  She scowled. “You’ll find out when you join them, they’re a bunch of fucking dykes.”


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