Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders

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Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders Page 3

by Jacqui Knight

  “But they seem pretty normal to me.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Bunch of stuck up bitches, they think they’re too good for everyone else in this school.”

  So they’d turned her down for the cheerleading squad, there was no other explanation. Was it racial, but no, although they were all white, the six core members, there were others on the squad who were black and one girl was Chinese or Korean. So what was it? Then I understood, of course, she wasn’t pretty enough. It was a shame, but maybe she should do something about it if it bothered her. Most girls, and Julia was no exception, could look more beautiful if they really wanted to and made the effort. Grant Newman came into the class and the conversations died away and we got down to some work.

  One thing she was right about was that they were inclined to lesbian behavior, but no, it wasn’t really true that they were lesbians. They obviously played lesbian games, but so did lots of other girls at school and afterwards they lived normal heterosexual lives, I guess it was the same for homosexuality with boys. She was bitter, that was all. I speculated on how I could use that to my advantage as the investigation proceeded. After lunch we had a games lesson and I let Julia persuade me to play netball with her. Coach Cooper was in the changing room picking the teams and as I changed into my netball skirt I heard her call my name to be on the same team as Julia. I stuck close to her during the game and fed her a couple of passes, I reckoned it would be useful to get her as an ally. It was even just possible that she knew people who were mixed up in the drug thing and Katie Ginsberg’s murder. I felt a bit like a Judas, I was about to join the cheerleaders and might need to investigate them too, but I had a job to do. Alexis and the squad were practicing at the other end of the field and when we went in they were still out there, I felt a little disappointed that I wouldn’t be sharing their shower again.

  I was talking to Julia, enjoying the warm water streaming down over my body when I heard several loud voices joking and laughing. Then Alexis, Emily and Lisa came into the shower and stood under the spray. Alexis smiled at me. “Hi, Sarah, you had a good game?”

  “Yeah, good one, didn’t score though.”

  She shrugged and walked over to Julia. “Hi, Julia, how’s it all going?”

  Julia gave her a cold look and stared straight through her. To my astonishment the head cheerleader closed with her and leaning forward, planted a kiss on her lips, a strong, passionate kiss that must have shocked the other girl. She wriggled to get out of it, but Emily and Lisa stood either side of her and held her arms. Alexis held the kiss and reached down with her hand to feel Julia’s cunt, I was mesmerized. She felt around her labia, I could swear she pushed a finger inside and then broke off, smiling.

  “Did you enjoy that, babe? Was it enough to satisfy you or did you want more?”

  Julia was shaking with rage and emotion. “I’ll fucking ruin you for that, Alexis. You scum dyke bitch, my dad’s lawyers will nail your white ass to a cross.”

  “Really? Nail me for what, Julia, I don’t think anything happened. Emily, Lisa, you see anything happen?” They shook their heads. “See, you’re imagining things. Sarah, you see anything happen?”

  Oh Alexis, you know I could never say anything to hurt you. I shook my head and left the shower. Behind me, I heard her continue taunting Julia. “See, nothing happened. Tell me who your dad works for, Julia and my dad’ll get him fired.”

  “Fuck you, you dyke bitch,” Julia snapped back.

  This was not my fight. I toweled off and got dressed. It was time to get out of here and go home, fast. As I walked through the corridors I saw a pair of UPS men carrying large packages into the chemistry department. Nothing unusual about that of course, but Matt Phillips, the chemistry department head looked furtively around the door as they carried their boxes into his room, then he closed the door and ducked back inside. I walked casually along and opened the door and looked inside. It was some kind of a store room, the men were putting the boxes down next to sacks of chemicals of some kind, Matt Phillips was supervising them. Behind him was another door that was guarded with a key code lock, normal for schools these days, but the door seemed to be made of steel with a peephole set three quarters of the way up. I’d seen a photo of that kind of a door once before, when Morgan showed me photos of a bust he’d taken part in on a city drug den. At that moment Phillips looked up and saw me. He rushed over.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Well, yeah, I’m looking for the school medical center, I guess this isn’t it.”

  He relaxed a little. “It most certainly isn’t, you need to go to the end of the corridor, turn left and you’ll find it halfway down.”

  “Thanks,” I said, giving him a flirty wave. “Be seeing you.”

  “Yeah, no sweat.”

  I walked down the corridor, as I turned the corner I was aware that he was still watching me, checking that I was going in the right direction.

  As I sat on the bus going home I felt much more optimistic. What I’d seen suggested a possible location for the drug laboratory, certainly the teacher’s behavior was very odd. It was my first break in the case, when I got home I phoned Morgan, he’d want to know about this so that he could chase down the history of this guy. He was upbeat.

  “It sounds like a solid lead, Sarah, that’s good news. Anything else?”

  “Nothing, boss, no.”

  “That’s ok. Gale wants to know how you got on with the cheerleader squad, have you had your first session yet?”

  I laughed. “Tell her no, it was netball today, nothing too exciting, just sweaty girls in netball skirts running around a pitch.”

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, I see. I’ll let her know. Good work, keep it up.”

  I put the phone down and decided to have a soak in a hot tub. I think unconsciously my mind was guiding me, I’d already taken a shower and didn’t need another, but I poured bubble bath into the water and sank gratefully into the warm, inviting water.

  I sat there for five minutes mulling over the incident with Matt Phillips, the chemistry teacher. I had to work hard and force myself to think it but really my mind was going around circles. Always it came back to the same thing. Her smile dominated my thoughts, golden, warm, so personal, even secret, a smile that was for me alone. She was soaping my back, then her hand slipped lower just like it had with Julia but this time she was doing it to me, not to torment me but out of warmth and love. I realized that my hand was between my legs, pushing inside my cunt, but I didn’t care, it was Alexis’s hand and she was feeling my clit, her fingers pushed inside me. My lips longed for her hot kiss, nibbling at me, her tongue exploring my own mouth, touching, probing just as my own tongue was inside her. I couldn’t help the low moan that escaped me as my hips came off the floor of the bath and lifted in a spasm of passion, hot arousal that drive everything else before it. Her other hand was stroking my breasts, touching my nipples and I moaned even louder. Alexis, my darling, I want you, all of you, please, fuck me hard, suck me, do everything to me. Her head dropped down and she started to nibble on one of my nipples and then the other. My tits were taken one by one in her mouth, sucked, licked, then she was back over my mouth, hot, passionate, engulfing me. My hand massaged my cunt even faster, it was her hand, smooth, warm, gentle, sensuous. But hot, oh, so hot. I was moaning constantly now, I couldn’t take much more of this wonderful ecstasy, it was taking over my whole existence, then I came, shuddering, gasping, my hand rubbing faster, fingers pushing harder, my hips shuddering with the depth of my climax. I lay still then, the moment had passed.

  I wondered should I speak to Morgan and invent some story to get taken off the case. One thing was for sure, if Alexis was involved in any way in the death of Katie Ginsberg I would be totally unable to do anything that would hurt the wonderful girl I had, yes, admit it, Sarah, I’d fallen in love with her. I was twenty two and she was seventeen, I should have known better. And I was heterosexual, I knew I was, there was no doubt about it. It was just a
schoolgirl crush on the amazingly beautiful head cheerleader, nothing unusual about that, provided that it started and ended there. But I had a job to do and it was a complication I could do without. The problem of course was that if I did tell him and he pulled me off the case, that would be the end of me seeing Alexis again. I couldn’t stand that, I knew I couldn’t. Even though it was only for a few weeks, I wanted to see more of the fabulous creature who had come to almost completely dominate my waking thoughts.

  Chapter Four

  In school the next morning I made straight for the cheerleaders who were standing in a group near the lockers. They saw me approach.

  “Hi, Sarah, everything good?”

  “Yep, fine. Look, I’ve thought it over, I’d like to join you guys.”

  They all smiled, Alexis an even warmer smile than usual, just for me.

  “That’s great news, Sarah. We’re on the field for the last period today, meet us in the changing rooms. Emily, have we got a dress to fit her?”

  Emily Marshall reached into her backpack and found a tape measure. She ran it over me, my bust, hips, waist, height, she spent a little more time on my bust I thought, brushing my nipples as she ran the tape over me.

  “Hmm, she’s a bit on the big side but we may have something to fit her. Can’t you lose a bit of weight, Sarah, we like to keep ourselves looking good?”

  I felt like punching her, I was fairly slim and pretty, but I held my temper in check and took a deep breath. The other girls were all tiny, there was no other way to describe them. Rapier thin, there was not an ounce of excess fat on them. They looked good too, I had to admit it, better than me. Maybe it wouldn’t do any harm to be more like them, a babe. I’d like that, I thought, it would be nice to be one of the prettiest girls in the school, cheerleading, slim, attractive, sought after.

  “I’ll see what I can do, Emily, I’ll try and cut down a bit.”

  They all relaxed. “That’s fine then,” Alexis said. “We’ll see you in the changing rooms this afternoon. Why don’t you sit with us for lunch if you’re going to join us?”

  “Ok, I’d like that, I’ll see you later.”

  I went to my classroom. Spending lunchtimes with the cheerleaders would give me a good way to find out what was really going on in the school. After all, they were the girls that got invited to everything, the babes that people talked to and would tell them things they wouldn’t tell other girls. I realized with a start that I was actually becoming one of them, it was a thrilling thought. I should have dismissed the whole thing as silly, schoolgirl behavior, but I couldn’t help it, I was looking forward to joining Fleming’s female elite. Besides, it was my cover, being a schoolgirl, so why shouldn’t I think like one? I sat next to Julia in classes that morning and tried to befriend her even more. I was only partially successful, she was suspicious and jealous of my growing association with the cheerleaders.

  “Damnit, Sarah, you saw what those fuckers did to me in the showers, you know what they’re like.”

  “They’re not perfect, I know.”

  She snorted as I said that and gave a bitter laugh. “You’re right about that. Why didn’t you help me out?”

  “Look, Julia, they’re my friends as much as you are my friend. I was brought up to fight my own battles, sorry.”

  She didn’t reply and bent to her books.

  At lunchtime I took a small salad and just drank water instead of soda. It wouldn’t hurt to drop a few pounds. I noticed the other cheerleaders ate similar meals, they were weight conscious in the extreme.

  Rebecca Waterston took out a book when we’d finished eating and went over a routine that Coach Cooper would be working with this afternoon. It didn’t look too difficult, although there was a back flip at the end that was something I hadn’t done in several years. I finished up the afternoon’s lessons and went down to the changing room. Coach Cooper was waiting with the squad. She handed me a dress and matching panties and told me to change. The dress was tiny, even shorter than my tartan miniskirt, in the school colors of navy blue with blue and white pleats. I was glad of the full panties, without those I’d have felt completely naked rather than only half naked. We went out on the field and started to warm up.

  “I’ve changed the routine,” the coach said. “We’re going to try a pyramid today girls, link arms, Alexis you help Sarah and form part of the bottom row, come on, join up and let’s see what we can do.”

  She drafted in two of the other girls to help. Four of us got into a line and we held each other’s arms. Then we linked the ends of the line to form a kind of circle, I heard the coach shout. “Hold tight, here come the first two,” and grunted as a girl’s feet landed on my shoulders. We steadied the line and I heard another shout, then the last girl ran forward, jumped and was thrown into air as she did a superb somersault, vaulted up and on top of the pyramid. We swayed a little but managed to hold.

  “Yeah, that was good, we’ll do that a few more times,” the coach said.

  We practiced the routine three more times and then went into a series of cheers and steps that were more familiar to me. After the practice session we wound up together in the changing room, all seven of us. The other girls were all over me, I’d joined them now and acquitted myself well, I’d even gone on a diet to look prettier on the field.

  “Great, Sarah, welcome to the squad,” Rebecca said. “We’re gonna go places now that you’re with us.”

  I mumbled a gawky ‘you don’t need me for that’ kind of reply and then Alexis was standing next to me. She was naked.

  “You’re a very special kind of girl, Sarah, I’m so glad you came along,” she breathed. Her voice was husky, low, soft. “You coming in the shower now?”

  “Yeah, sure.” I stripped off my clothes and went to join her under the warm water streaming down. The other girls were soon with us and all seven of us started helping each other wash.

  “Sarah, we’ve got an initiation for new girls, you really need to go through it. Believe me, it’s nothing bad, it’s really nice, you’ll love it. You up for it?” Alexis asked me.

  I nodded. If she asked me to walk on broken glass I’d probably have done it for her.

  “Ok, girls, grab her,” she said.

  Two of the girls held my ankles firmly to the floor, two others took my hands and started arching me over backwards. Alexis held my body while I went further and further backwards until my hands were touching the floor, I was bent like an acrobat, which fortunately I had been at my last school. Heaven knew how many years ago.

  “You comfortable?” Alexis asked.

  “I’ve been better, but I’m ok,” I replied.

  She stood in front of me and started to ease my knees apart until my feet were splayed out. Then she knelt down in the streaming warm water and to my utter astonishment started to lick me. Oh, Jesus, fuck, what is this? Her tongue found my clit and explored, then into my hole, oh God it was nice. She licked all around me, I knew that I was soaking wet with vaginal juices, I’d never been so turned on in my life. Then it stopped and I felt sorry, but another girl took her place and the licking started all over again. Alexis was standing over me, she bent down and kissed me so that I could taste my own vaginal juices, at the same time another girl was licking my tits, nibbling my nipples and stroking my hips. The girl at my vagina stopped and another took her place, Alexis moved away and Emily started kissing me, I could see Alexis holding my wrist so that the girl was free to take over my vagina. They circled around and around, a continuous cycle of gorgeous babes servicing my body, I came again and again, my groaning became screams of agonized joy as the pleasure went on. It must have lasted an hour, by the time they stopped I was exhausted and I lay on the wet floor of the shower, water streaming over me, six adorable girls looking down.

  “Now you’re one of us, we’ve all tasted you and we liked what we tasted. Welcome to the squad,” Alexis said.

  They helped me to my feet and I wobbled out of the shower room and started to towel o
ff. I was totally lost for words, it was the most epic, powerful sexual experience I had ever known although I hadn’t really known many. But this one was mega. They sensed my awe at what they’d achieved and crowded around in friendly congratulations.

  “When you gonna lose that virginity?” Alexis asked me.

  The others looked at her surprised. “She’s still a virgin? Christ, that’s terrible.”

  “Want us to do something about that?” Alexis asked.

  “Like what, find a guy to fuck me?” I laughed.

  “Even better. Lisa, you gonna fuck her?”

  “Oh yes, I think I can manage that.”

  How the hell can a girl do something like that, I wondered? Then I saw Lisa standing before me and I realized how she could.

  “Oh, Christ, I don’t know, really,” I protested.

  She was wearing a strap on dildo, a huge, flesh colored rubber device standing out proud and hard from her hips. Alexis came and kissed me, stroking me gently.

  “Schh, it’s ok, I’ll be with you Sarah. Let us help you.”

  She gave me a gentle push and I felt hands catching me as I was lowered to a heap of towels on the changing room floor. They spread my legs and then Lisa was kneeling in front of me, the terrible dildo in front of her. Alexis bent down once again and kissed me and I couldn’t see Lisa, but I felt her touching my labia, exploring , a shock went through me as she stroked my clit, then I felt the dildo pushing in, harder, further, until it stopped. She pushed, a firm hard push and I felt a sharp pain as my hymen was ruptured, Christ, that hurt, I was about to cry out but Alexis’s lips were over mine and then the dildo went all the way and I gasped.

  I’d travelled to heaven, or another planet. I heard myself sigh with pleasure as the dildo started fucking me, in and out. My tits were being stroked, my nipples played with, someone was touching my body, no, licking me, I felt the warm moisture. Someone else was kissing me, I’d lost any idea of who was doing what in the ocean of pleasure that engulfed me. I was no longer a virgin, fuck, that was great, at least I knew what it meant to have a hard cock thrusting inside me, even if it wasn’t quite the real thing. I’d read enough Cosmo magazines to know that it was near enough to the real thing and regarded by many women as a better alternative. I came, bucking and writhing, skewered by the beautiful thing that was pumping in and out of me. Lisa stopped and removed it and I lay there, I must have had a smile on my face big enough to light the school. They helped me to my feet.


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