Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders

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Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders Page 4

by Jacqui Knight

  “Thank you, thank you all of you,” I said. I went around all of them and kissed them gently on the lips. Then we got dressed, it was way past time to go home. Someone banged on the door and Emily went to look. It was Coach Cooper.

  “What the fuck, why did you girls lock the door?” she said suspiciously.

  Alexis faced up to her. “We had a couple of jocks sniffing around here earlier Coach, it was embarrassing. We were just trying to stop them getting in.”

  Coach Cooper nodded, satisfied. “Yep, that was the right thing to do. Perverts, that’s what they are, perverts. Let me know if it happens again.

  “We will do,” Alexis said sweetly.

  Back in my school uniform I went to my locker and got my coat, buttoned myself into it and went to catch the bus. I knew it would be a while before I started to think straight again, I’d never known anything like what had happened to me this afternoon. Of course I played with myself from time to time, but this was an entirely different ball game. I had to fold my arms to stop my hands wandering as I sat on the bus home and when I got to my apartment I went down into the basement gym and worked out until I was physically exhausted, but it did the trick, when I did finally got to bed I went straight to sleep. The following morning I made sure that I cut my breakfast in half, I didn’t want to look like a pregnant cow in my new cheerleading dress. I literally bounced into school that morning, looking forward to another fantastic day with my new friends, I’d even almost forgotten what I was really supposed to be doing there. There was no-one I knew by the lockers so I put my stuff away and walked towards the classroom. Then I saw the door to the room where the packages had been delivered standing slightly open. I knew I had to check, even though this time I wouldn’t be able to use an excuse, they’d know I was snooping. I slipped in and pushed the door back almost closed. I carefully checked all of the boxes and packages on the floor, two of them had the names of chemicals printed on them and I memorized the words without knowing the meaning. Then I slipped out again. At lunchtime I had my meager half salad with the cheerleaders, feeling so warm and wanted as they chatted away happily without a care in the world. Why should they? They were young, rich, pretty, and slim, they had everything going for them.

  After I’d finished my food I made an excuse and left to go out of the school and call Morgan on my cell. I spelt the names on the boxes in the storeroom.

  “Yeah, it could be innocent but those are known precursors in the production of Meth Amphetamine. That was the drug that killed Katie Ginsberg. This is the best lead yet, Sarah. It’s looking like this Matt Phillips is running his own little sideline producing Meth, probably coke too. Keep going for now, try and see if anyone else seems to go in and out of that room. We also need to know who associates with Phillips, I could really do with a list of his friends and contacts to run down with Jackson PD.”

  I told him I’d do my best, and then I ran back to school, just in time for the afternoon lesson.

  Chapter Five

  As luck would have it my first lesson was chemistry, with none other than Matt Phillips as the teacher. He looked at me closely as I walked in the classroom but I didn’t think he’d recognized me from when I walked into his storeroom. We went through some boring shit about molecular structures of complex crystals, even Phillips couldn’t bring himself to be enthusiastic. That hadn’t changed since I was last at a high school, most teachers couldn’t give a damn, they just went through the motions. Afterwards, the cheerleaders came and collared me and I was talking to them outside the classroom when Mr. Phillips came up to us.

  “Hey, girls, how are you doing?”

  They smiled brightly when they saw him, apparently he was a star. Why was that, I wondered?

  “Look, I’ve got another party on Saturday, I was thinking about inviting you babes, what do you think? And you, you’re new aren’t you, a cheerleader too?”

  “Yep, she’s one of us now,” Alexis said brightly.

  “Great, well then, all of you come along on Saturday. I’m inviting some jocks too as well as a few musicians I know, local guys. Maybe some other folks, it’ll be a good gig.”

  “That sounds great,” Emily said. “We’ll all be there, Matt.”

  “Hey, it’s Mr. Phillips in school,” he grinned.

  “Not if you want to fuck me it ain’t,” she said back to him.

  He flushed red and looked quickly around and shushed her. “You’ll get me into trouble, Emily, keep it down.”

  She laughed as we walked away.

  It was a good break. At his party I’d see if he produced any homemade coke or meth, or any other drug for that matter. We went on to our next classroom, I was conducting a balancing act. Trying to keep friends with Julia, who I generally sat next to, keeping in with the cheerleaders, which wasn’t hard because I loved them and everything they did. And I loved looking like them too, I now took extra care with my hair and makeup, I seemed to spend hours every day working on it, but I knew I looked much prettier, I was glowing. My waist would slim down in time as I was eating so little and every time they paid me a compliment, especially Alexis, it all felt worth it. I was in love with her of course, although I wasn’t sure if she was in love with me. I didn’t really care, I’d take what she could offer me. Between it all I had to keep up with my studies and remember that I was a schoolgirl, that meant actually producing some written work when I wasn’t busy doing my nails. Amongst it all I was trying to conduct an undercover investigation into a drugs ring. It was a dizzying mix and one that left me little time for myself, but I didn’t care. As long as I had Alexis, it was all worth it.

  The week rushed by and I threw myself into cheerleading, cheerleading and more cheerleading. Walking around the school in my tiny dress, then onto the field, skirt flying as I ran. Showers with the other girls afterwards, a sex fest that left me gasping for more and more. And occasionally trying to fit in some work when I came out of the bathroom after spending endless time touching up my makeup. Julia sensed my joy and was jealous, she knew I’d fallen totally under the spell of the cheerleaders, or at least one of them and she hated it. When I sat down in class in my cheerleading dress she recoiled, as if it was some kind of poisonous juju. Then it was Saturday and I found myself preparing for Matt’s party.

  I had a cocktail dress that I’d decided to wear, the bodice was in black taffeta, sleeveless, the skirt in grey taffeta overlaid with layers of grey net. I didn’t need to ask any opinions, I knew I looked gorgeous in it. On Saturday morning I went into the mall and bought new underwear, panties that were so sheer they were like I was not actually wearing them. They came with a matching bra in the same silk but heavier, cut low to show off my tits. Feeling daring, I bought a third item, a waspy, a corset in black satin with bones and suspender straps to go with some stockings I bought as well. I was going through makeup quite heavily so I topped up my supplies, a new bottle of perfume, nail varnish, hair slides, they were beautiful, Gucci designs. Then I took it all home and spent the afternoon preparing.

  First a long bath, filled with bubbles and spicy smelling mixtures, I felt like an Egyptian princess laying in the hot water and soaking. All I needed were a couple of dusky handmaidens to rub mysterious biblical oils over my body. It made me think of Alexis, I wondered what she was doing right now. When I’d had enough and my I’d shaved and smoothed my skin I got out and started to dress. I rubbed lotion over my body until it was smooth and felt good. Then my corset, laces fastened, stockings on my smooth, long legs and clipped to the suspenders. I pulled on my panties, great, my vagina showed as a tempting shadow beneath the sheer fabric. I clipped on my bra, if only it was Alexis doing this for me. I stroked my tits as I did it and a shiver went through me. I was ready for my dress and I put it on slowly and sensuously, savoring the feel of crisp, cool silk and taffeta. Finally my shoes, Jimmy Choo with five inch heels and my makeup and hair took me another hour before I thought it was just about ok, then I fastened the Gucci slide, more of an ornament. But
when I looked in the mirror I took a breath, I’d never looked this good, never taken the trouble before. I looked stunning, glowing with a beauty that I’d never seen before reflected into a mirror in front of me.

  I needed a jacket of some kind, I looked in the closet and found a cropped little Ralph Lauren leather jacket I’d bought last year in a sale and never worn. I tried it on over my dress, yes, it worked beautifully. I looked like, what? Then it struck me, I looked like a seventeen year old cheerleader babe, pretty, slim and confident, dressed like a teenage celebrity for a society party. My image was perfect. I mixed a soft drink and took off my jacket, I had an hour to kill before the cab I’d ordered would pick me up to take me to Matt Phillips’ house. I scanned through a magazine, Cosmopolitan, my regular read. An article caught my attention, ‘are you a lesbian, here’s how to tell’. I smiled to myself, at least that was something I wouldn’t need to worry about, despite my girly crush on Alexis and the romps in the showers. The first thing that hit me was the question ‘when you masturbate, do you think about a man or a woman?’ I skated down the rest of the quiz. The conclusion was obvious. But maybe they hadn’t aimed it at seventeen year old schoolgirls with a crush, that was it, of course it was. Except that I wasn’t seventeen, was I? It was just that my cover required me to play the part of a seventeen year old schoolgirl, so maybe that was ok. I left it totally confused and checked another article about losing weight, I felt a bit more comfortable already, another month or two and I’d be as slim and pretty as the other cheerleaders.

  The doorbell buzzed and I put on my cropped jacket and went out to the cab. Matt Phillips’s place was out to the East of Jackson near the country club, an impressive piece of real estate that looked to have cost upwards of a million dollars at today’s prices. I walked up the long drive and rung the doorbell. Matt came to the door, saw me and whistled.

  “Wow, Sarah, glad you could make it. You look like a million dollars, I can’t believe it. Come on in.”

  I followed him through the house out to the patio at the back. Alexis was there, she smiled and came over and kissed me. There were four guys of about school age and Matt introduced me to them.

  “Guys, this gorgeous creature is Sarah, she’s at Fleming, of course. Sarah, meet Patrick Blake, our quarterback, Joseph Gallagher, Andrew Dean and

  Toby Owen, they’re all football players. The rest of the cheerleaders you know. Mike and Dave over there,” he waved in the direction of a pair of bearded, long haired guys strumming a guitar. “They’re local recording artists. And where’s Molly?”

  Our deputy headmistress walked out from the house. “Just topping up my drink, Matt. Hi, Sarah,” she said in a friendly way.

  “Oh, hi, Miss Zelinski.”

  “Hey, it’s Molly when we’re away from the school, you’ll make me feel old,” she grinned.

  The food was laid out on tables and there were couches ranged around a fabulous swimming pool. In the distance I could make out the forests and hills that ringed the city. Matt saw me looking. “Not a bad view, eh?”

  “It’s great, Matt, I, love it.”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty keen on it too,” he laughed. “Fix you a drink, a martini ok?”

  I looked at him surprised, I was a seventeen year old, as far as he knew.

  “That would be nice, thanks.”

  He disappeared and brought me out a martini, I stood sipping it. Molly came and stood next to me.

  “Sarah, are you friends with that Julia Kelly?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Not really, no. I’ve sat next to her a few times in class, but she’s got a thing against the cheerleaders so I’m not too close to her since I joined them.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I don’t think anyone’s that close to her. Did you know she’d complained about the cheerleaders?”

  I was surprised and I shook my head.

  “So you didn’t know. She’s saying that the cheerleaders are engaging in deviant sexual practices, know anything about it?”

  I laughed out loud, I didn’t think anyone had called most of what we did deviant for about a hundred years. “No, I don’t know. It’s not really true anyway.”

  She nodded. “Of course not, I’ll deal with her in due course. Tell me, how do you find the school?”

  As she was speaking she put her arm up and placed it on my upper arm. As she did it she brushed my breast, a few weeks ago I would have dismissed it as accidental, now I knew different, she was coming on to me. I wasn’t overly happy about it, but I had a job to do and I decided to play her along, up to a point. And no further. I told her about my time at school, how I’d enjoyed it, liked the life, made some friends.

  “Good, that’s good. Can I get you another drink?”

  Do you mean to replace the one I tipped into the plant pot when you weren’t looking?

  “Thanks, that would be nice, I don’t know my way around here.”

  She went into the house and came back out with another martini. Three more martinis and she had her hand around me, bringing it around to cup my right breast. Alexis came to my rescue.

  “Hi, you two. Sarah, can I borrow you for a dance?”

  “Sure, I’d like that.”

  I disengaged from Molly and we danced a slow, smoochy number, our arms around each other, kissing, touching, feeling. It was a prelude to sex and we both knew it.

  “You look wonderful tonight, Sarah, terrific. I’m feeling hungry for you.”

  “Mm, you’re looking pretty nice too, Alexis. So you want to eat me do you?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I reckon I do.”

  “Again?” I said with a grin.

  She laughed. “Yep, again. Shall we go?”

  She led me through the house and up to a bedroom. When we got through the door we were already ripping off our clothes and throwing them on the floor. We were both naked and we climbed on the bed and Alexis was all over me, touching, feeling, kissing, licking, my crotch, my tits, my lips, it was wonderful, my golden girl and I had her all to myself. She knew the room well, she moved her hand over to a cabinet at the side of the bed and brought out a vibrator, a huge, rubber dildo that buzzed when she switched it on. It was knobbly at the end, I’d used a vibrator of course but this one was different.

  “Relax and let me do this to you, darling Sarah, you’ll love it.”

  I lay back and waited. It touched the outside of my vagina and I flinched.

  “Relax, you’ll be fine,” she said.

  Then she started pushing it inside me. Christ it was wonderful too. I started bucking straight away with the persistent vibrations turning my resolution in to mush. She was kissing me passionately and I smelt her musky girl scent of arousal, she was so near to me. She took my hand and put it on the vibrator.

  “Close your eyes and manage it yourself for a tick, I’ll be back.”

  I did as she said and continued moving the vibrator inside my cunt, moaning with pleasure.

  “Hey, love bunny, shift onto your tummy, keep the vibrator going, you can do it if you’re careful. When you’ve turned over, go up on all fours, doggie fashion. Trust me, Sarah.”

  I carefully rolled over and knelt into position, the vibrator still clamped firmly in my hand, pushing in and out.

  “You ready?” she said.

  Ready for what? But I didn’t care, she was my Alexis.

  “Yes, of course.”

  I felt something hard and firm at my ass. Then astonishingly I felt another dildo being pushed into my ass. No-one, but no-one had ever touched me there, not ever. But I let her. It became obvious she was wearing a strap on, as the dildo went all the way inside me her body came over mine and she was humping me, I was being fucked from both sides at once. Wave after wave of passionate pleasure soared through me, how could anything be this good, no way could it ever get better. Then I felt her touching my nose and mouth, she clamped my mouth with one hand while the other held a substance over my nostrils. As I sucked in air I snorted in whatever she was giving me. I
t was then that I realized that I’d been wrong, it could get better. I was shooting across a sexual nirvana, I could feel every single cell of my body working individually, screaming with the most exquisite pleasure that anyone could possibly imagine. Almost immediately I climaxed, then again, she kept it going and I followed with my vibrator, again I climaxed, then again, finally she stopped realizing that I’d explode if I took any more.

  “You can lie down now and take it out,” I heard her say. I took it out slowly and straight away it felt like I’d lost a friend. I saw her standing up, un-strapping the dildo. She saw me looking. “You ok?” she grinned.

  I nodded, I couldn’t speak.

  Chapter Six

  The following day, the Sunday, I went into the office to talk to Morgan. He wanted to know how things were going and had asked me to come in and talk to him. It was mid-morning and on a Sunday the city streets were quiet. I checked before I went in and saw no-one watching, so I used the elevator and went up to the offices of Strange Services. Gale was behind her desk, which surprised me.

  “Working on a Sunday, Gale?”

  “I’m just so curious about this job you’re on, tell me how it’s all going after you come out from speaking to Morgan.”

  I said I would and went in.

  “How are things at Fleming, any progress?” he said. The familiar figure of my boss, the black, no-nonsense guy that it would be fatal to double cross but was a dream to work for. He didn’t forgive fools or sloppy work, but if you pulled your weight he’d do anything for you. I told him about the week at school, then about the party. He looked up. “Anything interesting?”


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