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Dead Surround - The Julia Poe Vampire Chronicles

Page 27

by Celis T. Rono

“But can you trust me?” she said in a small voice.

  “With my life. Or whatever’s left of it.” He spotted Passionada in the distance, holding a leash.

  He nodded to her. The giant of a woman bent over to unleash a freshly bathed Penny.

  “Look who’s coming,” he said and turned Poe around.

  Penny bounded with incredible speed toward an astonished Poe. Kneeling, Poe opened her arms to her dog and hugged the mutt to her. She cried even harder. The dog, her only family, had nearly been lost. There hadn’t been a day since her convalescence that she hadn’t thought of the mutt. Penny licked her face with her half-tongue. Poe held the dog at arms length to look at her. Penny seemed like she’d battled her way through Dogtown and come out the worse for it. The dog was nearly ten years old, and Poe did not want to lose her again.

  The click clomp of Passionada’s shoes reminded Poe they were not alone. “Thanks, Passionada. I’ll never forget this.”

  “Don’t thank me, honey,” she said while resting a hand on a rounded hip. “Thank Kaleb here who was scouring the streets of L.A. day and night in his hoody to find your dog for you.”

  Poe stood up and faced the vampire. She extended her hand and said, “Thank you, Sainvire.”

  He wished, above all else, to hear Poe repeat what she’d said on the rock to him while his side oozed from the injury. He wanted her to tell him she 308


  loved him. She didn’t. The vampire had no choice but to shake her hand.

  “I’m going to think real hard about this attack, Sainvire, and I’m going to come up with something fierce. I hope you listen to what I have to say.”

  Poe turned her back to him and motioned for the dog to follow her to the edge of the sea where the surf could no longer reach dry sand. He watched both woman and dog sit in companionable silence before the flickering horizon.



  NO ONE HAD HEARD from Kawana in over a week. All twenty-two of Sainvire’s team were apprehensive, and they feared ambush. They dreaded the discovery of Kawana’s double-agent status. Being surrounded by nearly a thousand dogs awaiting a kill whistle from their leader jarred the nerves. They didn’t dare to even to pucker their lips lest a shrill sound escape.

  Poe withdrew from socializing, even with Michelle and Morales. She’d take walks with Penny for hours. She was filled with unmitigated ill wishes toward Quillon Trench. The memories evoked by smell, touch, and sound that echoed what had occurred at the Disney Hall made her want to shrivel up and hide in the sands. Shame consumed her.

  She couldn’t help it. Trench was a nasty thorn that insipidly raided the last of her courage she’d been trying to regenerate. He had been tender to her, making her squirm and sigh with his lovemaking.

  Trench hardly hurt her, yet he allowed others to do so. He would then turn around and say their attacks were out of his hands. The vampire mind-fucked her, making rehabilitation all that much more difficult.

  That everyone at Dogtown knew her business sickened her. And for the life of her, she couldn’t look Maclemar and Sainvire in the eyes. Whenever 310


  one or the other tried to approach her, she’d run the other way.

  She woke up at dawn and ran with Penny on the beach. Her body as well as her spirit needed to be in shape again. She knew Maclemar from his tent and Sainvire from the third floor of Passionada’s compound watched her. The vampire never slept unlike his other dead counterparts. She overheard him explain to Passionada that once asleep he would be truly dead to the world. Vampires were hard to awaken, and he didn’t want to be caught snoring when the enemy struck.

  What can I say? I’m not ready to have sex with either of you or to choose between you. Or to hurt one of you because I know which one I would choose.


  Dogtown exuded raw nerves that needed to be quelled with quick answers. How would a ragtag band of vampires, humans, halfdead, and an infant defeat the powers-that-be? In four weeks no one had developed a semi-coherent plan. Besides Trench, only the most mediocre of vampires ruled the new political and economic structure of the city. The undead who had whipped, humiliated, and partaken of Poe’s blood were representative of that middling class.

  Nerves were stretched like an overwound violin string. Whenever Piper wailed, three or four souls would run to pacify her fierce vocal chords. Joseph and Morales worried for their child’s well-being, and they found every conceivable idea about defeating the Downtown regime to be too dangerous. They 311


  didn’t want to die from a foolish plan and leave Piper in Dogtown forever with Passionada and her rancid dogs.

  Michelle cultivated a habit of sharpening a skinning knife, and the sound grated on their nerves.

  Rufus took engine mechanics lessons from Maclemar, and they felt more rested as they buried themselves in work. Sainvire stared at the blue Pacific whenever Poe wasn’t in sight. He had put forth a couple of ideas which were diplomatically rejected. He couldn’t quite form a cohesive plan.

  Whenever he glimpsed Poe running or sitting with her dog, the master vampire would lose every lucid idea he’d been developing.

  One thing he knew for certain. Trench was a dead man. He’d violated the woman most precious to him. So consumed with rage was Sainvire that nearly 24 hours a day he imagined the merciless ways he would end Trench’s life. Vlad the Impaler’s sadistic killing methods were nothing compared to what he would do to Quillon Trench. He swore to set those thoughts aside during their meeting because he wanted full command of his faculties. A month had passed, and it was time to make a move.

  The planning session had already begun when Poe slinked inside Passionada’s glitzy living room.

  All eyes were on her. This was the first she’d ever participated in a formal meeting. She sat down on an empty orange Ikea chair nearest the door and breathed deep, soothing breaths for courage. The time for shedding shame, fear, and self-blame was at hand.

  “We’ve come up with nothing workable these past weeks, and we’re running out of time. For all we know Dogtown is on their list of possible hiding 312


  places,” said Morales after grinning at an awkward-looking Poe. “We have to get out of here.”

  Heads bobbed in agreement. Rufus, who was cleaning his filthy grease-stained nails with the tip of a pen knife, said without looking up, “I think we should make all kinds of noise to lure them here and have Passionada’s dogs have at ’em.”

  “Yeah, and we can drop Morales’ famous incendiaries at them from the choppers,” added the usually silent Ed. “They’d most likely send a good amount of goons that will leave Downtown vulnerable.”

  Sainvire turned to Passionada. “Dogtown will be eviscerated, you realize, Passionada. You’ll have to find a new place to stay, and your dogs—”

  “They might all get killed,” she finished for the master vampire. “Don’t worry. I’ve been lucky enough to stay here as long as I have. Time to move on. Besides, wherever little Piper is, I’ll be there.”

  Joseph grinned, but his eyes were tired. Morales smiled at the woman’s generous offer and nodded in thanks.

  “We can put Passionada, Habib, and the babe in one of the boats and keep them anchored about ten miles from here. It’ll be safer.”

  “What about Downtown itself?” asked Michelle.

  “The big boys are there and so are the cattle. Plus we gotta think about the janitors, cooks, and custodians.

  And,” she said with a nervous glance at Poe, “how are we going to flush out that fuckface Trench?”

  Sainvire crossed his long legs with care. “Leave him to me.”

  “How?” asked Habib. “Security will be quadrupled Downtown. They’ll be ready for us.”



  “I don’t know the answer,” said Sainvire, “but I aim to kill Trench no matter wha

  “That’s foolish talk,” said Michelle. “You gotta think about the odds. There are only twenty-two of us here and a third of us can’t fight. Downtown is crawling with Neanderthals with fangs.”

  “Yeah. We can’t focus on one vamp when there are so many to be fought,” said Joseph who rarely questioned his friend’s motives. “We love Poe,” he said while looking Poe in the eyes, “but it would be foolish to pool all our resources into destroying Trench alone.”

  Half the room nodded in agreement. “What we need is a fool-proof plan,” said Morales. We need to take out two birds with one stone.”

  At this point Poe stood up. She made her way to the largest floral couch at the center of the room and sat between Joseph and Morales. Sitting next to good friends that were neutral was the right thing to do.

  Poe feared she might not be able to speak and cleared her throat. Swallowing her nervousness she silently met every curious eye in the room.

  “May I put my two cents in?” she asked. Her voice was more gravelly than usual.

  “Of course, you nut,” said Morales, nudging her with an elbow in the ribs. “Talk away.”

  “We missed hearing your alcoholic voice plenty,” added Joseph whom she’d pinched.

  “I’m positive we can take out two birds,” she began, looking into Sainvire’s eyes for the first time in weeks. “It’s a good idea to lure Downtown dead here and let the dogs take care of them. It’s also right to drop Morales’ legendary homemade bombs on the ones who survive the dogs. Everyone here, except the 314


  ones Downtown bound, will be fighting from helicopters or boats to keep casualties down.”

  “How many do you need for the Downtown operation?” asked Michelle.

  “Four,” said Poe. She drew another long breath when she heard disbelief in their voices.

  She continued. “Morales, you’ll concoct something explosive for Club Drip. We’ll hit the respected vamps, and that will draw attention from Downtown vamps for a little while since the club is in Warehouse Alley.

  “Ed, you’ll contact Kawana. Get her to organize all the janitors she can find to meet up at the convention center. Have them bring all the weapons they can get hold of. From what I’ve seen at Tren—at Disney Hall, they can leave the building without supervision. They have double-duties at other blood ranches.” Vampires assumed that janitors were too fearful of running away because they would be sniffed out eventually and punished severely.

  “Without their help, cattle care will fall to pieces, and the vampires would have a hard time sustaining their food source.” Poe checked around the room. They were listening without exception. “The downside is we’ll have to leave the cattle behind.”

  She continued, “Rufus and Michelle will take the largest chopper and pick up as many janitors that can fit into the bird. If Kawana gets to all of them successfully, then they’ll be waiting at the convention center.”

  She focused her gaze at the Welshman.

  “Maclemar, we need you to fix up as many boats as there are available at the marina. Pick boats that even novices can maneuver. We’re all going to end up at 315


  Catalina Island temporarily,” she said. She’d been to Catalina when she was a child, and she knew it was no more than a couple of hours off the coast. “As soon as Michelle and Rufus unload and go off for more janitors, you’re going to drop anchor where Habib, Piper, and Passionada wait, maybe ten miles from shore. Then come back and pick up some more people.

  “Morales, you don’t have to plant the bombs.

  Sainvire and I will take care of that. Just make sure you have enough firepower to blow up uninvited Dogtown visitors.

  Maclemar’s throat constricted. Poe had chosen Sainvire to accompany her that night. “And what will you be doing, Sharren?”

  “Sainvire is going to fly me to the best corner buildings around so I can shoot every powerful dead in the center of their foreheads. I suggest you do the same since they’ll be sure to Kevlar up when they strike here. Once we finish our rounds we’ll pay Trench a visit and make him a very happy dead.”

  Poe swept the room with her large brown eyes expecting some dissatisfaction among her friends about her plan. They only met her with silence.

  Finally Joseph said, “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  With minor tweaks and changes Poe’s plan was agreed upon by all after nearly two hours of discussion.

  Joseph put his arms around Poe’s shoulder and squeezed, “Glad you’re with us again, sis.”

  “Glad to be back,” answered Poe. She meant it.

  Morales kissed her on the forehead and said,

  “Now that you’re here, I know we’re going to kick Ancient ass.”



  She squeezed the ex-realtor’s knee and said, “As long as you don’t douse yourself with your yuck-face cologne, then the operation should work.”

  “You’re such a brat!” her friend roared, tugging at her ponytail.

  For the first time in weeks Sainvire tipped his chair back, laced his long fingers on his stomach, and smiled as he watched Joseph, Morales, and Poe exchange barbs. Now that the real Poe was back he could think straight again.


  “Eat, eat!” ordered Habib who spread out a feast three hours before Operation Get ’Em, as Rufus popularized the mission, began. “Michelle, have some more protein. It will sustain you.”

  Michelle forked another Maclemar-caught fish on her plate. “I’m going to burst, Habib. This is my last one.”

  The vampires and halfdead passed gallons of Plasmacore amongst each other like a bootleg whiskey jug. Sainvire gulped his share as he would have to be twice as strong to transport a passenger in his arms. He particularly relished the idea.

  It was an hour until sundown and the activity level at Dogtown was electric. If they were to execute the plan on point, they would lose very little life.

  Poe approached the boat dock hastily built by Maclemar and his friends. Morales and Joseph had just finished saying goodbye to little Piper squirming in Passionada’s lap. “Don’t worry, boys. I’ll protect your daughter with my life.” To emphasize her point Passionada lifted a semi-automatic Spider from the 317


  pocket of her dress. Satchels full of beauty products and dresses surrounded her. Maclemar couldn’t dissuade the girly woman to part with some of her belongings.

  Joseph and Morales turned to Poe. Their eyes were cloudy but their smiles pasted on. “Hey, Poe.

  Penny going on this boat?”

  “Uh huh,” she answered Morales. “She’ll protect the baby for sure.”

  “Yeah, Penny’s a fierce one,” said Joseph.

  “Never said so before, but I’m very fond of your ratty companion.”

  Poe smiled. “Yeah. She’s the best.”

  Maclemar approached with Habib, carrying his pots and pans as well as provisions. Joseph and Morales winked at each other and made their exit.

  Poe carried Penny and deposited her in the boat.

  “So many things to bring,” said Habib.

  Maclemar, whose eyes never left Poe’s face, said, “You can’t take them all, Habib. A lot of the food is distributed on the other boats. Just sit back and relax.” Habib climbed the ladder and almost fell when the first explosions off of Venice Boulevard rocked the neighborhood.

  “Get in, Habib. Time to go,” said Maclemar urgently. He turned to Poe. “I’ll take care of Penny.

  You take care of yourself.”

  “You too, Welshman,” said Poe with a quiet voice. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”

  Maclemar raised his right hand as if to touch her face but realized his hands were filthy from engine work. Poe, realizing this, took hold of his hand and 318


  placed the palm on her cheek. “I love both of you but in different
ways. Sainvire is—”

  “Your soul mate,” finished Maclemar. “I know this, but I’m sticking around just in case he annoys you to death and you come running back into my arms.”

  Poe pulled his head toward her and kissed him deeply until the fisherman enveloped her in his arms.

  “You take care, Caveman,” Poe said breathlessly.

  “I’ll see you sooner than you think.”



  THE VAMPIRE KILLER’S BELT, hand-tooled by Maclemar for armaments fitted with silencers of all sizes, rubbed at Sainvire’s hip and ribs as Poe held on for dear life. She was clinging onto his neck like she didn’t trust him to keep her from slipping. The moon illuminated rows of charred houses razed by Downtown vamps. Her heart thudded miserably at the thought that her parents’ house had burned along with the others. All those wonderful photo albums she’d looked at every day, her brother and sister’s tiny clothing and toys, mementos of life when it was grand. She looked up at the bright stars as they soared as high as Sainvire could muster. Her backpack full of incendiary devices banged lightly against her lower back.

  Two sets of long-range rifles draped precariously about her shoulders. The girl’s weapons didn’t hurt Sainvire so badly since Poe insisted he wear Kevlar for the occasion. His spirit was dark. He’d witnessed the woman he loved kiss another man with palpable passion, and it floored him. Poe claimed she loved him, yet what could he say about the intimacy he’d witnessed? The master vampire could barely control his anger.



  “Hey, listen,” Poe interrupted his rumination. “I feel like I’m slipping. Can I snake my legs about you?”

  Sainvire shivered involuntarily. The warmth emanating from the girl’s lips and the sound of her silky voice caused the pain in his heart to grow more perverse.

  “Do what you want,” he said, looking intently at the sparsely lit skyline of Downtown Los Angeles.

  Poe, who had been feeling steel from Sainvire all day, sighed. He’d been very distant with her, and she bet she knew why. The entire Dogtown lineup seemed to have seen her snogging Maclemar. Of course Sainvire must’ve had seen them, too. The kiss was meant as a goodbye. Nothing more. She eased her head back and tried to capture Sainvire’s gaze.


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