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Dark Universe & Forbidden Love

Page 28

by Hao Yang

  “You are right about that.” Jason said and gave Orizy a funny salute.

  “Is that the reason you love him?” Sayilin asked Gloria.

  “Well, I don’t know. I hope not.” Gloria grinned.

  Everyone smiled quietly.

  “Jason, how come you always get hot girls? I really want to know.” Erikon said sincerely.

  “Because I am handsome.” Jason said confidently.

  Everyone booed him. Even Jason laughed at himself.

  “Talking about handsome, I am more handsome than you.” Sayilin said decisively.

  Everyone booed Sayilin too.

  “Be fair here. Let’s ask girls, who is the most handsome one here?” Erikon said excitedly.

  “Come on, Erikon, you know you are the most handsome one.” Titainein said in a joking voice.

  “Yes, yes.” Erikon shouted as he raised hands into the air.

  Everyone laughed happily.

  “One day, if I find the girl I love, I will do anything for her.” Erikon said seriously.

  “Including share your food?” Jason asked.

  “You know, that is actually a good question.” Erikon said in a heavy voice.

  “Erikon, I am always wondering since you love food this much, why not become a chef?” Titainein asked.

  “That is actually my dream. I am telling you. But my father never wants that, so I picked the thing I like second most.” Eirkon said sincerely.

  “What about you, Titainein? What is your dream?” Idi asked.

  “I always want to become the leader of Tizuee.” Titainein said happily.

  “You are from the royal family. That is definitely possible.” Lucis said.

  “Titainein, you are on the right track.” Jason said.

  “What about you guys?” Titainein asked.

  “I want to marry a handsome and make lots of beautiful babies.” Idi said shyly.

  “My dream is to follow my father’s step and become a farmer. Grow stuff and feed the hungry.” Orizy said.

  “I want to be a doctor to save lives. When they selected candidates for the training center, I thought they had medical officer position in Guardian Fleet. But now I know we are all trained for combat, for war.” Sayilin said.

  “I am quite sure you can catch it up later.” Idi said.

  “I will become a high rank officer just like my father. He is the chair of Human treasury department.” Lucis said firmly.

  “Way to go, man!” Erikon shouted.

  “What about you, Gloria?” Titainein asked.

  “Before I met Jason, I plan to graduate from training center and become an officer and live just like that. But now my dream is depending on Jason’s dream.” Gloria said softly as she looked at Jason.

  They all gazed at Jason, waiting for his answer.

  “Now my dream is to get my memory back.” Jason said quickly.

  Gloria smiled happily and kissed Jason on his cheek.

  “I thought you would say something like becoming a general.” Lucis said.

  Jason winked at Lucis.

  “What if in the future, we are fighting for opposing sides?” Idi sighed.

  “Well, that is the last thing I want to see. I can’t pull the trigger. I will be wondering whether that is my friend or not.” Erikon said sadly.

  “Sometime, it is not your call.” Sayilin said.

  “I don’t think there will be any war in the near future. The only thing getting on people’s nerve is that Hylocan stuff.” Titainein said.

  “What are they going to do?” Idi asked innocently.

  “What do you think? They will come after all of us.” Orizy said.

  “Should kill them all when we had a chance.” Lucis said.

  “That will never work. Mass genocide could only generate another mass genocide.” Jason said.

  “Do you have any better idea?” Lucis asked.

  “No.” Jason sighed.

  “Jason, I always think you are looking forward to wars. You will make your name.” Titainein said.

  Jason flashed a reluctant smile and looked up into the dark sky.

  Chapter 91

  Vacation was always short. Gloria left for Sylareon two days before the start of the new semester. Before she left, she gave Jason her family badge. Jason and his friends went back to training center around the same time.

  The new semester soon started. Unlike first class species who had a solemn ceremony, second class species only had a better breakfast. Erikon really didn’t waste that opportunity and he almost choke himself to death. Jason was not a big fan of academic training section which had six new courses in the new semester, such as galaxy laws which was about the legislation systems in different species, culture history which studied different cultures, and planet geometry which was a pure science course. He was more interested in the military training section which would involve flying real space combat fighter jet and dog fight. In the previous semester, they did all their training in simulators.

  Life in the training center consisted of many routines. Trainees got up at six, ran five kilometers and had breakfast. Then they would have three courses before lunch. The afternoon classes mainly focused on military training. Once you got used to those routines, they began to lose their appeals. This was especially true for Jason. Even in his first semester, he had to find some new stuff such as sneaking into Glycan’s library to keep life going. But this semester he had Gloria to keep him busy. They had met several times in the second class species living zone.

  Right now, he was waiting for Gloria in the movie theater. It was dark and quiet. Beams of starlight slightly illuminated a small part of the theater as if it was covered by silver color silk.

  Gloria crept into the theater silently, trying to scare Jason from behind.

  Jason was sitting there, and then he smelled the familiar aroma. It was light and pleasant. He slowly turned around and Gloria was there just as he expected.

  “How do you know I am coming? You hear me?” Gloria asked.

  “The aroma from your body.” Jason said happily.

  Gloria walked to Jason and said, “How about now?”

  Jason closed eyes and took a deep breath. He felt warm and satisfied, his heart fulfilled and his entire body floated.

  Gloria slowly sat on Jason’s lap and said, “You remember this scent, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do. I do.” Jason said as he opened his eyes.

  “But you don’t remember me.” Gloria said sadly, looking into Jason’s eyes.

  “Sorry.” Jason casted his eyes down.

  “Don’t worry. Even if they tried to remove me from your heart, I know you keep me somewhere and I will help you to revive me.”

  “The best thing in my life is to have you and I will remember every moment I spend with you. I will keep it here forever.” Jason said emotionally as he held Gloria’s hand on his chest.

  “I know you will. I know.” Gloria said passionately as she fondled his chest. But she felt something in his chest pocket. She reached into the pocket and asked, “What is that?”

  Before Jason could stop her, she took out the ring. Gloria was stunned as if a lightning hit her.

  “Where did you get this?” Gloria asked unhappily.

  “I don’t know. I don’t even know what it is.” Jason said innocently.

  Gloria grabbed Jason’s hand and put the ring on his index figure. A sentence appeared on his palm, saying “I love you. Lisania.”

  Gloria pulled the ring off angrily. She smashed it on the floor and crushed it with her feet again and again. Her uniform transformed into an armor suit and she thrust a dagger at the ring.

  “Bang!” The dagger crashed on the ring, but couldn’t even make a scratch.

  “Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!” Gloria jabbed the ring again and again.

  Jason had no idea why Gloria acted like this. He rushed to Gloria and held her tightly from behind. Gloria finally stopped, plunging into Jason’s chest.

“What is it? Gloria. What is it?” Jason asked caringly.

  “Lisania is the one who removed your memory.” Gloria said angrily.

  “I see.”

  “Jason, honey. I love you.” Gloria said nervously, holding Jason’s face, looking into his eyes.

  “OK.” Jason now was even more confused. He felt Gloria was hiding something from him, but he knew right now was not the good time for those questions.

  “I love you. Jason. I love you.” Gloria said emotionally as she buried her face into Jason’s chest.

  Jason gave Gloria a kind smile but didn’t say anything.

  Neither of them had the appetite to watch a movie after what had happened. Before Gloria left, she asked for a drop of Jason’s blood. She never forgot Jason’s condition, but she also wished Lisania had cured him. She wanted to be sure. Jason was tired of arguing with her, so he simply gave what Gloria wanted.

  After Jason sent Gloria away, he came back to the theater and picked up the ring.

  Chapter 92

  In the eyes of most Glycan trainees, Klaycon’s life was beyond their dreams. Every night, barely clad Glycan girls swarmed outside Klaycon’s room. According to Glycan’s rule, the marriage age for Glycan male is 19. Klaycon turned 19 when he was on vacation. Apparently, a lot of Glycan girls were waiting for the day Klaycon would return to the training center.

  It was a long day. Klizan, Zier, Nissen and Didian just finished the late night flight training and were on the way back to the living quarter. These four each had their own spacious rooms and their rooms were on the same floor.

  When they walked in the corridor, they could see dozens of beautiful girls thronging near Klaycon’s room.

  “Who is that big tits girl?” Klaycon asked.

  “Oh, that is Fieta, one of the daughters of General Fieope.” Didian said like an expert.

  “Looks like there are more today.” Zier said calmly as he looked around at those girls.

  “Someone is jealous.” Nissen said ironically.

  “Come on. I finished the third in the selection. Why will I be jealous?” Zier said proudly.

  “Well. Here is the thing. Nobody even remember who finished second.” Nissen said.

  They all stopped and thought about that for several seconds, but none of them could recall the name.

  “Good point.” Zier smiled reluctantly.

  “Let’s go to my room and have a drink.” Klaycon said tiredly. .

  “Oh yea!” Both Nissen and Didian shouted simultaneously.

  “I am tired. I need to get some rest. You guys have fun. Don’t forget we have a history quiz tomorrow.” Zier said as he walked to his room.

  The other three walked to those girls. As Klaycon was getting closer, some girls greeted him shyly; some girls waved at him; some girls leaned their chests forward; some girls shook their sexy bodies; some girls just gazed at him in an admiring way.

  Klaycon didn’t give a damn about those girls. He glanced over at them without even saying a word. Nissen and Didian were scanning each girl with their bulging eyes. Didian couldn’t help drool on his uniform. Like always, Klaycon picked up two girls for his friends.

  They walked into his room. Klaycon sat next to the huge window and asked, “What is your name?” He pointed at a tall girl with a curvy figure. She was wearing a sheer robe without any underwear.

  “Etoe.” The tall girl replied shyly.

  “What about you?” Klaycon looked at the other girl. She was only wearing a thong, her pink nipples standing proudly on those round tits.

  “Lealina.” The girl said happily and walked to Klaycon.

  Klaycon grabbed one of her tits harshly. The girl was surprised at first, but then leaned forward and asked, “Do you like them?”

  “I want both of you to listen to me carefully. You will do whatever my two friends ask. If any of you have any problem, you can leave right now.” Klaycon said coldly.

  The two girl looked at each other. They both knew what was going to happen. This was not the first night they waited for Klaycon outside his room and they knew Klaycon always picked up girls for his friends.

  Didian couldn’t wait for their replies. He squeezed the ass of the tall girl and grasped her tits.

  Nissen was staring at Lealina’s long legs.

  “I will take it as yes. Now get down on your knees.” Didian said hastily as he pushed Etoe on her back. Etoe slowly kneeled on the floor and looked at Klaycon, but only caught a cold and straight face.

  Nissen walked to Lealina and said, “If you want to leave, you can leave now.”

  “Klaycon, if I please your friends, can I be your friend?” Lealina said carefully.

  “We are not bargaining here. Fuck off!” Klaycon shouted.

  “Sorry, sorry. I just want you to enjoy my tits.” She said sheepishly. She didn’t want those girls waiting outside to laugh at her.

  “Well, my friend will check it out for me.” Klaycon said as he winked at Nissen.

  Nissen swiftly pulled Lealina to him, sucking one of her tits.

  “This is my first time. Could you please be gentle with me?” Lealina said in a begging voice.

  “I don’t care. Now make yourself useful.” Nissen said as he took off his pants.

  On the floor, Etoe was moving her ass to match Didian’s speed. She smiled at Klaycon to seek his praise. Lealina was on her knee, using both her mouth and tits to please Nissen. Klaycon felt tired and went to his study.

  An hour later, both Didian and Nissen were worn out. When they sent the two girls out, they saw some 20 girls still waiting outside. Three girls even came forward and asked whether they wanted some extra. Didian and Nissen refused politely.

  Later they found Klaycon in the study. Didian sunk into a chair and said, “Man, thank you so much for this. Just let me know.”

  Nissen sat next to Didian and said, “I am so happy I am your friend! Man, when we were kids, who saw this coming. I mean I know you will be successful.”

  “So, Klaycon, I know you really love Gloria, but sex is another thing. Even girls know that. You have fun and they have fun. Why don’t you just enjoy it?” Didian said easily.

  “Klaycon, I think I can understand you. But you know Gloria is really in love with Jason. She almost died to get the blood of…What’s that thing called? Man, I forgot.” Nissen said as he scratched his head.

  “Tiegotteen.” Klaycon said as he lifted his head from a book.

  “Yes. Tiegotteen. Man, you can tell Gloria loves him. You know, you need to move on. They will get the punishment they deserve.” Nissen said caringly.

  “Nissen was right. We know each other since we were kids. We help Gloria because of you, not her, and of course we will continue to save her ass if you ask us to. But we are not always that lucky.” Didian said sincerely.

  “I am working on it. It will take some time.” Klaycon sighed and shut the book closed.

  “Klaycon, whenever you sound like this, I know you have no solution. I got some intel for you. Anyway, it seems that Jason has completely forgotten Gloria.” Nissen said.

  “How do you know that?” Klaycon asked excitedly.

  “I bugged her after she returned to the training center. I listen to their conversation and find it out. It seems that someone removed Gloria from his memory.”

  “Only Hylocan could do something like this without damaging the brain. But why?” Klaycon said as he slowly got out of the chair.

  “It will be easier just to kill the Human.” Didian said.

  “This doesn’t make any sense!” Klaycon said in confusion.

  “It doesn’t matter. What matters is you have a perfect opportunity here.” Nissen said excitedly.

  “Man, this is not helping Klaycon. This is...”

  “Shut up!” Klaycon interrupted Didian.

  Didian casted his eyes down right away.

  Klaycon paused for several seconds and then walked to Nissen. He tapped Nissen’s shoulder and said, “Good job.” Then he l
eft in a hurry.

  “Where are you going?” Nissen shouted.

  “Take a guess.” Klaycon said happily and headed to the door.

  Chapter 93

  After finishing the night flight training, Gloria came to Glycan dining area to clean the floor. She had been doing this since she was whipped in the last semester. She had received the test result of Jason’s blood and he still had the bacteria in his body. Gloria knew she had to inject that blood into Jason’s body as soon as possible, but she had no idea how to do that.

  She was so lost that she didn’t realized Klaycon had been standing behind her for several minutes.

  “Must be about Jason, right?” Klaycon said in a low tone.

  Gloria slowly turned around and faced Klaycon.

  “Sorry. I don’t mean to scare you.” Klaycon said in a guilty voice.

  “I am not scared.” Gloria said with a strict face.

  “So it is about that Human.” Klaycon sighed.

  Gloria looked at him impatiently. Just before she wanted to say something harsh, she noticed Klaycon gazed at her in a caring way. She remembered all the help she got from him and said, “Klaycon, please, I don’t want to do this. You know I love Jason.”

  “Yes, I know. I also know Jason loves you more than I do.” Klaycon said uneasily. Then he let out a long sigh.

  Gloria looked at Klaycon in surprise. She never expected Klaycon would say something like this. They both fell into silence for a while.

  “By the way, did you make the good use of that Tiegotteen’s blood?” Klaycon asked.

  “Not yet. That is the problem.”


  “He doesn’t want to.” Gloria said sadly.

  “I assume you have told him what you went through in order to get that blood.”

  Gloria nodded.

  Klaycon hesitated for a second and said, “I think I can help you. The only problem is do you trust me?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I will inject the blood into his body. I do this for you, not for him.” Klaycon said hastily.

  “And how do you plan to do that?” Gloria chuckled.

  “I will beat him until he can’t fight back.”


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