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Predator's Kiss (Gemini Island Shifters, Book 1)

Page 3

by Rosanna Leo

Ryland glared as he wrapped his lower half in the towel. “Cover yourself or I’ll strangle you with it, lover boy.”

  His brother placed the woman’s backpack on the floor and threw the towel about his waist. “Such animosity is really not in keeping with your sainthood, Brother Ryland.”

  Ryland ignored him and turned back to the woman. He didn’t know why it mattered so much she recover and feel comfortable in his presence, but it did. Of course, as owner of the lodge, it made sense he didn’t want to see anyone scared or hurt.

  Yeah. That’s it. That’s all.

  His rationalization did nothing to quell the nervous tremors in his gut, though. Or his excruciating hard-on.

  Okay, she’s sorta pretty and has a body made for sin. So what? Get over yourself.

  Clearly it had been too long since he’d allowed himself to get lost in a woman’s body for more than a quick fuck. And this woman’s body deserved slow, leisurely loving. Greedy licks. Sensual tugs. Why, her breasts alone were so full and perfect, they just begged one to suck. To say nothing of those rounded hips and soft, womanly ass.

  Ryland ran a hand over his face, feeling overly hot. Jesus Christ. Stop thinking like a horny teenager. You sound like Carter.

  Besides, she was nothing like him. Human. And if time had taught him anything, it was the pursuit of romance with a nonshifter was a fool’s errand. She didn’t belong here on his resort, on his island. He needed to revive her and get her out of there.

  Desperate to relieve the sudden, raging desire shooting up through his body, Ryland forced himself to look away from the woman. In doing so, he caught a glimpse of his brother. Soren was sitting next to her, his gaze contemplative, his eyes trained on her boobs. Ryland realized he didn’t like the way baby brother was looking at her. “Hey.”

  Soren looked up. “What?”

  “What are you staring at?”

  Without batting an eye, Soren turned back to their unexpected guest. “Her. Can’t I stare?”

  Ryland’s eyebrows shot up. “Staring at women has already gotten you into trouble. Maybe you should find a new hobby.” He stifled the low growl building in his throat. Now wasn’t the time for brawling, but he didn’t appreciate the way his brother gawked. His cool eye, appraising, as if he’d never seen anything like her before.

  “You were checking her out too,” Soren replied.

  “No, I wasn’t. I’m not interested in this … person,” Ryland retorted. As he uttered the words, he bit his tongue hard by mistake, as if confirming the words were a lie. “Damn,” he whispered, tasting blood.

  “Do you think someone was chasing her?” Soren asked in a pensive tone, picking up one of his drumsticks and stroking it as if it were a lover’s finger.

  “I don’t know.” Ryland sat on the other side of her small body and looked her up and down as she lay under the covers. Despite his mistrust of humans, he couldn’t help wondering who would frighten such a tiny, delicate thing. Had someone tried to hurt her? The very idea made him want to bash his head against the wall. Or better yet, bash any lowlife who dared to touch her.

  No one touches her but me, his heart declared.


  As another stress headache shot through his brain, he wondered at the ferocity and lunacy of the feeling.

  Okay, he’d clearly been working way too hard. Sure, the Ursa Fishing Lodge wasn’t exactly the Ritz, and Gemini Island was nothing like the big metropolitan cities his brother breezed through. Still, it was home. Yes, most of its inhabitants liked their fish raw and writhing, but they were good people. So why did he suddenly feel self-conscious with his superstar, golden-boy brother in the room?

  Maybe he just needed a little vacation. Yes. Once Soren disappeared, as he always did, he would book a nice, long holiday of his own. Yeah, a secluded beach. Lots of beer. No Soren. He could see it now. Maybe a pretty Hawaiian girl to give him a long back rub.

  His gaze flew back to the woman in the bed, and he realized the Hawaiian girl in his vision had the woman’s face.

  Man, I don’t need this right now.

  He shouldn’t want the stranger lying before them. He only wanted two things in his life. To devote himself to life at his lodge and to stay out of Soren’s troubles as much as humanly possible.

  So why did he have the distinct feeling this woman was about to put a wrench in both of those plans?

  She needed to leave. Pronto.

  Soren’s voice interrupted his strange reverie. “You know someone is after her. She was terrified even before she saw us. What if he comes looking for her, Ry?”

  Ryland started at the nickname he hadn’t heard his brother utter in years, but pretended not to notice. Instead he gazed back down at the strange woman as unfamiliar emotions cut through his core. “I’ll get to the bottom of that. And she can stay here … until it’s safe for her to leave.”

  Come again? Surely he wasn’t the one who’d uttered those insane words? He hadn’t welcomed a nonshifter to Gemini Island in ages. There was a reason for it. Ryland wasn’t a religious man, but the rule was as close to a commandment as he got. Why the closest they got to nonshifters in the place were people like Marci, who were the product of a shifter/human relationship, and who became shifters by default. Everyone in the lodge understood the need for discretion among their people.

  Soren nodded, his eyes lit with amusement. “I agree. She can be my roomie here in Cabin 12.”

  Ryland smirked as a snarl of possessiveness built up in his throat. “Funny, I haven’t seen any icicles in hell lately. No way. Not while the flowery dude is gunning for your ass. She comes to the lodge.”

  I’ll take care of her.

  She mumbled and opened her eyes. Ryland felt his heart jump upon seeing their amber beauty. He struggled to swallow, struggled to find words. He’d never been quite so … flummoxed by the sight of a nonshifter female. He wanted to say something to demonstrate his sense of empathy and natural sophistication. All he could think of was, “Um. You okay?”


  Lia stared at the two seminude men before her, and tried so hard to remember how she got here … in someone’s bed. But as she took in the sight of the two gorgeous men, she had troubling recalling even her name, rank, and serial number. They were both dressed, strangely enough, only in plush towels. For a second, Lia wondered if she’d interrupted some sort of gay love affair.

  And what a shame that would be.

  No, it couldn’t be. Thanks to her brother Antony, her gaydar was normally sharp and operative. These two weren’t putting out homosexual vibes. If only Antony were here. He’d know how to get her out of this situation.

  She touched her throat. Why was it so sore? Her ears were positively ringing. She made a mental note to check with an ear, nose, and throat specialist when she got home.

  If she ever went home again.

  Memories flooded into her consciousness. Trying to escape her various tormentors. The woods. Two really big bears … and then these men. Naked. Out of nowhere.

  She again envisioned them as their fur seemed to disappear and their bodies shrank. The bears had become these men. Either that or she was going to need a psychiatrist rather than an ENT.

  She looked at them and realized she should probably be a lot more scared than she seemed to be. They were just so hot she forgot to be afraid. She didn’t know which one was hotter. They were so different and yet there was something similar in their statures. They both carried themselves proudly, with inherent nobility she’d never seen in anyone before. She sensed no threat from the men. At least, not the kind of danger that would scare her off.

  The black-haired one certainly had danger in his eyes. They were astounding eyes, dark, yet piercing. The kind of eyes that could make you shiver if he looked at you a certain way. Combined with his strong jaw and perfectly sculpted body, he was lethal. Lethally sexy. All six foot three inches of him. He had dark curls made for touching. Her gaze fell to his biceps, hard muscle sheathed in tanned skin. And she coul
d already imagine the rasp of his stubble on her skin. Sensory overload in one fine package.

  And the blond was no less appetizing. His hair was longer, brushing his jaw in spots. His own nearly nude body was chiseled as well, with big ripples in all the right places. And with his pretty blue eyes, he looked like the offspring of a devil and an angel.

  Please, she found herself silently begging, don’t let them be gay.

  And as she prayed, her gaze circled back to the darker man. Holy hell, he was so intense. Stunning. She began to feel light-headed again, and realized it had little to do with her sprint through the bush. She just wished he wouldn’t stare at her as if she were an enemy soldier who’d just broken through their ranks.

  “Miss?” he prompted, clearing his throat. “Are you okay?”

  She grinned weakly as much as she didn’t understand what was going on. “I think so?” When she realized her statement had come out as a question, she frowned.

  In that moment, she spied the reluctant warmth in his black eyes and felt an echoing heat between her legs. Dear God. This is so not the right time to make me horny.

  “What’s your name?” asked the one she already labeled The Dark One in her head.

  “Lia,” she said on a soft breath. “Lia Goodblood.”

  The blond man jumped, almost losing his towel in the process. She noticed he wasn’t making much of an attempt to cover himself, at least not until the other man glared at him. His face broke into a wide grin and he aimed it in her direction. “No. Fucking. Way.”

  Oh damn. He’d heard of her. Immediately, Lia envisioned her world crumbling. Again. Why didn’t she use a fake name? She must have bumped her head somewhere. Was this what a concussion felt like?

  The blond was all animated now. “Are you seriously that Lia Goodblood? Because that’s fucking amazing!” He laughed, his hand over his mouth. “I can’t believe it. Lia Goodblood in this cabin. Fuck me.”

  The Dark One scowled at the other one. “Soren, cut the fucks, would you? For Christ’s sake. Talk about making a person uncomfortable.” He glared at her, making her more uncomfortable than the other one had with his energetic cursing. “I’m sorry for my brother’s outburst. I’m Ryland Snow. I own this fishing lodge. And this … is my brother Soren Snow.”

  She knew the name. Lia racked her brain and it hit her. Soren Snow, the famous drummer. This guy was so huge on the world musical stage he had groupies. Women seriously followed him from country to country and appearance to appearance. “Oh my God. Soren Snow! Wow. I don’t know what to say.”

  And the famous musician was really a bear. They both were. Like Pooh Bear’s long-lost uncles.

  She realized The Dark One, rather Ryland, aimed his gaze at the floor, as if trying to burn a path clear through the hardwood. After a moment, he looked up, his face twisted into a tight grin that held no amusement whatsoever. She felt bad. She’d kind of gushed over his famous brother and ignored him. As a celebrity herself, she knew how shallow that must have sounded.

  “Well,” she said quietly to Ryland. “I’m pleased to meet you … both.”

  He narrowed his eyes on her, but not in anger. With some other weird emotion that set her on edge and made her want to do nasty, carnal things to him.

  Gracious. She suddenly felt in need of a good fanning.

  “Brothers, huh?” she finally said after staring back at him for a moment, needing to break the tension. “Funny. I wouldn’t have expected that. You look so different.”

  “Yeah,” Ryland said with a mirthless chuckle. “We’re different, all right.”

  She struggled to find the right words to describe her addled feelings. “Uh, that whole bear thing. I imagined, that, right? B-because I really need to believe I imagined that.”

  She wouldn’t have believed The Dark One could look darker, but all of a sudden he did. His lip curled and there was a hint of snideness in his tone as he replied, “I’m sorry, Miss Goodblood. What you saw was real.”

  Chapter 3

  Lia eyed Ryland, trying to ignore the coldness in his tone when he addressed her by her surname. “You want me to believe you’re really bears?” No. This had to be some sort of gross error on her part. It couldn’t be true.

  “Shape-shifters, actually,” he answered, his tone still terse. “And it’s not something we share with just anybody. We didn’t mean for you to see us that way.”

  She bristled. Why did it bother her he thought of her as “just anybody?” Why did it bother her a great deal? “You mean this isn’t some kind of a prank? Did Harry Little put you up to this?”

  “Who’s Harry Little?” Ryland barked. And then he made a face, as if realizing he hadn’t meant for his question to come out sounding like a demand.

  Soren grinned and leaned in, clearly enjoying his brother’s reaction way too much for it to be healthy. “Yes, Lia, tell us. Who is Harry?”

  “Never mind,” she whispered. Why did every glance from Soren Snow leave her feeling more and more nude? And she wasn’t even the one lounging in a terry cloth bath towel.

  “Is this Little guy the one who’s after you?” Ryland persisted.

  Soren laughed out loud. “Ryland, the whole world is after this woman! Don’t you read the papers? Lia Goodblood is a huge star!”

  She retreated into herself a little. “I wouldn’t say ‘huge.’ And anyway, about this bear thing…”

  He let out another incredulous laugh and then turned to his brother. “Miss Goodblood is the author of the hottest smut novel on the market right now. Surely even here on Gemini Island someone has a copy of Love in Chains! This woman is a reclusive author who currently has Good Morning America and the Today show scrambling to nab her for her first interview. The paparazzi are falling over themselves to get a new picture of her, and everyone’s talking about her dirty book.” He looked her up and down. “You are quite the hot commodity. Now I see why.”

  She shook her head, still not understanding how things had gone so far. “I just wanted to write a book. I never wanted the rest of it.”

  Soren leaned in even farther. “Tell me. Was your book based on exhaustive research?” He grinned, biting his bottom lip. “Would you like to do get exhausted doing some more research?”

  “Back off, Soren,” Ryland said, growling.

  It occurred to Lia his voice really did resemble an angry animal’s growl. By all that was holy, was it possible they really were shape-shifters? Everything about them, from their proud posture to the way they took up all the space in the room, screamed noble beast. And as much as she ought to be running from the cabin, hollering her head off again, she didn’t. She just stared at Ryland and Soren. Two strange men whose tense bodies betrayed how they felt about each other.

  She was shocked at how badly she wanted to ease that tension for Ryland. How she wanted him to like her.

  Why should she even care if he liked her?

  A thousand curse words sprang into her head. She was just hard up, that was all. Not that she blamed herself. It wasn’t her fault her last boyfriend had never managed to bring her to orgasm once in their relationship … or was it her fault? Either way, it was no wonder she’d unleashed herself into writing Love in Chains. All her pent-up sexuality and desire had gone into the book. So she supposed she could be forgiven for feeling a little frustrated now in the presence of these two magnificent creatures.

  They might really be creatures. She felt light-headed again.

  “You really wrote a dirty book?” asked Ryland.

  “Not just a dirty book,” Soren broke in. “The number one, best-selling, put-me-in-chains-and-whip-me-until-I’m-pink dirtiest book ever! And to think those raunchy images sprang from that pretty little head.”

  “Soren,” threatened his brother. “Get lost.”

  “This is my cabin!”

  “You’re lucky I’m letting you have a cabin at all after the bombshell you dropped on me today. Get. Lost.”

  “Fine.” Soren relented and stood. “I’
m bored here already anyway.” He made for the bedroom door. “We’ll chat later, Lia. There’s a certain chapter in your book dealing with paddles and maraschino cherries that I’d love to discuss with you.” Grinning, he disappeared into the next room. Within moments, they heard the TV turn on. Soren must have found the porn channel, because all of a sudden, the cabin was flooded with the sounds of people grunting and moaning.

  A full awkward minute passed in which Lia stared at Ryland as the sexual soundtrack played in the background. The man seemed to believe he was an actual shape-shifter, and yet he seemed more flabbergasted by the fact she’d penned what her parents so lovingly called “a sex manual for deviants.” Yes, it was graphic, which was why it was selling like hotcakes at a maple syrup festival. But sex was graphic … or at least it was supposed to be, wasn’t it? Carnal and physical and luscious?

  Like the look she saw hiding deep in Ryland’s eyes.

  Not that she had much experience with the topic. She had to be wrong about the way he was assessing her. Yet no man had ever looked at her the same way, or had given her the serious case of tingles he was currently giving her.

  “So,” he said quietly in that gruff voice of his. “You write porn.”

  “It’s not porn!” She breathed in and out, and then launched into the tirade she’d prepared for all the people seeking to condemn her for polluting society. “It’s not even smut, you know. At its heart, it’s a love story. Yes, my characters Lady Adelaide and Prince Claudio do explore very dark aspects of their sexuality, but always within a deeply committed relationship. They would do anything for each other, would die for one another. And there’s not a single part of them that’s off-limits to the other. My book is about trust and belief and redemption, not just whips and restraints.”

  Ryland offered her a shy smile. It set her weak heart fluttering, even though she suspected he was smiling because he thought her an idiot. She got the sense he didn’t bestow smiles easily—one would have to work at prying one out of him. “You don’t have to defend your book to me. I’ve just never met an author before, that’s all.”


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