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Mission Happy (A Texas Desires Novel Book 3)

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by Rylie Roberts

  “The tabloids beat her up pretty badly. I’m guessing you didn’t see the pictures of them by the pool?” she cringed as she spoke. When he shook his head, confirming her thoughts, she continued. “They were bad. I’ll let Ty explain all that, but she left shortly afterward, and he tracked her, then went after her.” She went from solemn to happy in the time it would take him to snap his fingers. “It’s crazy to see him so in love.”

  “I did notice that. Well, sort of. I was there the first time he saw her. He focused on her, and we lost him for the rest of the vacation. He wasn’t the same again. I’d never seen him like that before.”

  “That’s exactly what I thought. When I went over to meet Kenzie, I hadn’t ever seen him like that. He was so protective. I think he made everything a little harder for him and her,” she added. She was slower drinking this martini, taking small sips as they spoke.

  “I guess I gotta give him a break for missing today, then,” he finally said.

  He realized between the buzz of the alcohol and this charming woman, he was more relaxed than he’d been in a while.

  “Probably should. True love and all that,” she teased and gave him a wink while lifting the glass. He suspected she had to be feeling the effects of the alcohol too. The silence was back, but it didn’t seem uncomfortable as they stared at one another. Moments later, Julie took a heartier drink before extending her arm to set the martini glass away from them before she carefully began to scoot off her seat.

  He watched her move and furrowed his brow. Was she leaving? He’d thought they were getting along pretty well. She brushed against his thigh, then reached out, gripping his leg as she gave a slight wobble. Connor instinctively reached out for her, taking hold of her upper arm to help as his eyes tracked her every movement. Her bright eyes looked up at him as she stood and hooked a thumb over her shoulder.

  “Let’s move to the patio. The party that was outside looks like it’s done and that means the bar will start picking up. It’ll be quieter out there if we can get one of those primo spots on the other side of the building.”

  Only then did he let go of her arm. When he turned his head to see where she pointed, she abruptly pivoted on her heels, going toward her original table. As beautiful as she was to look at, she was amazing to watch walking away. Maybe it was the long stride or the gentle sway of her hips, but from every angle, this woman was just something else. With his gaze focused on her ass, he lifted off the barstool, only looking away to toss his windbreaker over his arm, grab his ball cap with the hand holding his beer, and take her drink with his other.

  He watched her gather her things, shove a magazine inside her purse, and reach for a zip-up style hoodie which she slung over the purse hanging from her shoulder before coming back toward him, a giant smile on his face.

  “Cora, we’re moving outside. Can you get Tony to check on us?” she asked when she got within earshot.

  “Sure thing.”

  She nodded at the bartender before directing her pretty smile back toward him. She came to a stop right in front of him, breaking any rule of appropriate space when her chest almost touched his.

  “Am I being pushy? I can be pushy, especially when I’ve been drinking. I didn’t even ask if you could stay a little while longer or if you even wanted to go out there?” she asked, not taking her drink, instead just staring up at him.

  He was six-four and solidly built, usually the biggest guy in any room. Julie was definitively a skinny thing, yet tall even wearing her no-heel sandals. She came to about his jaw, making her close to six feet tall. The perfect height to easily bend to kiss her upturned lips. When she stayed silent, waiting for his answer, he just smiled down and extended an arm to the door along the wall she had pointed to.

  “I’m good. You ready?”

  Her expressive eyes turned teasing as she reached for her glass. “Ready for what?”

  He gave an inward groan and rolled his eyes. Instead of answering that loaded question honestly, he eased an arm around her until his hand rested at the base of her back. “You’ll have to lead the way.”

  The swivel she gave had her ponytail swinging as she headed toward the door. It was a little shocking that something other than her had managed to catch his eye, but when he looked over his shoulder he saw both the bartender and the waiter grinning, giving him a combination of two thumbs up and an all-air fist bump. He nodded and decided they must approve.

  The afternoon was certainly looking up.

  Chapter 2

  Julia’s slightly inebriated mind had a hard time deciphering the time as she stared out toward the Pacific Ocean. The heavy cloud cover hid the moon, making the night look eerily dark as a small cool front blew through, dropping the temperature by a couple of degrees.

  Luckily, Connor was a take-charge kind of guy. He had started the contemporary fire pit, making their secluded area on the side of the patio warm and cozy. She was comfortable curled up in a wicker chair with some of the softest plush pillows covering the seat and back.

  Interestingly, this man, who’d always been so quiet in the past, turned out to be really great company. With each hour that passed by, he grew more engaging, fun to be with, and somehow even more handsome than before. That said a lot because he totally held the top spot of best-looking men in her eyes.

  Since they had managed to get the most secluded table on the patio, Tony had to come all the way around to check on them. Those times were becoming fewer and farther between. To a small circle of loyal members, this area was sometimes known for the naughty. Either at the end of this walkway or around the farthest back corner leading to the now closed locker rooms, it wasn’t that uncommon to stumble upon a hookup in progress. Not that Julia had ever been lucky enough to engage in such activities, but the night wasn’t over yet.

  Clearly not his first time in this situation, Tony had turned cautious on his approach. His head would pop around the corner before he moved fully toward them. He must have been picking up all these “I’m-willing” good vibes she was trying to toss Connor’s way.

  “He’s getting me drunk, Tony,” she said when he got closer.

  “I think it’s you getting yourself drunk. You ready for another one?” he asked, carrying a tray with a martini glass and a pitcher of water. There seemed no point to the question, because he didn’t wait for her answer as he picked up the new drink and placed it on the small table between the two of them. Connor had smartly switched to water a while ago, and Tony topped off his drink before taking her empty glass.

  “I think Connor was the smart one. I should switch to water too,” she said, then seriously assessed her level of drunk. She didn’t think she was to the point of slurring, but when she’d used the locker room bathroom, she had stumbled slightly on her feet and that was two drinks ago. Maybe she should stop.

  “I can make sure you get home safe. Do what you want,” Connor offered. She looked up at his compassionate, handsome face. He gave an encouraging nod and that overly warm thing that kept happening over and over with him happened again. She was certain this man would let her drink until she passed out, and he’d make certain she got home safe and sound with no harm done.

  The only problem with that was that she desperately wanted him to stay with her through the night. Maybe even have breakfast in the morning. Whatever was going on inside her panties intensified at that thought. “What time is it?”

  Too dark to see anything not illuminated, Connor palmed his phone, looking down at the display. “Eight thirty.”

  “We’ve been out here for hours. Am I keeping you from something?” she asked Connor.

  “Not at all. I’m good,” he reassured.

  “Then I’ll keep this one, but next time, bring me a glass of water?” she said, looking up at Tony. He gave a nod and left as quietly as he’d come. They had talked for hours, but these moments of quiet weren’t uncomfortable. The fire pit, candles, and tiki torches were all that lit the secluded area, casting enough of a glow to intens
ify the rugged look Connor carried so well. This man just did it for her. It was a wonder she hadn’t crawled onto his lap and forced him to take care of all this desire he had easily ignited inside her.

  With the sex decision made, her gaze stayed locked on Connor as she contemplated all the crazy thoughts running through her fuzzy brain. In her head, he was large and solidly built. He could easily handle her, actually manhandle her in the best possible way. He’d have no problem with her height as he held her in place in whatever position he chose. The thought made a slight chill glide across her body.

  “Here. Take this.” His deep voice broke the sensual image playing through her overactive imagination. Connor immediately shrugged off his windbreaker, handing it over to her. She absolutely didn’t need the jacket. She’d put her hoodie on hours ago. However, it was such a chivalrous gesture that she didn’t turn the offer away. Instead, she pushed her arms through each sleeve to pull the jacket on. The thing was cozy warm from his body heat and swallowed her.

  The delicious spicy scent of his cologne had her lifting the sleeve to her nose, taking a deeper breath. The exotic smell only magnified all the sexual tension peaking inside her.

  “You smell incredible,” she said, settling back in her seat, drawing her legs up underneath her. She wondered if he had any idea how perfectly he’d set up their romantic atmosphere—the fire crackling close by, the warmth of his jacket caressing her skin, alcohol flowing freely, and his deep, rich voice ghosting across her heart every single time he spoke.

  Maybe she’d misjudged him. He could clearly be an expert in the art of seduction. He’d reeled her in completely. She reached for her glass and took a sip for really nothing more than the liquid courage she needed to follow through with how she wanted this evening to end.

  Her gaze returned to his as she took a long drink. No, she didn’t think she’d gotten it wrong. Every word, every action tonight proved what she already knew: Connor was a gentleman to his very core. As much as she had allowed herself to loosen up, flirt with this handsome man, he had been vigilant in keeping them casual and friendly. Only the outline of his impressive hard-on gave her any clue to his interest in anything more than conversation and the few drinks he’d had. Seeing that evidence and his lack of doing anything about it, made her bolder, let her lose her inhibitions. She placed her drink on the table as she leaned toward him. He didn’t quite reciprocate the move, but she hoped he might be leaning in closer to her.

  “I should have asked this earlier. Do you have a girlfriend?”

  “Would I be out here talking to you if I did?” he asked, looking as if the question had offended him. She glanced at his disgruntled gaze and busted out a laugh at his serious response. She hadn’t truly expected a different answer, but his almost insulted expression at the mere thought was hilarious. Lord, did he not realize they were in Hollywood? Of course he could easily be out there talking to her, showing all the signs of interest, even if he had a wife at home and a girlfriend tucked away in an apartment somewhere.

  After a moment of watching her laugh, his facial features softened and his lips curled into a crooked grin. “Okay, I get your point. No, I don’t have anyone. Haven’t for a while. I’ve been focused on my job. But I’m guessing I should be asking you that question now.”

  Her grin grew if that were even possible. She really liked this man. He sounded almost angry at the idea that he should even have to ask any of those kinds of questions. She liked honor and integrity, even though she hadn’t seen it in more years than she could count.

  Julia leaned in closer, moving across the small table separating them, and paused. His eyes roamed her face, and to her delight, this time, there was no mistaking when he leaned in a little closer to her.

  “I’m single. Actually I haven’t really had a boyfriend since high school.” She confided her secret very quietly.

  “I don’t believe that.” Connor emitted a disbelieving snort and pulled away. She had to stop herself from reaching for his arm. In her mind, she’d thought that moment could easily have led to their first kiss. She’d had only seconds to plan, but the moment had played out so well in her head. He needed to come back and make that magic happen for her. When he didn’t and, instead, looked down at her as if she’d lost her mind, she was forced to continue.

  “It’s true! Stop scoffing at me. The circles around here aren’t good for nurturing any sort of relationship. You have to know that. Ty has to have told you,” she quickly explained, mentally imploring him to come back and make her dreams come true. She’d never had a mystical first kiss, and she was certain this man could provide that for her.

  “He has, but he’s pissed off all the time. I get why no one wanted to be around him. But you’re beautiful. Any guy that gets to know you would wanna date you,” Connor said, not coming any closer as he reached for his glass of water. When he took his drink, she extended herself a little farther across the table—definitely more than halfway. She loved hearing those unguarded words and didn’t know how to make the invitation any clearer.

  “Oh, that was a good answer,” she whispered. They stared at one another for several seconds without moving. From the corner of her eye, she saw Tony’s head. Luckily, he stopped abruptly, and Julia prayed he would slowly back away, not draw attention to himself and ruin this moment. If Connor heard him, he never looked back. His gaze stayed locked on hers.

  “It’s a true answer,” he said after a long pause. His voice grew hoarse and he cleared his throat. His gaze slid to her lips, and Julia’s hand tightened on the armrest to keep from reaching out to touch him.

  Yeah, she wanted that kiss like she wanted her next breath. Her core clenched as her heart picked up a beat. Julia’s gaze slid to his mouth. She was certain sin would come from something so perfect.

  Surprisingly, she didn’t have to make the next move. It was all Connor, and boy, he didn’t disappoint. Connor moved with purpose. He reached out, his strong hands holding her head in place as his lips descended. Julia opened before he ever got there. Honestly, if he planned their kiss as a sweet sampling of the lips, she blew it. She wanted him too badly and thrust her tongue inside his mouth before he ever fully met her lips. From the moment her tongue slid across his, fireworks exploded, knocking her completely off balance. The neurons in her brain seemed to stop connecting. Again, all Connor. He dominated, tilting her head as she reached out to fist his shirt, keeping him right there while she lost herself in his magnificent kiss.

  And, oh did the magic happen.

  He slid his tongue across hers, reaching the farthest depths of her mouth as he lifted his hand, dislodging the ponytail to help better tangle his fingers in her hair. He ghosted his free hand across her cheek. She lost any amount of dominance she’d tried to gain. Connor consumed her, body and soul, kissing her like she’d never been kissed before. Julia’s world ceased to exist. She managed to move her free hand to his bicep and just hang on.

  Connor forcibly slowed them down, turning the kiss into a sweet, sensual exploration. She tightened her hold on both his arm and his shirt. No way did she ever want this to end. Being kissed by this man was everything she’d been missing from life. She’d clearly gotten her place wrong tonight. As much as she had thought she’d been the aggressor, Connor had always been the one in control.

  When he moved his mouth from hers, both those strong, muscular hands held her head in place as her eyes fluttered open. His heavy, panting breath coated her skin. Why had he stopped? She needed so much more.

  “Not here.”

  He stayed right there in her face. Those deep, assessing eyes penetrated hers. She lost all words as she finally saw what she’d been putting out for the last few hours reflected back. His gaze held a powerful raw need, his expression so intense a small involuntary breath escaped her parted lips. Had he been shielding this from her the entire night?

  “There’s a private locker room right around the corner. It’s closed for the night, but I have access,” she said rap
idly, her voice breathy and anxious.

  Please say yes, please say yes…

  “My hotel’s a block away,” he managed. As if it took a herculean effort, she watched his face wrinkle and contort before his eyes began to change. Connor was mentally trying to pull himself back together.


  “We could do both,” she suggested desperately and used every bit of strength she possessed to draw him back, crushing her lips to his. She swept her tongue through the seam of his mouth and found the shallow façade of his control hadn’t quite reached his need. Connor eagerly accepted her kiss.

  Again, he took the reins. His strong arms circled around her, hauling her across that table, awkwardly landing her in his lap. He had a way of making her feel small as he devoured her, crushing her body against his. His hold tightened as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Only the need to breathe had her pulling away, gulping in air. When his teeth nipped against her lip and the steel rod of his nice-sized cock pushed against her hip, reality destroyed the moment. This might be too juicy of a scene to pass up if someone happened by. Connor would wind up as a tabloid headline. She had to get them behind closed doors.

  Gripping the back of his chair, Julia used her strength to push out of his firm hold. He didn’t let go or allow her to move too far. His large hand moved inside his jacket, cupping one breast, and he squeezed, molding the sensitive skin. Shivers raced across her body, landing straight in the juncture between her legs. No question she was wet and ready.

  As if he read her thoughts, his eyes darkened a small degree. God, how did he have such an effect on her? Julia’s heavy breath panted in his face while she tried to talk her body into moving. If something didn’t change, she’d be doing him right there on the chair in a matter of minutes.

  Still, seconds passed with her staring at him while he continued the seductive massage of her breast. She wanted this. She’d always wanted this with Connor. She knew he’d be her undoing. Regretfully, she pushed completely away, breaking his deliciously intimate touch. “Let’s go to the locker room. Let me grab my purse.”


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