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Mission Happy (A Texas Desires Novel Book 3)

Page 14

by Rylie Roberts

  “I’m fine to drive,” Bruno said and finally shook his hand with one iron shake before turning away.

  “I’m Connor McDaniel. I’m guessing Bruno isn’t your real name,” he said, tucking his fingers inside his jeans.

  “She can call me whatever she wants,” he said, opening the driver’s door. Connor stayed rooted in his spot, trying for calm and patience. If Bruno worked for OverWatch, he’d already run Connor’s background. He didn’t figure Bruno would be pleased with what he’d found.

  “I’ll be in Texas next week. She told me what happened. She’s agreed to stay with me while she’s in town. I don’t know how you’ll coordinate her security, but my life’s an open book, and I’ll cooperate with whatever you need.”

  Bruno stopped with a foot inside the car and turned back to him, confirming what he’d assumed. “I know who you are. It’s not that open.”

  He nodded and started for Julie’s door, walking those steps backward while keeping an eye on Bruno. “Same still applies. I want her safe. Whatever you need from me, I’m happy to give. I have a place in the back of my parents’ land. It isn’t much, but it has room for you or whoever’s going.”

  Bruno didn’t say another word. He got behind the wheel and closed the door. Connor reached over and opened Julie’s door. He bent at the knee at the same time the brightest flash he’d ever seen blinded him. All he could see was pitch black, and he reached for the door to steady himself.

  “I should have warned you. I’m sorry. I wanted a picture.”

  “It’s okay. Wanted one too,” he said, casting his head down, closing his eyes, giving them a minute to readjust. She caressed his head with her hand, before she reached under his chin to gently lift his face.

  “Then come here. Let’s take one together.” She moved closer to him, angling her face with his and lifting her phone. “Smile for me.”

  He got his vision back and did as she asked. She snapped the picture, blinding him again. “That’s it, I promise. It turned out good. I’ll send it to you.”

  “All right,” he said, still unable to see, but chuckling at her excitement. “What’s your last name?”

  She stayed in his face and kissed his lips. “Banks, and I’ll get my schedule worked out and call you to get everything arranged.”

  “Okay. I’m leaving at sunup tomorrow,” he said. He’d already told her that several times tonight, but he didn’t want her to go just yet, so he extended the conversation—a skill no one would claim was his strong suit.

  “Be safe on the road.” Now they were having the exact same conversation they’d had not five minutes ago before she’d run out his front door.

  “Kiss me so y’all can get on the road.”

  She did. One of her spectacularly passionate kisses, sweeping her tongue over his like they’d been doing this forever. When her hand cradled his face and she opened wider, he forced himself to break away, taking both her hands in his.

  “Be safe getting home tonight,” he said, rising but not letting her go. “Call me if you need me.”

  “We will,” she said, still holding his hand until he stepped too far away to maintain contact.

  “Text me when you get home.” He stood there with his hand on the door, staring down at her. She had his heart, and for some reason, he was okay with that. He didn’t want to close the door and break contact with her.

  “Thank you for letting me come tonight.” Her big bright eyes stared up at him.

  “Thank you for driving all the way here.”

  Even then it took a second before he lifted a hand, shut the door, and took several steps backward. Between the dark skies and blacked out window, he couldn’t see inside the car, but he still stared at the window where he thought she might be waving.

  He watched until they pulled out of his complex before slowly turning to go back inside. That lightness she always gave him continued. For whatever reason, and even though it made no sense in his current situation, he was happy. Maybe happier than he remembered being for a long time.

  At his front door, he forced himself to stop and not overthink this. One day at a time. No thought of the future. That would make this fragile balance he’d discovered take a certain nosedive. Julie had been right about that. Day by day only. So today he needed sleep and then tomorrow he’d get on the road.

  Connor flipped the deadbolt, securing the front door, and went for the sliding glass door to do the same. He smiled and shook his head as he walked into the kitchen. He had a lot of food to freeze before he left in the morning. They hadn’t eaten much of what he’d bought. He put the steaks in the refrigerator and decided he’d do the rest in the morning.

  In his bedroom, as he began undressing, the phone vibrated in his pocket, alerting him to a new message. He managed to undress and crawl into bed before opening the message from Julie. The sheets smelled like her perfume, and he grinned at their selfie filling his screen. She clearly couldn’t take a bad picture. He on the other hand barely had a smile on his face. She was beautiful, a light to the world. He was dark, devilish, and… He stopped thinking his next thoughts. No. His past was in the past. He’d done what he’d done to protect this country. He’d do it again if need be.

  He saved the picture and sent her a text. “I really enjoyed tonight.”

  “Me too. I can’t wait until next week,” she texted back.

  “Me either. Be safe. Get some rest. Tomorrow’s coming fast.”

  “Goodnight, Connor.”

  “Goodnight, babe.”


  Julia sat back in the town car’s seat, knowing she should get some sleep. She’d stayed longer than she’d planned, but damn, he was hard to leave. Looking out the side window, she smiled to herself. They had agreed to keep seeing each other. She was unreasonably excited about the prospect. Connor was an incredible man. He didn’t seem to ever get sick of her silliness, which made absolutely no sense. Everyone got tired of her teasing nature.

  “We need to talk about him,” Bruno said.

  She looked forward, catching his gaze shifting between the road and the rearview mirror. She knew this was coming and put down the phone, giving a deep sigh.

  “I know. It’s just nice to feel normal,” she said, looking down at her joined hands in her lap.

  “I got his record back from OverWatch tonight.” His voice was sterner than normal. She hadn’t thought Connor’s attempt to win him over with a handshake would work. Dread filled her heart.

  “He’s an open book. He tells me anything I want to know,” she said somewhat lamely, looking back out her window.

  “Are you sure about that?” His voice was snide that time. She took a deep breath, remembering he was on her side even if it didn’t sound like it.

  “What did you find out?” she asked, making sure her voice sounded uninterested.

  “Lots and lots of dark holes in his past.”

  She wasn’t even sure what that meant. When Bruno came to a red light, he hooked an arm over the passenger side seat and looked back at her.

  “Are you sure you know this guy as well as you think you do?”

  She heard the concern in his voice, but her feelings for Connor were solid and very real. She edged toward becoming defensive and had to rein that back in, reminding herself that Bruno was just doing his job and keeping her best interest at heart.

  “I’m certain I do. I’ve known him for years. Both he and Ty have alluded to his job being secretive, but he’s stable. I promise. I’m not rash where men are concerned.” She hadn’t dated anyone since she’d hired him. Bruno had to see the truth of her statement.

  Bruno just stared at her, then nodded. “Is he aware?”

  The light turned green and a honk forced his attention back to the front. The cryptic question grated on her nerves. She’d never get past that stalker who’d invaded her whole life and turned everything upside down.

  “I told him tonight. He was sweet about it.” Her eyes lifted to his in the mirror again. �
�Even though you don’t care about that kind of stuff, I do. He did mention the company you worked for, that he had friends who’d started it, then he was glad I’d found you through them.”

  There was silence for several miles before Bruno spoke again. “Overall, they came back with a solid on him. I just don’t like the months and months with no documentation.”

  Lost in thought, she continued staring out at the dark night, wondering what those months of darkness had done to Connor. She decided right then not to mention the PTSD or Connor’s impending discharge to Bruno. She was working on nothing but her gut, but she knew in her heart Connor wasn’t a bad, scary guy. She just knew it. Bruno was on the fence about him. She’d give them time to get to know each other before she dropped any new worries on Bruno.

  “Be careful with him, Jules.”

  She turned back to the front, making her voice convey what it needed too. “I like him, Bruno. I need you to get along with him. He’s going to Texas. He offered to let us stay at his place. I’d like to do that. I’ll get the details and you can decide,” she said, hoping she was acting like she was willing to compromise.

  “I need to be close by. You can’t stay there and me in a hotel. It’s part of the contractual boundaries—” Bruno started, but she cut him off.

  “He offered for us both to stay there. He also wanted to invite you in tonight, spend the night there—both of us—instead of driving back tonight.” Her gaze stayed focused on the rearview mirror. “He’s a good guy. He agrees I need solid protection. I’m lucky to have found someone like him.”

  The silence continued before Bruno finally nodded. She guessed the discussion was over when he turned on the radio to her favorite station, but kept the volume low. “You need to get some sleep.”

  “Wake me if you get tired,” she said, reaching for the small pillow she’d brought along.

  “Like that’s gonna happen,” Bruno scoffed.

  She rolled her eyes and laid the pillow against the glass. “I had to try.”

  Nothing else was said. She was glad he wasn’t fighting her too hard on Connor. Connor had an underlying vibe that he was a force to be reckoned with, but she didn’t know that side of him, not really. She honestly hoped to never witness it, because to her, he was an utter gentleman, an old-school, treat-women-with-respect kind of man. He was fun, charming, and too dang gorgeous for his own good—or for her own good was more like it. She was taking a wild leap. They’d only agreed to continue like they were, but she had moved Connor into boyfriend status. She hoped that was okay. It made her heart happy to think such a man would want to spend any time with her and her crazy life.


  Connor had made this trek a hundred times over the last twelve years, but he couldn’t ever remember being this tired while doing it. He twirled a toothpick between his teeth as he let the restaurant door swing shut behind him. He ate at The Steak Shack every time he came through Las Cruces and stayed at the Holiday Inn, exactly three point seven miles from the restaurant. He hopped back in his truck and started the ignition. Thank goodness the truck almost knew the way.

  At the hotel’s front desk, Connor gave at least three solid yawns while checking in. With his duffel slung over his shoulder, he went in search of his room.

  He dropped his duffel on a chair when he walked in, undressing as he located the thermostat and knocked the temperature lower. Thank God he wasn’t a clean freak. He tossed his T-shirt on the desk, his belt in the general direction of his duffle and his jeans landed on the floor by the bed. He was under the blankets, head on a pillow, less than ten minutes after he’d arrived at the hotel.

  All the anxiety, alcohol, and general lack of sleep over the last few days had caught up with him. Funny, not one frontline war zone had been as stressful as his civilian life over the last few weeks. He didn’t understand at all how people did this every single day.

  The drive from San Diego to Las Cruces had taken much longer than normal because he’d pulled over to text, then when that became too frequent, he’d broken down and called, talking to Julie off and on for much of the day.

  For the first hour or so of the ride, he’d firmly made the decision to just go with whatever was happening with Julie. Julie seemed to make his attitude a million times better than it had been in weeks. Maybe karma had intervened on his behalf, putting her in his path. Whatever the reason, Connor wasn’t dumb enough to let that go because of the unknowns plaguing his future. The dark place that brewed just behind his carefully placed façade wouldn’t have been good for anyone in his life. At least he’d been honest with her. She knew the deal. If there had been any doubt, he’d driven those points home today.

  As if by some cosmic cue, his phone began to ring. He slid a finger over the screen and answered. “Right on time.”

  “You nailed it. I didn’t believe it would only take you fifteen minutes to get there and checked in. Pretty impressive, Connor.”

  They had talked all the way through his dinner, until it was time to pay. She had doubted him when he’d suggested she call him back in fifteen minutes. That made her surprise all the sweeter. He chuckled and a big jaw-cracking yawn escaped.

  “You’re tired. Go to bed,” she said.

  “You have to be tired too.”

  “I am, but it’s still early here. I’ve got lines to go over.”

  “Then talk to me until I fall asleep,” he said and yawned again.

  “Are you already in bed?” she asked.

  “Came straight to it. Where are you?”

  “I’m in my room. I’m tired too. This schedule’s been crazy. It’s almost over though. I thought I’d get a quick nap before dinner.”

  “What are you working on?” he asked, staring up at the ceiling.

  “This is for a television show. I got my manager involved in getting me off work. I got a message a little while ago that I can leave on Wednesday and stay until Sunday night. Is that okay? Is it too long to stay with you? Because I can get a room,” she offered.

  “No, it’s great. It gives me time to clean the place up. I guess it depends on where you’re flying into if I need to get us a room someplace that first night, but I can pick you up wherever,” he said, thinking about the closest airports. People normally flew into DFW International, but she could get a flight into San Marcus or Lubbock. Whatever, he didn’t mind the drive to Dallas.

  “I haven’t gotten that far yet in my planning. I can tell you all that tomorrow. Did you talk to your parents? Do they know you’re coming?” she asked.

  “I left a message on my mom’s phone. Neither one of my parents answered.”

  She gave a small sigh. He’d noticed earlier today all the little noises she made while on the phone. He wasn’t sure why he took each and every one so sexually, but he did. He couldn’t help it when his dick stirred at the sounds. “Make that noise again.”

  “Which one?”

  “That sigh.” He grinned when she did without question. “Yeah, that one. It sounds like a noise you make when we’re together.”

  He got silence back. He wasn’t sure what that meant until she asked, “Are you trying to sex talk me?”

  “If I did, would it work?” he challenged. And no, he wasn’t trying to, but his dick turned hard at the thought. Clearly, it was on board with the idea.

  “I haven’t ever done it before, have you?” she asked, her voice lowering a notch.

  “Of course. I spent a year away at a time. It’s all I had,” he replied.

  “Okay, well, I never asked, but did you have a long-term relationship before?” Her voice lost that sexy husky thing she’d developed.

  “You’re moving off topic. Focus,” he said, shoving the covers down and gripping his cock.

  “I am focused. Did you have a long-term? Have you ever been married?” He stroked himself to keep from deflating. Why were they talking about past relationships now?

  “No, never married, and nothing really serious. I dated a woman for a couple of
years. I spent about sixty days with her during that whole time. She lived in that townhome I have and got pissed off when I went to meet the guys for our annual trip instead of coming home. By the time I got back, she’d met someone and moved out. I kept the place,” he explained succinctly.

  There was a long silence and he was too tired to interpret the situation. Without encouragement from her, his desire flagged. When she still didn’t answer, he glanced at the screen to see if he’d lost the call. He hadn’t and brought the phone to his ear and asked, “Are you there?”

  “Yeah. Connor, I’m jealous. I’ve never been jealous before. I’m processing all that,” she answered honestly, but it confused him.

  “What’re you jealous of?” he asked.

  “I don’t even know. I don’t want to talk about it.” Now she sounded angry. Since they’d gone through the full range of emotions in less than a minute, he laughed at her.

  “You’re the one who changed the subject. I wanted to be talking sex.”

  “Well, now I have stage fright. I need to think about sex talk before I just do it. I don’t want to be bad at it or be less than her,” she said, in that same angry tone, and Connor barked out another laugh, pulling the blankets back over his body, his dick now flaccid.

  “You’re competing with her? That’s hilarious. I never said she was good at it.”

  “She was good at it,” Julie replied. There was no question in her statement.

  “I think you’ll be better,” he countered.


  “So you’re telling me it’s probably not gonna happen tonight, is it?” he asked and yawned again.

  “Not tonight,” she replied.

  “Okay, then tell me what you’re wearing.” He asked that more to tease her than anything else.

  “My night clothes,” she answered, confused.

  “What do they look like?” he encouraged, hiding his humor. She truly didn’t get it and clearly hadn’t done this before.


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