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Safe (Reckoning Book 1)

Page 7

by Joy Blood

  “Picked out a name then did you?” I didn't even thin just used that name.

  “Oh yeah, Vin suggested it. I like it. What do you think?” he gives me a puzzled look.

  “Vin did huh? Yeah, I like it. Good strong name. Goes good with Finn. Anthony Finn.” I roll with laughter. “Well, at least I'm making you laugh this time darlin.”

  “I will think about the name.” I laugh at him.

  “Well, I best be on my way, got things to do, I will talk to you later Ells,” I say goodbye to him and he it out the door closing it behind him when he leaves. Not two seconds later there is a knock.

  “Come in,” I call out from my spot on the bed. “You forget something, Finn?”

  “Not Finn.” Vin’s deep voice says from the door. Shit.

  “Oh sorry. I didn't… whats up?” I ask.

  “Found some shit upstairs thought maybe you would want it.” That is when I see he has something behind him on the floor outside the door.

  “Oh well thank you.”

  “You don't know what it is you could probably hate it.” Getting off of the bed I stand and walk over toward him.

  “I'm sure I will like it. What do you have?” he doesn't say anything just turns around and picks something up bringing it through the door and into my room. It's a wooden cradle. An old one solid and sturdy. I catch small carvings one one side of it but can make them out because he moves it so fast taking it over to the floor on the opposite side of the room.

  “It beautiful, thank you.”

  “No crying anymore. He has a place to sleep now when he comes out.”

  “Okay, I won't. But…” I stop myself because I really don't know how to say what I am thinking. I really don't even want to think about what I am thinking.

  “But what?” Vin asks brushing a little more dust off of the wood then stands to face me.

  “Will I come back here? Where will I even have him?”

  “We are trying to figure that out.”

  “I'm going to need a hospital Vin.” I think this is the first time I have said his name to his face. His eyes shoot to mine and his nostrils flare. He just looks at me for a moment then pulls his eyes away scrubbing his chin.

  “I know, we got some guys that can help us with that. Avil won't fuck with them, to much of a pussy.”


  “Just some friends of Finn’s.” Thats vague.

  “Alright. What will happen to me and Anthony after?” he raises his brows to the name but doesn't say anything.

  “Got a plan for that. Don't you worry about that now, you just focus on keeping that baby in there as long as possible. Going to need more time to work it out.” Alright then.

  “Fine, I guess I don't need to know right? Really what is the point? If you will excuse me I think I will go and take a bath.” I turn around and leave him for once. Walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. Prick. He is so damned, eh just exasperating. I'm not sure what has me annoyed more about him the fact that he is an ass or the fact that every time I see him my body gets the warm and fuzzies in places I thought stopped working months ago.

  Turning on the water I open the bubble bath I had Finn pick up. He picked out some coconut scented stuff, as per my request. I love the coconut smell. He also grabbed me some similar smelling shampoo and conditioner. Stripping down I dip into the water loving the cocoon it wraps around my body. I only wish I could have a glass of wine with the bath. Now that is relaxing. I'm still peeved about Vin and thinking of the man while I'm naked and wet in a tub really inst such a good idea.

  Getting out I pull the plug out of the big claw foot tub and wrap myself in a towel.

  Walking back out into the room I'm startled to see Vin still there. Only now he is sitting on my bed.

  “I didn't say you couldn't know I was just saying not to worry about it. You got plenty other shit on your plate don't you think?” his voice isn't harsh but it sure isn't soft either. I really wouldn't even know what to do if he talked to me softly.

  “Yes,” Is all I can say.

  “Good. Now quit getting mad and storming off. You being mad and stressed out all the time can't be good for the kid.” Oh, he is giving me pregnancy advice now?

  “What makes you the expert on pregnancy all of a sudden. He looks hurt for a moment, and I don't think he will say anything but he surprises me when he does.

  “Read that damn book once. That expect when expecting one. Just remember what it said is all.” That's something.

  “Just a little light reading?” I really can't picture him with a child. So hard and cold.

  “Guess you could say that. Long plane ride, wif…” he stops himself there. “Just quit being so damn moody.” He gets up off the bed and walks out. Did he just almost say, wife? I'm so stunned by the slip up that it takes me a second, shit he just did it again, up and walked out the door. That is really starting to piss me off.


  “Hey, there sweet cheeks how are you today?” Finn says as he saunters into my room.

  “I’m fine, you know just living the dream life as a pregnant captive. Always been something I’ve wanted to do my whole life and now look at me. I’m doing just that, god I’m just tickled pink to be living out my dreams.” I reply to him in a sweet sarcastically sincere voice.

  “Oh don't be like that babe, you know you aren't a prisoner here. We just need to find that bastard then you can go. Besides, you love seeing me every day admit it.” I have been seeing more of Finn lately, he and Jake have been alternating who brings me food.

  “What are you doing here? Jake already brought breakfast.” I grumble to him. Yes, I'm not in a good mood I have a little case of cabin fever. I’ve only been held captive for most of this pregnancy can you really blame me?

  “Just wanted to hang out. Maybe I’m a little bored myself, scoot over.” I do as he says and make room for him on the bed. He hops on next to me snuggling up close to my side. This is new, and confusing. I go stiff at the contact. He must sense it and pats my leg. “Don't worry babe not trying to get any of that from you just going to read a little, want you to be able to hear me is all. Unless you are offering?” he smiles at me wiggling his eyebrows. He really is such a shit. I roll my eyes at him.

  “You have a book?” He holds up what looks to be a western of some kind nothing I’ve ever heard of before. Probably not a cheesy romance but I will take anything right now. “Okay, you may stay,” I say with a smile and settle into my spot next to him and get lost in the story.

  “The fuck is going on in here?” A deep angry voice startles me awake. I’m still in my bed but my pillow is breathing and now moving. Finn sits up and gently pushes me off onto the bed.

  “Hey man it's all good she just fell asleep while I was reading. Didn't want to move and wake her is all.” Vin is standing in the doorway with a look that could kill on his face. Directed right at Finn.

  “Just fucking reading? Why the fuck aren’t you downstairs keeping a look out? Jake can't do everything around here while your ass is up here fucking around with her. You are to bring her food nothing else. Get out!” Holy shit I’ve never seen him so pissed. His hands are in fists as if he is going to lay into Finn if he says one more word. He has on a dirty black zip up hoodie and some faded ripped jeans. Not those ones you buy already ripped styled to look sexy, no these holes in his jeans were worn into them along with the dark stains. My guess would be motor oil stains. His boots are muddy and as I look more so is the rest of him, he is also bleeding. This makes me a little more aware of the situation and I go to stand up.

  “Whats going on? Are you okay?” He looks down as if just noticing his appearance.

  “I'm fine.” He grits out then looks over at Finn. “Weren’t you leaving?” Finn raises his hands up in surrender.

  “Yeah man.”

  “What the is your problem? He wasn't doing anything wrong, I just fell asleep.” I try and reason with the stubborn ass in front of me. “And what the hell hap
pened to you?” I gesture to his appearance.

  “Don't fucking worry about it. I…” he stops and grabs at his side. “I don't want them up here hanging out with you when they have shit to be doing.” He is taking shallow breaths and clutching his side more. That is when I notice the dark stain on his hip is getting bigger. At that moment I really could care less what kind of mood he is in and rush to his side.

  “Don’t.” He hisses through his teeth and tries to back away but I grab his hoodie before he gets too far and lift it up to find a once white shirt covered in blood. Lifting the soiled shirt I'm greeted with a large stab wound. Maybe three inches long and right above his hip.

  “Shit you are losing a lot of blood sit down.” I take him by the arm and try to pull him toward the bed but he jerks back out of my grasp.

  “No, I’ll go to my room. Just wanted to figure out why that fuck wasn't at his post.”

  “You need stitches, please let me help you. Do you have a first aid kit or something?” I ask with pleading eyes.

  “I have that shit in my room and can do it myself.” He slowly turns and walks out the door slamming it behind him. That fucker I’m not doing this shit again. I storm out of the room and down the hall. Finding his door still, open with him laying on his bed. Stubborn ass.

  “Where is your shit that you have to fix yourself up with?” He mumbles at me but with his face, in the pillow, I don't catch all of it. Something about leaving him alone and go back to my room I'm sure.

  “Whats all the yelling about up here?” Jake says coming up behind me. “What happened? That fucker went alone didn't he?” Alone where?

  “Where do I find something to stitch him up with. He’s been stabbed.”

  “Shit. Okay, I think it's in here.” He walks off to the bathroom and I go to Vin. He seems to be out now, his eyes are closed one arm to his side the other above his head. I tentatively unzip his hooded shirt revealing his now red tee shirt.

  “Here move out of the way so I can stitch him up.” Jake comes back with the kit and tries to move me aside.

  “Have you done it before?” I snap at him.

  “A couple times I'm capable, believe me.”

  “Are you a doctor?” I ask getting no response. “Didn't think so. Let me have it.” He hands over the first aid kit and I open it to see what I have to work with, not much. Some thread, needle, alcohol pads, and scissors. It will have to do.

  “Grab me some towels and some warm water.” Jake heads back to the bathroom then back to me dropping off towels then leaving the room again. I take the scissors and carefully cut up the middle of Vin’s shirt. Sterilizing the area and the needle I go to work stitching up the gash in his side.

  “That looks good, you did this before?”

  “I worked at the hospital, always signed up for night shifts, before. There were always people coming in late at night needing something stitched. We were always understaffed so one of the doctors taught me how to stitch. Most of them were so drunk they didn't question whether I was a doctor or not.” Six stitches and surprisingly Vin doesn't wake up, thank god. When I'm done I have Jake help me get his hoodie and now ruined shirt completely off so I can clean and bandage him.

  “Do we have any antibiotics here? He is going to need something.” Who knows where the knife that stabbed him has been.

  “Maybe, I will go ask Finn.” Jake leaves the room and I'm alone with an unconscious Vin. He is slightly pale and his shoulder length hair that is usually tied at his nape is now loose, some strands sticking to his sweaty forehead. I set about cleaning the blood off and bandage him. Then I catch myself staring at his body, his beautiful scared body. Much like his face, his torso is covered in jagged scars and old stab wounds. He has really been through some shit and I wonder what kind of person could do this to another. Right in the middle of his chest are three perfectly round scars about the size of a quarter. Bullet holes. Someone obviously wanted him dead and didn't succeed. “You should have stayed dead Vin” I remember Vaughn saying. Did Avil do this to him? And if he did why?

  “You aren't too bad with a needle.” I jump at the sound of his voice, I thought he was out.

  “Um yeah, I’ve had a little practice.” He grunts out a response and slowly tries to sit up.

  “No.” I push down on his chest to stop him. “You need rest you've lost a lot of blood and I don't want you to mess up my stitching,” I say trying to convince him to stay still.

  “Fine.” He grumbles and settles back into his bed.

  “Thank you. I'm… ah… going to get you some water.” I get up to flee to the kitchen when he grabs me by the wrist, squeezing slightly and the pulling me back down to sit beside him on the bed. Closer this time.

  “Stay.” He winces then takes a deep breath. “Need you here.” We lock eyes and chills run down my spine.

  “You crazy motherfucker didn't I tell you not to go alone?” Jake says from the door breaking the… whatever it was.

  “Go where? What is going on?” I ask both men still not getting any answers after they booth look at each other. “Are you serious? Someone had better tell me what is going on. I am very hormonal right now and being pissed off is really not what you two want.” I try to say in the nicest yet forceful way possible.

  “Was meeting up with one of Avil’s guys, my mole, he is the one who gave me the tip on the warehouse. Well, I get there and…” He pauses like he thinks it will hurt my poor ears or something.

  “Go ahead, continue I won't break. Promise.” That sounded a little pissy but ah well I am a little pissy at the moment.

  “Okay well, I went to meet with him but found him strung up and gutted right in the middle of the building.”

  “Shit man,” Jake says coming to stand next to me putting his hand on my shoulder. I'm still focused on Vin telling his story and I don't understand why he suddenly looks pissed.

  “Was this guy a friend?” I ask trying to figure out the change in expression.

  “No.” He grits out then looks at Jake’s hand on me then up to Jake deepening his glare. That's when I realize what's making him so mad. Jake’s hand on me. Why would that make him mad? Jake realizes this too and backs away putting his hands up surrender then crossing them nodding for him to continue.

  He clears his throat. “He had a note tacked to him, as I got closer to read it I saw my fuck up. A big ass fuck up. The note said fuck you. That's when this big motherfucker came at me from out of nowhere. Caught me off guard and sliced me with his fucken knife. He was quick but I'm quicker.” He had to grin at that. Arrogant bastard. “Got him settled down and we had a chat, then gave him two in the chest for his cooperation. Fucking Avil. Pussy couldn't even come get me himself.” He looks like there is maybe more to the story but I decide not to ask.

  “You think you were followed here?” Finn asks now appearing in the room.

  “Naw that fucker would be storming the place already. Impatient fuck.” That he is.

  “Okay well, story time is over you need rest and meds.” I turn to Jake. “Did you find anything?”

  “Oh yeah, well no I didn't. But here.” He hands Vin a bottle of jack. Frickin great, well at least it will help with the pain. Vin uncaps the liquor and downs a quarter of it. Shit.

  “Slow down, this will thin your blood, you don't need that,” I say taking it from him mid swallow and placing it on the bedside table. He scowls at me then wipes his chin of the dribbled whiskey.

  “We will grab some tomorrow. I know a guy who can get us antibiotics.” Jake says. Well, I guess that will have to do. “Get some rest man we got some killing to do, that fucker isn't getting away,” Finn says then walks out of the room with Jake behind him.

  “I better go too.” He keeps his hold on my wrist and is now stroking my pulse point with his thumb.

  “You did good.”

  “I didn't want you to bleed to death, I kind of need you to kill someone. Purely selfish on my part.” I say and try to shrug it off. He smirks at that th
en brings my hand to his mouth kissing my palm. His beard is rough on my palm and it sends tingles down my spine.

  “Beautiful hands.” He mummers into my palm sending shivers throughout my body landing in the pit of my stomach. Never have I felt that before. Not even with Avil, well before he turned into a psychotic dick. The alcohol must be talking now.

  “You remind me so much of her. I won't let that asshole have you too. You are mine.” My eyes grow wide at his declaration but before he can say anything else he passes out, still holding my wrist in his hand, but his grip has loosened so I softly tug and reclaim my appendage then try my best to cover him with the duvet. He is laying on half of it so I just fold it over onto him. Then call it what you want hormones, his sudden sweetness, I lean down and kiss him on the forehead.


  “How is the patient today?” I ask Vin walking into his room and flipping on the light. That is when I realize he isn't in bed. Where the hell did he go? I wander downstairs to the kitchen where I hear talking between him and Finn.

  “What are we going to do with Ells? She will be having the baby soon, what happens if something goes wrong? She is going to need a doctor. We got to get her out of here man, you track down her family yet?” that is a dead end search.

  “You won't find them.” I walk through the doors and tell them. “Mom died when I was five. Dad, well I'm not really sure about him, I left as soon as I could. I won't go back.” I tell them. That is the short story of my sad childhood.

  “I need to talk to Jake and see if we can't find us a doctor that won't be bought by Avil,” Finn says and leaves the room. Leaving me with Vin.

  “You are supposed to be resting, you lost a lot of blood yesterday and you might pull a stitch.” He just shrugs.

  “You got a good look at me last night I'm sure. I do believe I have been through worse.” He walks over to a cabinet opens it and pulls out another bag of chocolate chips. Dumping some in his hand he then pops them into his mouth. “You have a shitty childhood?” he asks me around the mouthful of chips.


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