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Romancing the Crown Series

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by Romancing the Crown Series (13-in-1 bundle) (v1. 0) (lit)

  She blinked. "Luckier?"

  "Yes. Because unlike all of them, we fell in love without who I am ever being a factor, in any way."

  She'd never thought of it that way, and now she turned it over and over in her mind as he went on.

  "You didn't set your sights on the prince of Montebello, or a crown of your own, and I wasn't looking for the perfect woman to wear that crown, for the sake of my country. Joe had his own problems, true, but generally we were just two people who met and fell in love, simply, like real people do."

  "We had the complications after, not before," she said slowly.

  "Exactly. But we have the knowledge that it truly didn't have any part in how we feel about each other. And that's something to treasure, believe me."

  .. .how we feel about each other.

  The quiet assumption that that love still existed between them was balm to her battered heart. And as if Lucas realized it, he suddenly slipped off the bench where they'd been sitting, down on his knees before her.

  "I've been a fool, just as my sister said. I thought you knew I still felt about you the way I had then. I thought it was a given. I was trying so hard to be fair about what it would mean for you to marry me, that I didn't think about telling you again what I thought you already knew."

  "I knew Joe loved me," she began.

  "And I should have realized that to you, Lucas is a very different person. I'm sorry, Jessie. But let me tell you now, that I love you even more now as Lucas than I did as Joe back then."

  "More?" It was greedy, perhaps, but she wanted—no, she needed—to hear this.

  "Yes, more. And not just because you're the mother of my son, although that added a whole new dimension to my feelings. I love the way you're willing to fight for him, the way you're willing to stand up to anyone who gets in your way when you think you're right, the way you aren't intimidated by anyone's rank or position."

  "That's what you think," she muttered.

  He grinned at her then. "Honey, there's a big difference between being amazed and being intimidated. An intimidated woman wouldn't have used the princess of two countries to help her escape."

  She felt a pang of guilt at the characterization of what she'd done, but she was too surprised by his grin—and the endearment—to dwell on that. Instead she gave him a wary, sideways look.

  "You're not angry about that? That I...just left. Or tried to?"

  "How can I be mad at what you did, when I did the same thing to you?"

  She hadn't thought of that, either. "Yes, I guess you did."

  "And I have to think you did it for the same reason I did, because you honestly thought it was the best thing to do at the time."

  "I did. It was." She corrected herself. "At least, I thought it was."

  And then it hit her. She knew now that he, Lucas, loved her, but now what? What had she gained, except a more painful parting? Because the most pressing reason of all hadn't changed at all, hadn't been magically altered by his declaration. Love didn't remove all obstacles, she thought. Some it made harder and higher.

  "Jessie?" An odd note had come into his voice. He was still kneeling in front of her, with a rather desperate expression on his face. "Did I wait too long? Or have I killed the love you had for Joe by turning out to be Lucas instead?"

  "No," she said softly. "I love you. That's what was so hard, why I was so afraid. I didn't want to love a prince, but I couldn't seem to help it."

  Relief softened his expression. "Thank God," he murmured. "I was afraid we were going to lose this. Lose what we have, what we found that night on my boat...."

  Heat flooded her at the memories his simple words summoned up. It blazed into an inferno when his voice went thick and husky.

  "I'd love to make love to you here, in my special place. Just like we did in yours, on the ranch."

  In that moment she wanted nothing more than to say yes, to have him over her, under her, in her, naked in the sun in this impossibly romantic place. She wanted him so badly she nearly ached with it.

  But an image of a sleeping child who had no one else to fight for him crowded out even those hot images, and she knew she couldn't put this off any longer.

  "I want it, too. If that were all it took to build a marriage, a family, a life together, then we would have it made," she said.

  Lucas sat back on his heels, looking at her steadily. "But that's not all it takes, is it?"

  "No. I'm sorry, Lucas, but that I love you still doesn't change the fact that I can't do this to Luke, to his future. And I won't."

  Lucas sighed. "It's not a bad life."

  "No, I can see that. Many would say I'm a fool not to want this kind of life for my child. I know he would have more material advantages here, being raised royal. But it's not a free life, and that's worth more to me."

  At that, Lucas sat on the thick carpet, and reached up to tug her down beside him. Cross-legged, they sat facing

  each other. They had often taken up just these positions in front of the fireplace in her ranch house, and she

  wondered if he remembered that, if that was why he'd done it.

  "I've been thinking a lot about this," he said. His mouth quirked as he added, "I had a lot of time alone to do it,

  all night last night."

  So did I, she thought, remembering the long hours spent shoring up her determination, telling herself over and

  over what she had to do, trying to convince herself that there was no reason good enough to sacrifice her son's

  freedom to choose his own path.

  "There's got to be a way, Jessie. We can do this, I know we can."

  Remembering her promise to Julia, Jessie said, "I'm willing to listen to anything."

  He gave her a grateful look. "I was thinking.. .what if we—all of us, you, me, and Luke—spend all our

  vacations on the ranch? We could go at least four or five times a year, and the summer visit could be a couple of

  months. And you can't tell me," he said with a crooked grin, "that it wouldn't be nice to spend the worst of the

  winter here in the sun."

  "No, I can't, but it's not fair to expect the hands to do all the hard winter work while I loll in the sun." "So, we rotate 'em out of there. Bring one of them with you for a vacation in Montebello each year." At the image of Barney lounging on a sandy beach, Jessie couldn't help but smile. "Now, that's a plan." "And come to think of it, we could send a few of my family to the ranch. Give them a taste of real life some of

  them badly need."

  He said it with such a wry undertone that she couldn't help but laugh. And when she did, he smiled widely at her.

  "See? There's always a way. And you'll have the resources to do whatever is needed on the ranch, even give the hands a raise. I'm not," he said quickly, guessing accurately at the cause of her suddenly mutinous look, "suggesting that you should or would marry me for the money, I'm just saying that it's there, it's a fact, and you should take it into account."

  The spark of irritation subsided at his simple, honest declaration.

  "And when the time comes," Lucas went on, "Luke can do as I did, and go to college in the States."

  That still didn't resolve the basic issue of Luke's choice of a future for himself, but Jessie didn't have the heart to say anything just now, not when Lucas was trying so hard.

  "And I promise you, you'll have all the help you need to learn whatever you need to learn to be at ease here, to find whatever role you want to fill in Montebello, as high or as low profile as you wish."

  "Is there such a thing as a low profile when you're involved?" she asked wryly, remembering how quickly she'd been recognized at the Tamir airport.

  "We'll find one," he said, sounding determined. "No one will force you to do anything you're not comfortable with. And if they try, they'll be dealing with me."

  Jessie sat quietly for a long time. She knew he was trying; in fact, was trying harder to compromise than she'd ever expected him to. But finally
she had to make her point.

  "If it was just me," she said softly, "then maybe. But none of this changes the biggest problem. You still expect me to accept that Luke has no choice about what he will become. That his future is already decided for him. And I can't do that. I'm sorry, Lucas, but I just can't."


  "I know you could fight me in court on this, and I know with your wealth and power you could probably win. I hope you won't make me, or your son, go through that."

  He stared at her for a moment. "You think I'd do that? Sue you for custody?"

  She shrugged. "What else can I think? You've made it clear that there's no negotiation on this, that Luke must be what you say he must be. But I can't—and won't—back down, either. My son will be whatever he wants to be."

  She thought she saw a flicker of something like admiration in his face. Then he let out a long, compressed breath.

  "I've been thinking about that, too," he said finally. "But first, tell me something. Would you want more children?"

  Jessie blinked, startled. "More children?"

  He nodded, and for an instant she saw Joe's shyness in his eyes. "More, besides Luke. With me, I mean. You know, if...."

  His voice trailed off awkwardly, and she couldn't believe Prince Lucas of Montebello felt awkward very often.

  "I always wanted three or four," she admitted. "But after Luke.. .it was so hard I'm not sure now."

  "I'm sure that was a lot worse than it would be with proper care and attention," Lucas pointed out.

  "I suppose." Then she frowned at him. "But what was your point?"

  He sucked in an audible breath before saying, "I was thinking that, if you were willing to have more children... well, surely one of them will want the job, if Luke really, truly doesn't. Although it's rarely been used, our law allows me the right to designate any heir I choose."

  Jessie was stunned into silence at the size of the compromise he was offering. She'd read enough, in her searching for precedents in Montebellan law, to know that what he was saying would be a historical first. That he would bend this far amazed her. And told her volumes about his feelings for her, because she knew he could easily have opted to fight her for custody. And there was only one reason she could think of that he would do this instead —he'd meant it when he said he still loved her, even more than Joe had.

  "Meet me in the middle, Jessie," he said softly. "What we have is worth at least that."

  He'd come so far, she thought, how could she not take at least a step or two in turn? But there was one last thing to consider, one last precedent she had to see set.

  "What if we have a daughter?" she asked. "What if she's the one who wants to give her life to Montebello? Will you promise she will get that chance? Will you name her your heir?"

  A slow, rueful smile curved Lucas's mouth. "I should have known that was coming," he said. He appeared to think for a minute, then took a deep breath and said, "All right, Jessie. Yes, I'll promise you that. If it's a daughter who wants the job, I'll give it to her. I can't promise the country will accept it, but I'll make it clear she's my choice."

  And Jessie could guess what kind of heat he might take over a decision like that. That he was willing to, for her, told her everything she needed to know.

  "In that case, Your Highness," she said, "you have a deal."

  And with those words, the simple Colorado rancher agreed to someday become a queen.

  Chapter 20

  The media was having a field day. It had been a very long time since so much royalty had been gathered in one place. Every Sebastiani and every Kamal, both by blood and by marriage, and everyone close to them, representing several royal families, was in San Sebastian for the long awaited, much anticipated wedding of Montebello's Crown Prince Lucas Sebastiani to his American bride-and princess-to-be.

  The entire country—indeed, the entire world—knew most of the story by now; the Noble Men, the Brothers of Darkness, the undercover work of Rashid Kamal, his brother, Hassan, and Lucas Sebastiani, the plotted murder and kidnapping and extortion using Lucas's baby son. It was the stuff of tabloids to some; to others the stuff of legend. The only certainty was that none of it would soon be forgotten.

  Those who oohed and ahhed over such dramatics, and found it almost unbearably exciting, would likely have been surprised if they knew how much all the people involved in the dangerous, chaotic and admittedly exciting doings of the past couple of years wished simply for peace.

  Some, Lucas in particular, went even further and wished for a long period of uninterrupted routine.

  "Boredom," he told Jessie the weekend before their wedding when she had dropped into the chair in his retreat, clearly exhausted from all the turmoil surrounding the preparations for the biggest royal wedding in years.

  "What?" she asked.

  "Boredom. A long, yawn-inducing stretch of pure, unmitigated boredom. That's what you need. And I wouldn't mind it myself, for that matter."

  She sighed. "I'll vote for that."

  "Maybe we should have eloped after all."

  She gave him a sideways and rather dangerous look. "As I recall, I suggested that in the first place."

  He grimaced. "I know. But it really wouldn't have been fair to my mother. She's been looking forward to this since I was born."

  Jessie relented then. Lucas knew she'd come to adore his mother, and that the feeling was mutual. His headstrong fiancee had agreed to many things he knew she would rather not have done just to please her future mother-in-law. Not to curry favor, not out of fear—his Jessie wasn't afraid of much of anything—but because she wanted Gwendolyn to be happy.

  Lucas had seen the transformation early, after Jessie had balked at the part of the budget—rather extraordinary even for a royal wedding—set aside simply for her dress. She had mutinously told Lucas she would buy a dress off the rack, thank you, and give the leftover thousands to charity.

  Some, Lucas in particular, went even further and wished for a long period of uninterrupted routine.

  "Boredom," he told Jessie the weekend before their wedding when she had dropped into the chair in his retreat, clearly exhausted from all the turmoil surrounding the preparations for the biggest royal wedding in years.

  "What?" she asked.

  "Boredom. A long, yawn-inducing stretch of pure, unmitigated boredom. That's what you need. And I wouldn't mind it myself, for that matter."

  She sighed. "I'll vote for that."

  "Maybe we should have eloped after all."

  She gave him a sideways and rather dangerous look. "As I recall, I suggested that in the first place."

  He grimaced. "I know. But it really wouldn't have been fair to my mother. She's been looking forward to this since I was born."

  Jessie relented then. Lucas knew she'd come to adore his mother, and that the feeling was mutual. His headstrong fiancee had agreed to many things he knew she would rather not have done just to please her future mother-in-law. Not to curry favor, not out of fear—his Jessie wasn't afraid of much of anything—but because she wanted Gwendolyn to be happy.

  Lucas had seen the transformation early, after Jessie had balked at the part of the budget—rather extraordinary even for a royal wedding—set aside simply for her dress. She had mutinously told Lucas she would buy a dress off the rack, thank you, and give the leftover thousands to charity.

  They had compromised by giving the huge commission for the attendants's dresses to Ms. Sally Tucker of Shady Rock, Colorado, who was nothing less than gleeful about the unexpected plum. The lovely dresses she'd designed and had made had been delivered two days ago, and Jessie had been delighted to send back to the woman the official papers designating her "Designer to the Royal Family of Montebello" for her to use in her shop.

  "I'm glad you chose Julia to be your chief attendant," he said.

  Jessie smiled. "That still sounds odd. I'm used to matron of honor. But I'm just glad she said yes. There's really no one else I feel so close to just now." />
  Had she not assured him she had reached a certain calm about her sister, Lucas would have thought she was thinking of Ursula. As it was, he was just glad she and his sister were becoming so close.

  He was also glad she had chosen Elena Kamal as her other attendant. The wife of Hassan Kamal, the young woman had risked her life, putting herself between Lucas and a bullet to save him during his captivity by the Brothers of Darkness. That alone, Jessie had said, was reason enough, but she also liked the courageous young woman who had had to fight for her place in a world peopled by men who liked to think they knew just what a woman's place should be.

  He himself, at his father's request, had chosen Rashid as his supporter, or "best man" as Jessie would have called it. He'd wanted his friend Nick Chiara, but the newlywed doctor had graciously but firmly opted out; he wasn't up to playing a star part in this drama, he'd said.

  Besides, he'd told Lucas with a grin, who was he to deprive the world of the chance to see the two highest profile royal couples extant in one ceremony, Rashid and Julia and now Lucas and Jessie? Lucas had laughed, but hastened to warn Nick not to say that in front of Jessie.

  "A little skittish, is she?" Nick had asked.

  "Ready to bolt like one of her wild horses at home," Lucas had answered ruefully.

  "Can't blame her." Nick's answer was cheerful, but clearly heartfelt. "I'm just on the perimeter, and it sometimes drives me nuts."

  With that in mind now Lucas got to his feet, went to the chair Jessie was curled up in and sat on the arm. He put his hand gently around her shoulders. She leaned back, looked up at him and smiled, but it was a very weary smile, and he could see the effort behind it.

  Now, he thought. He'd been waiting for just the right moment.

  "I've been thinking," he said softly.


  "Our honeymoon."


  The smile was a bit better this time. He didn't think it was for the destination, which had been announced as a private island near Tahiti. He'd come to know her rather well, so he guessed the smile was probably for the length of time. When he'd told her they would be expected to take at least a month, she'd brightened considerably.


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