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Courage of a Highlander

Page 18

by Katy Baker

  “I don’t hold you to your vow—”

  “I’m not talking about that! Vow be damned! It’s my duty to protect ye because I love ye! Havenae ye figured it out by now?”

  She went very still. Her eyes were big and round as she stared up at him. There. He’d said it now. The words had been gnawing away inside him for weeks, trying to find a way out but it was only when he’d seen her in danger this afternoon that they’d grabbed him, made him face up to what had been inside him all this time. He loved her. Lord help him, he loved her more than life itself.

  “Aiden,” she breathed and there was a world of promises in that single word. “Oh my God. Aiden.” She reached up and cupped his face in her hands. Her touch sent a thrill right through his body. He stared at her, unblinking, hardly daring to breathe. She studied his face, her eyes roving over his features as though drinking them in. And then she said it. Those words he’d dreamed of hearing.

  “I love you too.”


  For one long, timeless moment, Aiden said nothing. He stood frozen, his hands still gripping her forearms, his expression unreadable. Then his lips found hers and she answered hungrily, allowing all the pent up emotion of the day to sweep her up on a tide of need and desire. He loved her. Oh God, he loved her. In all her life she would never get tired of hearing those words.

  Then all of a sudden he had her up against the wall, her back pressing painfully into the hard stone. Kara barely noticed it. Her senses were deluged by Aiden. By his mouth on hers, by his hot breath on her face, by his hard chest crushing her breasts between them, by his hands that roved up and down her sides, sending tingles of sheer pleasure across her skin. Kara wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him close. She wanted no distance between them. She wanted every part of him to touch every part of her.

  Aiden’s kisses moved down the line of her jaw to her neck and Kara threw her head back, letting out a low moan. Her fingers gripped his shoulders and then his back, feeling how his muscles had gone taut and as hard as rock. Where his body pressed against hers she felt the solid swell of his desire pressing against her stomach and the sensation sent her almost senseless with desire.

  Aiden spun her around and whilst one hand hiked up her dress to caress her thighs and buttocks, the other quickly undid the myriad of clasps and buttons on the back. When he turned her back to face him, Kara had never been so glad to be rid of a garment. The dress fell to the floor between them, pooling by her feet, leaving her in only a thin chemise. Aiden’s eyes raked over her, gone dark with lust.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered. “Every inch of ye.”

  Kara grabbed him, pulled him to her, wanting to feel his hands on her body. Aiden obliged, finding her mouth with his whilst his hands gripped her tightly, one on her waist, the other sweeping down her back. Kara plucked at the knot that held Aiden’s plaid in place. It came undone easily and it slid between them to pool beside Kara’s dress. This left Aiden in only his linen shirt but this was still too much for Kara. She wanted nothing between them. Nothing. She grabbed the linen and tugged it. Aiden raised his arms over his head, tore off the shirt, and tossed it away before kicking off his boots as well.

  Kara drank in the sight of him. Naked from head to toe, he was more than she’d ever dreamed in a man. His body was tight and toned, the light playing over the contours of his muscles. But it was his eyes that caught and held her, sent her thoughts spinning in a mad dance. They were so filled with desire and need that it took her breath away.

  With a low grunt Aiden grabbed her shift in his fist and pulled. The thin fabric tore easily and Aiden tossed it nonchalantly away. The cool air played across Kara’s naked skin, sending goosebumps riding up her arms.

  Aiden growled deep in his throat and yanked her hard against him. There was nothing between them now. Just skin and heat and desire. Kara wrapped her arms around him and Aiden lifted her, pressing her back against the wall, supporting her with his hands beneath her buttocks. She wrapped her legs around his hips and felt the tip of his manhood touch the spot between her legs that ached for him.

  He looked into her eyes and in them she saw a future stretching out. A future for them.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  Aiden’s eyes slid closed and he leaned forward, pressing his forehead to hers. Then he shifted his hips and entered her, his shaft piercing that hot, dark spot, finding her burning core of warmth and burying himself deeply. She tilted her hips, taking all of him, needing all of him, until she could feel him filling her.

  Kara gasped, almost losing herself with the sensation of it. It felt right. She felt complete.

  Aiden began to move inside her. His forehead dropped to her shoulder, his breath coming hot and ragged by her ear. Kara gripped him tightly, her hands on his shoulders, her legs around his hips as his thrusts became deeper, more urgent. Tiny gasps of pleasure began to escape Kara’s lips and Aiden’s breath came in a low, animal growl.

  He was pounding her now, spearing her hard and deep, passion overwhelming both of them as they lost themselves to their desperate, hungry need for each other. The world around Kara disappeared until nothing mattered but this moment with Aiden, their bodies joined, as they should be.

  The fire raging in Kara’s core ignited her blood. Pure, blinding ecstasy engulfed her as she reached her climax and screamed Aiden’s name. A moment later he groaned and shuddered, hips bucking as he emptied himself into her core.

  For a long, timeless moment they stood there, each coming back to an awareness of the other, until finally Aiden raised his head and looked at her. His hair was tousled, his cheeks flushed and a thin sheen of sweat marked his brow. To Kara he was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. She leaned forward and gently wiped away the sweat and then kissed the end of his nose.

  Aiden grinned, his face transformed into a look of pure delight then, still with her legs wrapped around his waist, he carried her over to the bed and laid them both down on the soft covers.

  He crouched over her, his hair falling forward to tickle her face. “My wee lass,” he breathed. “My Kara.”

  He leaned down and kissed her, gently this time, his lips moving slowly, tenderly across hers. Emotion swelled up in Kara and she felt the hot burn of tears in her eyes. How could she have found something like this in so unexpected a place? She’d never felt the way she did now. Complete. Like she’d come home. For the first time in her life, she was where she was meant to be and could finally stop running.

  So she kissed him back. Kissed him so thoroughly she hoped he could read how she felt about him, pouring all her emotion into the act. Aiden kissed her cheeks, her nose, her forehead before rolling onto his back and pulling her into the crook of his arm. She snuggled against him, fitting her body against his and his arms came around to hold her close, circling her protectively.

  “Ye have unmanned me, Kara,” he mumbled into her hair. “I’m good for nothing now.”

  She looked up at him. “I hope there’s one thing you’re still good for because I haven’t done with you yet.” She raised herself up on her elbows and looked down at him. He watched her, eyes dark with lust once more. Slowly, she made circles across his skin with the tips of her fingers and was rewarded when goosebumps rippled across his torso.

  He groaned and, glancing down, she saw the swell of his desire begin to grow once more. An answering ache lit deep within her. She leaned down to kiss him, passionately this time, and he suddenly grabbed her, lifted her atop him.

  “I’ll be good for that for as long as ye want me,” he breathed.

  Kara’s thoughts exploded into fragments.

  Chapter 14

  It was a long time since Aiden had slept so well or so deeply. Whilst on campaign he’d learned to sleep lightly because you never knew when the sudden order might come for you to wake or when a surprise attack would come in the night. So he slept lightly, weapons always within arms-reach. But not tonight. Tonight he fell into a deep slumber, every inch
of him sated. His limbs were heavy with contentment, his mind settled and free of worry for what felt the first time in years.

  And yet he remained aware. All through the night, he felt her against him, curled up against his chest and with her presence beside him, came a peace he’d rarely known. The ache inside of him was gone. He was at peace.

  The first rays of sunlight falling through the window woke him the next morning. Beside him, Kara slept, her hair spilling across the pillow, her naked breasts rising and falling with her breath. Desire took Aiden and he wanted nothing more than to wake her, make love to her again. He couldn’t remember how many times he’d taken her last night but he’d soon discovered that Kara’s passion matched his own and it had gone on late into the night. But he could never get enough of this woman. Never.

  He reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. She mumbled something but didn’t wake. He tried to calm his arousal. No, he wouldn’t wake her. Better to let her sleep. And besides, there was plenty of time for that now that she was his.

  Mine, he thought, hardly able to believe it. She’s mine. She loves me.

  Just the very thought of it left him stunned.

  Careful not to wake her, he climbed out of bed and stretched to work out the last vestiges of sleep. Then he dressed and planted a soft kiss on her head.

  “Where are you going?” she mumbled, reaching out to twine her fingers through his.

  “I’m sorry, lass,” he replied. “I didnae mean to wake ye. I must be about my duties. I have training this morning. Ye sleep. I’ll see ye later.”

  “You’d better,” she muttered.

  He kissed her again, untangled his fingers, and left the room. He seemed to float through the castle. He couldn’t seem to stop grinning. The few servants he passed gave him quizzical looks but he didn’t care. He wanted to shout to the world that Kara Buchanan was his. His!

  When he reached his own chamber, he took a quick wash and changed his clothes. He was just strapping on his sword belt, ready for training, when there was a knock on his door. A page stood outside.

  “Begging yer pardon, but yer father requests yer presence immediately, Aiden,” the boy said.

  “At this hour? What’s this about, Rab?”

  “I dinna ken, lord. I only know he’s waiting for ye in his study.”

  “Very well, I’ll attend immediately. My thanks.”

  The lad nodded and hurried off. Aiden finished buckling on his sword belt and then left his chamber. As he hurried through the corridors of the waking castle, a sense of unease descended on him. What could his father want to speak to him about at this hour? Surely a report on yesterday’s events could wait until later? Had he learned of what had happened between him and Kara? Gossip in Dun Arnwick was rife and no doubt someone would have noticed that he’d spent the night in her chambers. He didn’t care. He didn’t care if the whole world knew he loved Kara Buchanan.

  He reached his father’s study, knocked on the door and entered. He found his mother and father waiting for him inside, both standing by the fire. His father was holding a parchment. The look on their faces made him pause.

  “What is it?” he demanded. “I dinna know what ye may have heard of myself and Lady Kara but my intentions are completely honorable—”

  “This isn’t about Kara,” Andrew interrupted him. “We wanted to talk to ye about this.” He nodded at the scroll he was holding.

  Aiden waited, saying nothing.

  Andrew blew out a breath. “I think I’ve prepared ye well for the lairdship, son. Ye’ve learned the arts of governance and of leadership. Yer skill in battle was never in question.” His eyes snapped up to meet Aiden’s. “But yer conviction is.”

  Aiden frowned. “What are ye talking about?” He glanced at his mother to see that she was pale and her eyes filled with sadness. “Mother? What is going on here?”

  She just shook her head mutely.

  Andrew unrolled the scroll and began to read. “I, James, fifth of that name, King of Scotland, do hear by grant to Aiden Harris the title of Earl of Marischal and the estate of Dunnottar.”

  “Where did ye get that?” Aiden exploded. “How dare ye look through my private things?”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Lucy asked, her voice stricken. “Why didn’t you tell us you were leaving? You’ve let us think you were back to stay, you’ve let us make plans for yer future, get used to having you around again. How could you deceive us like that?”

  Aiden opened his mouth for an angry retort but the pain in his mother’s eyes made him pause. “It wasnae like that,” he began. “I meant to tell ye as soon as I returned but then the complications with Kara and Irene happened and it never seemed like the right time.”

  “That’s yer explanation?” Andrew snapped. “That it wasnae the right time? Lord above, I would hope for a little honesty from my only son. Havenae I taught ye better than that?”

  His words stung. “Aye, lord,” Aiden said. “Ye taught me well. Ye taught me to consider my decisions before making them. Ye taught me to always put my duty to others first. That’s why I didnae tell ye. Firstly, I havenae yet given my decision to the king. The Earl of Marischal is a border baron, a military post designed to protect his borders in the East. The king gave me time to deliberate before I answer him. Secondly, I had a duty to Kara. To see her safely home.” He fixed his father with a challenging stare. “That is why I didnae tell ye.”

  Andrew stared at him for a long moment. Then he blinked and looked away. For the first time he realized that his father looked weary. He was getting older and now Aiden was the bigger and stronger of the two. The realization filled him with sadness.

  “How did ye get that scroll?” Aiden asked. “I dinna like being put on the spot. I would have told ye when it was the right time. Lord, I would even have brought it to the two of ye to ask yer advice. Why did ye go through my things?”

  “Bhradain brought the parchment to us,” his mother replied. “He said it arrived by courier at dawn and he opened it by accident, thinking it was addressed to him.”

  “That’s a lie,” Aiden growled. “I brought the scroll back with me and kept it amongst the papers in my room. He must have gone in there and looked through them. I’ll kill the sneaking bastard!”

  What, by all that’s holy, was Bhradain up to? Why was he trying to sow discord between Aiden and his parents? Then he remembered their altercation outside the Great Hall all those weeks ago. If ye hadn’t returned, there was a chance yer father would have adopted me and named me laird after him! He knew Bhradain was bitter about Aiden’s return but he’d never thought he’d act on it. Stupid. Bhradain’s discontent obviously ran deeper than anyone realized. Then Aiden remembered something else. The leader of the brigands kneeling, hands bound. Bhradain suddenly darting forward and running him through—right before he was about to be questioned.

  Aiden’s blood ran cold. “Who knew the route we were taking to intercept the brigands?”

  Andrew looked startled at the sudden change of topic. “Nay many. Why?”

  “Who? Give me names.”

  “Yerself, me, Jamie and Bhradain.”


  Everything suddenly fell into place and a ball of ice formed in his stomach. Bhradain had planned the ambush. But his plans had been thwarted by...

  “Kara!” he shouted.

  He turned and bolted from the room.


  “Ye are doing it again,” Beth grumbled.

  Kara looked up, startled out of her thoughts. “Doing what?”

  “Staring into space like some loon. I’m trying to capture ye whilst ye are writing, remember?”

  “Oh yeah. Sorry.”

  She picked up the quill and once more set to her task. Her history of the Harris clan lay open on the desk before her. It was almost finished and she hoped the family would like it. Beth sat in a chair by the window, sketch pad on one knee, feverishly sketching whilst Kara wrote. They were the only
ones in the library this early in the morning, for which Kara was grateful.

  She’d woken more rested than she could ever remember—despite not getting much sleep. Her cheeks flushed as she remembered the night she’d spent with Aiden. The first night of the rest of their lives if Kara got her way.

  So this is what it’s like, she thought. To be in love. To feel so alive, like every minute of every day holds something new and exciting to look forward to.

  The realization that she loved him hadn’t come as a shock. Since the moment she’d first met Aiden Harris, he’d done strange things to her, made her feel things she never had, made her think things she never had. She’d felt it creeping up on her, this thing that had been growing between them, until yesterday it had risen up and swallowed them both.

  There was no going back now, nor did Kara want to. She could never, ever get enough of Aiden Harris. He was part of her, as integral to her as breathing.

  But what about when you go home, a traitorous little voice whispered in her head. What then?

  She pushed the voice away, refusing to let it ruin her mood, but it hovered at the back of her mind like a storm cloud.

  Beth threw up her arms in exasperation. “There ye go again!”

  Kara fixed her friend with a sheepish smile. She’d been daydreaming again, her arms dangling at her side, quill and ink forgotten on the table. “I can’t seem to concentrate this morning.”

  Beth raised an eyebrow. “Mayhap ye need to get a little more sleep.”

  Kara’s cheeks flushed. Did Beth know about her and Aiden? Holy crap, was it round the whole castle already? But more to the point, did she care? No, she realized. I don’t care who knows. In fact, I want to shout it from the rooftops.

  She longed to tell Beth but didn’t. Sure, Beth was her friend but she was also Aiden’s sister. How would she react to knowing what was going on between Kara and her brother?


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