Book Read Free

The Dragon's Song

Page 12

by Claire Fogel

  I asked, “Will we have the same bodyguards we had before? And will they be with us outside school as well?”

  “Your bodyguards will stay close to you whenever you’re out of your homes. Of course, they’ll be with you in school too. Ryan will be with you, Cara; Neal with Amy; Patrick with Kevin, and Gabriel has volunteered to act as Sean’s bodyguard. Sean, you probably remember Gabe; he was one of Cara’s bodyguards last spring.” Sean nodded.

  “I don’t want any one of you, and this includes you, Alicia, to leave your home without a bodyguard for any reason. That would be the only time you’d actually be vulnerable. Conor and Arlynn volunteered to work at the bookstore with you. They’ll take turns. Since they’ve both worked with you before, I thought you’d be comfortable with them.”

  She raised one eyebrow. “I will be. And traffic in the store will probably pick up while they’re there.” My father rolled his eyes and everyone smiled. The mood in the kitchen got lighter and more relaxed as my father outlined all the steps that were being taken to protect us.

  I asked, “What about the school activities we’ve been looking forward to? Like football games, and other events held outside school.”

  “Chief O’Donnell suggested you attend those kinds of events as a group whenever possible. After all, the larger the group, the more protection each of you will have.”

  Amy and Kevin looked at each other. “No problem,” Kevin said.

  Sean looked at me, both eyebrows raised. “That’ll be fine with me if it’s okay with Cara.”

  I nodded. “Sounds good. Hanging with these three will be fun.” Everyone nodded, a few smiles beginning to emerge from the tense faces of my friends.

  “If any of you have questions any time, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll be staying here with Cara and her mother.” My father looked at each of my friends. “I’ll be available to all of you, day or night.” He turned to me. “Let’s go over to your practice area now so you can take that picture for the Chief.”

  Mom told my friends, “You’re all welcome to stay for coffee or tea. No one has to rush out. Frankly, I’d enjoy the company.”

  “We’ll be back in a few minutes,” I said. “I’ll email the photo to the Chief. Will you guys wait for me?”

  Sean smiled and nodded. Amy and Kevin said they’d stay. Dad and I walked next door to my practice area. I took the cover off my target and used my phone to take a picture of my painting of Gaynes. As soon as I’d sent it to the Chief, we walked back to the house.

  My father frowned. “Is there some way you can make a copy of that picture you just took? My men also need to know what he looks like.”

  “Sure. I’ll print it and make copies for you.”

  “And you can do all that with that little phone?”

  I couldn’t help giggling. “Yep. Twenty-first century, Dad.”

  He smiled, shaking his head.

  When we walked back into the kitchen, the atmosphere was a lot more relaxed. My friends were comparing their class schedules for senior year. Amy was complaining about the science class she was required to take in order to graduate. She hated Science. Sean was complaining about the English teacher he’d have this year because the man was known for insisting his classes share his love of Shakespeare. Kevin was laughing because he had already accumulated enough points to graduate and, except for a couple of required courses, he could take any fun class he chose to round out his senior year.

  “Do you have your schedule, Cara?” Sean asked. We’re all trying to see if we’ll be sharing any classes this year. It doesn’t look like Amy, Kevin, and I have any classes together.”

  “Wait a sec, I’ll run upstairs and print mine out.” I was back a minute later and spread my class schedule out on the kitchen table. My father helped himself to coffee and sat down next to Mom.

  Sean set his phone on the table next to my printed schedule. My eyes were going back and forth between my schedule and his until I sat back, sort of in shock. “You’re in all but two of my classes, P.E. and Art. How did you manage that?”

  He laughed, shrugging. “I didn’t manage it. Got lucky, I guess.” He wore a satisfied smile.

  “Let me see that,” Kevin said, looking surprised. I handed him my schedule and aimed Sean’s phone at him. Kevin finally snorted. “Who’d you have to bribe, McKay?”

  Sean just shook his head, looking smug, and winked at me.

  I looked over at my mother, who was trying, unsuccessfully, to look serious. Finally, she started chuckling as she stood up. “More coffee, anyone?”

  Amy stood. “As good as that sounds, I’d better get back. My folks are nervous when I’m not there. Maybe they’ll calm down when I tell them how much the Thornewood police are doing to protect us.” Then she smiled. “Besides, my mother was getting bored without the bakery to go to, so she started making apple strudel before I left.”

  “Ooh. Save me a piece,” I said. “Can we get together at your house tomorrow?”

  “You know, I think it would be good for my parents if you all come over. My mother will start baking again, my father will try to boss her around—which never works—and it’ll cheer them up.” She looked at Sean and Kevin. “Are you two in?”

  “I’m definitely in,” Kevin said. “Your mom’s baking kills.”

  Sean added, “I’ll be there too. Just give me a time. After all, it’s our last day before school starts. Let’s have some fun with it! We’ll be so well guarded, there won’t be anything to worry about.”

  We were all smiling by that time. I walked Amy to the door, gave her a hug and sent her out to Neal, who waited on the porch. I was pleased to see his eyes light up when Amy walked out.

  There was a knock on the back door as I returned to the kitchen. I went to the door to find Kevin’s father, Kelly O’Rourke, standing on the back porch with Adam. Kelly asked if he could see Kevin, and Adam said he just wanted to make sure I was all right.

  “Come on in. My father’s here too so he can fill you in on anything you don’t already know.”

  Mom invited Kelly and Adam to sit down and proceeded to make a fresh pot of coffee.

  My father described all the steps being taken by the police force as well as the part the Elves would play in protecting our homes.

  Adam looked at me, obviously worried. Turning to my father, he said, “I know Ryan and I will both protect Cara with our lives. But since she seems to be Gaynes’ number one target, I think she needs more than just the two of us.”

  My father nodded. “Every one of our Elves is aware of that and will be keeping Cara in his sights as much as possible. No one will be able to get near her.”

  Kevin and Sean were watching and listening closely, their eyes moving back and forth between Adam and my father. Adam did seem more intense than usual.

  “I think we can stick to the same plan we had before. Ryan will be with Cara in and out of school during the week, and you’ll take over on the weekends, Adam. If Cara feels she needs you during the week, she can always let you know.” Adam nodded but he didn’t seem completely satisfied. Mom patted his shoulder and handed him a cup of coffee. Even she could see how worried Adam was.

  My father turned to Kevin and Kelly. “Kelly, I want you to stay close to Kevin’s house, day and night. We’re trying to catch an arsonist.”

  Kelly said, “That’s what I wanted to speak to you and Kevin about. I want to help in any way I can.” He looked at Kevin sitting beside him. “Will it cause you any problems with your mother if I’m around every day, son?”

  Kevin nodded. “It would probably be a good idea if Mom doesn’t see you. She doesn’t know about these threats, and we’d all prefer to keep her out of it if we can.”

  Kevin’s mother, Betty Sinclair, didn’t know about the Elves. She also didn’t know that Kevin’s Elven father, with whom she’d had a one-week fling eighteen years ago, was back and spending time with his son. Kelly had never even known he had a son. Betty Sinclair had always been totally wrapped up
in her career rather than in Kevin. At this point, Kevin preferred keeping it that way.

  My father kissed Mom on the cheek and stood. “I need to meet with the Elves who are in camp to go over the Chief’s plans with them. I want them to be undercover, but at the same time, aware of where the police are. Adam, you and Kelly should come with me. We need everyone well coordinated.” Looking at Mom, he said, “I’ll be back soon.”

  Adam walked over to me and whispered, “Let me know if you need me. I’ll be listening for you.” He gave my shoulder a quick squeeze and left with my father and Kelly.

  Sean and Kevin looked at each other. Sean said, “I’ve never seen Adam like this. He’s usually so laid back. I wouldn’t want to get in his way when he’s in bodyguard mode.”

  I shrugged. “Yeah, he worries about me. But he’s saved my life twice so I’m not complaining.”

  Mom got up from the table and said, “You boys are welcome to stay as long as you like. I’m going upstairs to take a nap.”

  “Thanks for brunch, Mrs. Connelly,” Sean said with a smile.

  Kevin added, “Fantastic as always, Mrs. C.”

  Mom said, “I’m glad you’re both here. Cara needs her friends, especially now.” She turned to me. “If anything happens, wake me.” I nodded and hugged her. I could feel the tension in her body, but I knew she wouldn’t talk to me about it.

  Once we heard the door to her room close, Kevin said, “This is a lot different from last spring when we were all being threatened. We didn’t know who was behind it, and you hadn’t met your father yet. The police weren’t involved either. I don’t know about you two, but this feels like a whole new can of worms.”

  Sean nodded. “There were so many things then that we didn’t understand. Plus, you two now have skills to protect yourselves. Maybe I should start carrying a big stick.” The sarcasm was obvious, but I knew he felt vulnerable.

  Kevin shook his head. “That won’t be necessary. You’ve got Gabriel for a bodyguard. He’s even bigger than you. Besides, Cara already found out just how good he is in a fight.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “When Gabe, Ryan and I were ambushed on our way to Elvenwood a few months ago, Gabe was awesome. He stayed on a galloping grey while shooting arrows at our attackers. And he didn’t miss, despite being injured.”

  Sean said, “You both talk about those greys so much. Will I ever get a chance to see one?”

  Kevin looked over at me. “Do you think your father will let Sean visit Elvenwood?”

  “Well, we know Sean has some Elven blood, so I think the gateway would open for him. I’ll ask my father. Since Conor is Sean’s cousin, I don’t see why not.”

  I could see Sean’s mood lighten when he began to smile. “I’ve been fascinated with Elvenwood ever since Cara told me about it. I would really love to see it for myself.”

  I had been wondering about more immediate problems. “I’ve been thinking about the kind of attacks I went through in the past. All, but one, were carried out when I was with a bodyguard; that didn’t stop them. Adam was with me when one of Gaynes’ friends tried to run me down in the street. Ryan and Gabriel were both with me when we were ambushed in the woods. Ryan was with me when that man tried to kidnap me at the lake. I actually had two bodyguards just before I was kidnapped during that storm; but neither one was able to help me.” My memories brought that anxiety back even stronger than before.

  I sighed. “I don’t know what kind of thugs Gaynes has hired this time, but even with bodyguards, they always find a way to get to me. I think the Chief’s advice that we stick together as much as possible is a good idea.”

  Kevin added, “From the way that message Amy received was worded, it sounded to me like Gaynes doesn’t care who gets hurt this time. He’s out for revenge. I think we all run the same risk this time around.”

  Sean nodded. “Sounded that way to me too.”

  They were right. I’d been thinking of myself, but we were all in danger.

  I must have tossed and turned all night because when I got up and staggered into my bathroom, my hair looked like I’d had one finger plugged into a light socket. I climbed into the shower to repair the damage. While the hot water ran over me, I closed my eyes and tried to calm my mind for a few minutes, concentrating on my breathing, and nothing else. Once again, it relaxed me. While I dried off, I felt better.

  Amy called first, letting me know her parents were delighted that we were all coming over. Mrs. Strauss was making apple tarts and muffins this morning in honor of our visit. I knew Kevin would be thrilled. She asked if I’d call the boys and arrange to drive over in one car. I counted heads in my mind and decided that my new car could hold six, so I told her I’d do the driving.

  Kevin was the first one I called. “Hey, short stuff. Feeling any better this morning?”

  “Yeah, a little meditating in the shower and I feel more like myself now. Are you okay?”

  “Not too bad. I’m more worried about keeping my mom out of it than anything else. I don’t even want to think about what she’ll do if she spots my dad outside.”

  “I’m sure he’ll stay out of sight. He doesn’t want to complicate things any more than you do. The reason I’m calling is to coordinate getting over to Amy’s this morning. I have the biggest car so I’ll pick up you and Sean and our bodyguards. Sound okay to you?”

  I could hear his smile over the phone. “Sure. Can I drive?”

  “No way. It’s my car and I’m doing the driving. Don’t you trust me?” If he said one word about mailboxes, he’d be walking to Amy’s.

  He laughed. “No, babe, I’m not worried about your driving. I just want to drive that big black machine again. It’s such a cool car.”

  “Amy said we could come over any time after ten, so what time’s good for you?”

  “Mrs. Strauss is baking, isn’t she?”

  I giggled. “You know she is. Apple tarts and muffins.”

  “Well, I can be ready in two minutes. What time is it now?”

  “Kevin, it’s not even nine yet. Cool your jets. I’ll come by at ten to pick you up.”

  My friend, the walking stomach, reluctantly agreed.

  “I’ll see you in an hour, Kev. I have to call Sean now.”

  When Sean picked up the phone, he said, “Good morning, beautiful.” I hadn’t heard that greeting since we broke up. My stomach did a small backflip. I told it to calm down.

  “Amy called to say her folks are really happy we’re all coming over today. Her mom’s baking up a storm, of course. She said any time after ten would be good. How’s that work for you?”

  “Sounds good. My dad needs the car, so can you or Kevin give me a lift?”

  “I’m picking up both of you, and our bodyguards. Have you seen Gabriel yet?”

  “Yeah, he came in last night to meet my dad. I had to explain the situation to my father. Mom’s visiting one of her sisters in Boston, so I’m hoping she’ll never know what’s going on. Gabe thought he should meet my dad so that he wouldn’t be mistaken for a prowler. He knows Conor and my dad are cousins, which seemed to make both of them more comfortable.”

  “How’s your dad handling all of this?”

  “Well, I had to tell him about everything that happened last spring, including your kidnapping. He didn’t know about that, but he’s on board now and understands what we’re all up against. He did say that he’d like to speak with your father, so maybe you could let your dad know.”

  “I will. I know my dad feels terrible that my friends are involved. Anyway, I’ll pick up you and Gabe a few minutes after ten. I’m really hoping we’ll have fun today so we can forget about all this crap for a little while.”

  “Ditto. See you later, beautiful.” His deep voice was getting to me.

  I hung up and scolded my stomach for doing another backflip. After all, Sean and I were just friends now. He wasn’t my boyfriend anymore. Just friends. Right.

  An hour later Ryan and I picked up Kevin and Patrick and headed
to Sean’s house. We saw more police cars on the roads than usual, and uniformed police were all over the downtown area. One of them waved at us when I stopped at the light at the corner of Elm and Main where there was a shiny new mailbox on the corner. I could hear snickers from the backseat.

  “One word, Kevin, and you’ll be walking.” I looked at Ryan sitting next to me. He looked sympathetic even though he was smiling. When we pulled up in front of Sean’s house, his father came out with him and walked over to my side of the car, bending down to talk to me.

  “Cara. It’s good to see you again,” Mr. McKay said. “I think we both missed you.” He smiled and winked at me. I’d always liked Sean’s father. He was tall like his son, his hair still blond but graying, and he had the same warm brown eyes. I hadn’t seen him since last spring.

  He said softly, “I never knew what you’d gone through months ago, and I’m sorry Sean wasn’t more understanding. Growing pains, I guess.” He smiled. “I’m glad you’re friends again. I hope I’ll get a chance to speak to your father soon. I’d like to help, if I can.”

  “Thanks, Mr. McKay. I’ll let my dad know and he’ll be in touch.”

  Sean and Gabriel climbed into the back seat with Kevin and Patrick and we left for Amy’s house.

  Gabe chuckled. “Your new car looks really powerful. I’ll bet we could outrun the bad guys, if we had to.”

  I shivered slightly. I hoped that would never be necessary.

  When we reached Amy’s house, everyone piled out of my car with Gabe and Patrick heading for the backyard, and Ryan joining Neal on the front porch. I rang the doorbell and Amy invited us in. Wonderful baking smells hit us as soon as we walked through the door. I was sure Kevin was already salivating.

  After hugging all of us, Amy led us into the large kitchen where her parents were working. Her dad was punching down dough for bread, and Mrs. Strauss was just taking apple tarts out of the oven.

  Mrs. Strauss put the tarts on the counter and came over to greet us. “Cara, liebchen, it’s so good to see you, and Kevin, my always hungry boy, and Sean, you’ve gotten so tall. Welcome!” I’d always loved Mrs. Strauss’ Austrian accent; she’d been in this country since before Amy was born, but still sounded as though she’d just arrived from her native Vienna. It had been quite a few years since Kevin and I had had play dates at Amy’s house. Amy’s mom always made the best goodies for us when we visited. She was a short, round woman with Amy’s curly red hair, the color still as bright as it had ever been.


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