Book Read Free

Restless Harmony

Page 21

by Kylie Gilmore

  “Who wants breakfast?” he asked.

  Fred jumped around like a crazy pup who’d never eaten kibble before in his life. Gabe found himself smiling. He took care of Fred, got himself breakfast, and left Zoe a message to call him.

  ~ ~ ~

  Zoe called Gabe back during a rehearsal break in the afternoon when it was still morning back home. “Hey, how are you? I miss you.”

  “Fine,” he said. “How are you?”

  “Just a minute.” She stepped outside the studio for privacy. It had been a rough day so far, with Jordan fighting her at every turn. “Jordan is being difficult. I don’t know how much longer the band will stay together.”

  “Zoe, I got your text about sharing a hotel room with Jordan,” he said tersely. “Explain.”

  “What? I didn’t send you a text.”

  There was a long pause.

  “Gabe? You still there?”

  He exhaled noisily into the phone. “It seems Jordan is causing trouble. I thought it was strange that you’d tell me you were sharing a hotel room but not to worry because you always shared a hotel room. You know I wouldn’t put up with that. And you certainly wouldn’t do a chicken-shit thing like put it in a text instead of telling me outright. He’s really got it out for you. Watch your back.”

  Zoe sank to the steps of the small front porch. “You believed me.”

  “I trust you. I haven’t trusted Jordan since I met him.”

  She leaned against the porch rail, her mind replaying the day. Her phone had been sitting out on a table so she could check it for a message from Gabe. Jordan must’ve snagged it when she was in the ladies’ room. Her passcode was her birthday. Not hard for Jordan to figure out.

  “Do you always share a hotel room with Jordan?” Gabe asked.

  “I usually do,” she said. “To save money on tour, but he never slept in it. He always hooked up with some groupie and spent the night at her place.” At least he said he did. “But on this tour we got separate rooms.”

  “What’s different this time?”

  She winced. “He said he loves me and can’t share a room anymore. I told him I didn’t feel the same way. I told him I was with you.”

  “I knew it! I knew he was in love with you. Didn’t I tell you that?”

  “I guess I just saw that he cared about me. Like a big brother.” And now he was giving her the cold shoulder. All this time she’d thought he was such a good friend when he really just wanted to hook up. She knew Jordan. He never would’ve stayed. He’d been playing with her and keeping other men away from her.

  “Does he know about the baby?” Gabe asked.

  “No.” She lowered her voice and glanced behind her. “I haven’t told anyone here, and I don’t plan to.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Tired, overwhelmed, queasy.”

  “I wish I was holding you right now.”

  “Me too.” She sighed. “When are you coming to visit? I need something to look forward to.”



  “Vinny is worse than we thought. Stage three. He starts chemo soon. I don’t know if I can leave him now.”

  “I’m so sorry,” she murmured even as she selfishly still wanted him to be with her. She was pregnant and across an entire ocean on her own.

  “I’ll try to manage something. Even if it’s just for the weekend. I just…can’t leave him right now. He’s counting on me.”

  She knew Gabe had this thing about death, that he felt like he was cursed, but Vinny was nowhere near death. “Gabe,” she started.

  “I know, I know. I just can’t—”

  Tears unexpectedly stung her eyes. “I gotta go. See you whenever.”


  She hung up and wiped her eyes, feeling peevish and very much alone. Then she turned and marched inside to confront Jordan because she wasn’t putting up with him acting like she’d wronged him when it was very much the other way around.

  She found Jordan joking around with Alex and Wade like he didn’t have a care in the world. The jerk! She stood next to them and waited. Alex and Wade got quiet, and Jordan slowly turned.

  “Where you been?” Jordan asked. “You’re holding us up.”

  “We need to talk,” she said between her teeth.

  “Ooh, trouble in paradise,” Wade said. Alex elbowed him.

  Jordan gave the guys an easy smile. “Love a bossy woman. Let’s roll.”

  She stepped out into the hallway and Jordan followed.

  “How dare you, Jordan!”

  His eyes widened.

  “How dare you!” Her hands were in fists and she fought the urge to slap him, because she couldn’t ever remember being so furious. “Texting my boyfriend and implying I slept with you. Do you have any idea the trouble that could’ve caused? No, you don’t! Because you don’t think about anyone but yourself!”

  He raised a brow. “So he was cool with it?”


  “But you said the trouble it could’ve caused.”

  “He listened to my side, and he believed me.”

  “Huh. He’s different.”

  “That’s it? No apology? No sorry I stole your phone and impersonated you? Sorry I tried to ruin your relationship?” Then it hit her. “Omigod.” She sank back against the wall in horror. “It was you. You’re the reason I never made it past eight weeks with any guy.”

  He lifted one shoulder up and down. “Two months is around the time when most guys bail if they’re not serious.”

  “You told them I shared a hotel room with you too.”

  He looked at the ground for a moment, and she waited for an apology or some sign of remorse or even denial. Instead he met her eyes, crossed to her, and whispered close to her ear, “I did it because I love you.”

  She shoved him away with both hands. “You ruined any chance I had at happiness and for what? To flirt with me after a show?”

  He stood in front of her, his gaze burning into hers, completely unapologetic at the way he’d manipulated her life. “Those other assholes didn’t deserve you. I did you a favor, so you should be thanking me.”

  “Thanking you!” Her hand came up of its own accord, but he caught her wrist before she could make contact. Then he snagged the other wrist and held them both at her sides.

  “Yes, thanking me,” he said. “If they really loved you, they would’ve asked you about the hotel deal instead of just dumping you.”

  Gabe was the only one that hadn’t fallen for it. Why hadn’t he? Probably because he was a lawyer and looked beyond the circumstantial evidence, but it was one hell of a bit of evidence, wasn’t it? He’d been mad, she could tell, but he’d still talked to her about it.

  “If I can’t have you, they can’t have you,” Jordan said.

  “You’re crazy. Get your hands off me.” She yanked her wrists away. “I’m still with Gabe. Nothing you can say or do will change that.” And that was the minute she realized she should’ve kept that ring, should’ve married Gabe right away like he’d asked because her heart was made up and absolutely nothing would change that.

  Jordan backed up a step and gave her a sideways look. “So you got him like that.”

  She lifted her chin. “Yeah, I do. And you know what? After this tour, you and me, we’re finished. I’m not working with you again. In fact, why don’t you just leave now?”

  He glared at her. “Like hell. I’m not leaving on account of you. This is my big break too.”

  “I’m going solo as soon as we get back home.”

  “Ha! You’ll fall flat on your face. You’ve got no head for business.” He tapped her head, and she slapped his finger away. “You don’t know how to line up good gigs—”

  “I’ll figure it out!”

  He snorted. “Yeah, good luck with that.” He turned and went back inside the studio.

  She took a few deep calming breaths before taking her place behind the mike, telling herself not to list
en to Jordan. She could make it on her own. And what she couldn’t do, she’d hire out. It was time to believe in herself.

  ~ ~ ~

  Gabe went to his parents’ house later that day to check on his stepdad. He felt torn. On the one hand, his stepdad was going through hell, and Gabe couldn’t shake the nightmare he’d had of Vinny’s funeral. On the other hand, his last conversation with Zoe replayed over and over in his mind. She clearly wanted him there with her, and he wanted to be. He couldn’t stand for Zoe to be so far away, pregnant, and dealing with a churlish Jordan. But he wasn’t sure if he could leave Vinny for long. What if Vinny didn’t make it? What if Gabe never got a chance to say goodbye?

  Vinny was taking a nap when Gabe arrived, so he joined his mom at the kitchen table, where she was stirring sugar in her tea.

  “Zoe’s pregnant,” he told her.

  She stopped stirring her tea. “I see.” She met his eyes. “And are we happy about it?”

  He nodded. “I am. She’s coming around.”

  “Are you still getting married?”

  “I hope so. I need to see her again face to face and nail this thing down.” He hit the table lightly with his fist. “Just hammer out a deal that works for both of us.”

  “Gabe, this isn’t a legal thing. Is she upset? Does she feel like it’s not the future she planned?”

  His eyes widened. “Yes. That’s exactly what she said. How did you know?”

  “Because I was the same way. It takes you by surprise, and you know your life will never be the same again. Being a mom isn’t easy. It’s a lot of work if you’re doing it right. And I have a feeling Zoe would want to do her best. It’s easier for the man. He just shows up at the end of the day, and he’s fun daddy.”

  He stared at the table. He didn’t see anything wrong with that. He wanted to be fun daddy. That’s what Vinny had been.

  “Is that Gabe I hear?” Vinny called.

  “Yes,” his mom answered. “I think he wants to say goodbye.”

  “Get your ass in here,” Vinny hollered.

  His mom inclined her head. “You heard the man.”

  Gabe appeared in the bedroom doorway, bracing himself for finding his stepdad looking frail, but he was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking a lot more like his old self.

  “What’s this about goodbye?” Vinny asked.

  He sat next to him. “I didn’t say that. I just stopped by to see how you were.”

  “Ah, I’m fine. Your mom will take care of me. I know you want to go to Zoe. So go. Stay as long as you like. I promise not to die on you.”

  Gabe’s throat felt so tight he could barely breathe. He worked hard to push the fear away for Vinny’s sake. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and took a few deep breaths. “Dad, when you say things like that it’s hard to leave with a clear conscience.”

  Vinny clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ll call if there’s news, and you call me too. I want to hear all about this European tour. We’ll do the face stuff. Whatever that is. Angel keeps popping up on my computer.”

  Gabe straightened. “Facetime.”

  “Yeah. We’ll do the Facetime.”

  He studied Vinny’s face. “Are you sure?”

  Vinny smiled reassuringly. “Haven’t I always been straight with you?”

  Gabe nodded, his throat tight.

  “Then you have to believe me. I’ll be okay, son.”

  Gabe let out a breath, his eyes stinging. “She’s pregnant.”

  Vinny broke out into a wide smile. “You don’t say.” He shook his head. “I’m going to be a granddad? That’s just—” His voice caught, and he pounded Gabe on the back. “That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Go to her. And don’t come back until you’re ready. No rushing on my account.”

  Gabe relaxed a bit as the joy of his and Zoe’s baby filled his heart again. It felt good to finally share the news with his stepdad.

  “How’s she feeling?” Vinny asked.

  “She’s a little queasy now and then. Tired.”

  “Give her a little extra TLC.” Vinny raised his brows. “Tender loving care. You take care of the mother, you take care of the baby.” He shook his head and beamed. “A grandchild! What a gift!”

  A weight lifted from Gabe’s heart. Vinny had a grandchild to look forward to. He’d hang on for that and hopefully a lot longer.

  Vinny waved his hand in the air. “She might get a little emotional. She’ll need a lot of hugs.”

  Gabe laughed. He could always count on Vinny for practical advice. “Yeah. I’ll do that.”

  “Allie!” Vinny called. “Did you hear Gabe’s big news?”

  His mom stood in the doorway, smiling. “I sure did.”

  “We should meet her parents,” Vinny said. “I’ll make my homemade ravioli in her honor.”

  “She hasn’t told them yet,” Gabe said. “I’ll let you know.”

  “You better get on that,” Vinny said, pointing his finger at Gabe. “Don’t wait too long.”

  “I will, I will.” He stood. Then he had a thought. “Hey, would you guys like to watch our dog, Fred, when we’re away?”

  “I love dogs,” Vinny said. “Allie?”

  “We’d be happy to.”

  “It’ll be a nice distraction for me,” Vinny said. “Is he well behaved?”

  “Sometimes. You need to let him know you’re the alpha.”

  “Easy enough,” Vinny said with a wink for his wife. “I already am.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Ten days later, Gabe was on a flight to London to see Zoe in her first concert. He’d shut down his business and given notice that it would be a three-month absence. He planned on staying with Zoe for the remainder of her tour though she didn’t know it yet. He wanted to surprise her with what he hoped she’d see as good news. The decision to stay with her was not from a lack of faith, but an abundance of faith that she was worth putting his own life on hold so she could have her dream.

  He took the early flight and made it to the hotel late that night, texting Zoe as soon as he arrived. Then he knocked on her hotel room door and waited, telling himself to take things slow. It was late, and she needed her rest for the baby.

  She answered wearing the black dress he’d bought her that showed lots of cleavage and, as he well remembered, had no back. His mind flashed to that night, and he went instantly hard.

  “Gabe!” she exclaimed with that beaming sunshine smile that made his heart stutter.

  “Zoe,” he choked out.

  He dropped his suitcase, kicked the door closed, and wrapped his arms around her. Then she was kissing him, frantically chanting, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” His hands slid under her dress, found only bare skin, and the small amount of control he’d had broke. He had her on the bed, dress pushed up to her waist in seconds. He freed himself and drove into her.

  “Yes,” she gasped. Her hands grabbed at him, urging him on, which worked for him because he couldn’t stop for anything. He buried himself in her softness, forgetting everything but the woman he had to claim as his own.

  ~ ~ ~

  Gabe woke the next day to the sound of the shower. He’d slept in. His time was all screwed up. It was afternoon here, morning to his East Coast body. He went to the bathroom and eyed the shower. It was much too small for both of them to fit.

  “Hey,” he said so he wouldn’t startle her. Now that he’d had her last night, taken the edge off so to speak, he was really working on that TLC Vinny had told him pregnant women needed. He peeked his head around the shower curtain.

  She smiled. “You won’t fit in here.” He glanced down at her stomach, which was still flat.

  “Are you sure you’re pregnant?” Because if it was a false alarm, he thought he could make the shower work if he held her legs close and—

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  His gaze trailed up to her eyes, which were sparkling with merriment. So much better than the tears she’d had just two weeks ago. �
�How big is the baby?”

  She laughed. “Probably the size of a lima bean.”

  He grinned. “See? I was your lima-bean boyfriend. I put that lima bean right in there.”

  She splashed him in the face, and he closed the curtain, smiling as she did some vocal warm-ups in the shower. Her voice never ceased to amaze him.

  He brushed his teeth and waited until she emerged from the shower. Then he wrapped her in a towel and guided her with his hand on the small of her back to where he wanted her—bed.

  She giggled. “Gabe, I’ve got rehearsal soon.”

  “You know what I want to hear.” He ripped the towel off her and pushed her back on the bed.

  She smiled, opened her legs wide to him, and said the one word he loved most. “Yes.”

  He settled on the bed next to her, suckling her breast while his hand trailed south, finding her hot and wet. She tasted like strawberries. He moved to her other breast and suckled hard while his fingers stroked her sex, drawing a soft moan from her. He told himself to be slow and tender, but the way she was arching into his hand, asking silently for more, was more than his good intentions could take.

  He kissed along her jawline and whispered in her ear. “Scream my name.” Which was the only warning she’d get.

  “Yes,” she said softly. And then he was on her, thrusting deep, bringing them both to the edge. He slid his hands under her ass and lifted her, thrusting as her body clenched around him. He broke out in a sweat; he wasn’t going to last much longer.

  “Now,” he demanded, knowing she’d give what he wanted. She always had.

  He heard his name on her lips, felt that sweet release of hers milking him, and he just let go.

  He rolled off her a few moments later and let out a long breath. “Are you okay?” he asked belatedly.

  “I’m great!” she said with a laugh.

  “Do I need to be gentler because of the baby?” He pulled her close, pressing her head against his chest, pushing her leg over his hip. “I’ll try. It’s hard for me to control myself around you.”

  She squeezed him around the middle. “We’re fine.”


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