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The Festive Handbag

Page 2

by Victoria Blisse

  “Oh, hush. She was of legal age and then some but skinnier and apparently, better in bed than me.”

  “Pfft.” I waved my hand dismissively. “I don’t believe it. Why would any man give up on such curves? You were too much for him. That’s my bet.”

  A tense silence hung in the air, and I pulled my eyes away from hers and stared at the plastic tree opposite me. I thought I might have pushed things a little too far. Kelly had gotten to me, though. She was the total Anti-Taylor. She wasn’t fake. She was beautiful without a ton of makeup, and she had hips and breasts like a real woman should have, just like my favourite fantasy Mistress, in fact.

  “What’s your girlfriend like?” She barely whispered it, drawing my attention to her plump lips.

  “Ex-girlfriend.” I smiled. “She’s a model.”

  “Oh.” Kelly’s face pulled down into a frown, her brow wrinkled

  “High maintenance, too skinny, bitchy and demanding,” I added. “It was only sheer vanity on my behalf that kept her around. It made me feel young and cool to be dating a real, live model. It was a shit relationship though. I’ve made a fool of myself.”

  “Oh, we all do that.” She nodded. “Being left for a young chit of a girl certainly made me feel like the fool.”

  “No, love.” I shook my head. “He was the fool for leaving you.”

  I meant it sincerely, and as her eyes scanned my own, she must have seen a sparkle of that honesty. She leant forward just a fraction and our lips stopped just millimetres apart.

  A loud honking noise made us jump apart, cheeks blazing.

  “Oh, that’ll be the thirty-seven. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  I took a shuddering breath as Kelly’s shapely bottom encased in tight, navy polyester exited the room. I couldn’t remember ever being so instantly attracted to a woman, and it seemed she was attracted to me, too. I was scared I was just imagining it, though. I was on the rebound after all.

  I didn’t want to hurt her. She’d already been prated around by some wanker with a schoolgirl fetish. A Christmas Eve one-night-stand was not going to make her feel any better. And that’s all I thought I could realistically offer her. Instant chemistry like we had couldn’t possibly last forever, could it?

  “Is this it?” She breezed back in, my bag in her hand.

  “That’s it. Thank you.”

  “So, you’re a cross dresser.” Her face was straight and solemn apart from one corner of her mouth that gave away the amusement hidden in her eyes.

  “No,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “Though I can be if it’s what you like.”

  Her laugh was a warm, cheering sound like reindeer bells on a cold night.

  “No, love, that’s quite all right…well, not on the first date, anyway.”

  “Are you asking me out?” I grinned and took the bag from her outstretched hand.

  “Yeah.” She nodded her head as if agreeing with herself. “Yes, I am. I finish in forty minutes. We could go and grab a bite to eat if you like.”

  “That’d be great.” I was pleasantly stunned. What else could I have said?

  “I’m so glad you agree. That’s the first time I’ve ever asked a man out.”

  “You did it perfectly,” I replied, and she giggled. That sound made my heart flutter and my cock harden.

  “So, what’s in the bag?” she asked. Curiosity must have gotten the better of her.

  “A fuchsia pink handbag worth two thousand pounds.”

  “How bloody much?” she exclaimed.

  “Two grand,” I replied. Taking the tissue from the paper bag, I unwrapped the monstrosity. “It’s Dior, darling.”

  “Good grief, that’s one ugly bag.” She stared, aghast. “Oh, I’m sorry. It’s not a present for you mum or something?”

  “Lord, no. Mum would turn in her grave at the sight of such a thing. It was for Taylor, the model. She demanded it from me.”

  “Oh, well, that says it all, really.”

  “Doesn’t it just.” I wrapped it back up and put it back in the paper bag.

  “It’ll go back on Boxing Day, unless you’d like it?” I don’t know what made me offer, but suddenly the two grand price tag seemed insignificant.

  “Erm, don’t take this the wrong way, but no. That bag is vile.”

  “Good decision, no offense taken,” I replied putting the bag under my chair.

  Kelly sat next to me. “I’ve done all my work now. The thirty-seven was the last bus on my books.”

  “So, you’ve got some time to waste then.”

  “Yeah, about thirty minutes, then Charlie will take over.”

  “I guess I have thirty minutes to wait until I can take you out for dinner, then.”

  “Seems that way,” she replied, and a weighty silence hung between us. I felt it on my shoulders, and by the way hers slumped, I guess she did, too. We turned to face each other at exactly the same moment. Our mouths parted ready to let soothing, silence-filling words fall out. It was as if some kind of secret built-in coding kicked in as our word-laden lips came within an inch of meeting. I moved my head forward a fraction, she moved hers and then we were kissing.

  Not tight-lipped and tentative, as one might assume for virtual strangers, but open and wet and plundering like comfortable lovers desperate for their daily infusion of lust.

  My fingers found their way into her hair and wrapped themselves in the russet curls. Her hands ran up and down my back and pulled up my shirt to find the soft, warm flesh beneath. My mind had gone. My instincts took over, and as we kissed, I got harder. The burning ache led me to pull open her buttons as my lips slid sensually down her neck.

  As soon as I’d freed enough buttons to reach through, I prised her hot flesh from the cage of her bra and moulded her soft, succulent breasts in my hands. She cooed with a sweet, needy sigh as I teased out her nipples and hardened them with every pinch of my fingers.

  I was so absorbed in the silken feel of her breast and the sweet, citrus scent of her perfume that she had down the zip of my jeans and her hand inside them before I really noticed. When her fingers skimmed my length through my thin boxers, my attention was dragged directly to my crotch and the hand that stroked there. She delicately rustled around, pulled and shifted material until she found the opening. With a gentle but firm tug, my cock unfurled from its one hundred percent cotton jail and stuck out over layers of black boxer and blue denim.

  She stroked up and down. The pressure of pleasure built and forced a groan of delight out from between my lips.

  “I have to taste you,” she whispered and dropped to her knees on the cold, hard floor. My hands eagerly sought out something to hold on to. It felt as if my body had dissolved into separate parts, all of them seemingly acting on their own without the compulsion of my brain. My hands grasped her head, and my fingers entwined in the red ribbons of her soft hair as her mouth ravaged me.

  It was all at once the weirdest and the best sexual moment of my life. There I was sitting on a thin, old plastic chair in the grey waiting room of the bus depot whilst a hot redhead sucked my cock. A little voice in the very back of my mind told me that someone could have walked in at any moment, but my hot-headed dick just ignored every other sense and impulse as it worked its way to ultimate ecstasy.

  “I want you,” she gasped, sitting back on her heels. I ached from the lack of her lips around my cock. I felt the cold wrapping around me as she kicked off her flat black shoes. Next she skimmed the black tights down her legs with her light knickers caught up in them, and at that sight, the heat of arousal flooded through me again.

  She moved forward, a hesitant little smile on her lips. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her hips. My fingers clasped her ample curves and pulled her towards me. Her thighs parted as she knelt around me and lowered her cunt onto my hot cock.

  She groaned as my tip pressed between her slick folds. I held my breath as she paused with my tip inside her. I couldn’t breathe for fear of upsetting the perfection of the mo
ment. I wanted to feel the rest of her pulsating pussy around me, and my fingers dug into her hips and offered encouragement.

  With a fluid motion she dipped down onto my cock. The pleasure screamed around my body and turned my limbs to liquid. She encased me within her flesh. I stopped thinking and concentrated on feeling as her lips sought out mine. She slid up and down as our lips palpitated. Being joined in two places so intimately made breathing become secondary to kissing, and when I gasped, I was desperate for her lips, not the cold, emotionless air.

  Her left hand left my shoulder and slipped down my still-clothed chest and stomach and rested between her pelvis and mine. I felt the subtle tapping as she stimulated herself to orgasm. I have always admired a woman who knows her own body so well and has the confidence to do what she needs in order to come. Kelly’s action only made me desire her all the more.

  Her breath tickled my lips as our mouths parted and hovered a kiss-breadth away. She was close to hitting her peak and so was I. Her cunt contracted, massaging me as it pulled me tighter and tighter into its wet softness. We were both equally eager for release.

  Her lips pressed hard against mine as she exploded. The hand between us stilled as her pussy pulsed and caressed me and teased my orgasm out of my body and into hers. I wrapped her in a tight embrace. A blissful mellowness ran through my veins.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered and pulled away from me. “But we’ve got to get decent. Charlie will arrive at any minute.”

  She hissed and winced as she stood. Two red gunnels run down her knees from where the edge of the plastic had been digging in. She noticed me staring.

  “It’ll be okay,” she said. “They’ll disappear soon.”

  “I’ll kiss them better later.” I winked and tucked my deflating cock away as she slipped her breasts back into her bra and buttoned her shirt.

  “I’ll hold you to that.” Kelly laughed, picked up her tights and knickers. She strode towards the door at the back of the room and came back out with her plain black handbag slung over her shoulder.

  “I couldn’t be arsed struggling back into those torturous things. I only wear them because it gets so damn cold in here.”

  “Have you got your knickers on?” I asked her.

  “Of course, I’m a good girl.” She grinned.

  “Damn, I was hoping you would be a wicked woman.”

  “Well, you’re only just getting to know me, so your dreams may yet come true.”

  Just as I was about to make a lecherous comment, the door opened and a man in a navy suit walked in.

  “All right, love?” He nodded, polystyrene cup clasped in his thin, pale fingers.

  “Aye, no problems to report, Charlie.” She smiled. “Enjoy your shift.”

  “I will.” He sniffed, and his giant nostrils flared in his tiny face.

  “It smells weird in here, like it’s gotten wet. Where’s the air freshener?”

  “In the cupboard under the sink,” Kelly replied, smiling shyly, her cheeks red as her curls of hair.

  “Merry Christmas,” he shouted over his shoulder as he disappeared into the other room.

  “Merry Christmas,” we both echoed, and as the door shut, we giggled.

  “He’s very astute,” I commented. “It got really wet in here.”

  She slapped me playfully.

  “Let’s go and get that meal, eh?” she laughed. “I’m starving now.”

  “So am I.” I grinned. “Hey, you know, there’s this Chinese near me that serves great food. They even deliver.”

  “And…?” She scrunched her brow in confusion.

  “Well, we could go back to my place if you’d like and order in.”

  “Yeah, I guess we could,” Kelly replied. “It’s not very festive, though.”

  “I’ve got a Santa hat at home. I can wear that and yell ‘Ho, ho, ho!’ for you if you’d like.”

  “You’ve got a deal.” She chuckled. “Come on then, Santa. I want to see what you’ve got for me.”

  “All in good time, young lady,” I replied. “You’ve already had a good fiddle about in my sack.”

  “I only got to briefly feel my presents,” Kelly said. “I want to squeeze them and shake them and caress them properly.” She purred the words, and her eyes expressed the sexual innuendo in glorious, decadent green.

  “Well you have been a very, very good girl.” I grinned.

  “Thank you.” She kissed my cheek. “Now let’s get going. I’m feeling, erm, festive.”

  “Ho, ho, ho!” I exclaimed. “What a coincidence. I’m feeling frisky, erm, I mean festive, too.” And as I thought about sacks and presents, I reached under the chair to retrieve the ugly handbag before leaving the building.

  As we walked down the frost-laden street hand in hand, I turned to her and asked.

  “What do you want for Christmas?”

  “Not that bloody bag for a start,” she replied. “Can’t you guess what I want?”

  She turned her face towards me, and I saw the lust in her eyes. We embraced, and I transferred my lust to her lips.

  “That was a very good guess, but now, I want more.”

  “Do you deserve it, though?” I teased, and she reached a hand down between us and cupped my cock.

  “Yes, I do.” She squeezed me and my flesh stiffened. “But have you been a good boy all year?”

  “Apparently so, look at the Christmas present I’ve got.”

  “An ugly bag?” She played the fool so sweetly.

  “No, a beautiful, sexy woman with a sensible taste in handbags,” I replied.

  “Today was your lucky day, then.” Kelly’s hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me close.

  “Yeah, it really was.” And suddenly the ugly bag that swung freely from my hand turned into a blessing, not a curse.

  “Aw, you’re a sweet thing, aren’t you? Come on though. I’m starving.”

  Chapter Two

  She pulled me out into the cold air and the bright blue lights of London, and I tugged her in the direction of a taxi rank. It felt so good having her on my arm, snuggled in close to me against the bitter cold of the night. It was all madness and mayhem. People jostled through the crowds for their last minute gifts or pushed past to get to the bus or the tube to take their booty home.

  I was calm, in comparison. I was happy. I had a gorgeous girl on my arm, and she was coming home with me. Of course, I had the odd flutter of nerves, and as I pulled open the taxi door for her, I hoped that I would not ruin her Christmas for her.

  “Have you got plans for tomorrow?” I asked, after giving the tired-looking cabbie his directions.

  “No, not at all. My parents retired to Australia years ago, and I have no family over here now. What about you?”

  “Well, it was just going to be the ex and me, but it seems it’s only going to be me and a too large turkey now. Well, unless…” I left the question unanswered and searched her face.

  “I don’t see why not,” she said. “I have no other plans, and I do like turkey.”

  “Well, there you go then. It’s settled.”

  I never thought I was a couple kind of man. I’d been happy to be single for years, but at that moment, after being used and abused by a model, when you’d expect me to be all anti-woman and pro alcohol binging with the lads, I wasn’t. I was really glad that Kelly would be with me for Christmas.

  I mean, as far as commitment goes, that’s a biggie. A Christmas meal together was not something to be sniffed at. Okay, so we’d not have to run the gauntlet of other family members, but still I was pretty certain I’d just agreed to a fairly heavy-duty relationship with her. And how long had I known her? An hour and not much more. Crazy.

  When her lips caressed the side of my neck, I forgot all my misgivings and turned to face her. At first, her lips were like cool sheets on a hot summer’s day, but as they danced over mine, they heated up until they burned their impression into me. I wanted her again. I wanted her right there in the back of the tax
i. I didn’t care who watched. I slipped my hand into the opening of her coat and slipped it underneath her stiff shirt to the lacy softness below. She gasped as my cool fingers traced the line of her cleavage, but she didn’t push me away. I slipped below the lacy edge and had just reached the puckered nipple when the cabbie pulled up sharp.

  “That’ll be fourteen quid, mate, though if you want to finish your business, I can sit ‘ere for no extra charge.”

  Kelly laughed nervously, and I shook my head.

  “Sorry mate. I’ve got a nice, warm house over there. Thanks, though.”

  I handed him a twenty and waved away the change.

  “Enjoy your Christmas,” he yelled as we walked towards the house.

  “And you,” I shouted back then whispered, “you old pervert.”

  Kelly laughed. “Say’s you. You all but had my tit out in that cab, then.”

  I fished the house key out of my pocket.

  “Well if that makes me a pervert, what does it make you?”

  “Damn lucky,” she growled and grabbed me again. She caught me off-balance, and I stumbled backwards into the bottom step of my porch. I landed with a bump on a higher one. “Oops, sorry,” she laughed as she tumbled on top of me.

  “It’s okay.” I winced. “You can kiss it better, later.”

  “I don’t kiss arse.” She winked.

  “Oh, it’s a good job, I landed on my cock then.”

  She shook her head and kissed me again. Damn, she had amazing lips. I forgot the cold step, my aching buttocks and scraped back and just lost myself in the warmth of her.

  “Patrick, what the fuck…?”

  I looked up and twisted round to see Taylor, or more precisely, her legs.

  “What in Heaven’s name are you still doing here? I told you to get out.”

  I struggled to stand as Kelly moved out of my way, and I winced as I finally managed to get to my feet.

  “You were angry, babe. You wouldn’t talk to me.”

  “I caught you fucking another man in my bed,” I snapped.

  “That was no reason to go out and find yourself a prozzie.”

  “Why you little cow!” Kelly growled, and I grabbed her by the arm.


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