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Dystopian Girls

Page 15

by Rodzil LaBraun

  "What are you doing, Jada?" Alexa asked.

  "I'm just curious what Mason's favorite parts of your body are."

  "Well," Alexa replied before I could. "I know he likes my legs. He touches them a lot. And my butt. He also kisses my belly a lot, so I guess that's one of his favorite parts."

  "Anything else, Mason?" Jada asked. She was determined to get herself and others horny this evening, that was for sure. Riley just watched silently with mild amusement.

  "If you must know," I replied. "I like everything about her physically. Her face, her eyes, her hair. I like her slender arms and legs, and that tight little butt she mentioned. I adore her breasts, and her other private areas, too."

  "Do you now?" Jada replied as she rolled up off the sectional sofa to stand directly in front of me. "What about my body?"

  "Jada," I said. "I can't..."

  "It's okay," Alexa said. "Go ahead. Tell her."

  "I.... think this might be a trick," I answered.

  "No, it's not," Alexa smiled at me without budging from her reclined position. Judging by her tone and body language I had no reason to debate. It just didn't sound like a good idea. I waited, but Alexa didn't say anything else. She just smiled.

  "Well?" Jada asked impatiently. Apparently, she had no intention of backing down from this situation.

  "Okay," I finally said, reluctantly. "I like your dark skin. It's very smooth looking. I also like your muscular arms and legs. They aren't too big to take away from your natural attractiveness." I turned to see Alexa looking at Jada instead of me. I figured that was a good sign.

  Jada turned around and poked her butt in my direction. "Do I have a nice ass?"

  "Yes, Jada," I answered begrudgingly. Alexa laughed. "You have a nice ass."

  Then Jada turned to face me again and pushed her breasts together, bouncing them around a little. "How about my titties?" Now Alexa and Riley were both laughing outright.

  "Yes, Jada. You have nice big breasts, as well."

  "What about my face and my hair?"

  "You are beautiful, Jada," I answered. "I think that you already know that. And I think you already know that I find you attractive. What are you doing? This isn't going to end well, I think. We were just so happy to find this place. Please don't ruin the evening."

  "It's okay, Mason," Alexa interjected. "Jada? Would you like to sit on Mason's lap?"

  "Whoa!" I said.

  "Yes," Jada answered eagerly. "Would that be okay with you, Alexa?"

  Alexa nodded. Her smile never faded, so I wasn't sure how much I should resist. She seemed to be treating it like a game. But I was sure that someone was going to end up getting hurt. Before I could object Jada straddled me instead of sitting across my lap. She slid forward to push her knees deep into the sofa, her butt resting on my upper thighs. This was too much, I thought. I could feel myself getting aroused already.

  "Kiss her," Alexa called out.

  Before I could say anything in response, Jada grabbed my face in her hands like she did the evening before and placed a big wet kiss on my lips. She pulled back just enough to look at my reaction, then Alexa's. My girlfriend was still acting as if all this was okay. So, Jada kissed me again, this time more passionately. Without my brain registering what my body was doing, I slid my hands up her firm thighs to find her tight round butt. Then she kissed me one more time before I came to my senses and pushed her back. I was losing control, with Jada, right in front of my girlfriend. This was terrible, I thought.

  The milk chocolate skinned beauty was obviously enjoying herself. My hormones screamed out that I was, too. This time when I looked at Alexa she appeared to be in shock. Her eyes were wide, and her jaw dropped.

  "I'm sorry," I said instinctively, even though it was clear to me that this development was not my fault. I knew this was going to happen. Why did I let it?

  I could see Jada returning to her senses as well when she looked at Alexa, who had become her best friend these days. Without me having to demand it, Jada slid off me to stand up. I was full on excited, my pants tenting for everyone to see. And all three of them looked. Then Jada laughed.

  What happened next, I could not have predicted. Jada fluidly took the same position on top of Alexa, straddling her as she was reclined sideways on the sofa. My girlfriend tried to object, but Jada started kissing her playfully on her forehead and cheeks until the fairer skin young woman below her started to giggle.

  "Stop!" Alexa said, though it looked to me like she was not seriously complaining. But Jada did eventually cease the barrage of affection.

  "Give me one good one on the lips, then I'll leave you both alone," Jada said.

  "What? Why do you want to kiss me?" Alexa asked.

  "Because you are beautiful, Alexa. And you just let me kiss your man. I would very much like to show you my appreciation. Then you can take Mason to bed and do whatever it is you two do, this time behind closed doors."

  Alexa continued to giggle until Jada turned more serious, playing with my girlfriend's hair, then brushing her finger across her lips. Then Alexa whispered, "okay, but no tongue." Jada slowly descended toward Alexa's mouth. I leaned forward to get a better look in my excitement. While I observed naughtily, Jada gave her a long and sexy kiss, lasting a little longer than I had thought Alexa would allow. It was Jada that ended it before she had to be pushed away. When she dismounted my woman, she gently patted the front of my shorts before she walked bewitchingly away from us.

  "Alexa," she said over her shoulder. "You need to take care of Mason's needs now. I'm going to bed. And I need some private time for sure."

  "I still have work to do," I told the girls, wishing I could immediately follow Jada’s suggestion as well.

  "I'll take care of securing the doors for the night," Riley said as she stood up. "Don't worry, Mason. I'll stay on watch until you are rested. Go spend some time with your top girl."

  Alexa already had me by the hand and was leading me to the bedroom that we had selected as ours. Thank goodness we had already put on a clean sheet earlier. We were both ready to go at it. It was a very active sexual experience for us this time, not slow and easy as our previous times. We were both satisfied quickly in our passion for each other. The encounter was much more animalistic than I thought either of us would have chosen. But somehow, it was just right at the time.

  We plopped onto the mattress on our backs to catch our breath. After laying her silky blond head on my bare chest, Alexa said, "I think I might be okay with it if you want to have sex with Jada."


  "She's crazy sexy," Alexa declared. "And horny. My goodness, she is so horny. Now that we're close friends I believe I can deal with you getting pleasure in her arms. It helps that her attitude about it is so good."

  "I think she's playing you."

  "In a way, yes. She's doing what is needed to get what she wants. But isn't that what we all do in life? I don't feel played. Instead, I feel like I've been greedy."

  "Really?" I asked in surprise.

  "Don't tell me you no longer find her attractive. If anything, you are hotter for her now than you were before. I feel like I'm keeping you both from what you want."

  "No," I insisted. "What I want is you, Alexa. And for you to be extremely happy. My desire for Jada never needs to be acted upon. Surely I have made that clear."

  "Yes, you have, my dear. And I know very well that you mean it. That just makes it much easier for me to concede. I'm going to talk to Jada tomorrow and let you know for sure."


  I woke up after just five hours of sleeping in with Alexa in my arms. I almost panicked in my new surroundings before I remembered what we had done. A new house, a new bed. A wonderful sexual experience with my woman. A strong sense of insecurity struck me because we had not done much to make sure we would be safe through the night. I needed to check on Riley and make sure our home was secure.

  I crept out of the wonderfully soft queen size bed without disturb
ing my girl enough to wake her. Fortunately, everything in the house was just fine. Riley was still awake, reading a book she had find on the bookshelf in the living room. Arrive, the first book of a three novel series called New Earth, she told me. It was reportedly an imagined future for earth that did not quite match what ended up actually happening, but a good read just the same.

  I appreciated the new girl taking the first watch and was a little surprised that I trusted her so easily. I suggested that Riley get some sleep, and she accepted it as an order. I then took a quick inventory of the lumber and counted all the windows that needed boarding up. We had plenty of plywood to do the job, plus support boards and hardware.

  Jada woke up shortly before I finished the task and a while before Alexa. Already accustomed to my productive mentality she immediately asked what she could do to help. She was a good woman. I had no doubt about that. I appreciated her immensely. It was a good thing that Alexa was getting so close to her. Instead of giving my sexy friend some immediate work to do I greeted her with a friendly hug.

  "Oh," she said. "That's a nice way to wake up. Did you two not take care of business last night?"

  "No, we did," I replied. "I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you. And, by the way, Alexa is going to talk to you today."

  "Oh yeah? Did I go too far last night?"

  "Not at all, apparently. She is actually considering.... Well, you'll have to talk to her about it, when she's ready."

  "Okay...." she replied, obviously curious. "I look forward to that. In the meantime, what do we need to do to get this place secure?"

  "Let's get the windows boarded up with plywood. There are dozens of boxes of good screws, and a few drills. We could probably get them all done this morning if we work together. I also want to put some two by fours across the doors going outside. We'll attach some wood to the door frames to hold the lumber in place, so we can just lift the board out of the way when needed."

  "Good plan. I like it. Where's Riley?"

  "She's in bed, I hope. She stayed awake while I was sleeping."

  "And Alexa?"

  "She's still in bed."

  "It's kind of late waking up for her," Jada said. "Wear her out, did you?"

  "Maybe," I answered without looking in her direction. I wanted to focus on my work list but couldn't resist the reply.

  "Stud," was all she said in response. Then together we carried our supplies to the windows that needed covered up. We put off drilling in the screws until all of us were awake. Instead, we took down the curtains and rods carefully hoping to put them back up afterwards. Fortification without completely destroying the comfortable appearance of our new home was our goal.

  A couple hours later Alexa walked up to me wearing my only dress shirt. It was left unbuttoned exposing her flat belly and black bra and panties. Her hair was a bit of a mess. She obviously did not seek out a mirror before coming to me for her morning hug. But she was utterly beautiful to me just the same.

  "Love you," she said softly, lingering against my chest.

  "Love you, too, sweetheart," I replied, not caring who else heard. Surely by this point everyone knew that I was in love with this wonderful young woman.

  Then Alexa went to Jada and hugged her, as well. I don't remember that being her morning custom, but I was glad to see them getting along. "Love you, Jada," she then said.

  "Love you, too, girl," Jada replied without hesitation. It was the first time I had heard them say that, but I knew that close female friends would say it to each other often. I expected her to ask my girl how she enjoyed our sex the night before, but she surprisingly refrained. The two most important women in my life then went to the kitchen to figure out breakfast for the group. We hadn't brought a lot of food, but we were very fortunate that the pantry there was abundantly well stocked.

  A little while later Riley joined us, and we had our first meal together in our new dwelling. A long maple table centered the dining area with an open view to the living room, kitchen and the backyard. Of course, the outdoor view was about to go bye-bye. Couldn't take a chance on someone breaking through the glass. Ten fine dining chairs surrounded the table, light maple wood with a padded white seat. It was quite an upgrade from our previous dining atmosphere.

  By late afternoon the windows and doors were secured to my satisfaction and I began a new work list for the next day. I knew it would be important to plan our outhouse arrangement carefully if we intended to stay here for a while. Security and privacy were key, but also sanitation. Maybe one day we'll have the luxury of plumbing again. Until then, we will have to make doo as best we can. Ha-ha, I chuckled at my own word play.

  After we put our tools and supplies away, the girls started cleaning up any mess we had made with our project. I was very pleased that we had no lazy members to our clan. Most of the time I didn't even need to ask anyone to perform a particular task, they sought out the work on their own. Despite her more fragile stature, Riley did not shy away from the physical work either.

  I went in search of a way to enter the attic space. I noticed some small windows and vents from the outside the day before. There had to be some pull down hatch with possibly a ladder somewhere. It turns out that there were two, one between Jada and Riley's bedrooms, the other inside the laundry room. The second had a nice ladder that I could leave down permanently. The oven like temperatures above the main level in the poorly vented space hit me immediately. I glanced around to take a mental picture of the area before heading back down the ladder. Maybe the next day I would be more energetic and prepared to deal with that heat. There would be suitable peep holes in all directions from up there. I couldn't ignore the advantages of that just bird’s nest view because of a little discomfort.

  When I reentered the living room all three girls greeted me with smiles. They had finished their work and were ready for some recreation time. They didn't even have to say it. The pool cue in Jada's left hand, combined with the bottle of vodka in her right pretty much said it all.

  "Oh, are we ready to shoot some pool?" I asked. I had to admit that I was looking forward to breaking in the game room. Ever since the comet struck the earth and started this series of attacks on our survival there hadn't been any real fun, except for our card games. And the sex, of course. I did enjoy my intimate time with Alexa very much. She was easily the most serious relationship in my life.

  "I'm ready for you to teach me, master," Jada replied, seductive as always.

  "How about you, Riley? Have you ever shot pool before?"

  "No," Riley answered as if she were surprised that I thought she might have some billiards experience. "In fact, this might be my first time in a room with a pool table."

  "I've played once before," Alexa added.

  "Yeah, well I've only played a couple times myself," I lied. They weren't fooled, though. All three of them instantaneously expressed doubt in the truth of my statement.

  I took a few minutes to cover with the girls some basic stuff about shooting pool, like always hit the cue ball first, where to find the balls that had dropped. Jada thought that expression hilarious. Then I patiently explained the rules for eight ball. I figured that would be the easiest game for them to learn and it could possibly even be somewhat competitive. Eventually, I shared with them something that most new players never get taught, how to aim so you could strike the target ball at the appropriate angle to propel it in the intended direction. The final instructions were going to be the most fun, though. How to hold and shoot the cue stick.

  "Alexa, let me show you first."


  "Because you are my girlfriend and the lesson does involve some close body contact."

  "Oh," she replied with a smile. "In that case, definitely start with Jada. She is itching for some close body contact."

  "Are you sure?" I asked, hesitant to obey. I did make myself clear about the physicality of the exercise, right?

  Alexa nodded firmly so I welcomed Jada over to the table. She was
indubitably ready for some schooling. I first demonstrated the position and technique then told her to try. Her hot body bent over and stroking the pool cue repeatedly against her breast had me distracted for a moment. Eventually, she asked, "Am I doing it right?"

  "You must be," Alexa responded, laughing outright, "because Mason is drooling."

  "Mason!" Jada feigned surprise.

  "Sorry, yes, you look good. Maybe bend over a little more so you can see down the pool cue to aim."

  "Show me," she winked. My girlfriend waved me toward the dark-skinned hottie, so I went. When I took my instructive place behind her she rubbed her firm ass against my now bulging privates. I had to back off to keep things from getting out of hand.

  "I think you have it," I stuttered, turning away hoping no one got a good look at my pants. Unfortunately, I turned directly to face Riley. She just smiled, though. Always respective, never seductive. I could count on Riley. "Are we ready for a game?" I asked the group.


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