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Lanie's Lessons

Page 11

by Maddie Taylor

  He’d paired the skirts with cute tops mostly in pinks and rose, all short enough to give ample glimpses of her navel. She loved all of them except for one, which was too over the top and led to the only blip in their otherwise perfect weekend.

  On Saturday, when they climbed out of bed after a morning of sleeping in and making love. Ethan made breakfast—okay, technically it was brunch being served a few minutes before noon—surprising her with cinnamon French toast, her favorite. He served it with juice on the deck while they watched the waves roll in only yards away. Afterward, he sent her upstairs to shower and change into the outfit he’d laid out on the bed. They were going sightseeing, followed by an afternoon of exploring the shops in town like tourists.

  She practically skipped up the stairs in her eagerness to see what he’d picked out. She found a small stack of folded clothes where he promised. On top was vintage denim mini with a ruffled hem, which she loved. It sat low on her hips and although it barely reached mid-thigh, Ethan had considerately added a pair of panties. On first look, they appeared to be conservative white panties with a cute bow in front, but the back was a sheer mesh panel with three rows of small ruffles. Her man evidently liked ruffles. Sweet in the front but very naughty in the back, at least they gave her a small measure of coverage beneath her short skirt. Thankfully, he had included a matching bra—white, lightly padded with demi cups. Nice.

  Then she reached for the pink top that was folded neatly under white anklets. She shook out the short pink tank with the giant pink and white polka dot bow emblazoned on the front. The graphic would hit right at her boobs, right above the signature of Minnie Mouse, the I’s dotted with little hearts. She frowned. Nope! Not gonna happen. She and the ditzy Disney mouse did not get along. Refolding it, she tucked the hideous bow out of sight and left it where she found it. He was so not funny. She went to the dresser and searched through the other options, coming across another pink top—a fitted scoop neck Henley. Perfect.

  She was leaning into the mirror applying lip gloss when she heard him come up the stairs. Watching his reflection, she saw him pause in the doorway, leaning against the doorjamb. His gazed promptly locked onto her butt. Definitely, an ass man.

  “Ponytail or braids, honey?”

  “Braids.” He answered decisively as his gaze lifted to her hair. “There are matching bows in the top drawer.”

  Lanie stood up and slid out the drawer, making a face at the Minnie Mouse hair bows she found inside. She promptly closed it.

  Ethan walked up behind her, his hands curling around her hips. His eyes dropped to her chest. “That isn’t the top I laid out for you, Lanie.”

  “Maybe we should go to the beach.” She held up the banana yellow bikini he picked out and grinned. “This, I love.”

  “Maybe you should do as you’re told and wear the clothes I selected.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and with her lower lip turned down in a pout, shook her head. “It’s ugly. I like the one I have on.”

  “Who’s in charge here, Lanie?”

  “Are we really going to argue over a tank top, Ethan?”

  “No, this isn’t about a top, is it? It’s about you not being in control.” His gaze, unwavering and determined, held hers. He was too perceptive for her own good. The first to look away, she wrinkled her nose as she did. “This discussion is closed. I think it’s cute. Put it on and fix your hair while I shower. When I come out, I want you waiting, bent over the end of the bed with your skirt up showing off those sexy white ruffled panties. I bought those a week ago and haven’t been able to get them out of my head. I’m going to spank you for your defiance before we go.”

  “But Ethan—”

  “Lanie.” He patted her butt firmly in warning and walked into the bathroom. Less than a minute later the shower came on.

  Lanie stared at her reflection, pondering her next move. Obey, get a little something for being naughty, get another little somethin’ somethin’ because Ethan never could resist when he had her in that position—and with those sheer panties on it was a hands down guarantee—then head into town to enjoy the rest of the day. All while looking like a weird, polka-dotted, Minnie girl-fan. She’d look ridiculous, but they were two hours from Boston, who would know? Option two was to protest, act like a brat, get a major spanking, still get that somethin’ somethin’, and wind up in town running errands wearing the ugly top anyway.

  With a cheeky grin, she made her decision.


  Ethan was feeling like a jerk as he toweled himself dry. He knew she’d hate the Minnie Mouse tank, but bought it anyway to push her buttons. He didn’t expect that she’d refuse to wear it. Now, he was left being a hard-ass in order to enforce his orders—when he’d set her up to begin with. It wasn’t that big of a deal, really, but if he let her off the hook, wouldn’t it undermine his authority and weaken his credibility as disciplinarian? Shit!

  Unsure what to do, he paced in the bathroom for a few minutes before coming up with a compromise. He’d still give her a spanking—over those panties, which had been his plan since he saw them at the store—add a lecture on obedience, but in the end allow her to wear the top that she wanted. He grinned as he pulled on his boxer briefs—thinking a few moments in the corner wearing the Minnie tank might also be beneficial.

  As he entered their bedroom, he stopped short. Lanie was nowhere in sight, certainly not bent over the bed as he’d expected. The Minnie Mouse top called to him from the bed beside a stack of his clothes: khaki shorts, no-show socks, his sneakers side by side on the floor. Everything but a shirt—except for the Minnie tank. His lips quirked in amusement. She was sending a message—if you like the top so much, wear it yourself.

  His humor faded when he saw the rest of her clothes folded neatly at the foot of the bed, where she was supposed to be waiting. So, his naughty girl had decided to play the brat. Game on. Wondering what she was wearing, he put on the shorts and went to go find out.

  The smell of cocoa butter assailed his nostrils as he walked out on the deck. Lanie stood bent over applying sunscreen to her long legs. The halter top and the side tie bikini bottoms were stunning on her. His fingers itched to untie the ties, baring her gorgeous body to his avid gaze and the midday sun.

  The idea of bending her over the railing and taking her consumed him. As he surged into her from behind, the offshore breeze would cool their heated bodies. Her long hair, glistening honey-gold in the sun, would fall around her shoulders, the curls bouncing against her bountiful breasts that shimmied and swayed deliciously with each deep thrust of his cock inside her body. Her climax, when it came, would rival the unrestrained force of the waves that crashed against the shore before them, her impassioned cries rising in the air would be carried on the wind and returned to them.

  Damn, he was waxing poetic at the mere sight of her.

  Shifting subtly, he adjusted himself in an attempt to ease the physical need she had stirred. Never would he ever get enough of his Lanie.

  As she stood and turned toward him, his attention was instantly drawn to the plunging neckline of her top. Molded beautifully to her breasts, her firm nipples were visibly outlined against the fabric. As if she hadn’t noticed him, she began to rub the sunblock into her belly. He knew better; she was playing the tease.

  “I’m going to the beach. Want to come?”

  That was a loaded question, but he ignored it. A plan formulated in his mind to make her pay for her little show of defiance. He moved toward her. “What’s this about, Lanie?”

  “I’m mad at you and I decided I need to take a break—in a bikini.” Finished, she capped the bottle and wiped her hands on her towel before sliding on her sunglasses and setting her flopping wide-brimmed hat on her head. “If you come with me, we can shop later. Otherwise, I’ll see you when I get back.” She stood on tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the jaw, before grabbing up her beach bag and towel, dismissively spinning on her heel.

  He ruined her exit by grabbing
her arm and pulling her back around. She lost her balance and fell into him, which suited him fine. “This is a little overdramatic because you didn’t like your outfit, don’t you think?”

  “You set up the scene for the weekend, Ethan. You purposely bought that top to push my buttons. I get that. But to parade me around town in it? That ticked me off. Congratulations, honey, this is me with my buttons pushed and rather than totally ruining the weekend, I’m going to the beach.”


  Her lips parted, and though her eyes were covered by her ridiculously large shades, he knew he’d surprised her.

  “I admit it. I saw it when I was buying the other things and couldn’t resist. Forgive me?”

  Her mouth snapped shut, biting off her response. She frowned, opened her mouth again as if to say something, but closed it again. He’d rendered her speechless. Amused by the rarity of that event, he smiled and pulled her close, his hands sliding to her bikini-clad bottom.

  “You seem surprised that I apologized. I’ve done it before, baby. Why so shocked?”

  Something he said made her frown, the singular moment soon passed as she quickly regained her ability to speak. “It might be rude to point this out, Ethan, but you didn’t actually apologize. That would require action on your part. You asked for forgiveness, which requires me to act. That’s a twisted admission of guilt, I believe.”

  “Point taken, counselor.” He reached up to pull off her glasses. “Much better, now I can see those expressive blue eyes. I’m sorry about the top, Lanie “

  Lips pursed and brow furrowed she stared up at him. It came an instant later with a broad grin. “You’re forgiven.” She scrunched her nose as she often did when she was uncertain. “I overreacted about that stupid top. I’m sorry too.” She then tilted her head, eyes gleaming with mischief. “In my defense, it was extraordinarily stupid by the way, and ugly.”

  “So you said,” he acknowledged. “Kiss and make up?”

  “Yes, sir.” Eagerly, she lifted her face to his and he met her halfway.

  As he deepened the kiss, his hand ran up and down her naked back. He quickly found what he sought and pulled the ties at both hips at the same time. Once the fabric was free, he spun her around and used the bottoms to bind her wrists behind her back.

  “Ethan! Wait!”

  Secured, he walked her forward and pressed her up against deck railing. “Since we have that out of the way, let’s address your disobedience.”

  “But I thought we just did, and made up.”

  “We did, about the top. However, you were told to wait for me at the foot of the bed, and didn’t. That was a direct order that you disregarded. Not to mention you deprived me of seeing the new white panties I bought you. That alone deserves punishment, although I do love the bikini. But the most important reason of all for giving this spanking is that I’m in charge and I want to.”

  “Uh!” Her grunt was full of outrage, although he didn’t believe her resistance for a moment. “That’s not fair, Ethan. I object.”


  “But one was an extension of the other. We’d have been on our way to town already if you hadn’t bought that butt ugly top.”

  “Lanie, you’re missing the point. Unless you say the word, I can and will do what I want with this gorgeous body.” His hand began to rub and squeeze her ass. He loved the roundness of her cheeks, firm yet supple and definitely spankable. “If I want to dress you up in cute pink polka dot bows, or in a sexy as hell yellow bikini, or a flirty skirt with a ruffle and skimpy see through panties, I can. And do you know why?”

  “Because you’re in charge?” Her answer was soft and muffled in the wind. He heard, but wasn’t ready to let her off the hook yet.

  “What was that, baby? I couldn’t quite make it out.”

  “You’re in charge, sir.”

  “Correct. And who put me in charge and agreed to submit to my commands?”

  “I did, Ethan. I agreed to submit.”

  “That’s right. So, I’m going to paddle your ass, after which I’m going to take you hard right here on the deck with the ocean at our feet and the wind in our faces. Next, we’ll pack a cooler, hit the beach for a relaxing afternoon and go into town for dinner and shopping later this evening. How does that sound?”

  “Wonderful. But Ethan, what if someone walks by? And what about the neighbors?”

  “Don’t worry, see the privacy screens on the sides of the deck? We’re secluded except from beach walkers or if someone’s in a boat. You can keep your top on just in case.”

  “You are so good to me, sir.”

  He shook his head at her sarcasm as he let the first swat fly. It zinged across her right cheek and she gave a surprised yelp.


  He smiled, appreciating that he didn’t have to ask for an apology, although it didn’t deter him in the least. His palm was the gauge he used to regulate the force of a spanking. Prickling a little after that first swat, he knew that she was feeling it more intensely on her already tender skin. He was cautious, never wanting to hurt her, only warming her ass to a nice rosy red. But her pain threshold was high, tolerating much more than his palm. A few times at the height of passion, she’d asked for more, but he refused. His job, his duty to her during play, was to determine how much she could take and stick to it. Like today, she’d already been spanked, swatted with a ruler and caned in the past twenty-four hours, he’d have to moderate this spanking or this type of play would be off the table for the rest of the weekend. A light hand spanking on her luscious ass right now would suffice.

  “Bend over the rail and we’ll get this done.” With her hands tied, he had to guide her to keep her safe. With the rail supporting her, his hands steadied her hips as he used his knee between her thighs to widen her stance. Almost ready, one hand grazed her lower back as he ordered, “Arch for me, Lanie. Show me that beautiful bottom.”

  He could see the moisture already glistening on her thighs. His girl loved a good spanking and being under his control. At that moment, she peeped over her shoulder, her big blue eyes wide-open and her lower lip caught between her teeth. Then she smiled and he nearly came in his pants. The way she submitted to him was heady stuff and it took all of his self-control not to drop trow and plunge into her, forgetting the spanking.

  He would have thought by the ripe old age of forty-one, he would have developed more restraint, but she turned him on like no one ever before. His Lanie, tough as nails on the outside, but with him, as vulnerable and soft as could be when she let her guard down.

  Standing beside her, his hand at her waist, he steadied her as he began to spank. He didn’t have a specific number in mind, rather a color. A nice rosy pink would be enough and would look lovely as he thrust into her from behind. He had to admit he’d become rather obsessed with her bottom, especially how the full round globes changed from pale to pink under his hand, the sexy little jiggle that followed each swat, and the glistening of her juices as she became aroused by his hand.

  He often wondered why it took three years of marriage and reaching his fourth decade of life, before he realized he was an avid spanker. Sure, as an ass aficionado, he’d fantasized about it before. He’d given a few past girlfriends a swat or two if the moment seemed right, but until Lanie, when they added spanking to their play, plus the dominant/submissive construct, only then had it become an integral part of him. When she surrendered to him, the feeling he got by having her under his control was potent. With her hands bound behind her, she was powerless against him; her vulnerable body was subject to his will. Not that he’d ever hurt her, but the trust that she had in him, that she allowed him to do this, was awe inspiring.

  Ethan knew she loved it as much as he did; she couldn’t mask her response—her quickened breath, the flush of excitement on her skin, the smell of her arousal—and thank God for that, because all of it was profoundly stimulating and highly erotic, and culminated in the most intense sexual pleasure of his li
fe. Yeah, heady stuff, a kink evidently that one mirrored in the other, perfectly.

  Ethan continued with firm swats that hooked in a comma like motion before they connected. He loved to catch her cheek on the upswing, along the lower swell and watch the force of the wave ebb and flow before landing another blow in succession. At a faster pace, he liked to move from side to side and watch both cheeks undulate before his fervent eyes. It allowed him glimpses of the pink softness that lay between her thighs that trembled with the strain of keeping still. His cock ached to drive inside that inviting wetness and ride her until they were both shaking with exhaustion from coming.

  Pausing briefly, he tested the heat he’d created, caressing the enticing pink tint of her skin. At the same time he moved closer until the hard bulge of his fly pressed into her hip. Always careful with her, he frequently checked in, listening to her body’s response. The cadence of her breathing told him so much as did the sound of her sexy moans, and sometimes her tears. Today, there were no tears only panting and soft seductive sighs.

  His fingers slipped lower as he tested her wetness. “You were very disobedient this morning, Lanie. Have you learned your lesson?”

  “Yes, sir, I have.” Her answer was a mix of breathy words and whimpers as he found her clit and circled around it with the tip of one finger.

  “And what exactly have you learned?”

  “That I love it when you spank me.”

  He chuckled. “Baby, we both already knew that. Was there anything else?”

  “Yes.” She looked back at him, her eyes glittering blue like the ocean behind her as she met his gaze. “You are in charge, sir. And I’m sorry for being a brat about that shirt. I haven’t a clue what got into me.”

  “So you didn’t plan it, hoping we’d end up here? Brat it up a little so you would get spanked. Didn’t you play me a little bit too, Lanie?


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