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Settlemire, Scott, 191–92
Shanahan, Mike, 30–32, 47, 103
Shaw, Ken, Jr., 32, 52–54
Shelby, Carroll, 237, 238–39
Shoup, Donald, 308–12
Sierra Club, 262–68
Simpsons, The (TV show), 102, 116, 268
and American car design, 239
and SUVs, 48
South Park (TV show), 168, 248
Spach, Amy, 278–79
Spadina Expressway, 5–8, 282–83
Special Equipment Market Association (SEMA), 232
speeding, 26, 60, 169–70, 177. See also traffic safety
Spencer, Bruce, 272–73, 274–75
Springsteen, Bruce, 2, 130, 132
St. Louis, Missouri, 110–12
Steinbeck, John, 21, 119–20, 156, 218
stickshift driving, 162–65
styles/styling. See automobile design
Sullivan, Robert, 91
SUVs, 109, 249, 301
in advertising, 73, 179
controversy over, 47, 48–50
origins of, 46–47
and The Simpsons episode, 48
taxicabs, 112, 207, 231, 300, 304, 308
Tomas, Carlos, 161, 164–66
Tomenson, Scott, 159, 167–69, 204
Toronto, Ontario, 5–9
car sharing services in, 312–13
and congestion charges, 303
Intelligent Transportation Systems Centre, 283
and Jane Jacobs, 6
and Spadina Expressway fight, 5–8, 282–83
and Toronto Traffic Management Centre, 302
toy cars
author plays with, 196
distributed in Happy Meals and Mighty Kids Meals, 149
Toyota, 44, 45, 248, 254
quality and popularity of, 51–54, 259
and typical Toyota buyers, 32
Toyota Prius
and exemption from congestion charge, 305
improved torque of, 251
and perceptions of Prius drivers, 25–26
and South Park satire, 248
traffic congestion
and congestion charges, 9, 286, 303–8
economic costs of, 282, 306
in India, 301–2
in southern Ontario, 13–15
technological solutions for, 283–86
and traffic flow theory, 283–85
traffic safety. See also automobile safety; speeding
in Buenos Aires, 206–7, 208–9
and celebrity deaths in crashes, 76
and cell phones, 174
and crash statistics, 2, 161, 169
law enforcement of, 169–79
transit. See public transit
True West: Authentic Development Patterns for Small Towns (van Hemert), 218
Tulsa, Oklahoma, 135, 139–41, 143–44
Turk, Jon, 27
Unsafe at Any Speed (Nader), 48, 159
urban revitalization
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 157–58
Denver, Colorado, 220–21
Detroit, Michigan, 58–59
Pasadena, California, 292–93, 309–10, 311–12
Portland, Oregon, 298
San Francisco, California, 261–62
Santa Monica, California, 293–97
St. Louis, Missouri, 111
Tampa, Florida, 266
urban sprawl vs. intensification, 213–15, 216–19, 222–29. See also specific cities
and costs to suburban residents, 290–91
and cyclists and pedestrians, 227–28
and developers, 263–68, 291–92
and early development of suburbs, 280
and energy use, 267
and freeways, 5, 7
and health problems, 108, 224, 290
and model developments, 225–27
and New Urbanism, 225–26
and public transit, 7, 59, 216–18, 264, 282
and sense of community, 224–25, 267–68
van Hemert, James, 210–13, 281, 300
Volkswagen, 72–73, 301
advertising by, 65–66, 68
and Volkswagen people, 259
Volvo, 44, 69, 72, 156
Wallis, Michael, 117
Walter Vodrazka, 286
Walters, Alan, 305
Wesoloski, Steven, 79–82
Wheels for a Nation (Donovan), 93
“When Cars Could Fly” (McCracken), 22
White, Peter, 278
Who Killed the Electric Car? (film), 254
Woolley, Cam, 95, 109, 169, 170–79
playing the violin while driving incident, 173
Worst Car of the Millennium Contest, 136
Zane, Denny, 293–97