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And One Makes Three (Carnal Coeds)

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by Suzanne Rock

  And One Make Three

  Carnal Coed #2

  Suzanne Rock

  And One Makes Three

  Book #2 of the Carnal Coed Series

  Copyright © June 2013 by Suzanne Rock

  This book is contains excerpts that are works of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this book ONLY. No part of this-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Suzanne Rock. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Cover Artist: Fantasia Frog Designs (

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Excerpt from Two Are Better Than One (Carnal Coed #1)

  Bio and Other Works

  Chapter One

  As a child, Becca’s mom used to always tell her that happiness was like a winning the lottery. Both were nothing more than silly pipe dreams. Up until a few weeks ago, Becca would have agreed with that sentiment. Now, she wasn’t so sure.

  Becca pulled her knees up to her chest and watched her former roommate, Hannah, play beach volleyball in the sand with her new boyfriends. Shy Hannah was one of those people who had all the luck. She had managed to snag not one but two Irish exchange students for her own. It was only a month into the relationship, but so far it seemed like things couldn’t be better for the trio.

  Damn her. Becca was the flirty one, not Hannah. Good grief, Hannah didn’t even date before Becca pushed her into Quinn and Declan’s arms. Life was so unfair.

  “Staring at Quinn again, are you?” Gabe muttered under his breath. “I can see why. The man’s hot.”

  Becca bit back a retort. It was just like her boyfriend to make some off-hand comment. He was always accusing her of watching other men or flirting. Gabe was hotter than a supermodel, but more insecure then a teenage girl on her first day in a new school.

  Gabe covered his gorgeous hazel eyes with John-Lennon styled sunglasses and leaned in close to Becca. The coconut scent from his sunblock mingled with the aromas of the ocean. “Declan’s hot too. They both seem happy with Hannah.”

  Was that wistfulness in his voice? Becca smothered a frown. Most of the time Gabe was sensible, but every so often he’d make a comment that left her scratching her head.

  “Yeah, Hannah’s really in love,” she replied. Becca hated feeling so jealous, but she couldn’t seem to help herself. While Hannah had two men enthralled with her every move, Becca and Gabe were struggling to patch up their damaged relationship. His insecurities were tearing them apart. Her jealousy of Hannah didn’t help either. If things continued down this path, their relationship wouldn’t last the summer. She didn’t want to lose Gabe, but she didn’t know how they could possibly bridge the growing gap between them.

  Gabe lowered his hand and shifted uncomfortably beside her. “Damn, it’s hotter than Hades out here. I need something to drink. Want some ice cream?”

  Becca turned to her boyfriend and forced herself to smile. “Nah, I’m okay.”

  “Okay.” He started to stand but then changed his mind. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. You just seem different today.”

  “Different? How?”

  “A little sad.”

  Becca didn’t know what to say. She had no idea that her emotions were so revealing. “Not sad, just pensive,” she hedged.

  “Pensive, eh?” He nudged her arm with his elbow. “Nothing bad, I hope.”

  “No, just thinking.”

  He nodded to where Hannah and her boyfriends were playing volleyball. “Thinking about a threesome?”

  Where the hell did that come from? Gabe was rather bland with sex the bedroom. He definitely wasn’t the sharing type. She shook her head and forced out a laugh. “No, are you?”

  Gabe snorted. “Of course not. I was just wondering if you were, because…you know.”

  She scowled in the awkward pause that followed. “No, I don’t know. Please tell me.”

  He pressed his lips together for moment, as if choosing his words carefully. “You’re a flirt.”

  Here we go again. Becca sighed. “I don’t want to get into this with you. I’m just being friendly.”

  “Friendly doesn’t involve touching.”

  She eased back from Gabe and glared at him. “Maybe I should go,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “No, don’t go.” He grabbed her elbow as she started to stand. “I’m sorry I keep bringing it up. It’s a little unnerving, that’s all.”


  “Yeah, it makes me feel, I don’t know…” He flipped his sunglasses to the top of his head and rubbed the back of his neck. “It makes me feel inadequate sometimes.”

  Damn. Why did the man have to be so astute? The problem with their relationship wasn’t just her flirting and his jealousy. It was that Gabe was—as he put it—inadequate. Although for the life of her, Becca couldn’t figure out where he was lacking. The man was kind, considerate, attentive…and boring. She sighed as she realized that part of her had already moved on from this relationship.

  When Becca had brought up her relationship problems to Hannah, her friend had told her that she was afraid of commitment. It was possible, but Becca couldn’t help thinking that if Gabe was a little more exciting, then everything else would fall into place.

  “Just forget I said anything,” Gabe said. “I didn’t want to ruin our day off.”

  She wished she could forget everything. Unfortunately, Gabe put into words what Becca had been thinking about the last couple of weeks. She turned back to where Hannah played with Quinn and Declan in the sand. Maybe her expectations were too high. Perhaps she should stop wanting more and be content with what she had.

  Hannah was living out Becca’s deepest darkest fantasy before her eyes. If her best friend could have two gorgeous men in love with her, why did Becca have to settle for one?

  Gabe’s words gave her a lot to digest, and she couldn’t think with him hovering over her. “I think I want that ice cream after all.”

  “Hey.” He hooked his finger under her chin and turned her head to meet his gaze. “I’m sorry about what I said. You know me. I like to shoot my mouth off sometimes.” He let out a nervous chuckle. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “I know.”

  He smiled and kissed her lightly on the mouth. “Chocolate, right?”

  “Yeah.” They had only been together for a couple of months, but Gabe had already memorized her favorite foods, clothing and movies. He knew just about everything about her. She, on the other hand, knew very little about him. She had never asked him questions because she had always seen the relationship as temporary.

  Guilt washed over her as she watched his broad, muscular back as he walked away. She knew almost nothing about him besides the fact he was a chemistry grad student and his family came from old money in the South. He walked with this rugged cowboy-type stride
that made her picture him in a large hat and spurs. She swept her gaze down his sculpted body to the navy boxer-style swimsuit covering his tight ass.

  Perhaps she was being a little hard on Gabe. Most relationships weren’t as organic as Hannah’s seemed to be with Quinn and Declan. Intimacy took time to develop. She had only known Gabe for seven weeks, and in that time he had became more comfortable than her favorite slippers. Perhaps in time that missing spark would come. Perhaps.

  “Excuse me, ma’am.” A low voice rumbled from above.

  Becca jerked back and squinted up at the intruder. What she saw took her breath away.

  The man was at least six feet, possibly taller. His lean, athletic frame seemed unfamiliar to him, as if he was still getting used to it. He had a large crop of jet-black hair that would make any woman jealous and full, firm lips that pressed into a disapproving line.

  “Sorry to disturb you,” he said.

  “It’s okay.” She resisted the temptation to lick her lips and forced her gaze up from the bulge between his legs to meet his gaze.

  He nodded to the small red and white sign over her shoulder. “You shouldn’t be sitting here.”

  Becca glanced over to where he indicated and saw the temporary sign, half covered by branches of a nearby tree. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see it there.”

  “It’s okay.” The man cleared his throat. “I can see how you’d miss it. It’s just that we’re going to be doing our drills here soon and need this space cleared out.”

  Drills? Becca frowned at the large white cross on the red shirt stretched across his chest.

  “Are you a lifeguard?”

  He nodded. “I just transferred a few days ago from Harrisport.”

  “Harrisport? Where’s that?”

  “Virginia.” He glanced over her shoulder at some fixed point behind her. “You better move. They’ll be coming soon.”

  Becca glanced at the footpath a few hundred paces away. “I don’t see anyone yet.” She patted the towel next to her. “Have a seat for a moment. I’ll keep you company until they get here.” She didn’t want to disappear on Gabe while he was getting ice cream. Besides, there was some part of her that got a cheap thrill out of the possibility of him seeing her with another man, especially one as gorgeous as the lifeguard standing before her.

  The lifeguard took a step back. Even with his sunglasses on, Becca could see his surprise. “I can’t. I’m working.”

  She softened her features and flashed him a friendly smile. “Come on, I’m not going to bite you.” She patted the towel once more. “Just for a little bit.”

  He hesitated then took off his sunglasses and sat next to her. “I really shouldn’t be doing this.” The man was simply breathtaking. Even now, with him sitting so close to her, she felt her temperature rise.

  “What’s your name, stranger?” she asked.


  “Lane, I like that.” Becca peeked over at Hannah and her boyfriends as Gabe’s words filtered through her mind. Are you thinking about a threesome? She hadn’t seriously considered it before, but now, with this captivating man beside her…

  Stop it. Just because a threesome worked for Hannah didn’t mean it was going to work for her. Gabe had never shown an interest in men before, and she doubted that he’d be keen on cozying up with her and another dude.

  Still the idea was intriguing. There was no harm in imagining, was there? She glanced sideways at Lane. “I’m Rebecca.” She held out her hand. “Everyone calls me Becca. Well, everyone except my best friend Hannah.”

  Lane shook her hand. It felt firm and large as it wrapped around hers. “What does she call you?”

  Tingles spread up her arm as Lane brushed his finger along the underside of her wrist. Heat pulsed in her lower abdomen as he pulled his arm away. “Becky.”

  “That’s a fine name. Why don’t you like it?”

  “It’s immature.”

  He flashed her a knowing grin. “My mother used to call me ‘Laney’ as a kid, so I know how you feel.”

  “Ouch.” Becca made a face, and Lane laughed. The full, rich sound tumbled over her like warm water and turned her insides to mush.

  “Let’s make a deal,” she said. “I won’t call you Laney if you don’t call me Becky.”

  “Agreed.” He shook her hand once more. Once again heat spread out over her arm and snaked through her system. Becca slid her gaze over Lane’s biceps as his warmth seeped through his hand to hers.

  The man had so much tanned skin, and there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. He must have spent weeks in the sun working out. She shifted closer and became aware that Lane and Gabe used the same sunblock. The familiar coconut scent drifted to her nose, but this time there was an earthy, more rugged undercurrent.

  Lane seemed to be affected by their close proximity as well. His breath hitched, and his green eyes sparkled as he shifted his gaze from her face to her chest. She leaned in closer, giving him an intimate view inside her bikini. Her breasts weren’t large, but they were firm.

  Under his stare her nipples tightened, and her skin tingled. She imagined him reaching around to undo the tie on her back and letting the small triangles of fabric slip down her chest.

  “Lane?” she asked.

  He dragged his gaze back up to meet hers. “Yeah?”

  Something dark flickered through his gaze as he focused on her face. Becca wondered what his lips would feel like on her skin. She loved how the day-old stubble dotted his chin. It was so different from Gabe’s clean-shaven face. She wanted to run his fingers along his firm jaw and feel the whiskers beneath her fingertips.

  Suddenly Lane jerked his gaze away and turned back to the volleyball game. He slipped his hand from hers and cleared his throat. “Sorry. It’s been a long time since I’ve just relaxed.”

  Becca wrapped her arms around her knees and withdrew into herself. She knew she shouldn’t feel so hurt by his rejection, but she did anyway. “I suppose being a lifeguard keeps you busy.”

  “Yeah.” He stretched his legs out in front of them and leaned back on his elbows.

  “How long have you been at it?” she asked.

  “Three years.”

  “Where do you go to school?”

  “Virginia Tech. My family’s from around here though.”


  “Yeah.” He smiled at the mention of his relatives. “My parents and my younger sister.”

  “Is that why you’re up here for the summer? To be closer to them?”

  A dark shadow passed over his features. “No.”

  Ouch. She must have hit a sore spot. Becca touched his arm and waited until he met her gaze. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business. It’s just…” What could she tell him without sounding weird? Admitting that she wanted to strip him naked and roll around on the beach towel would only add to the growing tension between them.

  This was Gabe’s fault. His suggestion of a threesome was making her crazy.

  “It’s okay.” Lane sat up and shifted his gaze to her mouth. “I don’t like to live in the past.”

  “Neither do I.” She leaned closer.

  “The present is so much better.” He inched closer as well.

  “Yeah.” Only a sliver of air separated their lips. Becca could feel his warm, minty breath puff over her skin. Desire roared to life and began to pump through her veins.

  Lane tilted his head and inched closer. Her breathing quickened and a familiar tingle rippled over her skin. Lane’s strong, commanding presence filled her senses and made her giddy with excitement. He smelled fresh and minty, like peppermint ice cream on a hot summer’s day. She wanted to taste him, to mold her body against him…

  Becca opened her eyes and pulled away. She couldn’t do this. It would hurt Gabe’s feelings. Their relationship wasn’t ideal, but that didn’t mean she could stomp on his heart.

  From somewhere in the distance, she heard someone clear his throat. “Here’s your ice cream.”
/>   Oh Shit. Becca jerked back from Lane and turned toward the voice. Gabe glared at her as he held out the cone.

  Becca scrambled to her feet. “Gabe, I can explain.”

  Chapter Two

  How could Becca be so cruel? Gabe steeled his jaw and shifted his glance from her to the handsome stranger. His girlfriend sure knew how to pick gorgeous men. It was difficult for him not to feel a little intimidated by the lifeguard’s presence.

  The stranger was everything that appealed to Gabe physically. Both he and Becca shared the same dark hair and oval face. While Becca’s skin was light from her Irish heritage, the lifeguard’s was more tanned. Gabe had always loved the image of light and dark together. It was such a beautiful contrast. When he had come back to the blanket and seen them about to kiss, his first reaction wasn’t of jealousy, but of fascination and lust.

  He had always swung both ways and had a healthy collection of porn videos at home to satisfy his kinky appetites. Seeing Becca and the lifeguard sparked his voyeuristic side. He wanted to watch the light and dark skin tangle on the towel and see where their passion led.

  When he first met Becca, he knew that she wasn’t ready for his twisted tastes in the bedroom. Every fiber in his body told him their relationship would never work out, but he fell in love with her anyway. He had resigned himself to burying his sexual fantasies until he heard Becca talking about Hannah and her permanent threesome. Her jealousy radiated off her in waves. Knowing that she wanted a ménage a trios drove him wild, because he shared the same fantasy. Unfortunately, he couldn’t get her to admit to her needs, so Gabe was forced to wait until Becca realized them on her own. He picked on her as she flirted with other men, trying to get her to admit she found other people attractive. He felt that if they could choose the third of their trio together, it could be a bonding experience for both of them.


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