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And One Makes Three (Carnal Coeds)

Page 6

by Suzanne Rock

  Becca made a low, throaty sound. The men doubled their efforts. Desire swirled through her bloodstream until the world around her faded away. The men pushed her higher and higher, until a familiar pressure built deep inside her core.

  “I'm close,” she whispered. Again and again they assaulted her senses, until Becca thought she’d explode from pleasure.

  “Now, Lane.”

  On Gabe's command, Lane shifted his hand, keeping his thumb on her clit and pushing his finger deep into her pussy.

  Becca sank down on his finger, maximizing the stretching feeling along her inner walls. Her orgasm ripped through her body. She came hard and fast, the force crashing through her like a tremendous wave. She cried out, and Gabe turned her head and covered her mouth with his own. He swallowed her cries while her body rocked with ecstasy.

  Joy poured through her, leaving her weak and boneless. Never before had she felt anything so strong or so powerful. When the last tendrils of joy left her body, she sank down on top of Lane.

  “Oh no, you don't.” Gabe left her breasts and slid his hands down to her waist. “Up you go.” He lifted her up and away from Lane’s warm embrace. Lane grabbed his cock and positioned it at her opening. Becca gasped when Gabe set her down on Lane's erection. Lane slid in easily, gliding through her wet channel as if he had done it hundreds of times before.

  “More?” She opened her eyes.

  “Oh baby.” Lane grabbed her hips. “We've only just begun.” He arched his back, pushing his cock up and into her body. Despite her orgasm, Becca felt the twinge of desire begin once again in her lower abdomen. Lane retreated then pushed again, stretching her inner walls and driving himself deep into her channel.

  “You feel amazing.” Her whispered as he pushed the last bit of his erection home.

  “So do you.” Becca leaned forward and braced her weight on his chest. She moved her hips in time to Lane's thrusts, and soon they developed a steady rhythm. Back and forth, in and out. Having sex with Lane was so different than with Gabe. Lane’s cock was thicker, stretching her more than ever before. As a result, Becca soon felt her desire spiraling out of control.

  “Kiss me.” Lane reached down between them and pressed her clit.

  She did as she was told, moaning as his taste once again filled her mouth.

  “Fuck, that looks so hot.”

  Lane tore his mouth away from Becca. “You better hurry, buddy. I don't know how much more I can take.”

  Gabe rubbed his hands over her ass. “Slow down, then. I want to make sure this lasts.”

  Lane eased his movements, causing Becca to whimper. Gabe chuckled and rubbed his finger along the opening in her backside. “Just some lotion to make sure things go smoothly,” he said.

  Becca groaned as Gabe toyed with her opening. He ran the tip of his finger around the rim, then dipped it into her ass.

  “Fuck, that feels good,” Lane said. “She tightens her muscles when you enter her.” He bit his lower lip and thrust his hips, plunging deep inside her body.

  Gabe retreated, ran his finger around the rim of her opening and thrust a little deeper. Soon Becca steeled her jaw with frustration, causing Lane to laugh.

  “I think she wants you to hurry up,” Lane said.

  “Damn straight,” she replied.

  Gabe chuckled. “It's so hard to wait, isn't it baby?” He pushed his finger deep into her backside, thrusting as far as he could go.

  Becca gasped and arched her back, pressing her ass into his waiting hand. “Yes.”

  He removed his finger and positioned his cock at her opening. “Fuck Becca, you feel amazing.”

  “Let's push together,” Lane suggested. “On my count. One, two...”

  Slowly, the men thrust together, penetrating Becca from both the front and behind. Because of their slowness, she felt every delectable inch as they invaded her core.

  “Fuck,” she whispered when Gabe's hips pressed against her ass.

  Gabe stiffened. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No.” She glanced over her shoulder at him. “But if you don't move soon, I'll hurt you.”

  Lane chuckled. “You better do as the woman commands.”

  “I live to serve.” Gabe kissed her shoulder and curled his fingers into her hips. “Try to relax.”

  The men retreated, and Becca felt a sense of loss as they slipped from her body. Then they thrust together, filling and stretching her to the limit. The men moved as one, feeding off each others groans of approval.

  “I can feel you inside of her,” Gabe said at one point.

  “It's damn amazing, isn't it?” Lane said.

  The men pushed harder, faster. Lane's voice sounded so sexy in the midst of passion, his deep baritone combining with Gabe's tenor to make a delicious chorus. From somewhere in the distance, Becca heard the ripple of water and the far-off cry of a gull. The noises, combined with the sounds of their bodies coming together, created a sense of urgency that fed her need.

  Lane shifted his hands on her hips, covering Gabe's hands with his own. Both men squeezed their fingers, digging into her flesh. Lane opened his eyes and focused on Gabe behind her. Something passed between the two men, but before Becca could dwell on it, Lane shifted his hand back to her clit and pinched it.

  Becca's orgasm flooded her veins like a waterfall. Never before had she felt anything so intense or pleasurable. Ecstasy poured through her body, leaving her boneless. She never wanted the moment to end.

  Lane was next. His guttural growl filled the air as he pressed harder, faster. Then he stiffened and whispered her name as he emptied himself deep inside her.

  “Fuck, I'm close.” Gabe's movements became more jerky and desperate. He rammed against her ass, grunting with each thrust. Within seconds, he tightened his fingers into her flesh and pushed harder. When he finally grunted his release, she could feel the pleasure and relief wash over him in waves.

  When it was all over, Becca collapsed on top of Lane. Gabe retreated and rolled to the side. After disposing the condom, he wrapped his arm around her back, cocooning both her and Lane in his embrace.

  “That was amazing,” Gabe whispered. “I didn't know sex could be so good.”

  Lane turned his head and met Gabe's gaze. “Neither did I.”

  Becca blinked as Lane brushed his lips against Gabe's mouth. Gabe closed his eyes and moaned at the intimate contact.

  At first Becca felt a pang of jealousy, but it was quickly washed aside with the wonder of it all. She had no idea that Gabe would allow another man to kiss him. Her boyfriend was full of surprises.

  When Lane pulled away, Gabe opened his eyes and glanced up at Becca. Their gazes met and pink stained his cheeks. She smiled at how cute he looked. Becca was touched that he'd be so worried over her reaction.

  “My turn.” Becca brushed her lips against Gabe's and moaned as the faint taste of Lane touched her lips. When mingled with Gabe's fresh scent, it made for an intoxicating combination.

  “I'm sure there is nothing going on over here, ma'am. It must have been the sun playing tricks on the eyes.”

  “I know what I saw.”

  “Oh shit.” Lane glanced over at the sand dune. “That's my boss.” He nudged Becca's shoulder. “We have to get decent. It sounds like they're coming this way.”

  Chapter Seven

  Lane sprang into action. If his boss caught him on a public beach fooling around like this, he could be fired. He needed this job if he wanted to stay in the area. Sure, he could go back down South where he was attending school, but to be honest, he hated it down there. He wasn’t really into the Southern culture, and his business degree lacked focus. He knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur but was too indecisive to settle on any one thing. He had tried a variety of failed start-ups in the past and wasn’t too keen on building something from scratch again.

  He scrambled into a standing position and threw on his clothes. Becca and Gabe did the same. He watched them as they dressed and couldn’t help missing the feel
of their bodies next to his. He had forgotten how much fun sex with a three people could be.

  He didn’t forget the fallout, however. It hurt being told he wasn’t wanted anymore. He’d never let that much pain fill him ever again.

  Becca went down to the water to gather the paddleboards as Gabe collected the blankets.

  “What’s going on here?”

  Lane looked up and saw his boss peek around the dune.

  “Just giving a private paddleboard lesson.” Lane nodded down to where Becca was gathering the equipment. “I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?”

  His boss glanced at Becca and frowned.

  “It’s my day off…” Lane stuffed his hands in his pockets, unsure of what to do.

  “They weren’t doing that when I saw them.” An outraged older woman said as she peeked her head around the corner.

  “What were we doing?” Gabe asked as he cradled the blanket under his arms.

  The woman appeared shocked. “You were all naked.”

  “How did you know? Did you see us?” Gabe pressed.

  “I saw enough.” She huffed and crossed her arms.

  Gabe smiled. “But you didn’t see anything.”

  “Well, I…”

  Gabe raised his brows.

  She turned to Lane’s boss. “Young people shouldn’t be allowed to do whatever they want out in the open like this. It’s indecent.”

  Lane’s boss sighed and ran his hand over his face. “All right, ma’am. They’ve had their warning. Now let’s leave them be.”

  “Warning? Shouldn’t they be thrown out?”

  “For paddleboarding?” Lane’s boss asked.

  “No. For that-that other thing.”

  “There’s no proof of what you think you saw,” Gabe said.

  “What I saw!” The woman frowned as Lane’s boss put his hand on her back.

  “If I see them do anything like that in the future, I’ll take the proper action then.” Lane’s boss gave him a poignant look. “Come on, Ms. Garrison. Let’s leave them be.”

  The old woman sputtered and complained as Lane’s boss led her away.

  “Whew, that was close.” Gabe pushed his hair from his face.

  “Yeah. Thanks.” Lane offered him a shy smile. “I could have gotten in a lot of trouble if you didn’t step in.”

  “No problem.” Gabe reached out as if to touch Lane but then seemed to think better of it. He glanced down the beach at Becca as she was making her way back to them with one of the paddleboards.

  “Text me later, okay?” Gabe asked as he returned his attention to Lane. “We need to talk.”


  “Did I miss anything?” Becca asked as she caught up to them.

  “Nothing noteworthy.” Gabe took the paddleboard from her. “I’ll bring this back to the car.”

  Lane watched Gabe’s muscular form as he made his way back to the parking lot with the paddleboard.

  “Well,” Becca said after a moment. “I suppose I should get the other boards.”

  “Yeah.” Something bothered Lane about this situation, but he wasn’t quite sure what. He placed his hand on Becca’s arm as she started to retreat.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. Why?” She pulled her arm out of his grasp.

  He shook his head. “No reason.” He followed her down to the other paddleboards, his mind filled with confusion. She and Gabe were already distancing themselves from him. While he had known today would only be a one-time thing, Becca’s actions seemed to drive the fact home.

  He helped Becca retrieve the boards and escorted her back to the car. With each step, Lane’s heart felt heavier and heavier in his chest.

  Why did he think he could keep his heart out of this? He already had feelings for Gabe, thanks to their interlude in the alley and their constant sexting. After spending time with Becca today, he was beginning to develop feelings for her too.

  He was such an idiot.

  “You and Gabe make a good couple,” he said to fill the awkward silence that had developed between them.

  The question seemed to take her off guard. “What? Oh yes, I suppose it looks like that to some. Looks can be deceiving, however.”

  “How so?”

  She shrugged. “We’ve been having problems.”

  “In the bedroom,” he said when she didn’t respond. “Gabe told me.”

  “Yeah, there’s that.” She pressed her lips together for a moment in thought. “But it’s more than that. He used to lack confidence.”

  “Used to?”

  Color stained her cheeks. “I don’t know what happened, but over the past week, he seems like a different guy.”

  “Different? How so?”

  “I don’t know. He’s more in control, I guess.” She nibbled her lower lip. “A lot more in control.”

  Lane digested her words. He knew that Gabe could be controlling in the bedroom. He had seen it firsthand. “You like him like that?”

  “Yeah, I really do.” She glanced sideways at him. “What about you? Any girlfriends back at home?”

  “No,” Lane said as he thought about the couple who dumped him. “There’s no one.”

  “You said you went to school south of here.”

  “In Virginia.”

  “Then why do you spend your summer here? Why not down in Virginia with your friends?”

  Lane didn’t like where this conversation was going. “I don’t have any friends down there.”

  “Why not?”

  He shrugged. Lane didn’t want to talk about his failures, not today. “I think I need to focus on something else for a while.” She didn’t need to know Lane had failed in his duties as a lifeguard, or that his lovers preferred to spend time in each other’s arms rather than his.

  “Took you two long enough,” Gabe said as they approached. Lane helped put the paddleboards in the back of the car and watched Becca get into the passenger seat.

  “Call me,” Gabe mouthed as he put his hand to his ear in the universal sign of a phone.

  Lane nodded and stepped back from the car as Gabe got in.

  Call him. Yeah right. Why bother? Gabe has said that this was a one-time thing. It was a way to let go and have fun, a way to bring both Gabe and Becca closer together.

  Judging by the way Becca snuggled up to Gabe in the front of the car, it seemed to have worked. They got what they needed, and once again, Lane was left standing alone.

  Lane took another step back as the car roared to life. Country music blared over the radio and tugged at his chest.

  He had hoped that by moving, he could hide from his past, but the pain had caught up with him and forced him to face the truth.

  Happiness never happened to people like him. Lane was forever destined to be alone.

  * * * * *

  “So what did you think of today?” Gabe asked Becca over a bowl of curry at Thai Heaven, Becca’s favorite restaurant. He had decided to bring her there to talk about Lane and their experience at the beach. He wanted everything to be perfect, because what he was planning on suggesting was sure to shock her.

  “I liked it.” She moved her rice around her plate. “What did you think?”

  “I liked it too.” He cleared his throat and picked at his food. He had thought suggesting a more permanent threesome would be so much easier than this.

  “Lane’s from Virginia, did you know that?” she asked.

  “Yes. He went to school there.” Gabe had found that out through one of their many phone conversations.

  “Do you know if he’s ever planning on going back?”

  “I don’t know. He never mentioned it.” Gabe frowned and put down his fork. He had never really thought about Lane leaving, but Becca’s words gave him pause. What if Lane was only up here for the summer? What if he was planning on going back to Virginia?

  “It’s a shame that he goes to school so far away. I could see us becoming close.”

  Gabe leaned c
loser and lowered his voice. “Really?”

  She nodded.

  “Like, how close?” He rested his forearms on the table.

  She shrugged and put down her fork. “I don’t know. Close.”

  “Like, permanent threesome close?”

  She blinked at him, and Gabe realized that his words might have taken her a little off guard.

  “You’d do that? Consider a permanent threesome?” she asked.

  “I—well, with Lane, sure.”

  “But you were so jealous when we were together the other day.”

  “I got over it.” He took her hand. “I wasn’t jealous today, was I?”

  She seemed to think that one over a bit. “No,” she agreed. “I just thought it wasn’t your thing.”

  He squeezed her fingers. “Well, there’s a lot about me you don’t know.” He let out a long breath as Lane’s smooth, muscular body materialized in his mind. “I wouldn’t be into just any old threesome. Lane’s different though.”

  She leaned in over the table. “But he’s going away at the end of the summer.”

  “Do you know that for a fact?”

  “Well, no.”

  “Perhaps we could convince him to stay.”

  “But he has a life, friends.”

  “He could transfer. We could be his friends.” He lifted her hand and brushed his lips against her fingers. “This is right, I know it.”

  “He’ll never agree.”

  “We won’t know unless we ask him.”

  She smiled and squeezed his fingers. “Then what are you waiting for?” She nodded to his pocket, where he kept his phone. “Ask him.”

  Gabe let go of her hand. “This isn’t the type of thing to text someone. It’s too big.”

  She thought for a moment. “Plan another paddleboarding lesson. We can ask him then.”

  “Good idea.” Gabe pulled out his phone and called up Lane’s number.

  Hey. You there?

  Gabe didn’t have to wait long for a response. Yeah, what’s up?

  I was talking to Becca. She wants another paddleboard lesson. Gabe hesitated, then put a winking smiley face at the end of the statement. Hopefully Lane would catch the hint.

  Seconds passed with no response.


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