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The Final Link_The Gateway Saga

Page 25

by Erin Thornton

  I love the decorating egg run. It is my favorite and I can’t play this year.” Raleigha pouted silently and Aggie thought she looked adorable.

  “I’ll watch out for that, but what is the one thing you would want to have from the festival, I’ll bring you back a present since I know missing out is hard.” Aggie leaned forward and rested her elbows on Raleigha’s bed.

  “I want a timararoo.” Licking her lips Raleigha’s eyes glazed over and she was lost in her thoughts.

  “I don’t know what that is, I bet if you describe it to me I won’t miss it.” Aggie could tell by her reaction is was going to be a tasty treat.

  “It’s is like a cake, but it’s long and skinny. It’s not completely sweet but it melts on your tongue with each bite. I can’t describe the flavor to you, as it’s different for everyone. For me, it reminds me of a vacation I took with my parents, years ago to visit my grandparents by the water’s edge.” Aggie didn’t fully understand what that meant but it definitely caught her interest. It was the first time she would try their cultural food as they’ve always had Earthly food for her to eat in the common room and for that she was grateful. It wasn’t in her nature to branch out and try new things very often.

  “Now that sounds like something I want to try. I’ll be sure you get one before the night is over.” Aggie’s promise was met with an instant hug and she knew Raleigha was a new friend.

  “Are you ready to head out?” Mathius’s voice came from the doorway. He had let them have their privacy and waited until they were nearly finished before announcing himself.

  Turning to Raleigha, Aggie checked in with her, “This is my festival escort. Do you think he’s up for the job?”

  Turning her head side to side, as she sized up Mathius, still standing in the doorway. “You’re not just planning to take her to the feast, are you? Mathius shook his head and she proceeded to interrogate him. “She needs to go to the shore line.” Mathius smiled at the young girl and nodded again. “She needs to watch the decorating ceremony.”

  “Of course, I wouldn’t let her miss that.” Mathius didn’t sound offended, it was a game at this point. Raleigha was very serious though.

  “She needs to try a timararoo for herself and other local food. You have made her miss out on so many things, as I bet you only allowed her to eat her own food while she has been here.” Watching this little girl reprimand such a beast like Mathius and with his position was comical to Aggie. She did her best to refrain from laughing. Mathius was nothing but respectful but she could see the mirth in his eyes.

  “She needs one of those too, by the way.” Aggie interrupted their exchanged but it didn’t stop Raleigha from staring down Mathius to make sure he knew she was serious.

  “I think that is the least we can do for this little one.” Mathius lifted his hand, but Aggie still didn’t have Raleigha’s approval and even though she didn’t need it this game was proving to be fun. Turning again to defer the decision to the girl, if Mathius was a suitable escort.

  Pursing her lips and putting her hand on her chin, Raleigha considered her decision. With a sigh, “I suppose he will be a good enough guide. Don’t make me regret that decision.” Raleigha pointed her finger at Mathius to prove her point.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Mathius lifted his hand again and Aggie slipped hers inside.

  Turing to leave, Aggie glanced back and she saw Raleigha smiling in a way only a child could who got their way. She played Mathius, or so she thought.

  “That little girl has taken a liking to you.” Mathius transferred her hand to his elbow as he escorted her down the hallway to the gate of the castle. Aggie was excited to see the town in its element for the first time. Mathius was in the most casual clothes she had seen him in yet, but it wasn’t something anyone on Earth would have worn. His leathers were modified into a sort of sleeveless vest. It reminded her of a guy who would wear his tuxedo vest without a shirt in a way. She loved the look of his muscles showing beneath the vest. She couldn’t help but let her thoughts wander to wanting to run her hands over every exposed inch. His pants weren’t full length but still looked like he could be armor ready if the need arose. They were a tight fitted leather though cropped and stopped beneath his knees. She could only imagine how warm he would still be in that given what she had heard about the weather shift.

  “Raleigha is the sweetest thing. I’m thankful Gryson helped her with the memory of the events of late. I’d hate for her to be a lesser version of herself because of Alentra and Yavari.” Aggie found herself caressing the exposed skin on his arm that she was wrapped around, but Mathius didn’t complain so she continued.

  “He ended up doing something similar on varying levels for each of the kids. We were afraid the trauma would end up causing them lifelong grief. Instead they now believe they have worked through it and can move on with their lives.” Aggie squeezed his arm slightly. Knowing that they had done so much for these kids, made her heart sing.

  “That is the best news I’ve had all night. So where are you taking me tonight?” A smile broke out on Mathius’s face and Aggie was thrilled at the sight.

  “I’m hoping to give you a dose of what it was like for me growing up in this world and make you love it as much as I do.”

  Aggie paused for a moment and just looked at him.“Wow, no pressure or anything. I hope this one night is enough for all of that.”

  “Well, then it is a good thing for the holiday or it might have been more difficult.” Grabbing her hand, he pulled her toward the door. The guard opened it seeing their approach. The light that shown through, was blinding at first with the sudden transition. As her eyes adjusted Aggie saw what looked like giant birds flying through the sky back and forth gliding in the warm wind. The sky was more orange than blue, mirroring the heat she felt on the air. Hanging in the sky, adjacent the sun that Aggie didn’t dare gaze upon, was a moon that looked like it had rolling lava running across every visible surface. It wasn’t hot, but more humid and muggy, like sitting inside a sauna all the time. Aggie was instantly thankful for the dress choice.

  Flipping the hem of her dress to create a draft, Mathius took notice. “Who designed your dress? It’s stunning.” His eyes roved over her with a hungry flare of his nostrils.

  “I did. It took me a bit but my magic sorted itself out. I just can’t do it the same way as you guys. I have to use my wardrobe in some way. I’m not entirely sure how it worked, but I think it was the connection to the natural wood. Who knows how that will work when I get home. At least there I have a closet full of clothes. Although I was kind of enjoying the ability to think of something and it just appearing.” Aggie walked absently as she described her design method. All while taking in her surroundings. When she came through before, she saw nothing but wintery mix scattered around. Now she could see the trees were like fire blazing amongst the leaves with no real flames. The colors simulated it perfectly and they emitted no heat. It was captivating and she found herself bouncing from tree to tree taking in the elemental beauty.

  “You will always have us to help you if the need arises. I quite enjoyed clothing you, but I’d love to reverse the process at some point, as well.” He wasn’t shy about his intentions and for that Aggie was thankful. Somehow that made this date seem less awkward. It wasn’t like they were beating around the bush worried to say this or that. She genuinely wanted to learn more about Mathius and his hot and cold personality. Unlike Mitchell, Mathius just seemed to not think and simply react. Sometimes that was heated and other times it was thoughtful, she just needed to learn not to let the gruffness be too off putting. It would balance given time.

  “Given this as your basis of inspiration,” Aggie gestured to the natural surroundings that she never would have thought to consider beautiful days ago, now she had a new basis of understanding. “I can imagine you are overflowing with ideas.”

  “You make the perfect inspiration.”

  Mathius turned her words on her and she preened at th
e compliment. She’d suffered so much grief recently it was nice to take a step back and just enjoy life.

  “Where to first?” Sweeping her hand along the vast surroundings, Aggie didn’t have a clue where they were headed.

  “This way towards town, I want you to see the culture before I take you this evening to see the exceptional things that only happen once a year.” Aggie let Mathius lead her along the path. Looking closer at the rocks underfoot, she realized they weren’t just stone. It was more like a lava rock, a little bit dense and as they rubbed together when compressed by their feet, the soft grinding could be felt through her shoes. They didn’t just roll away they worked between each other like sandpaper or a pumice stone. Black as night they were stark against the contrast of the browning grass that Aggie realized wasn’t dry, but just naturally colored that way.

  It didn’t take them long to enter the bustling city of Ahael. Aggie was thrilled to be there she didn’t know what to look at first. There were children running crazy through the dirt streets. They were carrying branches and vines like little ants in a path from the woods nearby. They traveled between the homes that Aggie marveled shared similar architecture to the castle. The glass walls weren’t throughout but there was at least one if not more on each home. The adults stood around near the homes as the children came and approached them. Each child would pass their load to an adult or a portion of a large load split between two homes. They would promptly stick their hands out looking for some sort of payment. What surprised Aggie was they were given what looked to be an egg.

  “What are they doing?” Aggie pointed while looking at Mathius for some sort of explanation.

  “It is tradition to gather leaves, vines, branches from the woods on Walpurgisnacht Roodmas to fashion around the exterior of the homes and some indoors.” Mathius joined her in watching the action.

  “What are they being paid with, I assume it is some sort of payment.” Aggie couldn’t take her eyes off the busy little kids and admired them for their drive.

  “Eggs, they can take them to the vendors and get a prize. There is no limit on how many they can get and there is an unlimited supply of eggs for the adults to pass around, as they are magically supplied. So, no child is left out.” Aggie was captivated watching this interaction but she soon realized Mathius was watching her instead of the children.

  “What?” Aggie wasn’t embarrassed at all to find him staring at her, but he was obviously distracted.

  “I like experiencing this with you. It makes me feel like I’m seeing it all with fresh eyes. While I knew showing you would be an experience, this is beyond what I expected. You see things that I think are old hat and make them new again.”

  “Then by all means show me more, I still have to try something called a timararoo, whatever that is, I’m not sure I fully understand.” Aggie let Mathius lead her further into town. She was still captivated by everything she saw. The vendors were set up around what she assumed was the center of town. Little stations, with what looked like animal skins as the table coverings. Aggie was captivated by the fashion varying from simple cotton-like fabric to ornate leather pieces that Aggie would see as BDSM wear on Earth. “Are those regular everyday clothes?” Aggie didn’t know a better way to ask that question without sounding rude.

  “It’s more like fighting attire. They keep it on hand because the guards are known to keep stocked up on fresh options since they wear them all the time.” Mathius acted like this was everyday conversation.

  “Wow, on Earth that would be considered bedroom attire to some people.” Mathius gave her a look and she realized there was still a culture breakdown. While this wasn’t slang or basic human language, this was a closed-door activity that he may not be aware of. “Are you familiar with the BDSM?” She was praying that she wouldn’t have to explain it to him.

  Understanding lit his face and Aggie was instantly grateful. “I know what you mean, but we don’t call that anything special here as most of us share those proclivities. A raised eyebrow was the only other thing he did, as if questioning her reaction to this.

  “Oh really? You said us, I assume you are one of those?” Aggie had never participated in a relationship of this nature but wasn’t opposed to trying anything at least once. What was the worst that could happen?

  “I like to have control in the bedroom, no matter what the other party has to give up in order to achieve it.” A predatory smirk came across his face and Aggie felt a chill of anticipation run through her. She had no clue what the idea of the unknown would do to her. “Now let’s not discuss this now, I have much to show you and I believe we have a treat to be delivered. I imagine there are a few children who need some more eggs, who would be happy to deliver this for us. That will give us more time to take in the scenery.” Mathius took her hand and pulled her toward a vendor located in the corner of the lot. It had a short line and Aggie could only imagine how popular they were throughout the day given Raleigha’s description.

  “Do we pay in eggs as well?” Aggie was mostly joking but secretly she wondered what their currency was here.

  “No, the children only use the eggs to redeem special prizes from each vendor. They have different treats and gifts for them. It’s a reward for helping. The more they help the more things they can collect. If one gets something from a table that another wants, they just turn in one of their eggs there or go get more to turn in.” Aggie looked around and realized there had to be at least forty vendors, possibly more.

  “They would need a wagon to haul all their goodies by the end of the day.” She chuckled at her own thought as Mathius made it to the counter.

  “I need two please.” Mathius handed him two silver coins, that Aggie didn’t get a good look at but felt confident that it proved they had a standard form of currency. The vendor handed him two wrapped timararoos. Mathius immediately flagged down two young boys about the same age as Raleigha. “I’ll pay you each three eggs if this makes it to the castle infirmary and to the girl they call Raleigha in once piece. You come back with a note from her and I’ll pay you.” The boys’ eyes grew to the size of saucers. The job obviously didn’t need two in order to complete it, but Mathius was being generous.

  “Right away, sir.” Mathius handed them the treat and they took off running.

  “That was considerate of you.” Aggie leaned up on her toes and kissed him on the cheek to show her gratitude. “I would have been happy to return it to her when we were finished.”

  “I have other plans for you, if I can persuade you with the remainder of your tour. I’m hoping it is very late or quite early before you are available again.” Mathius’s forward nature was very alluring for Aggie. While she may be with them to even out their internal battles and make decisions, it would be nice to let him take charge in the bedroom. It would be the one place she wouldn’t have to make decisions. “Now it is time for you to taste this. As it is different for everyone, I can’t tell you what to expect.” That entire concept was amazing to Aggie.

  “Is it laced with magic?” She hesitantly took the doughy creation from Mathius. It was shaped more like a churro, long and cylindrical.

  “Not really, but the demonkind that makes them have a way with the ingredients that I believe their magic hangs on during the process. They are Baku demons, they eat the dreams and nightmares of others.” That thought scared Aggie a little.

  “Should I be concerned about eating this? Is there going to be a demon in my head now?” She made to hand the timararoo back to Mathius. There was enough going on with her and she didn’t need to add anything on top of any of that.

  “Not at all, but really, don’t you already have at least one demon in your head?” His voice dropped to a seductive tone on the last part. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to the back of her ear. Leaning into the sensation, Aggie couldn’t respond right away. Instead, she gathered her nerves and took a bite into the cake like confection.

  Instantly, she felt like she was flying, and in the back of he
r mind, she hoped she wasn’t wobbling on her feet. Even though she knew if she were to fall for any reason, Mathius was there for her. When she stilled, she immediately saw her mother. It had been so long since she had seen her, that Aggie’s breath caught in her throat. Aggie was about three years old and they were at the park. The sun was shining in the sky and Aggie’s younger self, toddled between the swings and the slide. Her little self was laughing loudly as she slid down the slide and her mother was there to catch her. They both smiled and talked softly. Aggie couldn’t hear the conversation and Aggie didn’t remember this day before taking that bite.

  Then her mother glanced up quickly off in the distance and a look crossed her face. Immediately she scooped up little Aggie and made to leave. This confused Aggie now that she was an adult. It seemed little Aggie had no idea what was happening. So now that she was able to see this as an onlooker, she looked off in the distance and saw a shadow on the horizon of what looked like a man. As soon as she saw it, the figure walked away.

  When her mother and younger self were out of sight, Aggie started floating again. Before she knew it, she was back with Mathius.

  “What did you see?” Mathius supported her back gently as she regained her bearings. When she knew she could stand on her own, she took a step away.

  “I saw my mother and I think it was one of the last times I saw her. I was maybe three years old.” She hesitated but then finished, “It was strange because it was as though I was just observing and so I saw everything. Including a strange shadow of a man that seemed to run my mother off. She quickly scooped me up and we left.” She didn’t know what else to say. Not knowing what to make of the entire scene, she realized that the snack was gone from her hands. “Where did it go?” Looking on the ground, she couldn’t imagine that it fell.

  “You ate it. That is what prolongs the dream. Otherwise you wouldn’t ever arrive at the final dream you would stay floating. The eating of the timararoo becomes a mechanical action once it has induced the dream sequence.” Aggie touched her mouth in amazement. It really didn’t have a flavor and there was no trace of it on her tongue.


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