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Saving the SEAL Baby Daddy

Page 15

by Knight, Katie

  “Maps. Lots of maps, of the whole area. A cartographer took a look at them and said they were pretty rare. They showed trails and place names and markers, information only available from the tribes themselves. Trevor played a key part in obtaining the intel and building the relationships with the tribal leaders in the area. I’ve been thinking that maybe the captain had gotten himself involved in some kind of deal with Montgomery to use this information for smuggling routes, that maybe that’s why he’d been killed.”

  Agent Thompson frowned down at the floor for a second, as if considering the new information. “It’s possible,” he said at last. “Those maps you mentioned would be really useful to a weapons smuggler. They’d be able to move their product without risking exposure along the normal trade route checkpoints.” The guy called to Trevor over Maria’s shoulder. “Do you remember your captain ordering you to get anything specific for him? Targeted locations? Special areas?”

  Trevor moved in behind Maria again, the heat of him penetrating her thin cotton top and making her skin tingle. “No. Not that I remember. But he was acting super squirrely toward the end, right before the murder. He kept pressuring me to get more details, more locations. And he wanted me to upload the files on a non-secure network, saying our regular channels weren’t fast enough for him.”

  “Huh. Okay.” The agent straightened and smoothed down his wrinkled shirt as best he could, then handed Maria a business card with the FBI insignia on it, along with his office number and email. “Can you send me a copy of the files? I’ll take a look at them, along with the rest of my team, and we’ll be in touch.”

  Maria went to answer, but Trevor pulled her aside.

  “How do we know we can trust this guy?” he said, giving the agent across from them a dirty look.

  “What choice do we have?” Maria crossed her arms. “I’m guessing the Navy will want to make an arrest in their case by the end of the week. You and I have gone as far as we can on our own here. We need more help and the FBI can provide that. Besides, if they’ve been building a case against this guy for three years, I don’t want to step on that. I could lose my license if they take me to court for interfering with a federal case. This is the best thing for both of us, Trevor. Trust me, okay?”

  A small muscle ticked near his tense jaw and his blue eyes burned into hers. Her pulse pounded loud in her ears and adrenaline fizzed through her bloodstream. She knew how hard this was for him, trusting her, trusting anyone really. But if they were going to solve this case and keep him out of prison, time was running out.

  Finally, he gave a curt nod and stalked away again to patrol the perimeter of their little area, keeping any other nosy patrons away.

  “Okay. I’ll send you the files. But there’s a deadline on this. You’ve got twenty-four hours to review them and get back to me with your plans to proceed.” She looked back at Trevor, then returned her attention to the agent. “We don’t hear from you, we go to the military brass on base. And that won’t end well for you or your case. A pissed Navy SEAL is a dangerous Navy SEAL. Deal?”

  Agent Thompson hesitated a moment, then nodded. “Deal.”


  “Jesus, I can’t believe the FBI’s involved too,” Trevor said once they were safely back at Maria’s house. He’d thanked his mom for taking care of Camille and walked her out to her car while Maria sent over the requested files to the agent. Now that he was back inside again and they were finally alone, it was all hitting him like a brick upside the head. “This thing is way bigger than I imagined.”

  “Me too,” Maria said, wearing those pink PJs again. “But this is good. If we can connect the evidence we have to what the FBIs investigating, the Navy will have to hold off on making an arrest in their case until the whole thing is resolved.”

  She settled in her regular spot on the sofa and he did the same, tamping down the fact that this felt nice, normal. Maybe too nice and normal. Especially since things had gotten so much crazier, and more dangerous, with what they’d learned tonight. If he’d had his misgivings before about involving Maria in all this, they were only multiplied now.

  Camille squeaked from the nursery and Trevor’s heart ached.

  Man. He wasn’t sure how he was going to leave this all behind once the case was over, only that he would. It was the best thing for his daughter. Best thing for Maria too. She’d been right. She deserved a man who’d be there for her, a man who wasn’t torn between his career and his home life. She deserved to be safe and well cared for and well-loved.

  At the moment, Trevor couldn’t be any of those things—except maybe the well-loved part.

  Yeah, he loved Maria. He could finally admit that to himself. Hell, he was pretty sure he’d loved her since the first time she’d approached him with her crazy deal the year prior, probably even before then. He’d just been too stubborn to admit it. And because he loved her, he needed to walk away.

  If he’d been stronger, smarter, he would’ve done it now. Tonight.

  But he wasn’t that strong, not where she and his heart were concerned. And whenever he was around her, his stalwart common sense—honed through years of SEAL training—went right out the window. All he could seem to think about was holding her, protecting her, caring for her. That’s why he’d acted like such an idiot at the club, busting in all caveman-style when she could damned well take care of herself without blowing their plan. Still, it was one small thing he could do for her, so he’d done it. And when that agent had dared to touch her…. Well, damn. He still saw red when he remembered it.

  But she wasn’t his to have and hold. Wasn’t his to control either.

  Maria was everything he’d ever wanted in a woman, in a life partner, and nothing he deserved.

  A keening crying came from the nursery and Maria got up. “Sounds like she needs to be changed.”

  Trevor frowned as she walked away. “No. That’s her hungry cry.”

  “I think I know what my own daughter needs, thanks so much,” Maria said, her tone snarky as she headed into the nursery to get Camille. The sounds of drawers opening and closing echoed down the hall, followed by a muffled curse. “Where the hell is the expensive diaper rash cream I just bought?”

  “I moved it to the basket near the changing table,” he called back, a bit louder now as Camille’s wails increased in decibel. “I’ll get a bottle ready.”

  “She doesn’t need a bottle,” Maria called back, irritation edging her tone now. “She’s not hungry.”

  Giving a sad snort, Trevor pushed to his feet and headed to the kitchen. Maria thought she knew so much more than him when it came to their daughter, but she was so busy trying to juggle her work and her home life, she barely had time to take care of herself. Not that Trevor faulted her for that. Not at all. In fact, he was prouder of her than he could say, but it didn’t change the fact that when it came to certain things, he might pay a little more attention than she did.

  This was one of them.

  Too bad it had taken him until it was time for him to go to figure it out.

  When Maria emerged from the nursery with a newly-changed and still wailing Camille in her arms, he walked over with the bottle and stuck it in Camille’s mouth. The baby quieted immediately, happily eating her dinner.

  Maria gave him a look of astonishment, mixed with annoyance. “Okay. Fine. Maybe she was hungry instead.”

  He raised a brow but didn’t say a word.

  She sat back on the couch, their daughter in her arms, and sighed. “You were right, and I was wrong. Is that what you want to hear?”

  “No.” He raked a hand through his hair and perched on the arm of the sofa. “I’m sorry I moved the stuff around again without telling you. It’s just a thing I do when I get stressed.”

  “I know.” Maria looked up at him and gave him a reluctant smile. Even at her stubbornest, he still wanted to burrow himself inside her and never leave. But that wasn’t an option, not right now, so he stared at the floor instead. “I’m
not mad. I’m actually really thankful to you for keeping things tidy around here. Lord knows I don’t have time to do it, so I really appreciate everything you’ve done since you’ve been here.”

  Self-conscious, he chuckled. “No problem. It helps me think. Cleaning. When I was away on missions, I’d clean my weapons when I had a problem to work through. Always helped me clear my mind and focus on the task at hand. Since guns really aren’t safe around babies, I’ve been doing the next best thing.”

  “Hmm.” Maria adjusted Camille in her arms. “You recognized her cry too. Seems you’re better at that than I am, as well. Have to admit, I’m feeling a bit more like a failure right now than I ever have.”

  “Don’t,” he said, frowning over at her. “You’re not a failure. Not at all. You’re the best mom I’ve ever seen, well, besides my own. You work so hard to provide for her, you always make sure Camille’s got whatever she needs. You’re a great mom, Maria.”

  Pretty pink color suffused her cheeks. “Thanks. I try really hard.”

  “You succeed.” He slid down into the seat beside her, enjoying this rare moment of feeling like they were a real family, before it all disappeared. Finally, he took a deep breath. “Listen, I think maybe I should move out, until all this is over. With the FBI involved now and Montgomery on the loose, I don’t want to take any chances that he might track me back to here. If he came here to get at me and you and Camille were caught in the crossfire, I don’t know what I’d do. You both mean too much to me to take that kind of risk.”

  Maria blinked up at him. “We do?”

  “Yeah,” he said, the word nothing more than a whisper to avoid waking Camille, who’d finally fallen asleep again. “You do.”

  They watched each other over the span of inches, her warm, sweet smell surrounding him, her soft pink lips parted, and suddenly all Trevor could think of was kissing Maria, long and slow, to brand that memory on his mind to savor during the cold, lonely nights ahead. He’d vowed not to touch her again, but right now he couldn’t seem to recall why that was so important.

  He leaned closer still. She did, too. Her breath fanned his face, urging him onward.

  Nearly there, nearly….

  His cell phone buzzed in his pocket, jarring them apart.

  Fumbling, he pulled the thing from his pocket and stared at the name on the caller ID.

  Agent Thompson.


  Maria frowned. “What is it? Who’s calling?”

  Trevor held up a hand as he answered the call. “Yeah?”

  “Daniels, I just went through the files your private investigator sent over and I think we need to talk. Soon. Can you come into my office first thing in the morning?”

  “Uh, yeah.” He glanced over at Maria, who was burping Camille. Whatever the FBI had found, whatever they wanted to discuss, he didn’t want Maria involved any more than she already was. Not because he didn’t trust her, but because he feared for her safety. Yes, she could take care of herself, but why bring danger to his daughter’s doorstep? “What time?”

  “Nine sharp,” Agent Thompson said. “I’ll leave clearance for you at the security desk in the lobby.”

  “I’ll be there.” He ended the call, scrambling for a cover story. “That was, uh, Tim. He said he has some information for me about the Navy’s case. I’m going to meet him in the morning to go over it.”

  “Great. I’ll come with you.” Maria stood. “I’ll call Steve too and make sure we’ve got all the intel he’s uncovered.”

  “No.” Trevor pushed to his feet as well, the earlier sizzling tension between them transforming into nervous energy on his part. “I, uh…Tim asked to meet me alone. Don’t worry,” he said when she gave him a suspicious look. “It’s fine. I’m sure it’s fine. He’s just cagey about all this, understandably. I’ll fill you in on everything when I get home, I promise.”

  Maria sighed and backed toward the nursery. “Fine, I guess. I’ll still call Steve and we can fill each other in when you get back then.”


  It was after 3 a.m. Maria knew that because she’d just laid down again after getting up to feed and change Camille. She’d tossed and turned most of the night anyway, unable to clear her head of what had transpired at the club earlier and her almost kiss with Trevor. Her body still throbbed and zinged with pent-up sexual tension.


  Not to mention the anxiousness over what might happen tomorrow. What could Tim possibly have to talk to Trevor about at this point? Whatever it was, she doubted it was good news. In fact, she had half a mind to follow him, just to see what it was all about. That way, she could be there for Trevor if the Navy was trying to use his brother against him to bring him in.

  No. She couldn’t do that, couldn’t sneak around and follow him without his consent. That would be wrong, no matter if her motives behind it were right. Best to wait here, talk to Steve as planned, act on solid knowledge and facts. That was her usual MO, her usual behavior.

  Too bad Trevor made her want to throw caution to the wind and be reckless.

  Restless and agitated, she got up and walked down the hall as if drawn by an invisible string. Through the darkness, she could see him sprawled on the couch, his muscled torso rising and falling with his breaths in a steady rhythm of sleep. Moonlight streamed through the windows, bathing him in gentle grays and shadows. He was seriously the best-looking man she’d ever seen. And yes, maybe she was a bit biased, but still. His build was a bit stockier than fashionable, his nose a tad crooked from one too many fights as a kid. His lips were a bit too full and one of his front teeth was slightly crooked, making his smile that much more endearing. He might not be perfect or flawless, but she loved all of it. Every little thing about him.

  Tiptoeing closer, her breath hitched. It had been her idea to cool it with the sex part of things and he’d obeyed her wishes without question. But now, in the darkest hours before dawn, with the end of their case looming so close and the danger of the unknown lurking around every corner, all she wanted was to be in his arms, to taste him and hold him and smell his good Trevor smell once more before it was all over.

  She reached out a hand to trace a finger over the smooth skin of his shoulder and promptly found herself tugged downward, then rolled underneath a six-foot-plus frame of solid muscle. He blinked down at her, his blue eyes still cloudy and unfocused with sleep, a small frown creasing his brow. Gradually though, as recognition dawned, the shadows in his gaze were replaced with heat. He shifted slightly, his powerful thighs parting to trap her between them.

  Please don’t let him stop, please don’t let him turn me away. Not now. Not tonight.

  Only the sounds of their ragged breath filled the night and time seemed to slow.

  Trevor held himself above her, his body tense. “Maria, what are you doing here? You should’ve made some noise before touching me, I could’ve hurt you.”

  Summoning all her courage, she reached up and traced her finger down the bridge of his nose, over his full lips, loving the way he shuddered against her, how his mouth parted, how his breath caught. “The only way you could hurt me tonight, Trevor, is to push me away.”

  Something seemed to give way inside him then, his body relaxing against her and his arms cradling her. He rocked her so tenderly and carefully that any lingering insecurities she harbored about him vanished. In their place was a desire so intense, her knees wobbled. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent deep inside her—sandalwood and soap. At last, she tipped her face up to his and they kissed.

  His lips, warm and soft, brushed over hers. Once, twice, before capturing hers and holding on the third pass. He groaned, she whimpered. Things dissolved into a lustful frenzy. He quickly divested her of her PJs, then pulled off his own sweatpants and T-shirt, leaving them both blissfully naked. She wrapped her legs around his waist, unable to wait any longer. Mindful of their daughter sleeping just down the hall, Maria tried to keep quiet, but a small mo
an escaped her anyway.

  “Ever since we were together, all I could think of was you, darlin’.” He cupped her breasts, his thumbs flicking her hard nipples as he ground his hard length against her heated core. With his free hand, he reached between them to stroke her wet folds. He found her most sensitive flesh and circled it with his thumb, first slowly, then faster, repeating the cycle over and over until she thought she’d die.

  “I want you inside me.” She lowered her feet to the sofa and arched against him. “Please.”

  “I don’t have a condom,” he said, his movements rough and shaky, so different from his usual grace.

  “I don’t care.” She grasped his hard length and grazed his velvet tip over her most sensitive flesh. “I’m still breastfeeding. I haven’t had a period yet. My doctor says I’m not ovulating either. We’re good.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, his breath panting.

  “More than I’ve ever been.”

  They both sighed as he entered her. The sheer satisfaction alone nearly pushed her over the edge before they even started. She ran her fingers over the nape of his neck and relished his answering shiver. “Don’t be gentle, Trevor. I need this. I need you. I love you.”

  He froze, blinking down at her. Opened his mouth to speak, but she stopped him.

  “No. Don’t say anything. I know you weren’t ready to hear that, but I was ready to say it. You don’t owe me anything at all. I just wanted you to know. I love you. I always have.”

  With that, she rocked against him and pulled him down for a deep kiss. He drove into her, hilt-deep. “I need this, too. I love you too, Maria. No matter what happens after tonight, never doubt that, okay?”

  She nodded, her heart threatening to burst from tenderness, and he pulled out almost completely before thrusting back inside her again, setting up a rhythm that had her teetering near the brink of orgasm within moments. The fact she had to remain all but silent despite her passion only made her hotter, hungrier, more eager for him. He seemed to feel the same. Trevor reached between them to stroke her again, and within moments, they climaxed together, their cries swallowed in a deep, heartfelt kiss.


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