Defending their Mate: a Sci-Fi alien romance (Tharan Warrior Menage Book 6)
Page 11
I hadn’t seen fresh fruit for ages and I was starving as well as horny. The ground below was littered with more orbs that had fallen from the tree. They couldn’t be poisonous or the creatures wouldn’t be eating them so eagerly. I stripped off the jacket of my uniform and turned it into a makeshift sack, stuffing it with as many as I could grab nearby. I reached out from behind the low bush where I was hiding, trying to snag an especially tasty-looking one, but I must have moved too fast. Suddenly one of the males pointed at the bush and growled a warning to the others.
I backed into the forest, keeping a wary eye on the creatures in case they decided to chase me. Though I was twice their size, their sheer numbers would have brought me down easily. They hadn’t shown signs of violence, but those growls and roars sounded fierce.
Apparently all they wanted was for me to leave, since the farther away I got, the more they calmed down. I kept on going, until the sight and sounds of the tree faded away. Breathing a sigh of relief, I decided to sample one of the juicy orbs. Wow! No wonder those monkeys had looks of rapture on their faces. It was the most delicious fruit I’d ever tasted. The firm sweet flesh reminded me of a perfectly ripe nectarine. My crew would love them.
I polished it off and turned around, ready to call it quits on my reconnaissance mission for the day - and bumped into a solid wall.
A solid wall of bronze male flesh.
I’m five foot nine, but I looked up…and kept on looking up. He had to be seven and a half feet tall. Bare chest, packed with muscle. Powerful shoulders, with his arms crossed over that broad chest. He was naked, except for a wide belt and loincloth slung around his hips, like some kind of alien Tarzan. Built like a human, except – wait. Was that a tail swishing behind him?
I studied his face, framed by a wavy mass of dark hair hanging down to his shoulders. Strong lines with a square jaw and chiseled cheekbones. Lips set in a stern line. With his bronze skin tone, he reminded me of a picture I’d seen once of a fierce American Indian riding bareback across the plains. I was a pushover for tall, dark and handsome. When he smiled, he’d be devilishly attractive. I had high standards, but if his cock was in proportion to the rest of his body, I could overlook the tail.
Till now I’d avoided meeting his eyes. When I did, a shiver ran through me. Pupils and irises both nearly coal black, flashed with little golden lightning bolts of anger.
I didn’t have to be an empath to come to that conclusion. His voice gave it away. Deep and loud. He’d started shouting at me but until that moment I’d been too stunned for it to register.
At first it was just a garble of rough sounds. Fortunately the Tellex chip implanted behind my left ear kicked in almost immediately.
“…invaded out Sacred Space. You have offended the gods, stolen their forbidden fruit. Now you must be punished.”
Maybe I was in shock. Maybe it was because I’d been watching everything those monkeys did with their tails, but all I could think at that moment was Oooh! What kind of punishment did you have in mind?
Coming May 2018
A Note from Kallista
Dear Readers,
Thank you for the marvelous reviews you left for Claiming Their Mate, book five in the Tharan Warrior Ménage series! I hope you enjoyed reading this book about Aliya and her brave, battle-scarred twins just as much.
Don’t miss my FREE novella Punishing Their Mate: Tharan Warrior Ménage Book Two. You can get it here. Book Two continues Commander Cass Randall’s story of newfound love with Tharan twins Rhynn and Rhom from Their Captive Mate, as they introduce her to new thrills in their world of erotic submission. There’s a sneak peek at Chapter One at the end of this book, plus info on where to get the entire novella.
I’m already dreaming up spicy scenes for Theirs to Possess: Tharan Warrior Ménage Book 7, where a hot new pair of warrior twins take over the hunt for the last missing human crew member. They’re determined to rescue the Luna’s astrobiologist Jazmin. She’s been traded to savages on the jungle planet of Eridanuus.
But first, I’ve turned my novella from the USA TODAY bestselling box set Alien Alphas into a full-length novel. Her Savage Mate is coming in May 2018. You’ll find a preview included in this book.
I have a few more treats in store for you. There’s a novella in the works giving you a peek at how Aartan and Azar handle fatherhood, as well as a special Christmas surprise for one lucky female from the Luna’s crew - coming later this year!
Now I’d like to ask a favor of you. If you liked this book – or even if you hated it – please take a moment to post a review. Here’s a link to my Amazon author page where you’ll find all my books.
I love interacting with my readers. Make sure to sign up for my newsletter Kallista Dane’s Naughty Nights at You can hook up with me any time by friending me on Facebook. Or email me directly -
About the Author
USA TODAY and Amazon #1 bestselling author Kallista Dane’s steamy romances combine eroticism with adventure. She loves to weave tales of strong, independent women tangling with the hot Alpha and Omega males who appear in their lives when they least expect it.
Kallista’s naughty novels have hit bestselling lists in Sci-Fi, Contemporary, Historical, and Western Romance.
Kallista says she’s a little like Goldilocks. She’s tried living in northern Michigan, where summer is two bad days of ice fishing and in the Florida Keys, where she had to turn the air conditioner on “low” to get in the mood to decorate the Christmas tree. Now she’s in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina, where it’s just right.
When she’s not writing you’ll find her either in the kitchen trying out sugar-free dessert recipes or puttering around in the garden.
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More Hot Romances by Kallista Dane
Sci-Fi Alien Dark Romance
Tharan Warrior Ménage Series
Their Captive Mate: Tharan Warrior Ménage Book 1
Theirs to Tame: Tharan Warrior Ménage Book 2
Punishing Their Mate: Tharan Warrior Ménage Book 3
Mastering Their Mate: Tharan Warrior Ménage Book 4
Claiming Their Mate: Tharan Warrior Ménage Book 5
Defending Their Mate: Tharan Warrior Ménage Book 6
Sci Fi Alien Romance
The Omega Warriors
Claimed by the Omega: Omega Warriors Book 1
Given to the Omega: Omega Warriors Book 2 coming soon
The Alien Masters Series – Sci-Fi Alien Romance
His to Command: Alien Masters Book1
His to Claim: Alien Masters Book 2
His to Conquer: Alien Masters Book 3
His to Tame: Alien Masters Book 4
His to Take: Alien Masters Book 5 (an Alien Masters novella)
Time Travel Romance
Captured by the Sultan
Captured and Examined
Historical Romance
The Duke’s Prisoner
The Virgin Captive
Lawman’s Lady
Contemporary Romance
Bared and Tamed
Bared by the Billionaire
Taken and Tamed
Reckless Obsession
Her Darkest Desires
Paranormal Romance
The Devil’s Cowboy