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Hitched Page 3

by Watts, Mia

  Part of her hoped he had. Part of her wanted him to have been bluffing.

  Willow licked her lips, thinking about taking that detour to the wall, with Bruce. She mentally shook herself. She didn’t have time to play around. Not right now. And damn it, not all weekend either.

  “I have to get my things. I’m going to be spending all weekend at the Felix residence. I can’t go in without my tools.”

  “And you know I’ll fuck you long and slow, grinding in every inch, bringing you to the point of orgasm before backing off and starting over.”

  She dropped a shaking hand on his chest. “Yeah, I remember exactly how you are in bed.”

  “Who said anything about bed?” he joked.

  She smiled, but it was a wobbly one. When it came to Bruce, Willow didn’t have a whole lot of willpower. The man was a machine in bed, dragging out orgasm for hours until she thought she couldn’t possibly feel any more pleasure, then bringing her off until she either came close to passing out or actually did pass out. She certainly couldn’t accuse Bruce of being a selfish lover. He was always about her.

  “Office,” she choked out.

  “Party pooper,” he accused.

  Willow grabbed his hand and dragged him toward the lot where they’d parked. “Let’s go. We’re going to have to figure out something so that I don’t turn into a rattan basket while I’m away from you. Can you make an amulet or something?”

  “You know the answer to that already. I can only suppress your faery gift with my own gifts. I can’t project my abilities into a piece of wearable jewelry.”

  “I think you need to talk to the faery council about making that possible,” she protested.

  “It’s not possible, Willow. They can’t reorder the universe just because you want them to. You know as well as I do that faeries get their power from living things and the magic we draw from the Earth. Nothing dead will generate that magic, so an amulet is out of the question.” He smiled suddenly. “You’re stuck with me.”

  “Good thing I like you, then.” She grinned sweetly. “Maybe I could wear a fern around my neck.”

  It only took fifteen minutes to get to Harper Security. Apparently, it had taken less time for Agent Wilcox to decide a personal visit was in order, because he was standing in Sage’s office when they arrived. She saw him through the glass wall. Her stomach did a somersault as his physical presence combined with the naughty images supplied by Bruce, overlapped in her mind.

  Her belly tightened and a thrill shot to her pussy. Sage’s gaze sharpened on her over Wilcox’s shoulder. His lips quirked into a smile and she found herself mentally cursing him for catching that bit of mind reading insight. Sage only smiled wider.

  Agent Wilcox followed his gaze. Willow met it then pushed open her brother’s glass office door.

  “Agent Wilcox,” she stated.

  “Ms. Harper.” He looked behind her. “And Bruce—what is your last name?”

  “I’m like Madonna. I only have one name,” Bruce said, close enough for his words to stir her hair. “But take us for coffee, and I’ll let you give me one.”

  Willow nearly laughed aloud at the confusion flitting through Agent Wilcox’s eyes. She could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to size up Bruce.

  “Sage?” Willow asked without asking.

  “Agent Wilcox is going to be privy to the case file before the insurance company liaison sees it. What we find out goes to Agent Wilcox first, and he will pass the information along afterward.”

  “What? That’s not how we do things around here,” she protested. “The client is—”

  “The client is apprised of the situation, Will. And we do things whichever way I decide, unless ownership of this company has somehow left my hands,” Sage interrupted. His expression softened slightly. “Besides, this case is bigger than we knew. It crosses multiple dig sites and several countries. We need Agent Wilcox’s expertise.”

  Sage flicked a gaze to the agent’s back, a knowing smile playing about his lips.

  “And Willow, he needs our expertise. We’ve gotten farther in this case than they have,” Sage concluded. “And that’s because of the work you and Bruce have put in.”

  “It’s a bad idea.” She sent Sage a glance that spoke volumes.

  “Trust me.” It was all he said. It communicated that he was not only aware of Willow’s feelings about working with Wilcox, but that he’d scoped out the agent’s thoughts, and approved.

  She pressed her lips tightly. She hated it when Sage played the all-knowing older brother. It was probably a lot cooler to have that mind reading gift, than hers. There wasn’t anything beneficial about turning into an oversized splinter.

  “Fine, then you’re going to have to work fast. I’ve been invited to spend the weekend at the mansion.”

  Agent Wilcox’s eyes sharpened. “When?”

  “Five o’clock today. It’s a study weekend. I’ll have full access to the entire property for two days,” she emphasized.

  “Let’s get to work,” Wilcox barked. “I brought the wire and the small camera. I was hoping to show you how to put it on, but I’ll have to do it the first time. Pay attention so you can do it yourself afterward. You’ll be wired every day until the case breaks.”


  Wilcox motioned to a valise near him. “I need to wire you up.”


  “Willow,” Sage warned.

  “Haven’t you seen all the girl-flicks? We all get naked and beat each other with pillows. I think she’ll notice the wires,” she argued.

  Wilcox smirked. “Nice try. You’re getting wired, or you’ll be charged with obstructing an investigation.”

  “She’ll get wired and anything else you need her to do,” Sage agreed.

  “What about Bruce?” she asked.

  “Is Bruce planning on stripping down for a pillow fight too?” Agent Wilcox countered.

  “Bruce doesn’t have the same contact as you do, and he won’t be there for the study weekend, right?” Clearly, Sage wasn’t going to help her.

  Bruce’s lips brushed her ear for only her to hear. “Make Wilcox want you as bad as I do.”

  Willow shivered. Bruce seemed to have his own agenda to get the three of them together. In the midst of the case, it felt out of place. It was exactly the kind of thing she needed to focus on to keep her wits about her. If Austyn discovered the wire, the case was blown. Taking her mind off the equipment, even for a second was brilliant.

  “Ms. Harper, we need to get you wired and briefed before you meet up with Ms. Felix,” Agent Wilcox interrupted.

  She nodded, swallowing passed the tight, nervous knot in her throat. She glared at Sage as Wilcox gave a signal. Dill escorted Bruce from the room, leaving her with Sage and Wilcox.

  “I’ll stay to make sure he isn’t a jackass,” Sage told her.

  Agent Wilcox reached for the valise. He opened it and slipped on protective gloves. She knew how to do her job Harper Security style. What would the FBI want her to do that was different? What if she got so caught up in doing things by the book that she slipped up and ruined both their cases?

  Looked like she was about to find out. Agent Wilcox pulled out a thin black wire and sticky pads.

  Chapter Three

  Kane waited until the door closed securely, then he pulled the vertical blinds, blocking out the rest of the office. He tried to get his head around the business of wiring Willow, but his mind kept returning to Willow’s bare skin. Skin he’d be seeing and touching very soon. He just hoped his hands didn’t shake as he applied the equipment. The very last thing he needed was a harassment charge with her big brother as the witness, even if that’s not what happened. He also didn’t have any intention of Willow Harper ever figuring out just how completely she got to him.

  Kane cleared his throat. “Ms. Harper, please remove your shirt.” He held up the wire to show her why he’d made the request.

  Willow blinked at him
. “You’re going to plug me in like I’m an entertainment center? Are you going to put me in High Def too?”

  He couldn’t help the small smile. “I think you’ve got that covered.”

  Sage stood so that he could watch Kane, but only see his sister’s back. Kane started to turn as she reached for her buttons.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Willow told him.

  Kane lifted an eyebrow at her objection.

  She unbuttoned her top two buttons, keeping her eyes on his. “If you’re going to make me strip down, force me to work for the FBI, possibly risk my cover, and be all superior about it, then you’re going to watch me strip.”

  Sage was trying not to laugh. Kane scowled at him.

  Willow folded her arms over her chest. Her breasts pressed together, deepening the line of her cleavage. She mirrored his arched brow. It looked decidedly good on her.

  “Proceed,” he motioned, hearing the way his voice dropped.

  Willow unfolded her arms and slowly undid her buttons. She left her shirt hanging open. As she reached behind her back, presumably to unhook her bra, Kane momentarily froze. He fought with himself, finally raising a hand to stop her.

  He swallowed hard. “No need to do that.”

  “You don’t seem certain,” she teased.

  “Mom would be so proud,” Sage said on a chuckle.

  Oddly, it didn’t sound as though Sage was being sarcastic. In front of Sage, Willow smiled at Kane. She dropped her hands leaving her bra in place.

  Kane was only vaguely aware of the office door opening and closing.

  “Looks like he got the message,” Willow said cryptically.

  Kane darted his gaze around the room, finding them alone.

  She opened her arms wide. “Go ahead. Strap me up.”


  Perfect rose-tipped breasts filled her nearly transparent lace bra. The exposure of her smooth belly caused him to take note of the rest of her body where he hadn’t allowed himself to notice before. Her waist nipped in before it flared delicately at her lean hips. Willowy, just like her name, her body was intoxicating. It had to be, because Kane was left in a stupor, unable to think of an appropriate response that didn’t include taking her to the floor.

  Kane schooled his features. He picked up several adhesive strips and closed the distance between them. It took all his years of experience to remember how to place the wire. She scattered his senses, and that was dangerous territory. Once he pressed the wire to her soft skin, he applied the sticky strips to hold it in place.

  “Remember to hide the wire in the lace when you tape this on next time.”

  He was proud of the flatness of his voice. She’d never know how hard it was to maintain his composure this close to her. To touch her body without really touching her, to look at where the wire wound around her torso and over the swell on her breast.

  Once he had the length of the wire right, he taped it against her side.

  “Lighten up,” she complained gently. “Think of this as a social service for our overworked government officials.”

  Kane lifted his head, leveling her with a look of annoyance. “What, exactly, is the social service? You staying still for the wire, or offering to remove your bra?”

  Her eyes widened slightly at his harsh question. Momentary guilt caused him to frown which only seemed to annoy her, given the way her brows drew together.

  “Not all people have body hang-ups, Agent. Are you saying I have a reason to be ashamed?”

  His eyes narrowed. She probably expected him to simper over her pretty breasts or throw compliments about her stellar form, but he wasn’t going to. He had a lot of years on her. A lot more experience and if she thought a few brash statements and some partial nudity would bring him to his knees, she was wrong.

  “Fishing?” he asked.

  Willow dropped her arms to her sides, lightly trapping his fingers against her waist where he’d been taping. He had yet to tape the top of the wire, saving that for last. He might be a professional, but he was still a man, damn it.

  “Baiting?” she countered.

  She pinned his curled hand into her side. Her warm, smooth skin tempted him to flex his fingers, curl them around the dip, and drag her close. He’d never met a woman more intoxicating. She was beautiful, but not conventionally. There was something about the way she looked at him with her brilliant green eyes and black as sin hair. It was in the way she moved languidly, like layers of silk shifting over itself. Silent, sexy, promising to satisfy every male hormone in his body. She was trying to get to him.

  Because he could take all the information she’d worked so hard for? Because if he did anything wrong, it would ruin her case? Because he wasn’t falling into her sensual trap? He didn’t know, but Willow Harper left no doubt that she wanted him.

  “I don’t bait,” he finished.

  “I noticed.”

  Something about the way she said it snagged his attention. Any other woman might have joined that comment with a look of hurt. Willow smiled softly. She didn’t flirt with her eyes, or bite her lip. She didn’t squirm closer to him, or stare pointedly at his lips. She just smiled and held his gaze unwaveringly.

  It was more potent an aphrodisiac than anything he’d encountered before. It was goddamn confidence, and it straightened his cock instantly.

  “Don’t get wet,” he muttered, extracting his fingers and affixing another piece of tape. Suddenly realizing how that may have sounded, given the innuendo thickening the air, he added, “Take sponge baths instead of showers this weekend.”

  “No swimming then.”

  “No swimming.”

  He had the distinct impression that they were just filling the air with words. Saying anything they could think of in order not to say what they were actually thinking. Kane hesitated for an instant, before laying the last bit of wire against her body. He pressed it to the outer curve of her breast, deciding it was better hidden there than up her cleavage.

  As his fingers brushed the smooth swell, he heard her soft, sudden inhalation. He’d have missed it if he’d been standing further away. Paired with the responsively tightening nipple and the barest of gooseflesh on her breast, he knew she was as affected as he. He nearly touched her, deliberately, to see if she’d make that sweet sound again.

  Kane carefully laid the tape. He’d given her plenty of room so that bending and sitting wouldn’t pull the mic free, but here, God, he just wanted to circle the tiny black strip around and around toward her pert lace-covered nipple. He’d lean in close to let his breath flutter across the sensitive peak as he tested the link. He mentally shook the image from his mind. Thoughts like that only led to trouble.

  “You’ll be able to do any normal activity without this pulling free. I’ll send you with some extra tape in case you have to move the wire around. Just be sure to send me a test run before you rejoin Austyn.”

  “How will I know you can hear me?” she asked.

  “If I lose contact for any reason, I’ll send Bruce to pull you out. Fake an argument or something so that you can walk off and still come back believably.” Yes, words, keep talking, Wilcox. Keep thinking about the facts.

  He secured the final end with the mic piece more toward her shoulder, but facing Willow’s mouth. If he’d had more time, he could have had it sewn into her clothing instead of taped to her body. But this development of going to the mansion had been dropped on him without enough time to get it done. This would have to do.

  Willow placed a hand over his, inches above her breast. “Are we going to talk about this?”

  “We have been.” He met her gaze, wishing he hadn’t when the warmth in it beckoned.

  “You’re changing the subject.”

  “No,” he said, slipping his hand free. “I’ve been discussing the case. I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

  She smirked as though she found what he’d said to be funny. “I’m talking about the unspoken conversation clogging the air.”
  “Enlighten me while you get dressed.” He stepped away from her.

  She sighed softly. “I get it. You’re afraid.”

  There it was again. That moment where he got a glimmer of her youth in the taunts. It helped ground him, reassure him that not making a move on Willow Harper was both professionally and emotionally sound decision making on his part.

  He smiled benignly. He pulled out his receiver and closed his bag of tricks. Kane walked back to where she stood, still mostly naked but now wearing his wire. He lifted her chin with a fingertip and looked into her upturned face.

  “Ms. Harper, I’ve been around long enough to recognize a sexual offering when I see it. I’m not taking the bait.”

  She gasped.

  He lifted the receiver and flipped the on switch. “Say something.”

  Her green eyes spat fiery darts and she fairly trembled with anger. The confidence he found so sexy seemed to chip in the shadow of his words.

  “If there’s one thing I know well, Agent Wilcox, it’s how to recognize wood.” She flicked her eyes at his groin. “You may be mature enough to know when sexual tension is present, but you’re a long way from knowing exactly what to do with all your willing parts.”

  “Keep talking,” he told her, needing to hear how the reception came in as her clothes interacted with the wire.

  He watched her seethe and found himself captivated all over again. God, she was gorgeous when she was pissed. She didn’t seem to have any idea how sexy she was when she stopped trying to be.

  “And furthermore—”

  “Awesome,” he intoned. “There’s a furthermore.”

  “And furthermore,” she snapped. “I’m not offering anything. There’s no bait to be taken. I wouldn’t want you if you were the last tadpole in the pond. Like a boring fed would tempt me. Ha!”

  He ground his teeth.

  Willow closed her shirt. Kane nearly groaned his protest when her black lace trimmed breasts disappeared from sight, but bit the inside of his cheek.

  Facing him, hands on her hips and lips puckered, she looked positively edible.


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