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Heathen: Oath Keepers MC

Page 9

by Sapphire Knight

  I whimper behind the gag, then her lips are there, softly pressing to my neck. I don’t know what to make of her tender kiss; it rattles me further.

  “You need this, probably more than anyone realizes. I won’t hurt you, don’t think that.” She reminds me as her palm begins to rub me, using the soap to glide back and forth over my clit. My head falls back to rest against her shoulder as I give in, realizing I have no choice in this. I’m going to enjoy her caress instead of allowing it to victimize me. I’m strong enough to not let her or anyone else shatter me into pieces here. “That’s it, beautiful, let me make you feel good.”

  My thighs spread as much as my restraints will allow them to, offering her better access. She takes every bit and uses it to her advantage. Mere moments pass, and I’m a total shaking bag of nerves on the verge of an intense orgasm. My hips thrust, moving with her slippery hand, seeking more friction. I’m shameless in my pursuit of a release. She said she wouldn’t hurt me, and I need this, whatever this is. Maybe it makes me stupid to be so open and vulnerable to her, but I can’t bring myself to consider it or the repercussions right now.

  “I wish I could slide my fingers and tongue inside this pretty peach, but my brother would kill me for breaching your hole,” she whispers throatily, and it’s my undoing. The picture she’s painted in my mind has me spiraling, losing the last bit of control I’d possessed. Out of nowhere, an image of Blaze assaults me. I think of him catching her licking me…down there. It’s so utterly forbidden, the thought’s completely unlike me, but it’s a turn on like no other as well.

  Moaning around the gag, I ride out my orgasm as she dutifully rubs me until completion. She’s holding me firmly to her, and I’m grateful for her embrace as my body is turning into Jell-O. She’s massaged my head, tickled my scalp, rubbed the soreness from my neck and back, and given me the first orgasm I’ve had in a very long time. I’d guess it was too long, too, as it took her only seconds to have me shaking like it was my first time feeling the wave of bliss.

  I’m panting, my cheeks flushed, with my body turning warm all over as she finishes her task of washing and rinsing me off. I turn my head enough to finally catch a good look at her. She reaches behind her, turning the shower off. I follow her every move with my droopy, sated gaze. I feel like I just ran a marathon, and I haven’t done a thing since arriving except sleep and then stand here. She leans back up, reaching her full height. She takes me in and grins widely.

  “You’re even prettier like that. God, just wait until Blaze gives you an orgasm and sees you like this. The man will be even more smitten than he already is.”

  Her words aren’t lost on me, and I scrunch my nose up. She must be wrong; she has to be. Blaze doesn’t see me like that.

  She giggles gleefully. “If he wasn’t, you’d be locked in the basement, tied down to a hard chair, with the prospects feeding you bread and water all day.”

  My expression slackens, my face paling.

  She shrugs and grabs a towel. “It’s true. Instead, he has you sleeping in his bed and asking me what he should do with you. He told me he hasn’t even touched you sexually yet. Blaze has gotten better where women are concerned, but he’s not that saintly. He’d have at least groped you and threatened you multiple times by now if you were anyone else. For some reason, he’s babying you. Which offers more evidence that he’s got it for you, and if I had to guess, I’d say it’s pretty bad.”

  My stare finds the carpet, my cheeks feeling a bit warm and tingly all over again. Do I want him to like me like that?

  “Oh my God!” she declares loudly and gushes, “I was right! You totally like him back. Holy shit.”

  I go to shake my head to quickly disagree, but she raises an eyebrow, effectively stopping my dispute. This woman is good; she can see through everything. How can she possibly know so much and not be around us?

  “It’s okay, you know, thinking that a biker is sexy. I’m married to one—I know how they can drive you absolutely mad, but at the same time make you want to sit on their face and ride it. There’s just something about an outlaw that has the overwhelming power to make a woman get wet. They’re brash, hard men, but their overbearing nature is so fucking sexy when you get past them believing that they know everything.”

  “Hmph,” I strive to argue, but nothing I say will make any possible sense with this stupid ball in my mouth.

  She smirks. “That gag is teaching you how to keep your mouth positioned. You’ll thank me when you finally give in and suck Blaze’s cock, you know.” She winks. “My ol’ man had me wear it in the early stages of our relationship. His cock is huge, so I needed all the help I could get. Let’s just say, he’s one satisfied man.”

  I huff, shooting her a bored look. I shake my head with disagreement. There’s no way I’m ever putting my mouth anywhere near that man’s member. She just laughs and shakes her head back at me, like I have no idea what I’m talking about.

  She hangs the towel up and runs her gaze over my dry nakedness. Her irises have heat reflecting in them, and there’s not a doubt in my mind that she wants to do more than our short shower activity. I can’t believe the thought of it doesn’t bother me more. It should, but the truth is, I enjoyed it immensely. I’m succumbing to the circumstances already, and I mustn’t allow myself to become a product of my environment like this striking woman seems to have.

  “All right, principal Amelia, let’s get you back on the bed and comfortable. You certainly smell good. I need to buy some of that soap for my shower.”

  I shake my head again, tears working their way to blur my vision once more. I don’t want to go back to bed. I’ve been lying there for days. I think it’s been two days, but with the drugs, I could be on day three or four and not even know it. When your mind is hazy and you lie in bed night and day, things begin to blend together and not in a good way. I can’t believe I don’t have a better grasp on things. I’m strong and capable but put me out of my element, and I’m like an elephant in the middle of the ocean, trying not to sink before hitting land.

  She tilts her head, growing concerned, or at least pretending to be. “Oh, sweetie, it’s not that bad, I promise. How about we sit you on the big chair while I get your wrists all wrapped up with fresh bandages, and if you want to stay there when I finish, you can do that. If you’re too uncomfortable sitting there, then I’ll help you lie back down. If we’re lucky, you’ll come to your senses sooner than later and give in to Blaze. Maybe if you give up some pussy, he’ll decide to keep you around, and you can join the other whores. I’ve heard them say he’s a good lover. One of the girls is practically in love with him. The man’s oblivious, though. He’d never notice her like that, so you’re a good contender for him.”

  I gasp, my eyes wide at her flippant comment about me becoming a whore. I was right; they are heathens if they have those type of women just hanging out around here. I hope there aren’t drugs and needles or whatever lying around anywhere. However, I should come to expect that, I suppose. This situation just went from bad to worse. Is this my reality now? Die or turn into a whore for men to use as they wish? What did I ever do in my past life to deserve this?

  The blonde pulls her clothes on and helps me shuffle to Blaze’s chair. I scan everywhere as much as I can, for signs of discarded paraphernalia. Blaze seems far too alert to be on anything, though he admitted to drugging me, so I wouldn’t be surprised to find something in here. The thought of contracting diseases or whatever else has me on edge even more now. Like possible rape or death wasn’t enough.

  “I can see your mind working a hundred miles a minute. Try to calm down, or you’ll give yourself a panic attack. Like I said, he doesn’t pay the whore much consideration; he’s far more interested in you. Well, he won’t actually admit it, but I can tell. I know him better than most around here.”

  Her flippant comment grabs my attention. I can’t help but wonder how she knows him so well. She called him her brother. Maybe they really are siblings, and it’s no
t just an endearment? That could explain why she’s the one in here helping me shower and such, but who knows. I’m not sure of what to think here, with any of them. Blaze has called several people his brothers, so I’m confused when it comes to people related to him by blood.

  Above all else, I can’t seem to stop wondering if they’re ever going to let me out of this room. I want my clothes back; I can’t allow others to see me like this. If Blaze takes me out of here, will he force me to stay naked? I’d be grateful to have some underwear and a shirt at this point. I thought I was comfortable with my nudity in the past, but clearly, I had no idea just how wrong I was believing that nonsense.

  My gaze remains trained on her movements, watching as she applies ointment to my scratched-up wrists and carefully rewraps them. She’s much tidier than Blaze was and manages to tear the tape rather than use her teeth. I wonder if she’s locked up inside this place all the time as well. Do they keep all of their women on some sort of lock-down? It wouldn’t surprise me; they remind me of cavemen. Besides, I think I’d have seen her around town at some point if it weren’t the case. Though with them located out of town a bit, there’s a good chance I haven’t noticed many of the people that come here.

  She stands, satisfied with her work. “There, you’re all set. Do you want to stay sitting over here?”

  I nod. I’d prefer to sit up for a while. My back and neck ache from constantly lying down. Besides, what if I get stuck on my back and I choke on my own spit or something? With how my luck seems to be going recently, I wouldn’t put it past happening.

  “Okay, then. I’ll let Blaze know, so he doesn’t ask you twenty questions on how you ended up over here.”

  She’s going to leave me here, alone, again. Her presence offers me a sense of comfort for some reason. I don’t want her to leave me. I shake my head, eyes pleading for her to stay, for her to free me.

  Please, please, please stay here.

  “I have other things I need to take care of, but I’ll check on you again. I promise, okay?”

  My disappointed gaze falls to the floor, but I nod anyway. I’m upset, but hopefully, she stays true to her word and returns. I don’t want to push her too much and have her not return at all. I lift my eyes, watching as she walks away. She turns one last time, glancing back at me and blowing a kiss before closing the door behind her.

  The lock clicks into place, and my head falls back against the cushioned chair. I sigh around the uncomfortable ball in my mouth and close my eyes. I’m not a praying person, nor much of a believing one. In this case, though, I’ll try anything to help me out of this situation. With that thought, I begin to pray for some sort of help. There’s nothing else I can do; Blaze has all of the control.

  Chapter 10


  “She’s all fresh and clean,” Princess announces once she finds me in the bar busy drinking a beer.

  “You put her in the shower?”

  She tips her pale blonde head in a nod. “I also loosened her legs up a bit so she could kind of walk; otherwise, I couldn’t have gotten her into the bathroom by myself. I didn’t think you’d want me to voluntold a prospect to do the job.”

  “I had them tied up in case she started kicking, and you were right about that. The prospects need to stay the fuck away from Amelia.”

  “Yeah, I figured. I have an idea if you’ll hear me out?”

  “Of course,” I easily concede.

  “I saw this on a movie once…” I send her a look about to cut her off, and she talks faster. “But what if you tie a rope across the room and hook her hands over it? If there’s some slack in it, then she could walk to the bathroom, sit down or lie down while you’re not in the room. You could untie her legs, and even if she tries anything, she won’t get far with her hands tied over a lead.”

  I can’t believe I’m even considering something she said she saw it in a movie. It kind of makes sense, though. “How would I secure it?” I ask aloud, already beginning to picture it in my mind.

  She shrugs and plops down on the couch beside me. “Maybe under the bathroom sink or behind the toilet. Do you have something in your room you could secure it to? It’s not like she’s very strong…well, not strong enough to pull it out of the wall.”

  “Hmm. I could find one of the wall studs and install a couple of metal bars. It’d only cost about ten or twenty bucks, and then I’d have something to attach the ropes to and give her the length I’d want her to have.”

  “You should do it,” she urges, and I crack a grin.

  “I kidnapped her, and now you want me to give her freedom?”

  “No. I know better than to meddle in club business. I’m just saying that a little slack would go a long way with her. She seems to have one of those minds where she automatically works out the worse scenario and panics. I know you said she’s stubborn and strong-willed, but you’ve made her vulnerable. If you offer her a little something, it’ll make it so you don’t come off quite so evil in her eyes.”

  “Hmph,” I grumble. I know how this principal is already; she’s been loud and clear about how she feels. “I doubt that P. The woman thinks all alpha men are the enemy, and that includes me as well.”

  “Like I was just saying, she automatically reverts to the worst case. She likes to be in control, but you need to show her that you’re in charge of everything, including her well-being and that she can trust in you to take care of everything. It won’t be easy, but you can do it. Don’t be too headstrong with her, or she’ll shut you out. Give her the rope lead and some attention. You’re one of the most charismatic guys I know. Show her that side, too, and she won’t be able to deny you.”

  “She can’t deny me when she’s tied up anyway,” I mutter gruffly and take another swig from my beer.

  “Obviously, you don’t want things to be like that. Otherwise, you’d never have involved me in the first place. You asked for my help, and I’m giving it to you.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

  I exhale, running my fingers through my lightly gelled golden locks. “Fine…all right, P. I’ll give your suggestions a go, but if she doesn’t show me anything in return, then I’m going to have to work somethin’ else out.”

  “What are you going to do?” She wrinkles her forehead, staring me down.

  With a shrug, I admit, “I don’t know. In the past, I’d hurt women that didn’t comply with my orders, but I don’t want to be that man anymore.”

  “You aren’t, Blaze.” Her hand falls to my arm, concern filling her gaze. “Jekyll made you think those things were okay, but you’ve changed. I haven’t heard or witnessed you hurt a female since you came to the Oath Keepers years ago. I was the last, remember?”

  I swallow, my throat feeling tight at the memory. “I could never forget or forgive myself,” I confess, and her hand squeezes me.

  “Stop thinking about it. You’re my brother. I’ve forgiven you and moved on, and you need to do the same. You’re not that person anymore.”

  I nod, even though I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to actually do it—forgive myself and move past it. I deserve to be punished.

  Princess leans in, hugging me. “I love you, Blaze. She’ll come to her senses and realize you’re not what she thinks you are.”

  With a nod, I gruffly reply, “Thanks, P.” That’s about as affectionate as I’ll get with her. Viking would castrate me otherwise. She’s his property, and I fully respect that. I do love her as my younger sister, just as all the brothers around the MC should. She’s earned our respect and admiration as the queen bee around here. Anyone ever hurts her, and it’ll be a full-fledged act of war against the club.

  With only a few days before we’re supposed to ride out and get into some shit, I head to the hardware store to pick up everything I need. I can’t believe I’m going out of my way for this ungrateful woman. I hope Princess is right, and I’m not putting in the effort for nothing. The store clerk gives me a wary look when I check out, probably thinking I’m up to
no good. If he knew the truth of the matter, he’d probably piss his pants. I’ve been a kidnapper for over half my life, so it doesn’t faze me. Civilians, on the other hand, are a different story.

  I pack away everything in my saddlebags and make my way back to the compound. I pass a few sheriff’s deputies on my ride home and send up a salute in acknowledgment. We’re on good terms with them, but I can’t help but be entertained at the thought I have a woman tied up in my room, and they haven’t the faintest clue about it. We’ve paid them handsomely to look the other way as far as we’re concerned. The club also helps keep the peace in central Texas with gangs and hard drugs. It allows them a cushy job with incentives while on duty. Lucky bastards.

  “Blaze.” A prospect greets me as I pull up to the perimeter gate. It’s one of the twins, and I haven’t the faintest fucking idea which one he could be. I don’t give a fuck what Torch says, these kids sound and look the same to me. They need name patches; otherwise, I’ll just stick to calling both of them prospect, shithead, or any other name that comes to mind.

  “’Sup,” I chin-lift, not in the mood to chitchat.

  There’s a girl giggling and feeling up the twin’s brother. The dude is completely distracted from what he’s supposed to be doing.

  “The fuck’s goin’ on around here?” I bark loudly over the rumble of my engine. My brow lifts with irritation.

  He shrugs, obviously not understanding that they’re fucking up right about now. “She wanted in, so we’re testing her out. Making sure she’s really a club whore looking for work before radioing and bothering anyone inside.”

  I huff, my nostrils flaring. “That’s not your place, fuck stick. You two shitheads are supposed to be paying attention to your surroundings. That doesn’t mean you wait here and open the fucking gate to whoever moseys along; it means you keep alert and watch for anything that could be creeping up. This bitch isn’t your concern. Besides, what if she was a decoy? Use your brain, numbnuts. You text or radio into the brother on gate security, and he’ll come check her the fuck out. You get me? Should I hit up the prez and let him know you’re far too interested in some snatch to do your motherfucking job?”


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