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Heathen: Oath Keepers MC

Page 18

by Sapphire Knight

  “But-but you, ah, should be furious…enraged, even, at this happening. I was expecting you to attack my ass over this latest wrench thrown in”

  “How can I be angry when I let it happen? I could’ve told her to stop at any time, yet I didn’t. I didn’t want her to; I enjoyed it too much. I’ve been lonely, just floating through my life, and I hadn’t realized that much until I came here. Having Princess and you to talk to every day and even touch me…well, it’s opened my eyes to some things.”

  “Yeah?” I ask on bated breath.

  She nods and clarifies. “I don’t necessarily like women in a sexual way, but I won’t deny that it didn’t feel good. At the time, I needed it, it made me let go of my fear. Are you angry about it?”

  I instantly start grumbling about why I shouldn’t care, as she’s not my woman.

  She rolls her eyes, a definite clue she’s been spending a lot of time around P. “I may not be yours, Blaze, but we seem to have this…chemistry.”

  “You’re admitting it?”

  “I am,” she offers with a sweet smile.

  “You can touch me,” I murmur, wanting to feel her hands on my flesh right now. I want to fucking kiss her perfect mouth and rub her all over. I want to pull her to me and wrap my arms around her.


  “The wager from earlier; you can touch me now.”

  Her irises light up. “Oh, yeah, one of the many bets that I won.” Her smile blooms wider as she reaches out again. This time, I don’t stop her but lean over her a bit, so she can rub from my abdomen up and over my pecs. My nipples grow stiff at her brush, and I clench my jaw to keep from moaning and telling her I want more. That I want her.

  She runs her nails over my flesh after her pass with her fingertips, and I release a low, satisfied groan. The sensations she sends through my body has me nearly purring with pleasure. I lean in closer. She doesn’t shy away, so I lightly nudge the tip of her nose with mine. I want to take her so badly my hands curl into fists, squeezing to garner some patience.

  My hand unclenches and moves to cup the side of her face, my thumb caressing her delicate cheek. I move in, putting my mouth to hers. I begin soft, slow, with a chaste peck. She’d kissed my cheek yesterday, and the thought of kissing her has been on my mind since that very moment. Amelia perks up, applying a touch more pressure, letting me know that she wants it too.

  The last mating of our mouths was when I’d kissed her to shut her up. It was more one-sided than anything, and I revel in her wanting to reciprocate this time.

  I move to draw her bottom lip between mine, nibbling before I release the perfect flesh. She responds by squirming underneath me and raking her nails over my abs. Her mouth parts, and I dive in. My tongue twists with hers, the breeding of our mouths completely consuming my thoughts. Nothing else matters but here and now, her and me, like this.

  The chemistry between us is unlike anything I’ve felt before. She challenges me verbally along with her kiss. I want to consume her, and if she’d let me, I would. She’s far too comfortable with being in control and implementing the boundaries of her relationships, but with us, I’m not going to allow it. She won’t shut me out; I won’t give her a chance to.

  My free hand braces beside her, keeping me from squishing her, but I want to feel every inch of her. I allow my form to lightly relax into her, our nakedness coming in full contact with one another. My cock grows stiffer than before, wanting to take this further, but I have to be patient with Amelia.

  She responds in kind, spreading her legs open more so I can rub my length against her. We each respond with groans, our kiss evolving into something much more erotic. My hips twist, pushing against her flesh that’s quickly turning slippery. She wants it just as badly as I do.

  But…I swore she’d fuckin’ beg me for it, and I’m a bastard who revels in knowing she wants it. With one last grind of my cock against her warm, soaked core, I pull away. Her lips are swollen and pink as she gazes at me with a dazed expression. Any man who takes one look at her will know her ass is owned. She’s mine, there’s no doubt in my mind about it, she just has to realize it as well.

  “Blaze?” she sighs my name, curious why I ended things before they truly began.

  I sit back, taking deep breaths to abstain myself from having my way with her right here and now.

  “Yeah, babe?” My voice is unnaturally deep and gravely.

  “You don’t have to stop…”

  “Mm, I do.”

  Her nose screws up, displeased. She’s fucking adorable when she pouts. “I don’t understand.”

  I shrug. “You don’t have to. I need to take care of something real quick.”

  “Right now?”


  She closes her eyes for a beat, just as frustrated as I am at this point. She could change this if she’d give in and beg me for it. I have to steal away that last little bit of strong will from her before I know she can truly be mine. She has to be willing to give it all to me because once I claim her, there’s no going back.

  A brother’s commitment means more than the average Joe, and she has to be ready to be my property. I’m trying to be patient with the stubborn woman, but I’m wound the fuck up inside over her. Princess and everyone else is right—this woman obviously came into my life for a reason. It just took me a minute to figure out what that justification was.

  I head to the kitchen and chug a shit ton of ice water, attempting to get my mind right and off fucking Amelia Stone. I’ve been beating my dick so much lately that I know it won’t help right now. I may tug the motherfucker off if I try to relieve myself now.

  Heading back to my room, I nod to Frost for standing guard and notice my door’s cracked open. I gesture to it, and he mouths, “Princess.”

  I move to push it open, but he places a hand on my arm before I make contact. I meet his gaze again, not giving two fucks about being stark naked. He taps his ear, and as he’s doing it, I hear P and Amelia’s voices clear as day. Maybe I’ll wait for a few, I need to find out what the fuck they could have to say to each other.

  Chapter 20


  “You betrayed me, my trust,” I declare adamantly as Princess waltzes into Blaze’s room. I wasn’t mad at Blaze over the video because I know it was Princess and Bethany who were at the root of this plan, not him.

  She shrugs. Wearing a sneer, she argues, “You stressed out my best friend. She and Night have been through enough in their lifetime, they don’t need to deal with your shit.”

  “Their son broke the rules! I wasn’t singling him out; I was doing my job.”

  “Which is understandable. But when you found out who Maverick’s dad is, you did single him out. You moved to expel him! Mav is the sweetest little boy I know. He’s also my godson, and I’ll do whatever I have to, to protect my family.”

  “Look, I’ll admit I was biased, okay? I understand now that it was wrong on my part to be that way, but that boy can’t go around kissing sweet adolescent girls. It’s a basis for sexual harassment, they could be bothered by it for the rest of their lives!”

  “He’s a little boy, for fuck’s sake! Where the hell do you get off on taking the love out of a young child?” She fumes, growing angrier by the second. “You’re upset because your trust was betrayed? Bitch, do you know who the fuck I am? You’re lucky I didn’t have one of the brothers slit your throat for going after my family! I wouldn’t even have to get my fingers dirty to deal with you, but I went soft on ya. I fucked you and made a video of it to keep your ass in line. Blaze cares for you a considerable amount, too much to hurt you, so I stepped in and took care of it. You can hate me all you want, but trust me when I say it could’ve been so much worse than what you got.”

  I nod, not sure what to say. I’m generally not a confrontational person. I like to nip it in the bud before it gets to that point, but obviously, Princess is the opposite. I don’t doubt it for a second that their revenge toward me could’ve been graver. I�
��m more hurt that I was obtuse enough to believe she was a friend to me in the first place, that I was making way here with anyone.

  “And for the record, you’re fortunate you had to deal with Nightmare on this whole situation. If Bethany had been off of work to take those calls from your office, she’d have shown up to those parent meetings and rearranged your face. And the kicker? You’d have not been able to do shit to stop her because in case you missed the memo, the Oath Keepers own the sheriff’s department. Hell, the sheriff himself used to ride with my father back in the day, so, please, fuck with us some more.”

  “Why do you people resort to physical violence and these types of threats?”

  She snorts. “Because some people need an ass-kicking to understand a point. You have your nose so far in the air, you need to be taken down a few pegs. Welcome to reality, where you’re not the smartest person in the room. Where your actions have consequences. We support our community one hundred percent, but you painted us as the bad guys when we could’ve been your greatest asset.”

  “So, you became the bad guys since I saw you in that perspective?” I query.

  She nods concurring. “We did. You wanted us to be a problem, so we became one. We were more than willing to help out the school as far as donating money, baked goods, food for the poor kids during the holidays, and even security, but you practically spit on us.”

  I shake my head. “I won’t take bribes; it’s against my morals.”

  “It wasn’t a bribe…it was to show you that we care too, just like any other parent out there. We love motorcycles, we enjoy having fun and don’t always make the best decisions, but we love our kids just as much as anybody else. Hell, probably more; family is absolutely everything to us whether you’re our blood or our chosen family.”

  “I can see that now.” I bite my lip, feeling true remorse for the way I’ve treated them before I actually knew the type of people they were. I judged them when it wasn’t my place. “I apologize for any stress I’ve caused the parents and kids here. I should’ve at least given Blaze the courtesy of hearing him out.”

  “Thank you,” Princess breathes out, letting her guard down a touch. “It’d go much further if you said that to Bethany, Nightmare, Torch, and Viking. This wouldn’t be happening right now if you’d have given us a chance.”

  Tears crest as I lower my gaze to the floor and nod again. I can’t believe how idiotic I’ve been. She’s right about one thing; I thought I was better than them, and here they’re still offering to help my school. Not only my school but the children who truly need it, and I was stopping that from happening with my stubbornness.

  Blaze has proved me wrong in my skewed beliefs of the Oath Keepers, however. Sure, he’s kept me locked away, but he’s also shown me compassion the entire time I’ve been here. I can only imagine how horrifying it could’ve been if someone else had gotten angry and kidnapped me. I could be dead, raped, mutilated, frozen, or who knows what, right now. Rather, I’ve got a full stomach, a comfy, clean bed, and people checking on me to make sure I’m okay. It’s a bit ironic, actually. I can’t remember the last time I had nothing to worry about, and being here has started to take most of my stress away, especially now that things are evolving with Blaze. I was under duress in the beginning, but it was all manufactured in my mind—I was never in any real danger so long as I did what they asked of me.

  “You said he cares about me?” I question, wondering how true that really is. Ever since she said it, it’s stuck with me.

  She nods. “He used to not think twice about hurting women, but he’s changed. With you, though…he’d take a bullet for you. I know it.” Her brows raise as her hands rest on her hips. “And I’ll tell you right now, you better fall in line if you plan on sticking around. It doesn’t matter how much Blaze loves you, I’m the Ice Queen around here, and I can make your life a living hell. That man deserves something special, and so help me, you better be that special.”

  I swallow, my throat is tight and dry. She said he loves me. I can’t help but feel warm with that notion. Could she be right about Blaze’s feelings? And if so, what does that mean exactly?

  I’m used to running the show, but clearly, around here, it’s Princess’s rule when it comes to the women of the MC. I have to admit, I respect her. She’s stepped in and taken care of things for her family and their club. It takes a strong, intelligent woman to do that. Even I can see that much. “I may not like that you made the video, but I recognize why you did it. It still hurts since I allowed myself to be vulnerable with you, but I respect you for taking care of your family.”

  She nods. “I will always do what I need to for them.”

  “Then, they’re lucky to have you.”

  Her hands release her hips, falling to her sides. She’s let go of some of the tension and anger she’d been wearing when she’d entered.

  “You truly believe he loves me?” I probe, and the door opens.

  Blaze comes in. “P?”

  She sends him a radiating smile, and if she weren’t already married, I’d be twisting with jealousy. “Just checking on your captive.” She sends him a wink. He smirks in return. “Wow, you’re, uh…naked too?” She chuckles, shaking her head at him.

  He nods. “Yeah, turns out Amelia knows how to play a game of Bullshit.”

  Her brows hike again. “Mm, you don’t say?” She glances at me, surprise coating her gaze. She and the other ol’ ladies are the ones who taught me how to play. “And you lost?” She teases him. “Did Teach make a bet with you as well?” Teach is the nickname the ladies gave me when we were playing our card games. I tried to explain I’m a principal, but none of them were hearing it.

  He nods, his cheeks tinting pink. He’s cute like that, versus his usual sexy, smirking self.

  “Well,” she grins, flashing a glance at me, “looks like there’s hope for you yet.” She meets Blaze’s gaze again, saying, “I’ll leave you to it. My ol’ man will castrate you if he discovers that I’m in your room with you naked.”

  Blaze grunts. “Yeah, uh, please leave before that happens.” He chuckles and gestures to the hall.

  She sends me a quick, serious look before striding through the doorway, calling out a cheery, “Have fun,” in her wake.

  My eyes find his, and I can’t help but wonder if she’s right. Does he love me? And if so, do I love him too?


  “What’s happening today?”

  “Why do you think that today’s any different than yesterday?” Blaze asks.

  We’ve fallen into this routine, being trapped in his tiny space together. I wake up warm and completely turned on in his arms. Today was no different. I couldn’t resist rubbing his length against me until he’d spilled himself over my thighs. I don’t remember ever desiring a man as much as I do Blaze. Yet, he’s stubborn and holds out from penetrating me. I don’t understand it; he should be well aware by now that I want to have sex with him.

  My lips tilt into a slight smile, and I find myself peering up at him through my lashes. When did I become that woman? Biting my bottom lip, I shrug, clasping my hands behind my back. I’m on full display for him, but it’s not an issue anymore. I’ve been naked in front of him for far too long to over analyze what he may think about my body. He said he likes it, and considering he’s hard around me daily, I believe him.

  His cobalt irises flash to my chest, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he takes my breasts in. He loves them. We’ve had some pretty heavy make-out sessions the past few days, and he’s always licking between my thighs and sucking my nipples.

  “I think your time here’s almost come to an end.” His cerulean orbs meet mine, serious. It was the last thing I was expecting him to say. In fact, I’d begun to wonder if he’d ever let me leave. I’ve grown used to being around him all the time, I don’t know what it’ll be like to go back to before. I’m not that same person anymore. Of course, I don’t let him know any of those thoughts and feelings. I do want to be able to leave his
room at some point in my life, even if I’ve grown comfortable around him.

  “Is that so? Have I passed all of your requirements?”

  He licks his bottom lip, fire back in his stare. “Not all of them.”

  “Oh? What exactly haven’t I done that you wanted?”

  He shakes his head, resting his hands on his hips. I push my chest out a bit more. I want him to keep looking at me like that. It makes me feel desired and sexy.

  “I haven’t felt that sweet pussy of yours wrapped around my cock yet.”

  My smile grows. “I can recall a multitude of times that I’ve told you I want more, to go further.”

  “Mm,” he grunts. His hand moves, reaching out to touch my core. “You wet right now?” he rasps, and I pant, my vision going hazy as his fingertip teases my clit. The digit slides lower, through my lips to feel my entrance. He groans. “Fuck, babe, you are.”

  My palms move to his pecs, they’re muscular and his nipples are pierced. It turns me on like crazy. He’s everything I’m not—the yin to my yang. Leaning in, I press up on my tippy-toes to brush my mouth to his. Pausing against his lips, I whisper, “Please?” I’ve asked for him to go further, but each time he holds back, telling me it’s not enough. It’s to the point that when he puts his hands or mouth on me, I feel like my body and my core is going to combust.

  His nostrils flare, his irises blazing. “More,” he growls, the order making my body shiver and my nipples pebble. He’s always quick to order me around. It used to infuriate me, but now it drives me crazy in an entirely different way.

  “Please?” I whimper, ready to beg at this point. I need to feel him everywhere. It’s like the thought has begun to consume me.

  “Fuck,” he gasps. “I love hearing you say it like that. You want me to fuck you, babe?”

  “Yes, badly,” I admit, crossing everything I have in hopes he’ll finally surrender and offer up what I so desperately crave.

  “Then say it again,” he rumbles, and my brows jump.


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