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Kidnapping the Duke

Page 12

by Killarney Sheffield

  He took her hands in his. “You look beautiful, Felicity.”

  “Thank you,” she squeaked.

  The skin around his eyes crinkled with amusement. “Relax, you are not being led to the gallows.”

  The minister stepped up before she could reply. “Welcome, one and all. I regret, due to repairs, we are not able to perform this marriage under God’s holy roof, but rest assured I have blessed this home in preparation.” He glanced at his open bible and began the ceremony.

  Felicity stared at the glittering sapphire buttons on the duke’s white and sapphire striped waistcoat, tuning out the clergyman’s words. His shirt rose and fell in silent rhythm, which did not match her racing heart. By the time the ceremony was done, she stood in a dreamlike state, mesmerized as his lips descended to claim hers in a soft, subtle kiss. She blinked when he pulled away and offered her his arm. Attributing her fog to imbibing too much sherry, she turned to receive the applause from their guests.

  Chairs were pushed back to make way for dancing, and a buffet table laden with cold meats, cheeses, pickled vegetables, pastries. and candied fruit. William led her to a seat by a tall glass window and went to fetch her a plate of food and glass of wine. As she was waiting, she spied none other than Rebecca Carivale heading her way. She peered through the crowd, hoping William was on his way back, but there was no sign of him.

  Rebecca stopped before her. “Lovely wedding, Felicity…er…I suppose I must address you as Lady Lancastor now.”

  Felicity forced a stiff smile to her lips. “Thank you, Rebecca.” Much to her relief she spied William making his way toward her.

  Rebecca sneered. “I have it on good authority the wedding was rushed because you are with child.”

  The duke came to a halt directly behind Rebecca in time to overhear her comment. “I assure you, you heard wrong, Lady Rebecca.”

  Her face blanched and then she turned around with a simpering smile. “Oh, Lord Lancastor, I was just telling my dear friend Felicity what those horrid old gossip mongers are saying. The poor dear has gone through enough, what with her father and aunt dying and leaving her all alone.”

  William’s jaw tightened, yet his smile didn’t slip. “Well, the gossip mongers can quell their tongues. My lovely bride is still virginal, until tonight that is.” At her mortified gasp he winked and turned to Felicity, who could not decide whether to laugh or be humiliated by his shameless comment. “I brought you a plate, my darling.”

  Spying the curious looks around them, she decided to play along. With an adoring smile of her own, she accepted the plate. “Thank you, William, you are so thoughtful to think of my needs.”

  “Anything to please my beautiful bride.” William winked and then turned to Rebecca. “If you will excuse us, Lady Rebecca, I believe your brother was looking for you at the buffet table just now.”

  Two spots of angry color tinged Rebecca’s cheeks. “Yes, well, best wishes on your nuptials, my lord.” With that she scurried away.

  The duke frowned. “As prickly as a stinging nettle that one, is she not?”

  Felicity sighed. “The bane of my finishing school existence, to be exact.”

  He sat next to her. “I remember you telling me that at the lodge.”

  She grimaced in remembrance. “What happened to Pumpkin?”

  A puzzled look crossed his face before his features softened in recognition. “Oh, the cat? She is happily settled in the garden shed out back. Joseph, my gardener has taken a shine to her and the kitten.”

  “Oh…good.” Uncomfortable she toyed with the cold roast fowl on her plate. It was going to be a long afternoon of eating and dancing before the guests would begin to leave. At this point she would rather it all be over and get away from the prying eyes. On the other hand, she was dreading the evening alone with the duke and the marriage bed to come.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Felicity spent the late afternoon after the guests had left getting settled in the bedchamber appointed her. The room was done in a tasteful cream color with turquoise accents. She ran a hand over the elegantly curved bedpost of the massive feather bed, wondering what the night would bring. William had stayed by her side during the reception, introducing her to each person who came to greet him and wish them well. Upon the last guest’s departure, however, he summoned the butler to show her to her room and excused himself, citing pressing business matters. She was both confused and relieved to be left to herself.

  A tap on the door heralded the arrival of her new maid, Elizabeth, or Lizzy as she already made Felicity promise to call her.


  The tall brunette opened the door with a bright smile. “I’ve come to ready you for dinner, my lady.”

  Felicity rubbed her aching temples. “I suppose there will be more guests?”

  The maid shut the door and crossed to the wardrobe. “No, my lady, ’tis a simple at home dinner with his lordship, and most of the staff has been given the evening off because of all the extra work getting ready for your nuptials.”


  Lizzy rifled through the wardrobe. “Would you like a simple dress for the evening in, then?”

  “Yes, a plain muslin should suffice.”

  The maid pulled out a butter yellow muslin dotted with mint green paisley vines on it. “This one, my lady?”

  Felicity couldn’t help smiling. “Your choice is perfect, Lizzy. I think you shall suit me well.”

  The girl beamed. “I think we shall get along nicely too, my lady.”

  Once dressed Felicity had the girl pull her blonde curls to one side and pin them so they cascaded down one shoulder.

  The butler arrived just as they were finishing up. “His lordship asked me to escort you to the small parlor, my lady.”

  “Thank you, Henry, is it?”

  He smiled, obviously pleased she took the time to remember his name. “Yes, my lady.”

  “Lead the way then, sir.” Felicity followed him downstairs, happy to have started things off in her new home by building standing with the servants. It seemed the only lesson from finishing school she had indeed mastered.

  When she arrived at the small parlor, she found a card table set up before a cozy crackling fire. The table was draped with a lace cloth and set with silver, china, and candles.

  The butler seated her. “His grace will be here shortly, my lady.”

  “Thank you, Henry.”

  With a smile and a bob of his head, the butler retreated.

  Felicity sat back in the chair and stared into the fire. A private dinner with her new husband was bound to be an awkward affair. There would be no interruptions from well-wishers to keep the conversation light and neutral. What would they talk about? Her mind wandered back to the lodge in the woods. Despite the tension between captor and hostage, they had got on well, shared some laughs and deep conversations. Could they recapture that now? Things were not the same. There was no snow storm forcing them to make the best of things, no meals to make, and no driving force to push them together. And the huge canyon of their fathers was still keeping them apart….

  The door opened, breaking her musing. Looking up she spied William pushing a serving cart. Gone were the elegant suit, cravat and waist coat, now replaced with tan breeches and a simple white shirt open at the neck. Though she had to admit he looked incredibly handsome at their nuptials, she much preferred his casual hunting lodge look. The raw manly attire suited him.

  “Dinner is served, my lady,” he said with a grin.

  “You cooked?”

  “We would have starved if I did not, since I gave the staff the night off.”

  “Hum…then maybe that was not such a great idea,” she mused.

  Eyes twinkling, he removed the top from the silver tray. “Yes, well, thank God you married a man who likes to cook.”

  “I am still trying to accustom myself to that one.” She perused the plates of simple pie.

  William placed a plate before her. “The cooking,
or the marriage part?”

  Their eyes met. “Both.”

  His smile faded before he looked away and took his own seat. “For your dining pleasure, my lady, pheasant pie, a simple dish, but one with my own flare.” He poured two glasses of red wine and then waited as she tasted the first forkful.

  The flavor of wild fowl, mushrooms, onions, kale, carrots, peas, bits of sweet potatoes, spices, creamy sauce all packed in a flaky pastry shell thrilled her taste buds. “Oh my, you have really outdone yourself this time, my lord. Who knew such a simple dish could be so rich.”

  “So glad you approve, I slaved away all day to make it for you.” When she rolled her eyes, he grinned and dug into his own meal.

  “Did you truly make this yourself?”

  He chewed his mouthful and then answered, “Well, most of it was left over from the wedding feast, but I did put it all together and made the crust.”

  “I am impressed, sir chef.” She returned to savoring the meal before her.

  They ate in silence and the tension thickened. Though the meal was excellent, she found her appetite remained untempted. What would the night bring? Though she tried to push the thoughts of the marriage bed from her mind, she couldn’t stop thinking about it. By his own admission, the duke had bedded a woman before. Would he be pleased with his virginal bride? Would the experience be as wondrous as his first kiss had been?

  “Is something the matter?”

  Distracted she glanced up. “No, why?”

  He nodded to her plate. “You have hardly touched your dinner.”

  She fixed her gaze on her plate and pushed a forkful around. “I guess I am not that hungry.”

  “I am surprised.”

  “Surprised?” She pondered him as he leaned back in his chair and set his fork across his empty plate. “Why?”

  “Well, for a woman so bold as to bash a man twice her size on the head with a skillet and then truss him up like a suckling pig for roasting, you seem usually terrified of the evening to come.” A soft smile graced his lips and his head tipped to one side in puzzlement.

  How did he know her thoughts? She bit her lip. “I have no idea…what to expect.”

  He studied her a moment. “Was my kiss that atrocious?”

  Her fingers touched her lips of their own accord. “No, not at all, in fact I found your kiss…fascinating.”

  The fine skin around his eyes crinkled. “Fascinating? How so?”

  Felicity dropped her fork to her plate with a clink and folded her shaking hands in her lap. “I—I do not know…. It was not as I expected…. It made me feel as I have never felt before.”

  “I see. And would you like me to kiss you again?”

  She licked her lips, her breath already quickening at the idea. “Yes.”

  He stood with easy grace and held out his hand. “Come.”

  “But, the dishes—”

  “Henry will clean up before he leaves.”

  On shaky legs she stood, placing her cold hand in his warm one. When he drew her to him, she slipped into his arms. He looked deep into her eyes, his gaze intense and direct. It flustered her and she dropped her contemplation to his chest.

  With a gentle grip he raised her chin. “I promise I will never hurt you, Felicity.”

  She blinked, the lump in her throat at his nearness preventing speech. As if the world stopped turning, his lips descended on hers in slow motion. She closed her eyes as they brushed hers with such sweet intimacy it sent chills down her spine. At her sigh of wonder, her lips parted and he brushed them with his tongue. Her moan echoed and her knees grew weak. Without warning he scooped her up in his arms, releasing her lips. She opened her eyes and met his scrutiny.

  “Sweet Felicity, I have wanted to make love to you since that first night at the lodge.”

  “Oh,” was all she could manage.

  He strolled from the room with her in his arms and past a smiling Henry, who stood outside the parlor doors. “Goodnight, Henry.”

  Henry tipped his head. “Goodnight, your graces.”

  Mortified Felicity buried her head in William’s neck. “Oh dear, what must the man think of me?”

  “He thinks you are lovely and sweet.”

  “Does he?” she murmured against his neck.

  “Um…do that again.”

  She drew back as he mounted the steps. “Do what?”

  “Blow on my neck, it drives me noddy when you do that.”

  “It does?” Eyes wide she giggled. “Really?”

  He gave her a lopsided grin. “Really.”

  Gently she blew on his neck and he groaned as they topped the stairs.

  “Do that again before we reach your bedchamber and I might take you right here in the hall, Lady Lancastor.”

  She couldn’t help giggling. “Oh dear.”

  When they reached her bed chamber he kicked open the door and it banged against the wall as he carried her across the threshold. “Now it is time for me to show you what else I like.”

  “Oh…what about what I like, my lord?” she asked when he lowered her to the silken sheets.

  “We have all night for that….”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Felicity sighed, snuggling closer into the warm body next to her. After a few moments, it dawned on her that she was sharing her bed with her husband, and she opened her eyes.

  William smiled down at her when she tilted her head back to look at him. “’Tis about time you awoke.”

  She gave him a shy smile. “I am sorry, but ’tis all your fault I have slept so late.”

  He lifted a brow with a mocking smile. “It is? How so?”

  Face burning, she looked away. “You made love to me so many times I was exhausted.”

  His chest jiggled with his mirth. “Only twice, my dear.”

  “Only? Is that normal, my lord?”

  His guffaws increased. “Oh no, sometimes I might want to worship your lovely body three, or four times in a night.”

  “Oh dear.” She bit her lip. That often?”

  Raising her chin, he scanned her face. “Is that a bad thing? I was sure by your cries last night you enjoyed my ministrations.”

  Her cheeks heated as she recalled her shameless cries of fulfillment the eve before. “Oh, I did, William, too much to be proper I am sure. It is just….”

  “Just what?”

  Embarrassed she closed her eyes. “It is just I am a bit sore.”

  “Ah.” He kissed her forehead. “I have some herbs that will ease your discomfort.”

  She rested her head against his chest. “Of course you do.”

  With a gentle hand he rolled off her and climbed out of bed. Her gasp at the sight of him fully naked elicited a grin. “I would love to tarry with you in this bed all day, Felicity, however, I have a meeting with Lord Carivale today, and you should have a leisurely soak in the bathing tub.”

  Propped on one arm, she studied his bare derriere as he bent to retrieve his discarded clothing from the floor. “That reminds me. I overheard a strange conversation between him and his sister the night of my graduation.”

  “Oh, what was so strange about it?” he asked, pulling on his breeches.

  “They were talking about the Black Rider and how some duke and his lady should be the next to be visited by the hanging mob for supposed infidelity.”

  He glanced at her over his shoulder with a frown. “I am sure you misheard.”

  “But, what if he has ties to the Black Rider? We should do something. I would not want someone else to suffer as I have at the hands of a—”

  “Enough, Felicity!” After jerking his shirt over his shoulders he spun around, eyes snapping with anger. “You need to put this behind you. We cannot make a life together if you keep insisting my father killed yours.”


  “No!” he roared. “I will not hear another word about it. You got your revenge against my father’s supposed dastardly deed by marrying me. That should be enough.” He tosse
d a note on the bed. “Here is a letter for my creditor granting you access to any funds you may desire. Amuse yourself shopping today.” Without another word he stalked from the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Felicity cringed at the sound. She ruined their easy camaraderie. Miserable she slipped from the bed and ordered a bath sent up to ease the dull ache between her thighs.

  * * *

  Though the rare chance to shop should have thrilled her, Felicity found her heart was not into it that afternoon. She wandered from shop to shop and selected a few small items to augment her wardrobe, but after an hour she had had enough. When she exited the milliner’s shop intending to head home, she was shocked to discover the duke’s conveyance was no longer waiting for her. She scanned the street. Where could it have gone?

  As she turned to look down a side street, Rebecca Carivale appeared followed by a dowdy maid. “Why, Felicity, I am surprised to see you out and about so soon after your wedding night.”

  Felicity could not help noting the smug look on her nemesis. “Afternoon, Rebecca. I was doing a little shopping.”

  “Hum it does not appear your new husband has loosened his purse strings by the looks of the single parcel in your hand.”

  Closing her eyes for a brief moment, Felicity counted to ten in order to keep her composure. It would not bode well to create a scene on a public street for all to witness. Pasting a false smile to her lips, she opened her eyes. “I am just too tired to shop after all the excitement yesterday…” She gave Rebecca a sly look, “…and last eve.”

  Rebecca’s eyes widened. “Oh.” A bright flush stained her cheeks. “Um, well, you look a little lost.”


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