Mr. Engelmann took a sip of chocolate and then said, “Henry, God’s ways are perfect. His timing is perfect. Trust Him.”
Henry nodded. “You know, Mr. Engelmann, I think you’re right. I sort of see God’s hand in all this; I especially feel my guardian angel.”
“It is very true what I say, Henry. I am a lot older than you and I have seen the good Lord’s hand in so many ways and situations there is no room for doubt. I hope you can see this and believe it sooner than I did. It will save you much grief and aggravation in trying to fix things without turning it over to the Lord.”
Henry simply nodded. He couldn’t see any flaw in what his teacher was saying. It all seemed so real and true.
“Knowing what you know now, Henry, when this crisis occurred in your home, had you gone on your knees and said ‘God, I trust you to heal this situation. Thank you for bringing our family back together and making it stronger than before,’ and then gone about your business…?”
“Yeah, that would’ve saved me a lot of worry and heartache. But that takes a lot of trust in God.”
“Yes, that is correct! And that is what God is doing with you now. He is building up your trust in Him through me, our discussions, through reading of the Bible, through your guardian angel. In all these ways and many more, He is building up a relationship between you and Jesus, just like you and I have built up a relationship over the years.”
Mr. Engelmann looked deeply into Henry’s eyes, “When you first started working for me, you did not know me and your trust in me was at a very low level. But you trust me more now than you did when we first met, no?”
“Yes, of course, Mr. Engelmann—I think we have a very close relationship…I trust you with my life!”
“And that is precisely what the Lord wants for you and Him! He wants you to grow close to Him too, to trust Him with your life!”
A look of awe grew on Henry’s face.
“Let us look at our friend Eddy now, this will help you to further understand and believe in God’s divine providence. Recall how angry and filled with revenge you were when he and his friends accosted you and Jenny? Even though you initially shunned my efforts to forgive Eddy, the seed was planted. God was using me to soften your heart. He loves you and wants what is best for you and for Eddy.
“Later that day when I shared your grief with Anna we both felt prompted to pray. We fell to our knees and prayed for you and Eddy and his friends so that you would forgive them, and for their healing as well. We prayed that the Lord would send you His grace to do so. And besides our discussions on the matter, I remember later in the school year your gym teacher made you captain of the basketball team on the condition you accept Eddy on the team and coach him.”
Henry nodded.
“These things were no accident, Henry. Alles hat seinen Zweck—everything has a purpose. Do you see how your teacher’s challenge further broke down your defenses? God was teaching you to love and forgive through the promptings of others who guided you in the right direction. In doing so, He was building your character and drawing you nearer to Him. Even though He influenced you both through others and your guardian angel, at no time did God take away your free will. You could have continued to be angry and vengeful, to forgive or not to forgive, correct?”
Again Henry nodded.
“But look at what has happened. Your heart was softened to be receptive to Eddy and now such a fine friendship is building. Look at the freedom you are experiencing instead of wasting precious moments of your life living in the past and thinking thoughts of revenge.”
Henry was speechless. Mr. Engelmann’s wisdom and instruction were always so profound that he could no longer keep his tears in check.
Mr. Engelmann gazed hard into Henry’s blurry eyes and pointedly asked, “Henry think on this…how would you feel at this moment if God had not intervened in this way and if you hadn’t forgiven?”
Henry knew the answer only too well. His memories of the hate and anger he’d felt still lingered in the recesses of his mind.
“And what about Eddy? Had you not come into his life, where would Eddy be right now? Just look at how you have helped him! He has gained recognition through sports and positive relationships. God wasn’t just working with you, but with Eddy as well, Henry! This is how the Lord works with all his children in the entire world. Millions and millions of people every second of every day! Can you now see and understand the magnitude of His workings!?”
Mr. Engelmann was so excited he nearly fell off the box he was sitting on.
Henry, too, could barely sit still. His mind swirled, trying to grasp the teaching. He tried to express it in words, but there were none to define what he had just learned. Finally he blurted, “God is a genius!”
Mr. Engelmann could see the light going on in behind Henry’s eyes. He himself had had many of those rare special moments as well. His heart was filled with joy to overflowing that his lesson had been learned at such a deep level.
“Ach mein lieber Gott, danke, danke! Mien geliebter Sohn sieht das Licht! He sees the light!”
Mr. Engelmann looked at Henry tenderly and shook his head in wonder. “Yes, He is a genius, but oh! so much more. There is no earthly term to define His sovereignty. Others have tried—He is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and so on, but a finite mind cannot even begin to describe an infinite one.
“God’s divine providence is driven by the power of love because that is what God is. So in every situation the Lord orchestrates, He brings His love—and that is why everything, no matter how terrible or wrong, turns out for the good to those who believe! His purpose is to bring out the love that is at the core of our being, to love our God and neighbour and make the world better. By saying yes to Jesus, together we work towards the salvation of mankind!”
Henry’s eyes lit up again. The scripture he had read in the Bible and heard Mr. Engelmann say so often had a new, richer, fuller meaning. He recited the passage: “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
Henry was so stricken by the deeper meaning of this passage, by the fact that the Lord’s words are really alive and living, it was as if the sun burst into the room and exploded on his face.
Once again Mr. Engelmann saw the look of insight in his student’s eyes. “Now that you have a glimpse of His workings, who would you trust to run your affairs, you? Or God who knows everything, does everything perfectly and brings love into every situation.”
Henry’s answer came quickly. “In Him!”
“To be at peace in this world, Henry, we must continually turn over our will to Him and trust Him. That is why I start out the day in prayer, reading His Word and offering the day to him. He knows what is best.
“We must do this daily lest we slip back to that which is so easy to do. We feel He is not listening or hearing us, we become impatient and take control and just go around in circles, hitting our heads against a brick wall. Soon we mess everything up and come running back to Him pleading to straighten it all out!”
A soothing silence fell over the room. Henry so loved these times with his teacher. He learned so much from his wise mentor. Mr. Engelmann’s head was bowed as if in prayer or deep thought. Henry was reluctant to break the peace of the moment yet another growing insight was flooding his mind and he had to share.
Henry spoke softly, gently piercing the silence. “It’s trust isn’t it? It’s all about knowing and trusting in Jesus, isn’t it?”
“That’s a very wise thought, Henry. In a nutshell, that’s it. The more we get to know of Jesus through reading the Bible, meditating on His Word, praying, going to church, receiving Him in Holy Communion and having discussions like this, the more he becomes part of our characters. We begin to trust Him just as you have learned to trust me, Henry. So much so that you are willing to put Him in the driver
’s seat, at the centre of your life and trust that He will direct it. In every situation we obey Him, His teachings and commandments, and He will give us the strength and grace to do so.
“Soon your thoughts, words and deeds become more and more like His. Your character will begin to reflect what is growing in your heart. You will find that you are more forgiving, kinder, more patient, more compassionate, more merciful to others, more at peace…” Mr. Engelmann’s words trailed off.
Henry could feel the passion his mentor has for Jesus. What he just heard described perfectly both his teacher and Anna, when she was alive. Both were filled with the love of the Lord to overflowing, committed to bringing His love and healing into every situation, striving to work with their Master to make the world a better place and bring as many people into His kingdom as they could.
It reminded Henry of words Mrs. Engelmann had often spoken to him, those he had read at her funeral. “There is no hope without love. There is no forgiveness without love. We will never be able to serve the Lord or our neighbour without love. Love your Lord with all your strength, soul and heart. Love your neighbour as yourself. Live by this commandment, and you will be a King and inherit all the worthy treasures on earth and in heaven.”
Henry was so overtaken by what Mr. Engelmann had shared and the insights he’d gained that he forgot how this discussion was related to his present dilemma with Jenny and Julean. But he was already getting an inkling of how his mentor was going to tie all of it together.
“I think I know why you told me about God’s divine providence, Mr. Engelmann. You’re going to suggest that I turn my feelings, this problem, over to Jesus and trust Him to handle the situation and turn it all into good. Right?”
“You are getting too wise for me, Henry. Soon there will be nothing left for me to teach you.” Mr. Engelmann reached over and patted Henry’s hands. “Yes, that is what I believe the Lord wants you to do. You can see how He has worked so faithfully and fruitfully in your life and those close to you. He will do the same in this present dilemma. Don’t struggle with it any longer. Leave it up to Jesus and trust Him with all your heart.”
“Yeah, that’s the other scripture you keep quoting.”
And as Henry began reciting the passage, Mr. Engelmann joined in. Together they said, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.”
They looked at each other with love and laughed.
Then Mr. Engelmann followed up on something he had said earlier. “It is my belief, Henry, that the Lord wants you to surrender your resistance and to love Julean fully and freely. You are holding back because of your uncertainty about Jenny and you’re wanting to be faithful to her. Stop trying to control your future. It has not worked; we have seen how the doors keep closing for you. Let’s try God’s way now. Trust Him; you saw how He worked in the lives of your parents and Eddy. Now transfer this insight and belief to the situation at hand. I, too, don’t know how to advise you or what is best. But this I do know: if you give it to the Lord and trust Him and bloom where you are planted with Julean, He will turn everything to the good. This is a wonderful opportunity to let go and develop your faith in the Lord. The path of your life will be paved with the Lord’s love. He has a wonderful plan, a purpose that He will unfold in your life.”
Mr. Engelmann leaned forward once more and patted Henry’s hand, “You know, Henry, each relationship is special. We are all unique and what you and Jenny had together will always be special between you, and perhaps you will never forget her. But now you have Julean and she is special, too. Jenny has someone new and so have you. Perhaps someday you may meet under different circumstances…who knows what the Lord has in store.”
Henry gazed at his mentor, tightened his lips, then nodded.
“Henry, I am going to do what Anna so often did. She always trusted the Lord so much and stepped out in faith in perfect expectancy that the Lord would act and answer her prayers. I would like to do that with you right now.”
Mr. Engelmann slid off his box, setting his mug on the floor, and went to his knees. Henry instinctively followed. He lowered his head and waited for his teacher to pray.
“Dear Lord, I know you have a plan for our lives, that you care and love us and work constantly in our lives to bring us into Your fold. So many times we are like lost sheep and we need Your guidance to bring us back into the light. We know that when we walk in the shadows of life that You have not abandoned us but will bring great treasures if we but trust in You, dear Jesus.
“You have promised that where two or three are gathered together in Your name that You will be amongst us and hear our prayer. Besides Henry and me, I know my Anna is also here in spirit. Together we ask that You will provide a sign to Henry that will put his heart at peace in his relationship with Julean; that she is another angel of love in his life he desires to freely pursue and fly with. If this is Your will, we also ask that You grant Henry a peaceful, accepting closure to his relationship with Jenny and that she will always remain a special memory in his heart. We thank you for answering this prayer, dear Jesus.”
And after a long while, Henry softly murmured, “Amen.”
Chapter Thirty-One
In early March, Henry was summoned to the principal’s office during English class to a chorus of oooohs and “What’d ya do, Hank? You’re in trouble now.”
He couldn’t think of any reason he’d be called to the office. When he arrived, a secretary directed him to a seat. Behind Henry were a row of six or seven oak chairs. He chose the one nearest to the principal’s office. He wondered what Mr. Mitchell wanted. Probably had to do with the student council and an upcoming event they wanted to plan. Perhaps graduation.
Mr. Mitchell appeared in his office door.
“Hello, Henry. Come on in.”
Henry took the chair opposite Mr. Mitchell’s desk. Mr. Mitchell seated himself in his leather-backed swivel chair and shuffled a few papers in front of him.
“At our last staff meeting, Henry, the topic of this year’s graduation came up. The actual graduation ceremonies will be held on the Friday before the graduation dance. The staff has unanimously voted in favour of you being this year’s valedictorian. We are all very proud of your grades, your leadership as president of the student council, and the outstandingly mature manner in which you have carried out your day-to-day affairs within the school. Students look up to you, Henry, and you have been an excellent example for them to emulate.”
Henry blinked at Mr. Mitchell. “Th—thank you.”
“Well, will you do it?”
Henry was so taken aback by the accolades he’d almost forgotten what the question was. After a moment, he replied, “Yes, I’d be honoured to give the valedictory speech.”
The principal reached for a paper in front of him. “On this sheet, Henry, is a list of possible topics you may wish to speak about. If you have something else to say you feel is more pertinent, go ahead.”
Henry nodded.
“There are two conditions, however, to which you must agree,” Mr. Mitchell continued. “First, you must show me your speech one month before the date of our closing exercises, and second, I am allowed to edit your speech if I feel some things are not appropriate.”
Henry looked over the topics listed on the paper Mr. Mitchell had handed him, though he already knew exactly what he wanted to talk about without even looking at it.
He looked up at Mr. Mitchell. “Yes, I agree to your conditions. I’ll have the speech ready for your consideration the first week in May, Mr. Mitchell.”
“Excellent! I look forward to reading it.” Mr. Mitchell looked at Henry and smiled.
Henry was so excited that he’d been asked to be valedictorian he thought he would go to the store and share the news with Mr. Engelmann.
Halfway home, thoug
h, he felt prompted to call Julean instead. Mr. Engelmann’s prayer for him to see a sign that he could love Julean freely and accept Jenny as a memory seemed to be working. He hadn’t thought of her as much lately, and he and Julean were definitely growing closer with each passing day. Although he didn’t think he’d ever forget his first love, he had to admit the memory of Jenny’s charm, spontaneity and beauty that had held him in bondage for most of his high school years seemed to be dissipating.
Perhaps it was the fact that no reality accompanied the memories he held of her; each thought lacked physical support, a touch, a presence, a hug, a smile. While he still felt a strong connection to her, his memories of his first love were giving way to a reality with Julean, whose real embraces, smiles and tender kisses were beginning to take a stronger foothold in his life.
As Mr. Engelmann had often said, just as the night has to disappear to give way to a bright new day, so, too, his precious memories of Jenny had to disappear to give way to a bright new future with Julean.
Chapter Thirty-Two
Another Angel of Love Page 28