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Keeping the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 3)

Page 8

by Stone, Dee J.


  Good thing, because I can really use a break right now. I follow Alaric out of the training room, down the hall to the last room. I haven’t been here before. It’s my dad’s room. He opens the door and invites me inside, telling me to make myself comfortable. I sit down on a chair and he takes the one facing me.

  He smiles. “How’s it going?”


  His smile widens. “I’m glad to hear that. I hope you feel a little more comfortable here. I know all this training must be grueling.”

  “No, not really. I mean, it’s hard, but I’m not going to complain. When do you think I’ll be, uh, ready to battle the king?”

  “I can’t answer that. Only you can. But I’ll assess you and monitor your progress.”

  I nod. “Can I ask you something?”


  “What’s it like? Losing the throne, losing all your magic? Do you feel like a large chunk of yourself is missing?”

  He sighs. “When I was a boy, the only thing that was important to me was inheriting the throne. But after meeting your mom, nothing seemed important. Only her. Then when Daisy and you came along, you were my focus. Not the kingdom. I didn’t care for Ortarus anymore. I know that wasn’t a smart choice, but I was following my heart.”

  “And everything changed when Sorenten killed your parents.”

  “Yes. It was like my life spun on its axis. As much as my family was important, I had a duty to my people.” He takes my hands. “I never stopped loving your mother, or the two of you.”

  I stare at him. “Never?”

  He shakes his head. Hearing Mom moved on with George must have crushed his heart. “I didn’t take a wife because my heart belongs to your mom. Never mind that Sorenten didn’t allow me to marry, but even if I was able to, I wouldn’t.”

  “Were you…I mean…were you hoping to get back together with her?” I ask him.

  His fingers plow through his curls. “I would like to, but I don’t see how that’s possible. I need to be king.”

  “What happens after you die? Who will rule?”

  He’s quiet before saying, “I’ll need an heir.”


  “Lily, I would never ask you to rule. Please don’t feel guilty about it. As much as I love your mom, we would never work. She’s human and can’t survive here. I’ll need to have an heir.” He pats my hand. “Don’t worry. Ortarians live longer than humans. I have many more years of ruling.”

  “Assuming I succeed in my mission.”

  “You will. I have confidence in you.”

  “Thanks.” I wish some of that confidence would rub onto me.

  He pats my hand again. “I should probably let you get back to your training.”

  “Alaric, I mean, Dad. Do I call you Dad? Or would you rather Alaric?”

  “Whatever you’re comfortable with. Everyone here calls me Alaric.”

  I nod. “Dad” seems too…strange, especially because we’re all here and I would be the only one calling him that. Maybe as I get used to it, I’ll start calling him Dad. “Okay, Alaric, then. Um, do you think we can talk for a little bit?”

  “Of course. What’s on your mind?”

  “You mentioned that you’d love to hear about Daisy. I figured I might as well tell you now, in case this is one of the last times you’ll see me.” I’m being completely realistic here. It’s not that I don’t have confidence, it’s just that sometimes the hero or leader or savior or whatever doesn’t survive. They manage to take down their enemy and die in the process. This isn’t a movie but real life. In case that happens to me, I’d like my dad to not regret learning everything he can about his oldest daughter.

  Alaric leans back in his chair. “I’d love to.”

  I relive all the memories as I tell them to him. How Daisy loved helping others, how she pushed others before herself. That she was going to school for social work. “She would have been such a good social worker,” I say. “She wanted to change kids’ lives, to give them every opportunity possible.”

  Alaric smiles sadly. “That sounds like her. She was only one when I left, but I saw a special kindness in her eyes.” He gets a faraway look on his face, as if he’s getting lost in a memory. “A few weeks before I left for Ortarus, I took Daisy to the park and let her play with the other kids. I remember how considerate she was to the other children. At only one years old. There was a party at the park and they handed out cookies to all the kids. One kid there dropped his cookie and began to cry because there weren’t any more. Daisy broke hers and gave him half. It was a much bigger piece than hers.” He shakes his head. “That day, I knew I had a special kid.” Tears flash in his eyes. “I can’t believe I missed out on your and Daisy’s childhood.”

  “It’s okay. Daisy would never blame you for what happened. It wasn’t your fault. I don’t blame you, either. I know that if you had found a way to return to us, you would have.”

  He bends forward and kisses the top of my head. It’s still awkward, but it’s getting better. “I’m glad I have a second chance to be in your life.”

  I smile.

  “Tell me about your life on Earth.”

  I shrug. “It’s kind of boring, really. I go to work and hang out with my friends.”

  “And your mother?”

  “We’re not living together.” I pause. “Daisy’s death crushed us, especially my mom. She completely shut down when I needed her most. We needed each other, but she acted as though I died, too. So after I graduated high school, my friend Macy and I moved to New York. I work at a restaurant called Inferno and one day as I was taking out the garbage, I found Sebastian’s lamp in the dumpster. He helped me and Mom work things out. I never expected my life to change the way it has. I feel like I’m waiting to be woken up from a dream.” I wave my hands around. “All this doesn’t seem real. My being in Ortarus, my being the savior, the princess? If someone would have told me a few months ago that all this would happen, I would have laughed in his face.”

  Alaric laughs.

  “But I’m glad I’m here,” I continue. “I’m glad that I’m part of something so much more.”

  He squeezes my hand. “I’m glad, too.”

  “If I kill the king and survive, I don’t know how I’m going to go back to my ordinary, boring life.”

  “Your life isn’t going to be boring. I’ll help you with whatever you need. Please let me be the dad I never got the chance to be.”

  I smile. “I’d really love that.”


  When training is over, all I want to do is plop down in bed. Training with both magic and my body was easy at first, but Hastus is one tough guy. My magic may be stronger than his, but he’s got muscles the size of bulldozers. Okay, exaggeration, but it felt that way when he threw me against the wall a few times. He assured me that I’ll be stronger than him with time.

  “Are you okay, Lily?” Salia asks. My head is resting on the kitchen table, and she’s standing beside me. “Would you like something to drink?”

  Lifting my head, I nod. “That would be great, thanks.”

  She hands me a glass of water and I thank her. “Do you know where Sebastian is?”

  “I believe he went out with a few others.”

  I bite my lip. I have no sense of time here and I have no idea how long he’s been gone. I hate constantly having to worry, but I guess that’s how it’s going to be for a little while. Now I understand how he feels about my battling the king. This sucks. When he comes back, I’m going to give him the biggest, most passionate kiss I’ve ever given him.

  Salia sits down next to me. “You’re bothered.”

  I play with my empty glass. “This situation is hard. I commend you all for surviving this long. God knows I would never have. You’re all so amazing and inspiring.”

  Her smile is strained. “Thank you.”

  I take her hand. “How are you doing?”

  “As well I can.”

; “Have you heard from your family? Do you know if they’re okay?”

  She shakes her head. “We’re not allowed to leave the compound or talk to anyone outside. I requested Renaya search for answers on my family, and she told me she couldn’t find anything.”

  “I’m so sorry, but you can’t give up hope. We’re going to get out of here and you’re going to see them soon.”

  She nods unsurely, dabbing her eyes with a piece of cloth.

  Chapter Fourteen

  As my brain finally allows my body to drift to sleep, hands wrap around my waist and a nose nuzzles the side of my neck.

  With my eyes still shut, I smile and close my arms around his neck. “Sebastian.” I’m not sure if I’m dreaming or if he’s really here. My eyes feel too heavy to open. As much as I beg them to, they won’t listen. My body just wants to sleep.

  “I’m sorry for waking you,” he whispers. “Go back to sleep.”

  In my sleepy state, I manage to pull him down toward me and kiss his mouth. Except my aim is off and I kiss his chin instead. Giggling like someone’s ticking the bottom of my feet with a feather, I try again. This time, Sebastian holds my head in place and I feel his soft, warm lips meet mine.

  “You should get some rest,” he tells me.

  With my lips only a few inches from his, I shake my head. “No. Kiss me.”

  “But you’re tired.”

  I pull him even closer to me, causing him to lose his balance and crash down on me. I don’t care that I’m tired and clumsy. We’ve hardly spent any time together and I want to feel close to him again. Every time we’re apart is like half my body is gone. I know it’s lame to admit, but I feel incomplete without him.

  Sebastian eventually gives in and we roll on the bed so I’m on top. The grogginess leaves my body and I’m fully awake now. I pull his shirt up over his head and throw it aside. I’m vaguely aware that there are no locks on the door, but I don’t care about that right now.

  His chest is smooth yet hard at the same time. He doesn’t have hair, which makes me think that Ortarians don’t have body hair. I haven’t noticed it on the others because they’re all covered up, whether with armor or their long pants and shirts. I run my hand over his silky skin, causing him to tremble. When I gaze into his eyes, I find them heavy with nothing but love for me.

  My finger traces the imaginary swirly designs he had on his chest when he was a genie. I lower my mouth to his chest and sweep my lips from right to left, top to bottom, causing soft moans to leave Sebastian’s mouth.

  When my lips connect with his, it’s as though fireworks go off all around us. My hands roam all over his body and his fingers tangle in my scalp.

  “Lily,” he moans, his eyes fluttering. That only fuels me more and I bring my lips back to his chest, where I pop small kisses all over it.

  “I love you, my genie,” I whisper. “So much that it hurts every time we’re apart.”

  His eyes open and he looks at me. “Genie, huh?” His voice is still soft and warm.

  I push some hair off his forehead. “Hey, you’re always going to be my genie.” Hopefully this time, he won’t turn back into one.

  He wraps his hand around the back of my neck and stares into my eyes. “I love you, too, my beautiful Lily.”

  I crush my lips to his, giving him everything I have, showing him just how important he is to me. I want him to know that whatever happens—if I live or die—he’s always going to be mine.

  He flips us over so he’s on top now. He trails his lips from my left cheek to my right, to my ear where he whispers romantic things, then brushes soft kisses along my jaw and down my neck. Everywhere he touches tingles. His lips cause me to feel like I’m being transported to another world. I wish we could remain like this forever, locked in each other’s arms. I wish we didn’t have an evil king to deal with, or even responsibilities back home. I want to live in my Lily/Sebastian bubble forever.

  A loud boom echoes throughout the room. I shoot to a sitting position, knocking my head into Sebastian’s nose. He topples to the floor.

  “Are you okay?” I ask. He gets to his feet, holding his nose. When he lowers his hand, I notice his nose isn’t bleeding and doesn’t seem to be broken. It’s just red.

  “What was that?” he asks.

  “It sounded like an earthquake.”

  He frowns. “We don’t get that here.” He heads for the door, when suddenly another boom is heard along with shouting. Sebastian tumbles to the floor. His eyes widen. “We’re under attack.”


  Another blast is heard and our door springs open, cracking off its hinges and crashing to the floor.

  Sebastian leaps to his feet and grabs my hand. “We need to get out of here.”

  “What about everyone else?” I ask.

  “We’ll try to save as many people as possible. Do you remember what Alaric told us? That if we’re attacked we need to run. We’re not strong enough to fight the palace guards.”

  “But I am.”

  He shakes his head. “You’re weak from practice. As powerful as you are, there’s no way you can take on an entire army. Let’s gather as many of us as possible and run.”

  “To where?”

  “I don’t know.”

  With our hands clasped, we dash into the halls. Everything is decimated. The furniture, the walls. It looks as though a hurricane tore through here. I’m not sure there are any survivors left.

  To our right, there is a group of palace guards, dressed in yellow and brown. Sebastian pulls me behind a large chunk of wall.

  “You need to make a run for it,” he whispers.

  “I can take them.”

  He shakes his head. “There are many more all over the compound. You need to get to safety. Your life is important.”

  “What about you?”


  “I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  He runs his hand through his hair. “If only I had access to the weapons. It looks like they destroyed them all.”

  “Let me get us to safety. You have to trust me.”

  “I do trust you. Of course I do. I just don’t know how many are out there. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  I place my palm on the side of his face. “We can do this.”

  He nods unsurely. I jump to my feet and focus all my energy on blasting those palace guards. There are about six of them. Red lasers shoot from my fingertips and slam the guards against the wall. I hear a few necks snap.

  Holy hell, I killed them. I killed—

  “Renaya,” Sebastian murmurs. “Where’s Renaya?”

  He grabs my hand and pulls me along. Carefully, making sure no other guards are around, we check the compound for survivors. Sebastian keeps calling for Renaya, but she doesn’t show herself. Where’s my dad?

  As we pass the rooms, my heart lurches as I take in the dead bodies of our fellow rebels. Among the group is Betha. Her dead green eyes stare up at me. It’s as though she’s giving me a message: fight.

  Tears pool in my eyes as I drop down beside her. I take her hand. “I’m so sorry. So very sorry.” I can’t see anything because my tears are so profound.

  Footsteps stomp down the hall. Sebastian takes my hand. “Lily, we need to go.” His eyes are glassy.

  I nod and we leave the room. The footsteps recede. The guard must be headed in the other direction. We turn around and I collide with something hard. Looking up, I stare into the evil brown eyes of a guard. His lip curls up. Without thinking, I flick my arm to the left, causing the guard to smack into the wall. He’s also dead. I don’t let myself be bothered by that. This isn’t the time to worry about all the lives I’ve taken. We need to get to safety.

  More footsteps sound behind us. When I turn around, I find a girl standing there with wide eyes and a face whiter than a ghost.


  “Casa.” I’m about jump to her when I realize a guard is standing behind her, pulling her by her hair. “L
et go of her,” I say, panting. I haven’t realized just how tired I am. All this magic is putting a toll on my body. I’m not sure how much strength I have left.

  The guard chortles.

  “Casa.” I raise my hand to shoot, but nothing comes out. Casa tries to wiggle free, but he’s got a firm lock on her. He lifts his hand and points his finger to her temple. He’s going to kill her.

  Letting out a shout, Sebastian launches himself at the guard and the two of them are knocked to the floor, rolling around each other. Casa rushes to my side and I push her behind me.

  Sebastian punches the guard in the face, but the guard lifts his hand, ready to use magic on my genie.

  “No!” Renewed energy flows through me and I hold both palms out in front of me. Lightning bolts burst from each one of my fingers, heading for the guard. All ten bolts attack him, careful not to hit Sebastian or Casa.

  The guard drops, burned to a crisp.

  “Princess Lily!” Casa flings herself at me. “Thank you for saving my life.” She glances at Sebastian. “Thank you as well.”

  He nods. “We need to get out of here. Casa, do you know if there are any more survivors? Renaya?”

  “Alaric?” I ask.

  She quickly shakes her head. “Everyone fled…everyone except…those who are dead.” Tears fill her eyes. I hug her tight.

  Sebastian rubs her arm. “We need to leave before more guards come.”

  We make a quick sweep of the area. Once we’re sure no one else is around, we rush toward the exit of the compound. I’ve never left this place and I’m glad I have Sebastian with me. There’s a small hole in the ceiling. “Normally this is closed,” Sebastian tells us as he climbs up. “But the guards breached it.” When he reaches the top and slips outside, I hand him Casa. She’s very skinny and small for her age and it’s easy to lift her. Next, Sebastian helps me up and this is the first time I’m outside after Sebastian and I were captured. It looks pretty much like it did when I first came to Ortarus. The sky is dark and gloomy, the trees and flowers look anything but bright and beautiful. I don’t see any houses or buildings in the distance, just many caves. There seems to be a lot of them here.


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