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A Warrior's Honor

Page 23

by Margaret Moore

  So it was that when she raised herself slightly over him, he could not wait. With a low growl, he hurriedly shoved her skirt upward.

  A look of sudden panic in her eyes, she put her hand against his chest, and he halted, startled.

  He thought of that horrible moment when he had first entered the bedchamber and seen Cynvelin atop her, his hands tangled in her skirt. Perhaps this was not the time, or the place, after all.

  Then she smiled tremulously. “Let me.”

  With her gaze firmly on his face, she lifted her hips and reached down to guide him. “I want you, Bryce,” she whispered, leaning over him, one hand on either side of his broad shoulders. “And glad I am that you will be the first. Look at me when you take me, and I will look at you. I will see only you, my dearest love.”

  Obeying her, he continued to look at her face as he slowly pushed in a little, then withdrew. She smiled as he repeated the motion, this time a little farther.

  Her eyes closed for a brief instant, then opened. “Again, Bryce,” she whispered fervently. “Do it again.”

  Keeping careful watch on her expression, trying his best to govern the powerful passion throbbing through him, he thrust upward again.

  “Oh, Rhiannon,” he murmured, biting his lip to try to dominate his desire.

  She moved her hips, and he had to fight to keep his eyes open and not close them at the sheer ecstasy she made him feel, for he wasn’t sure if she knew what she was doing, or was only trying to ease her position.

  Then she did it again, and he realized she was meeting him, showing him her own need. He thrust again, finally fully enveloped by her, the sensation perfect and wonderful. He was caught in her body, transfixed by her intense and passion-filled eyes.

  “Faster, Bryce,” she whispered urgently, moving again.

  He was only too eager to obey. He made love to her hungrily, each motion seeming to. meld them more together as they continued to stare into each other’s eyes.

  Her mouth parted slightly as she began to pant, and he realized he was panting, too. Her lovely skin flushed pink, and her eyes darkened.

  He tried to wait and prolong her pleasure. He told himself he would take all night, if need be.

  But in another few moments, she arched, her eyes pressed shut as an almost savage cry burst from her lips. She clutched his shoulders and her knees gripped him. And he lost all constraint.

  With a primitive growl, he closed his eyes and gave himself over to the exhilaration of release. “I love you,” he gasped. “I love you!”

  It took him a moment to realize she was saying the same thing. When he did, he started to laugh. She did, too, collapsing against his sweat-slicked chest.

  “Caru yn y gwely, eh? My love, this is one Welsh custom I can appreciate,” he said when he had caught his breath.

  After a moment, Rhiannon raised her face and looked at him, her delightfully disheveled hair framing her face as she smiled happily. “I will have to teach you the others, Bryce.”

  “You have the rest of my life to do it in,” he said, gazing into her lovely eyes, content at last. Redeemed at last. Happy at last.

  And she did.

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-6123-5


  Copyright © 1998 by Margaret Wilkins

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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