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Murder Mysteries

Page 29

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "A step at a time. Take that picture or pictures and see if you can ID them through the police methods at your disposal. I've got to go Stacy. I need to get a choice piece of meat for the stew tonight. Why don't you ask your partner Rory for dinner?"

  "You'd best find your biggest pot father. That guy can eat like there's no tomorrow," she said smiling. Stacy went to work while her father went shopping. Such are some of the perks of the job as Chief of Police.

  First she faxed the pictures to Salem and next to the FBI office in Portland. That was followed by a detailed report of why and the need for an ID on those two suspects. Next she called Dave Edwards to see if he was available. He was delighted she called. Ironically he told her he had some business in Bandon and would meet her for lunch. The time was noon for the meeting.

  Stacy looked at the clock and it was just after eleven. She pondered the thought so much had transpired in such a short time. She decided to listen again to his statement that was recorded. After lunch, if nothing else, she decided to take Dan with her to Lampa Creek for a look around at the hill property. She thought that there was something at that location to discover.

  Promptly at noon Dave walked into the restaurant. He gave her a nice smile. "I never thought I'd see you down here Mr. Edwards," said Stacy.

  "I rarely get out that's for sure. But I can still drive pretty good. I came down to see an old friend of mine and also to see your father. Now what can I do for you this fine spring day. We've been lucky for almost a week with nice weather."

  They both ordered before she asked him a question. She noticed he was totally relaxed and seemed happy. She wished her questions wouldn't ruin his happy day, but then murder is not a happy conversational piece.

  "I'd like to know more about your relationship with Shirley Burger. I know she comes by to help out and to keep you company. But as you probably know, she was one of Levers' girlfriends."

  "Yes, I'm afraid she was hung up on the guy. Never was there a finer silver tongue than that guy. He had me hook line and sinker. My wife warned me and I should have listened. Now look at where I'm at in life. Shirley stepped in and boasted my moral after the wife passed on. She comes by most days and cleans and cooks. I give her some money for food. My son helps out, but I had a little stuck away in a coffee can that I use for emergency purposes. There's nothing of any romance between us. She's just a good person and friend," he said making room for the lunch being sat down in front of him.

  They both ate in silence for a few minutes and then in-between bites Stacy asked, "Can you remember three nights ago when Levers was killed, where Shirley was?"

  Dave chewed on his grilled tuna and cheese sandwich thinking. "My short term memory needs an overhaul. Let's see now," as he wiped his face with a napkin, "she was there in the afternoon and left around five pm if I'm not mistaken. I remember the news was about to come on. I didn't see her again till the next afternoon or early evening." He finished off his sandwich and drank his coffee.

  Stacy ate the same lunch. "Mr. Edwards, does your son fly a plane or is he a private pilot?"

  "Why yes he is. He's in a club and part owner of a Cessna of some sort. Occasionally he'll fly down to see me. He has an old car sitting at the Bandon airport. He'll drive up and visit me for the day. Why do you ask," he said with a frown crossing his face.

  "Nothing really special Mr. Edwards. I wondered how he or how often a busy oral surgeon from Portland would visit his father. It's a long drive between here and Portland," said Stacy.

  She'd just about finished her lunch when her father walked in. They shook hands like old friends do and he sat down. Stacy excused herself and paid the tab leaving a nice tip for the waitress.

  Dan was waiting for her at the station. She rode as passenger while he drove her new SUV. Dan was in second heaven being behind the wheel of his crush and she was sitting just two feet away. He drove slowly and carefully savoring the time together. Stacy wasn't oblivious of that fact he was enjoying the company and the drive.

  They turned onto the gravel road leading up to the big house on the hill just off Lampas Creek Road. Arriving at the top the old house and barn sat there looking forlorn from lack of attention. Old cars were sitting everywhere. The barn doors were open and Stacy could see other cars and trucks inside as well. They got out walking to the front door to make sure nobody was home. The door was unlocked. Dan hollered hello and nothing but an echo came back.

  Check the barn and make sure nobody is in there Dan while I look the house over." He scurried off while she waited on the porch. Dan did a quick look and came out shaking his head. Stacy entered with her small flashlight.

  The living room was full of old furniture mostly unfit to sit in. A few beer bottles were stack on the floor by an old rocking chair. Nothing but dust and mildew hit her senses. She went to the kitchen listening to the floor creak and groan. The kitchen was devoid of anything resembling a meal had been cooked recently. However, the refer held some beer being chilled. A quick look at the bottom two bedrooms and bathroom revealed nothing out of the ordinary.

  She went up the stairs. The first bedroom, the largest was quite the contrary of the other rooms. It was neat and clean with a freshly made bed. A small refer sat there with cheese, salami and other snacks along with a couple bottles of pure spring water. A clock on the night stand was ticking away with the correct time. In the drawer Stacy found some condoms and some lubrication. That was nothing really out of the ordinary. In the closet hung some slacks and sports coats; next to them was a night gown rather sexy lacy stuff. It made Stacy smile. Across the room an old chest of drawers held some men's socks and underwear. She guessed it was Glen Levers. The other rooms were filled with old furniture and full of dust. Simply put, this was Glen Levers free hotel.

  She went back into the clean bedroom and looked under the bed. She saw something and on her hands and knees, brought out a little doll. Stacy thought they sure kept moving that little girl around.

  She went to the barn where she found Dan carefully looking around. Back of the barn was a place where old farm tools were hanging. A piece of 3/4 inch plywood was laid across two sawhorses making a table. Dan was staring at the table top. Stacy walked up and looked with him. The table top was stained a dark deep maroon color. No doubt in her mind it was blood and probably Judge Nethers blood at that. This is probably where they killed him, Stacy thought. "Search for the instrument they used to hack off his arm Dan," she said.

  They both started looking: one on each side of the barn working forward. Cars and trucks were closely parked next to each other making the searching job more difficult. About half way down Dan yelled out to her, "Hey come here Stacy. I found something that we call a machete."

  Stacy ran to her car to fetch a bag to secure the weapon as evidence. She thought, those guys were so confident they just threw the machete away after using it on the judge.

  Dan had a large pocket knife that he used to cut a three inch piece of wood for a blood sample. This would be a great discovery if the blood matches the judge and his DNA matches as well. Now if they could ID those men on the cell phone and tie them to Rolf Peters……….., not bad thinking, Stacy thought to herself.

  They finished searching for anything related to the judge. Rats and other rodents would have taken care of any leftover pieces of his arm or shoulder. His shirt sleeve is what Stacy was thinking. She told Dan what to look for and they did another complete search. Once again Dan hollered out. He found a rag on an old engine that looked like it had recently been worked on. It too had that dry blood look along with the grease. One thing for certain, it was a shirt sleeve.

  They bagged up that evidence and went back to the police station. Dan used her car to transport the evidence to the North Bend office of the state police.

  She informed her father the chief who smiled and said good work detective. She called Rory who was on his way to Powers and then Ben called to say the prosecutor would deal and protect him only after confirming a few thin
gs. Stacy told Ben about the Lampa discovery and he said, "Wow, good going Stacy. Now if we can locate those two men. Well, we're getting closer. See you later."

  Stacy sat there with her wheels turning at warp factor four; as Capt. Kirk ordered the Starship Enterprise to follow the aliens. Stacy too was chasing the bad guys. Stacy sat up when Flo knocked on the door frame holding some fax papers. Flo smiled and said, "I hear golden boy is coming to dinner tonight."

  "Yes, and I hope he spills some stew on his shirt," Stacy said with a gleam in her blue eyes.

  Flo left and she looked at two mug shots of the guys in the pictures she sent. The rap sheets came from the state police. She read the first one word for word two times. It would seem that Rex Rudder, age Forty four had been in trouble since he was eight years old. At eight he'd taken a very small knife, one that came in a cracker box, maybe an inch long. He'd stabbed his mother's boy friend in the arm with it. He told the police he'd didn't like the man hurting his mother when he was on top of her. From that point forward he'd done juvie time and spent a few years at the big house. He was classified as dangerous. His where bouts was unknown; last known address, Roseburg two years ago.

  His partner, Lou Larsen, forty five was no better, if not worse. Assault with a deadly weapon, domestic violence, and the list went on. Both men were two time losers and one more meant life in prison. With the knowledge and from Stacy report, a state wide warrant was issued for the both of them. The next thing to do was tie the lawyer to the murder and kidnapping.


  Rory showed up at six on the nose. He'd been to Powers and back to his Apartment in Coos Bay and then to Bandon in a little less than three hours. In Stacy's mind he looked gorgeous. He was dressed in tan slacks, blue polo and a nifty dark blue sweater. A summer sport coast set him off.

  She took his hand after answering the door and led him to the kitchen when father was doing his thing: cooking.

  Stacy asked, "Care for some wine Tall Man?"

  "Only if you are having one with me," he said showing off his gleaming Colgate smile.

  "I'll make an exception to celebrate our progress in the case. Father, would you care to make it a threesome?"

  "I sure will. Let's pour and move to the living room while the stew simmers awhile."

  In the living room, Ray sat in his usual place. Stacy waited for Rory to sit down and then sat next to him. Rory felt a little pleased she didn't sit at the other end, but right next to him burning his leg with her leg. Ray asked, "Do I have it right that your father is a retired policeman form around the Portland area Rory?"

  "Yes he's retired and bored to death. My mother is a librarian for the State of Oregon. She'll retire in a few years too. My father laments the fact he doesn't know what to do every day. He doesn't play golf, or fish, nor has any hobbies to speak of. However, lately he's been walking and looking for places to hike in the mountains. Beaverton is not conducive to mountain hiking as you well know. He's seriously considering buying a small motor home and spending a few days a week in the coastal range or in the Cascades."

  "I wish him well. I'm thinking of doing some wood working. I'm close to retirement myself. The fact is it's scary without the daily routine of work that one has been doing all his life," said Ray.

  "Rory, as law enforcement people we are, do you find it difficult to make friends," asked Stacy.

  "I sure do; that is, outside of work. Like me and Ben, we're friends, but I'm single and he's married with kids. We suffer as police persons outside of our profession to make friends. I see people after I'm introduced as a detective, stare at my belt looking for my side arm. There're scared of me. How about you Stacy?"

  "I grew up here in Bandon. There're a few of my old classmates still around. When I'm not on a case, we visit and comb the beach. My best friend, Vicki Placer, has lots in common with me. We're like two peas in a pod. She's as strong willed as I am. You'd like her Rory. However, she has a boy friend so hands off," she said laughing and slapping his leg.

  "When the case is over, let's all go on a picnic somewhere like Laverne Park up in Fairview country. Or I saw some nice spots on the way up the river to Powers."

  "It's time to eat detectives," said Ray standing up stretching his old bones.

  Rory raved over the stew and that pleased Ray Foreham. As usual he ate three large bowls and the same amount of French bread. "I'm glad you like it Rory. Stacy told me you love to eat."

  After dinner they watched a movie and then by ten pm all eyes were showing signs of being sleepy. Stacy walked Rory to his car and planted a big kiss on his lips exploring his tongue for a brief few seconds before breaking it off. She stood back smiling up at him and said, "Good night Tall Man."

  Rory never remembered driving home. If anyone dared ask: 'Rory is there such as thing as cloud nine?' His answer would be a smile.

  The next day brought some startling news. For most people, hearing about a plane wreck in the mountains would be disheartening. However, in this particular case, the plane that went down with two men who survived the crash was music to their ears.


  Every law enforcement person was cognizant of the fact denoting the two wanted men for kidnapping and murder: Rex Rudder and Lou Larsen. It was last reported they were in a small one engine Cessna flying towards Roseburg.

  Some spring time hikers reported by cell phone they had heard a small engine plane misfiring and then a crashing sound was heard. They hiked towards the sound. Two hours later they found the wreckage with two men badly hurt but alive. The plane was down near a small clearing. A rescue helicopter landed and the two injured men were transported to a Roseburg hospital. The plane numbers match the bogus Id reported in North Bend. The airplane was used in the kidnapping of Anna Nethers.

  In the hospital the two men were identified as Rex Rudder and Lou Larsen. A police guard was posted on the room. Even though they were seriously injured, it was not life threatening. A subsequent search discovered the bag of money and some other things tying the two men to the crime.

  When Stacy and Rory along with Ben heard the news, they were ecstatic. Rory and Ben arrived in Bandon the next day to make plan to tie some loose ends up. One of the first things Stacy desired was a complete run down of the Lawyer in Portland, Bruce Livingstone. Ben jumped on her computer for that job.

  Rory said, "You know Phil kept insisting that there was a big man behind the scenes. Who could that possibly be?"

  "I've some thoughts about that, but let me search out a few things before I comment on that. However, you're right about there being a ring leader and it wasn't Glen Levers. I see the picture but it's hazy as all get out. I wonder when we'll be able to interview those two men who crashed," Stacy said.

  "According to the doctors a couple days then questions can fly. I think we need some leverage to make them talk. Oregon has the death penalty and those two guys are murder one along with kidnapping. Maybe they'd sing if the deal was struck that life in prison versus death was mentioned," said Rory.

  "I like it. Now, who killed Dave Levers," asked Stacy.

  Ben came back with a fist full of papers. He'd made copies and gave each one to read. Stacy looked at the picture of the lawyer and almost fell out of her chair. She was speechless. Both Rory and Ben were reading with their heads down not seeing Stacy sitting with her mouth open. She raised the document again and looked closely at Bruce Livingstone. The likeness was too much not to be what and who she thought it really was. If you took off the glasses, removed the moustache, low and behold there was no mistaken who it was.

  She held the comment and read on. Bruce Livingstone passed the bar back in 1989. He was a one man office with a secretary Lois Ruth. He was a member of more than one club and even though he didn't walk among the name attorneys, nothing seemed out of the ordinary for him.

  For the time being she was going to keep the information to herself. The interview of the two bad guys would need to
come first. If they agreed to testify against Bruce Livingstone, then Stacy could reveal all.

  "Stacy do you have any idea who might have murdered Dave Levers," asked Ben.

  "I asked that question a few minutes ago, but the documents about the lawyer interrupted us. I think I know who killed him, but it'll take a confession to confirm. We've no real evidence and the murder weapon is long gone. It is time I think that we go see if we can force a confession from the killer."

  "Let's go Stacy," said Rory. "Presume we're going to Coquille?"

  "Yup, we sure are. I'm ready right after breakfast. Both of you guys left early and I know at least one of you missed a case of cholesterol."

  "How you'd guess," said Rory standing rubbing his flat belly. I'm ready and put on a coat as the clouds have rolled in with rain coming down."


  Rory drove, Ben riding shotgun, Stacy sitting in back making sure her facts and suppositions were in order. By the time they drove over the Coquille River, she was prepared to embrace the suspect. Rory drove right to the house without being told. He's guessed who she was talking about.

  A knock on the door brought Shirley Burger to her front door. She said nothing and turned around slowly walking into the living room. The three detectives followed. Ben had his notebook in hand. Shirley sat on the edge of her old rocker with a straight back like her mother probably taught her years ago.

  Stacy said, "Ms. Burger, I think you'd like to tell us a story about why you murdered your lover Dave Levers. I'm sure it will make you sleep better if you talk about it. However, I have to read you your rights. Stacy did that chore.

  "Before you begin, let me tell you what we know:


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