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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

Page 20

by Dinia Steel

  "Ah, Brother of Light. Once again, you come seeking confirmation of your conclusions," the disembodied voice spoke, not unkindly.

  "Yes, Brother of Light, I do. I seek in order to serve."

  "Well spoken Brother. Ask."

  "Is the person currently known as Oscar Ryker the one we used to refer to as the ‘dark priest’ from the Temple of the Sun?" James spoke as plainly as he could to avoid confusion on his part.


  "Is Oscar Ryker now a member of the American Die Zauberei?"


  "Has he come into my sphere of influence seeking revenge?"


  "Is his mother in this life, also a member of the Die Zauberei?"


  "Have I, and those of my group, leave to deal with the Ryker’s as we deem necessary?" This was a loaded question, but an important one to ask.

  "As much as you feel you are willing to bear the weight of the consequences for those actions."

  "Thank you Brother," With this, the contact ended and James opened his eyes. He rose and left the library in search of a snack….The best way to make sure he'd once again returned back on the material plain.

  Shortly after the confirmation by the Brotherhood of Light, James once again called Roger. "I know in my own mind that there will be something wrong with Carol Ryker's background check. Make sure—"

  "You are one hundred percent correct, James. It never ceases to amaze me how you know these things." Roger chuckled and continued, "My computer tech guy says the footprints are very faint and only detectable under very close scrutiny, Of course, it helps if you have an idea of what to look for. The information has been tampered with; big time. Everything is a fake. She has no actual background in cooking professionally, James. No real records of Carol Ryker other than a birth certificate for herself, and one of a live birth of Oscar. There's no background information about Oscar's father either. No marriage certificate for Carol Ryker. You have definite grounds for termination of employment as well as for suing the employment agency, and that’s compounded by what's now proven to be attempted theft of funds from several of your accounts. However, I suspect that the last was performed only by her son... if indeed he really is her son."

  "Thank you, Roger,” James answered. “I need you and your tech guys to gather as much hard evidence as you can on both Rykers, and the attempts to steal from my accounts. I'm not quite ready to bring charges. I need some more answers first…If need be, I'll confront both of them together."

  Before he could disconnect the call, Roger asked, “What about Ms. Young? She’s culpable in the theft you realize too.”

  “Yes, I’m aware,” James replied brusquely, “She will be dealt with in my own way Roger. There’s no need to get the law involved.” He disconnected the call and placed his phone again in the fake book. He understood the revenge aspect, but not so much the why. The American Die Zauberei was not a great fan of the German/European Die Zauberei, so it couldn't be for that reason. James was beginning to feel it was more having to do with James’ interference so many lifetimes ago with Reggie in the Temple of the Sun.

  As James turned to leave the library, his cell phone vibrated. It was Josephine. "Hello Josie, what's up?"

  "Hey James! Both Leo and I are finding ourselves with a couple of weeks off, and we were wondering if we could come spend some of them with you?" Josephine always knew when something was up but never gave anything away.

  "Sure, Josephine, that would be wonderful. I've hit a snag in the writing of that book I told you about and could use some diversions," James didn't give anything away either.

  The squeal coming across the phone line was Josephine's way of expressing her pleasure. "Super! We'll be leaving here in about an hour. We should be there in time for supper, any idea what Carol is cooking up?" Of course that was Josephine's way of telling James she knew Carol Ryker was involved in something not quite right.

  "Excellent Josephine. I'm looking forward to seeing you and Leo again, and no, as of right now I don’t know what Carol is cooking. Maybe we could go for a short walk once you get here to help you work the kinks out from the drive," That was James’ code for they needed to be sure they wouldn’t be overheard.

  "Ooh, that sounds perfect. Bye James. See you in a few!" Then the pixie was gone.

  Interesting. James mused. Wonder what in the world the munchkin has picked up on...


  Chapter 47

  Josephine and Leo arrived about two and a half hours later. Leo carried their bags up to what had become their room when visiting, while James and Josephine waited outside for Leo to come back downstairs.

  Josephine stood with James facing the front door. She kept her arm threaded through James’ and as soon as Leo's foot hit the same level as hers, she threaded her other arm through her husband’s. So linked together, the three of them started off on what would appear as a leisurely stroll around the grounds. "Is Oscar here yet?" Josephine asked.

  "No. He'll probably show up anytime, I just don't know what Carol's abilities are." James shook his head. "She doesn't seem to think about much more than what she's going to cook next or when it's time to change the sheets. I think that's why I wasn't alerted sooner. Both she and Oscar seem to be very good at masking their personal thoughts, and since I wasn't looking for anything... I had been drifting, concentrating too much on Reggie." He sounded contrite.

  "Well," Leo drawled, "Carol had to have alerted Oscar that something was going on or he might not have shown up when he did."

  Josephine laughed. "We should have known the Die Zauberei would not allow us to get away so easily without some kind of retaliation measures. I feel they were just waiting for the right opportunity."

  James agreed, "Yes, and my becoming responsible for Reggie must have been a red flag."

  "Leo thinks they want to wipe us all out together, James, just as we did the German group." Josephine sighed. "What I've been seeing is someone trying to kill all of us at one time. Now why would they want all six of us together?"

  "Oh Josie, I didn't tell you..." James stopped, turning Josephine and Leo toward him. "But first, what exactly have you been able to recover about our training as Keepers and the Sun Temple?"

  "I recall there was a priest that pulled Reggie's loyalty from our group towards his own selfish ends—Oh!" Josephine covered her mouth with her hand and her eyes got huge.

  "Son-of-a-bitch!" Leo swore. "Of course..."

  "Oscar Ryker was that priest!" Josephine whispered.

  James just nodded.

  "Oh, that answers so many questions," Josephine swung back to where she was level with James again, so they could continue their little walk.

  "Yeah, but it also asks a bunch more," Leo stated.

  "So, fearless leader, what are we going to do?" Josephine smiled up at James.

  He knew she needed an answer. Both of them needed one, and it wasn't one he could share with Suzanne just yet, but one that Harry needed to be made aware of. He was very much a part of all this since he could very well lose his life too. He didn’t answer her just then as he steered them back to the house.

  James found Harry sitting at the kitchen bar talking with Carol Ryker. He was scarfing down a huge slice of apple pie with a glass of milk.

  James sat down and asked Carol if he too, could have some and displayed his best little boy pout. Every one of James’ defenses were on high alert.

  Ms. Ryker just laughed as she cut a huge wedge of pie and poured him a very large glass of milk. "Now, you boys better still have room for dinner!"

  Something that sounded vaguely like, "We will Mrs. Ryker," came of out pie filled mouths.

  Once the snack was done and their dishes put into the sink, James slapped Harry on the shoulder and asked him to come look at the backyard to see if he could make any suggestions for additions or subtractions to the landscape for spring and summer.

  They wandered outside until they were a good distan
ce into the backyard before James said, "Don't look around Harry. I want to make it look like we're really talking about the yard." He pointed towards something. "Carol Ryker and her son are spies for the Die Zauberei. You do know what that is, don't you?"

  Harry looked in the direction that James was pointing and just nodded his head.

  James then placed a hand on Harry’s shoulder and steered him toward the direction he'd been pointing and they walked further from the house.

  In the space of an hour, James brought Harry up to speed on everything which transpired in Germany and before. Of course, a great deal of it Harry already knew from the journeys they'd taken together.

  "How can I help James?"

  "I need you to use your dampening abilities when the six of us are together again, just in case someone is listening," James explained.

  "What about Suzanne? Won't she tell Oscar everything?" Harry questioned.

  "Yes, unless we can make her understand the gravity of the situation. I'm hoping during our next path-working we can get it all out, about the past that is." James ran his fingers through his hair; his nervous tick when worried.

  Harry stopped walking causing James to turn questioningly. "What's up?"

  "When we go to the little temple on the hill this time, ask if anyone has any questions before we get down to Reggie business. I'll ask if we know more about who the dark priest was and if he is incarnation today."

  "Hmm, well it sure couldn't hurt. I don't want to outright accuse Suzanne of being a spy and a thief. When we get back to the house, go do your thing, I'll go into the library and do mine." James felt certain he would know what questions to ask now of the Brotherhood.


  Chapter 48

  When the time came to begin their session, James was happy to know that Oscar hadn’t yet made it back to the house. He knew it all would be in place before they needed to really deal with Oscar.

  As soon as Suzanne arrived, they immediately went into the library without saying a word and everyone assumed their proper seats, waiting for James to begin. When their breathing and relaxation reached the necessary level, James began. Knocking the proper combination he spoke firmly, "Brotherhood of The Flame, we are once again gathered before you, seeking your guidance in the matter that all our attentions have been upon. What is Thy counsel?"

  "Welcome Brothers and Sisters in Light. Before we begin, there is one among you who can keep those not initiated within our ranks from hearing us. Harry, my Brother, would you please extend your damper?" a clear but disembodied voice spoke.

  Harry was quiet for a moment before he replied simply, "It is done."

  Again, the voice of the Brotherhood spoke, "What is it Thee seeks?"

  This time, all but Reggie responded, "To know, in order to Serve."

  The Brother of Light continued, "There is one among you who has a question for us?"

  This would be Harry's cue. "Is there one of our company that is not in full possession of all the information necessary to make truly informed decisions about our work and about those not of our Brotherhood who would stop us, and why they would stop us?"

  "Yes; Suzanne. Would you know the truth about your current lover?"

  There was a large gasp from Suzanne as the Brother of Light spoke her name to the others in the room. "Y-yes. I, I would know the t-truth," Suzanne stammered out.

  It was then, when the group mind within the library was flooded with images of those last few hours within the Temple of the Sun. Suzanne was the only one who hadn’t already witnessed and remembered these events.

  When the last vestiges of what had happened, of when James tried to remove Reggie from the Temple faded, the voice of the Brother of Light continued by asking Suzanne if she now understood what she'd participated in and if she understood the damages this created.

  Suzanne nodded, confirming she did and the regular work towards restoring Reggie continued.

  This time, Reggie managed to engage each of them with a nod of her head and a smile.

  This was enough for today. James closed down the work. He stood and went to Reggie, kissed her cheek and gave her a hug. Josephine and Leo followed next, then Harry with Suzanne last. James could feel real affection coming from Suzanne for Reggie now. There was no longer any smugness or doubt within her mind. Only a feeling of shame and sorrow.

  James, Harry, Josephine and Leo all turned and faced Suzanne.

  Suzanne looked ashen, her wide eyes filled with tears. Her eyes sought James'. "I had no idea. I am so sorry. What can I do to make it right?"

  James could hear in Suzanne’s thoughts how Oscar had played upon her greatest desire to be loved and understood. He made up his mind right there and then that when this crisis was over, he would get Josephine to look into Suzanne’s future and see if there was anything there for her to look forward to.

  Oscar arrived about an hour later. He seemed angry because he'd had two flat tires on a lonely stretch of road and only one spare tire. He need to wait for Triple A to arrive to tow him and his car to a shop in the next town where he would be able to buy a new tire.

  So that's what the Brotherhood did to slow him up. Clever. James thought. “Hello Oscar, I’m sure your mother will be very happy to see you again,” James said smoothly. He could hear the nastiness just below the surface of Oscar’s mind.

  Outwardly, he appeared only disturbed at the inconvenience and expense of having to purchase two new tires for his car, as well as having his car towed so far. “Thanks James. I need to find her and let her know I’ve arrived safely,” Oscar responded absently. Then out of nowhere, he asked abruptly, "Where's Suzanne?"

  Josephine very smoothly replied, "She's in her room. She had a migraine when she got here."


  Oscar smiled, and without further word, went in search of his mother.

  "So, what's been going on Carol?" Oscar failed to call her "mother" and it didn’t go unnoticed.

  "Show some respect Oscar, I'm still your mother," Carol chided.

  Contrite Oscar smiled. "Yes, of course, mother."

  "I've been busy with my household chores, so I don't know anything. They all got here a couple of hours ago and went into the library. I can only assume what they've been doing in there, because the listening device you installed in there doesn't work now!" Carol Ryker finished with an arched eyebrow.

  "I don't understand why it's not working. I'll try to get in there and replace it tonight," Oscar felt even more aggravated with this news; it only added to his bad mood. Changing the subject, he asked, "So, where's Suzanne?"

  "When they came out of the library, she asked me for a glass of water, so she could take her prescription for a migraine."

  Without another word, Oscar turned on his heel, went straight to Suzanne's assigned room, and knocked on the door. "Suzanne. Baby it's me, Oscar. May I come in?"

  It took a couple more knocks for Suzanne to respond, "Oscar, I'm sorry. I am not well. My head feels like it is bursting open. Please. I'll see you later."

  Oscar tried the door handle and found it was locked. His ego was such that his mind couldn’t conceive there could be some other reason for his conquest to be denying him access to her. "Okay baby, I'll see you later," He turned away and then thought he'd better cater to her stupidity. "I've missed you…" Oscar smiled to himself. There, I've continued with this charade. He walked back to the kitchen and to his mother, not waiting for any further response from Suzanne.

  James was standing next to Suzanne in her room when Oscar came knocking on the door and listened to the exchange. When he was sure that Oscar was gone James smiled at her.


  "You did a good job, Suz. I know it hurts, but it's necessary. You know what's at stake. You'll just have to hide in here until everything is ready," James took Suzanne's hand and gave it a squeeze, then left.

  Josephine, Leo and Harry were in the media room watching a movie when James joined them. They all looked at him and he simply nodde
d as he sat down to watch the movie called ‘Keeper of the Flame’ starring Tracy and Hepburn. It had been made in 1942 but some movies just never get old. The title just caught their eye and curiosity made them want to see it.


  Chapter 49

  Josephine, James, Leo and Harry were standing out in the garden area at the back of the house looking as if they were discussing future plantings. They were pointing to different areas of the garden every so often.

  It was all a ruse.

  Solely for the benefit of Oscar and Carol Ryker.

  Harry had established a boundary around the group, so no one, be it a psychic or someone using a physical listening device would be able to hear what was being said.

  "What do you see Josephine?" James asked when the pixie smiled with that faraway look she got in her eyes when she was seeing some future event.

  Josephine turned her head, smiling, "The look on Ryker's face when you confront him, complete with hard copies of your evidence."

  James had spent about an hour on the phone with his lawyer setting up the arrest of the Rykers and knew that within the next two hours, there would be a Sheriff’s Detective there with a warrant for the arrest of the two of them for attempted grand theft of money. As well as a second count of attempted fraud for the falsifying of records in order to get Carol Ryker hired into the Franklin household. There were also other assorted counts of cloning James’ phones, and the installations of listening devices throughout the Franklin house. Roger was sure he could manage to come up with a few more before they were finished with the Rykers.

  Suzanne was being given immunity for her testimony against the Rykers. This way, she wouldn’t lose her job because all she'd really been guilty of was wanting to be loved and falling prey to a very unscrupulous man. She knew she would pay dearly for her indiscretion in times to come, due to the weight of Karma on her soul. She was also charged, by the Keepers themselves, that she must remain in contact with them from now on and be present at least once a month, so they could maintain their rapport with each other more easily.


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