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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

Page 24

by Dinia Steel

  The Keepers of the Flame became, once again, instruments for Karma; for justice. Their oaths are repeated to themselves as the last images faded in their minds.

  As one, they step out of the Eternal Flames and file out of the Temple on the Hill, and then down into the mists.

  Slowly, the mists recede and the Keepers find themselves once again, in the library of James’ home.

  Josephine and Suzanne began to weep.

  Leo was swearing oaths.

  Harry had tears in his eyes, but a firm resolve took shape on his young face.

  Reggie and James clung to each other. Their combined minds comforting each other.

  James was the first to stand. "We have a job to do and we need to plan out what our first steps will be."

  "But, before we do that James, we need to eat something to shut down our psychic facilities all the way," Josephine reminded him.


  Joyce Williams was ready with hot tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, bottled water, and milk when the Keepers came staggering into the kitchen. She could tell from the looks on their faces that they knew something and they would do their level best to bring the killers of little Jill Wilson to justice.

  The group all looked appreciatively at Joyce, "Thank you," was all James was able to get out as he began to consume his first sandwich.

  After every last one of the sandwiches Joyce prepared had been eaten, James and Reggie looked at each other, silently agreeing that David Williams needed to be made aware of what they'd learned. They both felt the Tribe would be able to help in their quest for justice.

  "Joyce, would you call your father please and ask him to come see us as soon as possible?" James asked.

  The rest of the group all nodded in their compliance with James’ plan.


  Veronica owned a very large estate just outside of the San Francisco city limits. She came from a family of mining and oil interests. Her estate was surrounded by a very high and electrified fence to insure privacy. All of the rituals and meetings of the San Francisco Die Zauberei met there.

  As an extra feature, there was a tall hedge maze in the backyard of the mansion built for performing rituals. The only way the participants could be seen physically, would be from overhead.

  Tonight there would be another meeting of the group.

  Veronica greeted them all at the front door and ushered each one into a vast room, which had originally been designed as a grand ball room. It was a rather formal setting, but Veronica didn't like anything informal, and this was her show.

  Her dress was that of a CEO; dark blue pinstripe, with a white silk blouse and her ever present matching five inch heels. Her hair was put up in an attractive French Knot and her makeup impeccable as always.

  She looked every bit in control and cool, however, she was really a seething nervous wreck on the inside. Veronica knew her life hung in the balance if her plan to destroy the Franklins didn’t work. Those to whom she'd pledged to were not forgiving.


  Joyce brought her father to the library door and knocked. Harry opened it, greeting David warmly. Joyce, patted her father on the back, turned and went back toward the kitchen, leaving them alone.

  "Come in David," James invited from within. "Please come in and have a cup of coffee, or something stronger if you'd like."

  David stepped inside, and realized the atmosphere was different inside this room. When he moved through the doorway, it felt as if he just stepped into a different level of the house. The pressure was subtlety different. It wasn’t uncomfortable, just different. "In fact," he thought to himself, "It's exhilarating." He took a seat in a comfy looking armchair next to James and Reggie who were seated on a loveseat.

  James and Leo both rose to shake hands with him. Reggie, who also stood when James did, hugged David warmly.

  David took the offered coffee, settled into the chair, and waited.

  "I'm sure you know we're about to report to you what we've discovered, and David, I have it on the highest authority that you can be trusted,” James said. “You might not be a member of our Order, but you have knowledge on a level that most humans are not privy to, even though you don't understand how it works. You have it, and that's all that matters.”

  David looked around at the group as he listened.

  “After you came to us, we investigated and found that members of the Die Zauberei are at work once again and they've resorted to the lowest and most foul brand of magic possible. Little Jill was offered as a blood sacrifice to a lower form of Elemental beings in an effort to gain a certain kind of power to use against the Workers of Light. Those who were and are still involved have been made known to us…" James stopped and looked closely at David to make sure the older man was truly understanding what was being said.

  David simply nodded and waited for the rest of it.

  James and Reggie were very impressed. Most lawmen would have demanded to know who the "perps" were, so they could go arrest them. David knew there was more coming and seemed willing to hear it all before he made any judgments or decisions about what to do next.

  James smiled and continued, "There is no hard evidence that would connect any of them to Jill's murder, but Justice will be served," James sat back and folded his hands in his lap.

  "I understand that James, though I'm not sure how I do," David replied with a brief look of confusion on his face. "Since there's no possible way to prosecute them, what can I do to help?" he asked and took a sip of his coffee.


  Chapter 59

  Sighing, James set down his coffee mug and gazed into David’s eyes. "I know that your legends probably speak about what's going on. Can you ask your Storytellers to see what they can come up with?"

  "Like what?" David asked.

  "Anything to do with a dark cloud that hovers; anything to do with spirits requiring blood sacrifice; anything about a Child of Light; anything that might have to do with any dark history involving the bluffs where it all happened, and anything that requires the presence of all the elements in one location." James gave him a very sad smile. "I know that's a lot, but what's going on might be location specific. In fact, that might be where to start first - location."

  "You said you know who the people involved were, will you share that information with me?" David asked flatly.

  "Would it do you any good?" James asked.

  "Well, yes and no," he replied looking at his hands. "But if nothing else, it would help me to not feel so out of the loop, let’s say."

  "Ok, Chief..." The James began to tell him all the names and details the Keepers discovered, even down to the description, and license plate numbers of the cars.

  When James finished, David whistled. "Impressive, and you're correct. There’s not a damned thing that can be done with that information, unless someone comes forward with a witness account of seeing any one of those around, and even that would only afford a possible warrant." Then his expression lightened. "I'll give the license plate numbers to the others, so they can be on the lookout for them. It'll help us all to have something to do." He stood up. "Well, I guess I'd better get back to the Res and do what they pay me for," He extended his hand once more to James.

  Harry showed David to the door.

  The others waited until Harry returned before they began to discuss this subject one more time.


  As he was asked to, Tribal Chief of Police, David Williams went to the Elders of his tribe and asked them if there were any ‘stories’ about a dark hovering cloud that required blood sacrifice in order to help with black magic acts.

  As it had been with Tribal Elders since the beginning of time, once the question was asked, David was dismissed from their presence and told to come back the next day. It was maddening, but there was no changing some traditions.

  The next morning David revisited the Elders only to be told to come back that afternoon.

  "I feel like I'm getting a br
ush off," David surmised as he drove back to his office.

  At 1:00 pm, David climbed back into his police patrol jeep and drove back to the Tribal offices , entering into the room assigned to Singers and Elders. His patience was rewarded this time, as he was granted entrance.

  The Elders and Storytellers had all convened and were sitting in a circle. one empty chair sat there, so David sat down and waited.

  "As you requested, we have thought about this a great deal. We have found references to such a thing from long, long ago. It's referred to only in pictures and there is nothing written on it. It's not a story we want to look hard into. It's very dark magic and we would not want to awaken this. Why have you asked us about this?" Joseph Ayita, the Elder asked.

  "James Franklin and his friends have received information that this dark entity has already been awakened," David reported.

  The Elders all exchanged glances, then the Elder Ateara spoke once more, "So. That explains what we've been feeling. Could you ask Franklin to come speak with us about this as well, since this information comes from a source we do not know?"

  "Yes, give me a little bit and I'll see when and if he'll come to talk." David stood and walked from the room.


  James’ cell phone rang and he answered it at once knowing it was David Williams calling.

  "James? David Williams here. I've asked the Elders what you told me to ask, and they want to talk with you personally. Seems there is a legend about some very dark magic but it was from a very long time ago."

  " Sure. When do they want to see me?" James asked.

  "Now. Is that ok with you?"

  "Yes, Reggie, Harry and I will come now. We'll be there in about a half an hour." James disconnected.


  Reggie, James and Harry were seated in the presence of the Tribal Elders and Storytellers. The Keepers described in great detail the images they witnessed.

  The silence within the chamber was almost deafening, but both Reggie and James were hearing what the Elders were thinking.

  "It's not possible..."

  "It's only a myth..."

  "Yes, I have been fearful of this happening since the night those of The Dark tried to burn the Franklin's out..."

  Finally, Elder Ateara spoke "I have long feared this Darkness would come back. I have been dreaming of it and what horrors it would bring with it. Jill was a sacrifice to wake it up once more, correct?"

  As one voice, Reggie, James and Harry responded, "Yes. That is correct."

  James continued, "We know who the persons are that performed the ritual, and justice will be visited upon them soon. What we need to know more about now is what this Darkness is, what it does to be effective and how it can eliminated from the land."

  Gail Brown then spoke up, "Back in the mists of our Tribe there was a witch who wanted power solely for the sake of having power over others. He worked his spells and created this dark entity that would serve his black purposes. That witch trapped in his evil circle one of each of the four elements - air, fire, water and earth - he tormented them until they swore they'd serve his evil. This magic took nine months to complete and took place at the very spot where Jill’s little body was found. This is all I have found, and I have no more to say on the subject, other than this is the darkest of evils and to be wary of trying to deal with it."

  James stood. "Thank you for confirming what we've been told. We will see if we can rid this world of this darkness."

  Reggie, James and Harry left the room with David Williams.

  "We seem to have our work cut out for us once again," Harry said as the three of them climbed back into their white SUV.


  Chapter 60

  Plans for another working session were made for the next weekend and James assigned each of the Keepers a task before Josephine, Leo and Suzanne left for their own homes.

  They each were supposed to do a mental search on their own and in their own way as to what was coming, what needed to be done and how to help each other.

  That following Monday, James went online and made a few purchases of some important items which would help blend them all together again. Each Keeper, had once owned something similar when they first became a working group so many life times ago. It just felt right to have them again. As the unofficial leader of the group, James felt it was his place to obtain the items.

  By Thursday afternoon late, the UPS truck pulled up in front of the house. Harry was there to greet the delivery man and sign for the package. "James! There's a UPS package for you," Harry called out.

  "Bring it to the library please Harry," he called back.

  Harry handed James the package with an expectant look on his face.

  James grinned at him and thanked him for bringing it in. Closing the door to the library, he took it to his desk to open it and check out its content. Inside, wrapped in individual bubble wrapped were boxes that could contain nothing else but jewelry. Smiling, he opened first one, then all six. James was extremely pleased with how they look and fervently hope the sizes are correct.

  He heard a light knock on the library door, followed by an, James, may I come in and see too? from Reggie.

  Yes, you may.

  Reggie entered, shutting the door behind her and turning the lock. Crossing the room she came up beside James.

  He smiled up at her. They're here as you can see.

  "Oh James, they are lovely and so familiar. What are they set in? White gold?" Reggie asked.

  James shook his head. "No, platinum. It's closer in composition to what the original jewels were set into." He offered her the one intended for her.

  Reggie’s wide smile was all the thanks needed. “This is the most beautiful sapphire I've ever seen, James. How many carats is it?” she asked with wide eyes.

  “It's a 3 carat emerald-cut. The chain is largest that would fit and once you put it on you can't take it off. I have one other piece of jewelry for you Reggie.” James opened another box and offered its contents to Reggie.

  Inside this box an engagement ring nestled. The center stone was a princess cut diamond, surrounded by smaller brilliant cut diamonds. “Reggie, will you marry me? Please do me this honor.”

  “Oh, James! This is so beautiful! Of course, I'll marry you!” Reggie beamed “This is the most beautiful engagement ring I've ever seen. Thank you!” She threw her arms around his neck.

  He put his arms around her waist, pulling her to him. “I love you Reggie. I’ve always loved you and have wanted you to be my wife forever.”

  “I know James; I’m sorry it’s taken me so long. Just please know that I love you deeply and I want you to be my husband.”

  James opened the box he knew was his own piece of jewelry, a diamond ring, and put it on. Then he opened all of the other boxes and shared with Reggie who each of them were for, explaining how these jewels represented the "Ray" each was born into existence through.


  Friday, all the Keepers gathered for their monthly meditation session and to share any information they may have acquired during their time apart.

  Joyce Williams set up a nice buffet dinner for them, and went home to the house she and her father shared on the reservation. Even though she knew what was going on, she’d offered to do this to help everyone to be more comfortable and at ease. "I'll see you in the morning James. I need to go home and make sure my father's house is clean and cook him something for dinner. His eating habits are awful. All that take out. Yuck," Joyce said as she walked out the door.

  Shortly after Joyce left, Josephine and Leo arrive followed by Suzanne. Once everyone was settled, they convened in the dining room to eat and discuss what had been going on and what they felt their next move should be.

  After the dinner plates are cleared and put into the dishwasher, they headed into the library which was a much more comfortable place for them to sit and just "be".

  Once everyone was settled again, James handed out the little boxes co
ntaining the "jewel" assigned to each of the Keepers. "Before we go any further with these jewels, I think we should have a little reminder as to why these specific jewels are appropriate for each of you. Please forgive me if I'm being OCD about these, but it never hurts to not assume something." James smiled as he handed out the boxes. "Reggie's gem is a sapphire because her Ray is that of love and wisdom; Ray 2."

  Reggie fingered the beautiful stone hanging around her neck.

  "Josephine's is an emerald as her Ray is that of active intelligence; Ray 3."

  Josephine accepted hers and immediately asked Leo to put it on her.

  "Leo's gemstone is yellow Leo. Fitting, I know. His Ray is the 4th and represents harmony."

  Leo slipped his ring on at once and like Reggie, fingered the stone while smiling up at James. "I knew I was missing something and here it is. I am now once again, wearing the sun upon my hand." Leo showed it to Josephine as her hand covered his.

  James continued, "Harry's gemstone is the orange topaz representing concrete science of the 5th Ray."

  Harry's eyes gleamed as he remembered the gem from long ago and how this one almost perfectly matched it. "Thank you James, this does bring back memories of those days when I first received my jewel. Thank you." He stroked the cabochon gently.

  “Suzanne's stone is a ruby which may seem strange as her Ray is the 6th representing that of abstract idealism.’

  Suzanne asked Harry to put her pendant on her and touched the gemstone lovingly.

  James ended the explanations with, "Finally, my own is that of the diamond as I am of the 1st Ray." He displayed his own ring. "The men have rings and the women have pendants. However ladies, if you'd like to have them set into rings, I will be more than happy to do that for you." He then sat down ready for more discussion on what their next steps should be.


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