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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

Page 27

by Dinia Steel

  "The one who's in charge of the attacks on us, she's planning something awful!" Josephine was in tears now. "It hurts me to just think about it and even worse to see it!"

  James made Josephine sit down and do some slow breathing to help her calm herself down.

  Leo also helped to get her to a state that she could articulate better and show James and Reggie just what it was she'd seen.

  Veronica throwing things around a room. Then her straightening up, squaring her shoulders, and pacing the room with purpose. Her starting to pull books from a bookcase and quickly going through them. Then the vengeful look on Veronica's face when she'd found what she was looking for.

  Myrtle walked into the room, "Oh. That one," she said. "Nasty piece of work. But, the good news is I've dealt with her before," she finished brightly. "Is the coffee ready?"

  Elaine suddenly appeared and helped herself to a cup of coffee and poured one also for Myrtle. "Yep, the Morrigan is a very nasty piece of work, but not as nasty as I can be when the situation calls for it. Age has it's advantages," she said with an arched eyebrow.

  Everyone in the kitchen smiled at her last remark.

  Harry walked in with Suzanne not far behind him. "What'd I miss?"

  "Yeah, me too. What did I miss?” Suzanne asked. “You all look like you should have bird feathers hanging out of your mouths!"

  "Our wonderful Elders…” James smiled brightly at The Lady of the Lake and Sekhmet, “…Were just telling us not to worry about the new addition to the arsenal that the Die Zauberei is planning to use at our next confrontation."

  This caused Elaine and Myrtle to laugh loudly. Taking their coffee cups with them, they stepped out onto the patio outside of the kitchen.

  Suzanne got her coffee and went to the front of the house and outside the door leaving Harry behind to ask more questions.

  "Please James, tell me what you're talking about?" Harry begged.

  James proceeded to explain about Josephine's vision and what both Myrtle and Elaine said.


  Later in the day, everyone gathered in the library to discuss the upcoming fight.

  "So, now everyone has their assigned tasks,” James spoke, “We need to move and move quickly before they can raise any more special help. Our Elder Light Bearers don't think the Die Zauberei will be able to throw anything at us that we can't handle, but we need to be exceptionally vigilant over the next couple of days. The event will happen on the next full moon."

  The Lady of the Lake smiled. "Couldn't have picked a better time myself.”

  Leo, who seemed to have a bit of a crush on Myrtle said, "Yes, that's your strongest time isn't it?"

  Myrtle nodded at Leo. "Yes, my son, it is. Though, none of us are limited to any particular time of day or night. Neither the sun, nor the moon need be present for Light Bearers to work!"

  Everyone in the room smiled widely and they then returned again to their separate businesses.


  Chapter 68

  The long driveway that ended in a circle in front of Veronica's house was filled with cars of every make, shape and size. Some were very expensive and others just regular and not so expensive. She'd called a meeting of the entire group she headed up. It was time to get the plan of action ready to implement.

  Everyone gathered into the Grand Ball Room and loosely formed a semicircle around Veronica.

  Raising her right hand, she called everyone to order. Veronica then began to explain her plan of attack and who she wanted to be doing what and when.

  The very last resort was a small group who were given specific instructions that had nothing to do with the actual group ritual that would be performed on the next full moon. It was their task to kill as many of the Franklins as they could between now and the coming group ritual.

  "I don't care if you have to shoot each one of them individually, or find a way to blow them all to Perdition, I just want it done before the next full moon. Do you understand me?" She was emphatic. A fire seemed to appear in her eyes and she looked as if she’d grown from her normal five foot nine inches to six foot tall.

  The small group standing in front of her now took involuntary steps backwards. Each one of them knew without a doubt that if they failed in their task, they would be the ones who wound up dead.

  When that distasteful task was finished and those individuals gone, Veronica got down to other tasks. She didn't like working on a full moon, but her time was very limited and the next time the planets as well as the moon would be in the proper position would be too long away. Enough had already been done that it would only need a small nudge to continue without any further human assistance; after all, she did have the Morrigan and Kali on her side.

  What Veronica didn't realize, as most who didn't bring the Light, was that both of those terrible goddesses also had Light sides.

  A weapon was only what its user made of it.


  Bill and Lucian arranged themselves in the woods covering the hills just above the Franklin property. They had long range zeiss scopes on their M40 rifles which were loaded with the highest powered bullets they could use. They were set up with hot coffee, sandwiches and even some pastries that Bill had stopped for last night on his way to meet Lucian. What more could a couple of snipers want, besides clear weather, no wind and dry ground upon which to lay? They understood their orders completely. They were to take out James Franklin and Reggie Adams at all costs. With those two dead, Veronica would be assured victory.

  Neither man understood, nor did they care, what was at stake. All they knew was the Die Zauberei and Veronica required those two people dead, and it was their job to see it happened and now. What the snipers didn't know about was the ability that Harry Jones-Franklin possessed. They also failed to understand what Josephine Wallace-Jordan was capable of.

  Josephine foresaw the attempt on James and Reggie lives. She immediately told Leo and Harry.

  Harry sought to make his shielding abilities affect more than just thoughts, but actual physical protection. It was something he'd never tried before, but along with what Leo planned, it couldn't hurt. Harry knew from the story James told him about when only James, Josephine and Leo had gone to Germany. How the force of their combined Light deflected harm from coming to them, but Harry wanted to see if it would work like a bullet proof vest.

  Leo, however, had plans of his own. He'd contacted David Williams and told him what Josephine had seen and when she said it would happen. David told Harvey Brown, his deputy chief and together, they planned their own little protection plan.

  The morning of the full moon dawned bright and clear. The snipers were set up and ready to take out both James and Reggie. No wind, no rain, and dry ground - a sniper’s dream conditions.

  "Looks like the Old Gods favor us William," Lucian said triumphantly.

  "Yeah it sure does," William replied.

  It was then they heard the sound which could only be the clicking off of the safety on a revolver, and a deep bass voice rumbled, "Not our Old Gods."

  It was Tribal Chief David Williams.

  The two snipers raised both their hands in surrender and lay very still on the ground.

  While David had his 357 magnum trained on the men, Harvey Brown put restraints on their hands behind their backs. Harvey then picked up each sniper in turn, drew his own 357 Colt and covered the men while David picked up the sniper’s two rifles from the ground, being careful to put on gloves first, so any fingerprints wouldn't be disturbed.

  Together, they all walked down the hill to where David had parked the Range Rover used by the Tribal Police.

  Thirty minutes later, William and Lucian were being booked by the Tribal Police for possession of an unregistered firearm on Tribal Lands. Another thirty minutes found both of the snipers being interviewed and presented with the facts of their target and told exactly how it was known where they would be found.

  Neither man denied their intent and even signed statements ad
mitting to their plans. They were caught and they both knew their time alive was limited. Veronica would be beyond angry and would have them killed. They were actually safer in a jail for the time being.

  This assumption would be proven to be a wrong on their part because when Veronica did find out about William and Lucian being caught and that they'd actually confessed to conspiracy involving her, she put a large bounty on their heads.

  They were both dead in a matter of a couple of weeks at the hands of their fellow convicts.

  Another plan of Veronica's went down in flames.


  Chapter 69

  Time had run out for Veronica's preparations. The time for battle was upon them. All that was left to do was prepare each individual for the coming confrontation.

  The Keepers gathered as many to their side as they could. Everyone felt confidant that the Light would dispel the darkness once again, or at least until the next time.

  Myrtle Adams, the Lady of the Lake, told them there was nothing to worry about. She said when the time came, everyone would know what to do; just relax and open themselves to the inflow of energy/power which would come to them when the time was right.

  Just as the Moon was peeking above the waves, the Keepers and the Ancient Light Workers assembled in the library without even being told it was time; everyone knowing just where to sit. Earlier in the afternoon, James, Harry, and Leo arranged the seating for the evening. The configuration resembled what was called a Celtic Cross.

  James, Eastern Quarter… Leo, Southern Quarter…Reggie, the Western….then Josephine in the Northern Quarter. This arrangement formed the cross beams and also would represent the "powers" of the Quarters. The completion of the formation was, right to left, James, Elaine, Leo, Suzanne, Reggie, the Lady of the Lake, Grandmother Spider, Josephine and finally, Harry. Nine Torchbearers all together.

  Only nine individuals and personalities representing the Light.

  All that could be heard in the library was the sound of slow steady breathing.

  Soon, the Light Bearers found themselves standing on the cliff where Jill had been so cruelly murdered. There was a blinding presence before them. The Light Bearers formed themselves around this pure diamond brightness, which slowly turned into a violet infrared which could cure or kill. The Fire of the Atoms. The Violet of Ceremonial Magic.

  The Light Bearers heard a commotion coming up to the top of the cliff where they were waiting.

  It was Veronica's group.


  To Veronica's eyes there were seven brilliant rays of colors projecting down from somewhere. It hurt her eyes to look at the Rays of Light. She realized what just happened. The Franklin dreck had gotten here first. Well, that wasn't going to do them any good.

  Veronica's followers were terrified when they saw what was standing before them in the space they were supposed to be occupying for this night's work. Only Veronica's sharp words and threats kept them from fleeing back down the cliff to their waiting vehicles.

  "Quickly! Everyone assume your positions! Do it now, or face my wrath!" Veronica screamed.

  Their positions resembled that of the Celtic Cross, but with the Cross of St. Andrew, forming an "x" rather than the "+".


  The colored rays were now revolving, clockwise, like a merry-go-round, with all the colors beginning to blend into one another, just as light being caught within a crystal would. In the light spectrum, all the colors were found within the white light while in the physical color spectrum, all light was devoid of color creating black.

  The terror emanating from Veronica's people became almost palpable. Only the force of her will and personality kept them on that cliff. As soon as everyone was arranged and the chanting began, the atmosphere on the cliff took on a tingly chill. The massive blackness was once again forming all around them and growing, as did the chanting.

  The chanting stopped with Veronica raising her arms and beginning an invocation to dark and old powers begging for the manifestation of the Morrigan.

  The sound of thousands of crows could be heard in the distance, followed by the sound of thousands of wings and joining the cawing was the harsh croaking sound of ravens. The sensation on the cliff top was as though everyone's faces were being brushed by crow and raven wings.

  The birds coalesced into a funnel directly above the center of the group of humans on the cliffs.

  A burning figure could be seen falling down through the center of the funnel until it reached the ground itself and exploded into the form of the ancient Morrigan of Celtic Myth, followed by a second figure of Kali of Hindu Myth. Both of these goddesses aspects of Death and Destruction loomed heavily on the cliff's surface.

  Now terror grew to the point while some feared they would be borne away by these terrible goddesses.

  Suddenly, there were four figures within that circle of humans. The other two being those of Sekhmet and The Lady of the Lake.

  A kind of dance began with all four of the Goddesses facing off against each other.


  What took place next was unclear except there was a roll of thunder and a lightning flash followed by the blinding presence of little Jill.

  Her tiny body somehow became enlarged. She seemed to be drawing energy from the four goddesses circling around her form. It appeared Jill was dressed only in blinding light that was radiating away from her growing form. Her long flowing dark hair was being blown around like she was standing in the middle of a tornado funnel.

  Suddenly, the energy of the pitched battle between the four goddesses came to a halt. They disappeared in a clap of thunder leaving only the awe inspiring figure of Jill who was no longer a child, but a young woman of pure Native American visage.

  The Light was swilling around the young woman who was now joined by another figure of an ancient crone, Grandmother Spider. They joined hands and raised them above their heads.

  The dark ancient presence of the perverted elements began to shrink. It was as if the joined hands of the two women were sucking the darkness down into themselves.

  It was not long before that dark created elemental force was no more.

  It was then that Grandmother Spider vanished as well, leaving only the older version of Jill standing within the center of the humans on the cliff. She spoke. "You thought you killed me. That my death brought to life a twisted form of life, and yes for a while it did live once again, but there were some very important things your leader forgot..." Jill caught the eyes of the humans surrounding her. "There is no such thing as death, only a transformation from one form to another. By killing a Child of Light on the physical plane, you brought into manifestation that Child of Light on a higher plain. You freed me to bring about exactly what you hoped to prevent. By bringing death, in the form of the Morrigan, into a physical manifestation, you've now brought about the Resurrection of Life and by the addition of Kali, you have only strengthened that life force." Jill reached out, grabbed Veronica by the arm and dragged her into the vortex surrounding her. Veronica went wild, shrieking and screaming in terror. Everything within the center of the humans present vanished, including Veronica.

  This was too much for the remaining humans. They broke apart and fled in terror down the cliffs to their waiting vehicles.

  The only sound other than their horrified screams was that of a small child's laughter of delight.

  The carousel of lights slowed and formed once again, into distinct colors separate and pulsing. The Violet Light formed into the figure of a small raven haired child who spoke to the figures standing who’d made the colored lights, "You did well tonight, Keepers of the Flame. You held your Torches high and have proven yet again, that the Light of the Creator will overcome those who seek to bring the Dark into the world. Tell those who bore me into this life, that I live still and without their sacrifice what was accomplished here tonight would not have been."

  Jill vanished followed by the Light Rays.

  Those who were
left in the library opened their eyes.


  Chapter 70

  "What a rush!" Harry's enthusiasm was that of the teenaged young man he was.

  "Wow. Just Wow. Did what I think just happened really happen?" Suzanne asked.

  "If I never have to do that again, it'll be too soon," was Leo's only comment.

  "What did happen?" Josephine chimed in with her own question.

  James and Reggie looked at each other, then to Reggie's Great Aunt, Myrtle.

  "Quite simply my dear Keepers, you have once again vanquished the Dark for another two thousand years or so. Congratulations. However, we should give a great deal of the credit for its defeat to Veronica. Because of her arrogance in believing she was beyond error made her very instrumental in its downfall. As well as the dual natures of both the Morrigan and Kali it was easier for Jill to come back to the physical plane and become the instrument of Karma she was intended to be from the beginning," The Lady of the Lake explained.

  Suzanne spoke up, "I'm a little fuzzy about the 'dual nature' thing."

  "It's quite simple, Suzanne. You were born through your earthly mother, therefore when your physical body dies, you go back to your cosmic mother. Humans are brought from one plane of existence to another through birth. When the body dies, the spirit returns to that plane once again as a rebirth. There is no such thing as death Suzanne. Both Kali and the Morrigan are bringers of death, which means rebirth." The Lady smiled lovingly at a confused Suzanne.

  "I still don't understand, Lady. How is that possible?”

  "Suzanne, do you believe that you lived before?" The Lady asked.

  "Yes, of course. I've lived many lifetimes, Lady." Suzanne looked thoughtful. "Oh yes, now I see. I've died and been reborn many times. Yes, I understand now." She still wore a questioning look on her face, though.

  "Do you still have questions?" Elaine asked.

  Taking a deep breath and releasing it, Suzanne replied, "I don't understand about the "agent for Karma" phrase."


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