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Gaia's Majesty_Mission Called

Page 10

by Roger B. Burt

  “It was a judgement call. I didn’t think you would. The Tethyans are your family.”

  Avery wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to know all of what had been revealed. For now, she was more concerned about how it would affect her relationship with Beck.

  Chapter 21

  What of Our Future?

  Miami, Florida

  Avery was being driven to the airport in Rome for her flight back to the United States. Philippa had confided that the woman driving was Andromeda. Avery was now experiencing, firsthand, how her life had changed.

  In the backseat of the black Mercedes, Avery turned around, wiping tears from her eyes as she watched the villa at Viareggio recede. Finally she turned forward and concentrated on the road ahead. Not just the one immediately before her but also the longer one into her future.

  Avery concluded that the time in Viareggio had been precious. In a matter of a few days her attitude toward Philippa had grown from simple appreciation to wonder and then affection. Her heart felt the acceptance. And Reuben was a totally unexpected find with his boundless joy, grace, and creativity. She told herself Reuben was an uncle and wondered what role he would play in her life.

  The lovely scenery of Italian farms and villages cascaded by as the Mercedes smoothly took the autostrada in its stride at high speed. All Avery could think was that it represented her fast-moving life. She was snug and secure, at least for now. Cosseted in the Mercedes, she was free to explore and dream.

  As they entered the dense traffic near Rome, her thoughts slowed and she began to focus on the near future. When they arrived at Fiumicino Airport, she was pleased to see it was crowded. It brought a respite of sort.

  While she was waiting for her flight, she couldn’t resist texting Beck, telling him she had adventures to share. She smiled, relishing the moment when she would reveal what she’d learned. But she also had to accept the danger she now understood.

  They chatted in brief code. She was smiling as she teased him with hints. It would all have to wait until she was in his arms; this was a story best told in person. After their lovemaking, when he was holding her, he might find it easier to believe she was descended from mermaids.

  She curled up and slept on the transoceanic flight. Finally, as they approached Miami, Avery stirred. She began again to think of the drama her life had become. Philippa had, in the end, told her there were people she had to meet. But she wouldn’t say who. At the time Avery had wanted to stamp her foot, but had to content herself with the fact that Philippa would be in touch. Then her stomach clenched as she remembered there were people she should fear. She settled on the one thing she could be sure of—Beck.

  She glimpsed him outside customs, burst through the doors and ran toward him. Dropping her backpack, she threw her arms around him.

  In Beck’s car Avery sat silently taking in the man with whom she had fallen deeply in love. He seemed lost in thoughts of his own, perhaps anticipating the wonder of again being entwined in her passion.

  The reunion at his apartment was glorious for them both. After a nap, Avery stirred. She warmed to the feeling of knowing that now she had an extended family around the world and a lover here in Miami. Not long ago she was simply an independent woman alone in the world.

  She waited patiently for him to awaken. When at last he opened his eyes, she drew close and whispered, “I have secrets to impart.”

  He looked steadily at her. “I hope they solve some of the mysteries.”

  She nodded. “They do. In the end, Beck, I can’t tell you how wonderful it was in Viareggio. I’ve found where I belong.” She paused. “That picture on my living room wall is my aunt the fish. It seems you’re in bed with a mermaid.”

  Beck laughed as he ran his fingers down her leg. “No scales!”

  Avery took his head in her hands. “I’m serious, Beck.”

  Slowly she told him everything Philippa had told her about the Tethyans and her conclusions about herself.

  Beck was silent and watched her intently. As she talked she referred to the loss of her parents and how she had continued alone in the world and how that loss and the revelations were affecting her now. He lay there taking it all in and sorting it as best he could.

  Avery’s eyes pleaded. “Don’t you see, Beck? It’s all beginning to come together—the artifacts and the villages, the people who look different—even my intuitions.”

  “What are they saying to you?”

  “There’s some kind of direction to this whole thing. Where my life is going. It seems my parents were Primals and maybe Progenitors. Philippa thinks I may be a Progenitor. We didn’t get to the part of what I do about it.”

  For a moment, Beck said nothing. Avery waited, holding her breath.

  Finally he said, “This is an awful lot to digest. I come from a world of hardheaded business and suddenly you tell me I’m in bed with a mermaid.” He looked up and saw the fear in her eyes.

  She burst into tears. “You’re making me really scared. I don’t want you to run away.”

  He drew her in closer. “I’m not running anywhere. But I do have to be honest. You’ve found a ‘family’ you wanted but it comes with a load of mythology. Maybe you’ve wanted that too much. That need makes you vulnerable. It’s an awfully big reach.”

  Avery took a deep breath. “What are you saying?”

  Beck made firm eye contact. “Just what I said. Can we agree it’s a reach? We need time to figure out what it all means. You should know by now I have an open mind, but this is an awful lot. You said yourself you don’t know what it all means.”

  Beck could see her struggling to control herself. Finally she took a deep breath and said, “I must respect that, but it makes me so afraid. I’ve been led into something I can’t really understand. Philippa said there’s danger and I’m afraid it might hurt us. Can you understand that?”

  Beck drew his hands together. “Avery, I love you and that’s the bottom line. The evidence so far suggests you—and that includes me because I love you—are part of something amazing. We start there and hold onto each other for the ride.”

  Avery took his hands in hers. “You’re right. I need to step back—I probably didn’t ask enough questions. If these people know about me and I’m being directed to be involved, there’s a whole lot more to it.”

  Beck shook his head. “I know you well enough to believe you aren’t making this up, and I did see the pictures of the woman in the surf at Laguna. Are we supposed to be doing something?”

  “Philippa will be in touch. In the meantime, I get on with my life.” Avery took a deep breath. “Whatever that means.”

  She stopped and Beck waited for her to continue.

  “There’s something else I need to tell you.”

  Slowly she told him about the Overlords. When she stopped, he sat silently for a moment, then nodded slowly. “I’d say your description fits Evan Covel. I wouldn’t have put it that way, but it makes sense. The fantasy, even if that’s what it is, takes on another dimension and we add in danger. But thinking of Evan as an Overlord fits with how I feel about the company and my job. I think the bottom line is, oh shit!”

  Avery drew in closer. “I’m so sorry, Beck. You’re everything I always wanted, and I didn’t want to drag this in the door.”

  Avery was surprised when Beck laughed. “Well, guess what, my little mermaid. In some ways, it makes no difference whatsoever. I’ve been thinking about an exit strategy from the Covel Group, and now I know I must have to make that exit. It’s just a matter of when and how.”

  Now it was Avery’s turn to laugh despite her fears. “You know what’s funny? There’s so much of this that’s what I’ve wanted for so long. And now it feels ordained, and I guess you get to be ordained also, like it or not.”

  “I don’t know about the ordained piece, Avery, but as long as you’re a part of it I want to be there. In the meantime, you’re going to have to put up with a man who wants a

  Avery pulled him into a hug. “You just said the magic words. I can cope with any of this if you’re in my life.”

  Chapter 22

  Life Renewed

  Viareggio, Italy

  Philippa picked up the phone. “Pronto?” She listened for a moment. “Certainly, Luisa. How is Adelais doing?”

  “As you know we weren’t sure she was a Progenitor, so the transfer submarine took her directly to the core of Thonis where they receive visitors. I’m told it could not have gone much better. She is a very strong girl. Once she was settled and seemed comfortable, they took her into the water and tested if she was a Progenitor. She is, so she was taken on a tour of the waters around Thonis including its wonderful sea gardens.”

  “That must have been a glorious experience for her. What happened?”

  “It was like a tonic. She came alive as she swam and explored every little alcove in the gardens and areas around the city. In fact, they say she looked excited. Clearly it was a turning point.”

  “So what is her state of mind?”

  “I just picked her up. Inevitably she’s a changed person, but she’s no longer withdrawn, and the energy she manifests is striking. Her intelligence and power are shining through. But now she needs a transit back to life on land. She could use a few days with you before her parents come to take her home to France. And I think she should tell us when she’s ready.”

  “Absolutely. Bring her here as soon as possible. Just let me know when.”

  With Luisa and Adelais coming soon, Philippa’s sorrow over Avery’s leaving dissipated. Her mood was given another boost when Paolo arrived unexpectedly. She ran to him, holding him close. At last she regained her composure and related her experience with Avery. Paolo was amused by his normally composed wife’s enthusiasm. In his quiet way he displayed the pleasure he felt at these events. But more importantly his tender touches expressed his joy at returning to his Philippa.

  Luisa called ahead when they were nearing Viareggio. Philippa went outside to wait in a seating area near the drive. She sat patiently listening to the serenades of the crickets and night birds, and marveling at the stars. She watched the winding road below the villa and at last she saw the flash of headlights and could hear a Maserati’s throaty sound. She smiled and nodded. Reuben kept such a fine stable of cars for the Andromeda women to use on their assignments. She visualized lovely Luisa and revisited her hopes for Adelais.

  The lights flashed at the entrance to the drive, and she rushed toward the circle in front of the house. As soon as Adelais climbed out of the car, Philippa drew her into a hug.

  She held the girl’s bright face in her hands. Philippa could see the sparkle had returned to Adelais’s eyes. “Adelais, we are so pleased to have you back!”

  “Thank you. I had no idea. Did Luisa tell you everything?”

  “Almost, but I would love to hear it from you.”

  Philippa went over and hugged Luisa. “Thank you so much.” Her face tightened. “Are you in trouble with Antonio?”

  “I think not. I’m good at making up excuses. Besides, how could an innocent woman like me be up to no good?”

  They both laughed.

  Philippa turned back to Adelais. “Come, we have to get you fed and wined.”

  Paolo was waiting just inside to welcome Adelais as well. Then he withdrew, not wanting to unnecessarily complicate the reunion. That sensitivity was part of what Philippa loved about him.

  Luisa saw to the kitchen preparations while Philippa sat with Adelais, holding her hand. She was pleased to see that the girl was again in command of herself. There was a new strength and determination. Her innocence had fled.

  “So, tell me everything,” Philippa urged.

  Adelais talked about Thonis and how her mood and feelings had changed, voicing an analysis of her experience in Thonis. Her posture and tone carried a new kind of forthrightness and bravery. Then, without giving it thought, Philippa asked Adelais about her plans.

  “I think I’ll return to La Sorbonne and continue my studies. But I should share with you and my parents that I had long talks with Luisa and other Andromeda. As far as I’m concerned, I’ll be one of them. What happened to my grandmother won’t be a scar on my life, but I’ll never forget it. Our people must be defended and my grandmother must be avenged.”

  Philippa tried not to react to the steel in the girl’s voice. She was not sure if she should be happy for Adelais or frightened for her.

  “It’s an admirable mission, but I’m pleased you’re going back to your studies in the meantime.”

  Later Philippa called Adelais’s parents in Provence. She shared the good news with them without mentioning her concern about the extent of Adelais’s resolve. They agreed to wait a few days before coming to get her.

  Paolo joined them again, and they dined and talked until Philippa understood that Adelais needed to be released to go to bed. It had been a long day for her. Philippa sat with Paolo and Luisa for a while, musing about how lives were changing. She shared that she was not totally unhappy about Adelais’s decision regarding Andromeda. The alternative might have been a person with a life lost. A mission with determination was much better.

  Chapter 23

  Probing a Future

  Miami, Florida

  Beck and Avery’s joy and renewal together lasted a day. The next evening, they sat in a discreet corner of a new restaurant they had found, their food almost untouched. Avery looked up and fixed Beck with her eyes.

  “I’m trying to figure out what Philippa told me really means. And we need to figure out what we’re going to do about this mess? And what about you and me? Are we connected in some way we don’t understand?”

  “That’s a stretch,” Beck said.

  “I’m not so sure. I’m coming to believe that I was directed to meet Philippa and the discovery of my family background. And then I’m told about these people they call the Overlords who just happen to be their adversaries. And you just happen to be working for a company run by someone who is arguably one of them. And we get hooked up. What are the odds?”

  “Whether you’re right or not, we need to work on that plan,” Beck said.

  Avery nodded. “First I’m going to learn more about these new people in my life. Philippa thinks there are people I should meet. Why, when or who I don’t know.”

  Beck hesitated. “If you can accept that, it qualifies as a plan for you. For me I think I need to continue to sniff around—carefully. It seems Covel was responsible for the Laguna problem which involved your people. I may have to buy your idea that it’s all related. I’m convinced I need to leave Covel, but I don’t want to pull the plug too soon. I have to think about lining up another job first.”

  “Do you think you can find out anything useful about Covel?” Avery asked.

  “Maybe. But, it’s really a matter of what ‘useful’ means. At least my job puts me close to the key problem project. Some of the engineers are on the edge of panic and they might say things they don’t intend. I want to look for anything I can.”

  Avery was shaking her head. “You could just give notice.”

  Beck pressed his lips together. “I’m on the inside. That means I can get information for your people. If it feels dangerous, we move to Plan B. I quit my job and we move on.”

  Avery sat silent for a moment. “That means I abandon my job and move on also. It feels a little like hurtling off into space but I don’t see another alternative.”


  Back at work Beck could not get away from the tension. At the weekly section meeting he took a deep breath and edged in when he sensed an opening. He suggested they might need a more detailed analysis of how the software being used might affect output. Immediately he noted that something had changed from the previous meeting. There had been a discussion of what went wrong but now he was confronted by immediate opposition from Hal, the engineer in charge of the project. Beck
was surprised that the man claimed everything was just fine and they needed no more analysis.

  Beck’s efforts on the project were lauded, which made him want to laugh. At the same time, he noticed a couple of people hunkering down as if trying to be invisible. The reactions in the room told him variously about innocent denial and those who felt they had something to hide. Some just seemed afraid. The Covel position seemed to be that everything was going fine. It was clear to Beck that an internal defense had been formulated. An idea began to form in his mind about ways to look for more evidence. But he knew he would have to be very careful.


  Dinner time had become a time for speculation for Beck and Avery.

  “We have a tiger by the tail, don’t we?” Avery said, putting plates of spaghetti on the table. “We have enough information to indicate what happened at Laguna was not some random event. And with what Philippa told me it’s not hard to fill in the blanks. What I’m calling ‘my people’ exist worldwide and have layers of families. Then there’s the Andromeda. If they really are a defense force, they won’t be passive. For lack of a better word, I think there’s a war coming.”

  Beck nodded. “I’m clear my company has a lot of nasty secrets. You don’t know this, but I’m a pretty good hacker.”

  Avery turned serious. “Are you going to do something dangerous?”

  He leaned forward. “I’m going to be very, very careful, but I’m going to hack into Covel’s computer system. People can be careless. The masters of the universe often aren’t so masterful.”

  Chapter 24

  Confession – Confirmation

  Viareggio, Italy

  After Adelais and her parents had returned to Provence, the villa was again at peace. Paolo and Philippa had time to themselves and were enjoying dinner blessed with the soft glow of candles. Chattering like children, they were catching up with each other. Philippa was on her second glass of wine when her phone chirped.


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