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Gaia's Majesty_Mission Called

Page 19

by Roger B. Burt

  “I hadn’t thought about it that way,” Avery said.

  Philippa continued, “But partnership is the issue. And when all this is said and done, we must have partnerships. It’s not just about power, but about stewardship of the world and partnership between men and women and people in general.”

  “That sounds like a dream. Can we have it?” asked Avery.

  “We hope so. Some of us already have it. And it seems Gaia is pushing us in that direction. And she hints at things transformative.”

  “Such as?”

  “Too soon to tell.”

  “Philippa, you’re telling me that this change in my life may be wrenching, but offers huge rewards. And, Celeste, I’ll cherish your gift and its meaning for Beck and me.”

  Philippa looked at Celeste. “I think that’s enough for today. Avery, why don’t you go take a dip in the pool if that appeals to you. We’ll have an early dinner.”

  As soon as she had gone to change, Philippa moved to sit close to Celeste.

  “How do you think it’s going? This is a lot for her to deal with.”

  Celeste nodded. “She’s strong. What I’m seeing is a woman who’s clearly from your dedicated line. By that I mean people who don’t give up no matter what. You and your daughter are central to what’s ahead.”

  “Just the same, it’s a terrible burden,” Philippa said. “I’m frightened she feels this is being done to her.”

  “I think she’s beginning to understand and accept. We’ll make it right. Let’s not forget that there’s much more to the prophecy than we’ve told her.”

  Chapter 43


  Miami, Florida

  Brigid was convinced that Melanie Martin was implicated in the attack on Avery and Beck, and concluded retribution was required. In her dreams the night before, a visit by Freya confirmed her belief. As she approached Melanie’s apartment door that morning, Brigid could feel the presence of Freya.

  Melanie was preparing to leave for work when Brigid knocked. She swung the door open. Brigid brushed past her, turned, and slammed it shut.

  “Melanie, darlin’, did you really think we wouldn’t notice?”

  Melanie felt a strong sense of threat and out of the corner of her eye perceived a misty shadow. She struggled to maintain some semblance of calm and strength. “Who the hell are you? Get out!”

  Brigid leaned into her. “I’m a friend of a friend, and I’ve come to visit with you, Melanie, darlin’. You may be able to guess why.”

  “No … no, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Your people are arrogant and ever so incautious. Terribly heavy-handed. Can you imagine, the man you sent was so self-assured that he actually had his wallet on him? Identification and all.”

  Melanie felt the threat and struggled for control. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “You were absolutely brilliant the way you played Beck. He trusted you and thought he had a comrade in arms. I had to hand it to him when he began to have doubts.”

  Melanie’s eyes were wide with fear. “Get out of my apartment!”

  “In the end, darlin’, arrogance and the errors of your people led me here. The identification the man had on him when he was sent to kill Beck and his friend revealed some interesting relationships, and your name turned up prominently.”

  “Get out—now!” Melanie shouted.

  Brigid reached into her shoulder bag as Melanie started to back away. She saw the Glock with the silencer and heard the hiss of the Maelstrom just before the bullet entered the center of her forehead.

  Brigid looked down at her. “You should have been more careful about your playmates, darlin’.”

  At the moment the shot was fired, Evan felt a shock. He sank to his knees and saw Melanie’s face before him. Holding his head with his hands, he struggled to retain control. He wanted to flee, but couldn’t move.

  Brigid raised her eyes and spoke to the shimmering figure of Freya. “I know there are times when justice must be done, but that did not feel like a noble act.”

  Freya’s voice was firm in response. “It was indeed justice and essential. Covel has received the message, but not final justice yet. And Gaia’s growing fury has been calmed. We can only imagine the outcome if these evil men had succeeded in killing precious Avery and Beck. Our entire future would have been at risk.”

  Brigid shuddered.

  Chapter 44

  She’s Formidable

  Miami, Florida

  Nothing was working. Evan was sleeping twelve to fourteen hours a day. He couldn’t maintain attention on television, a book, or magazine. Pacing helped not at all, and when he went out walking, he felt as though he was moving in a fog.

  At first he thought he could overcome what had happened. But increasingly, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shed the images of the event Brigid had created. Repeatedly the woman rushed him. And she was coming more and more frequently. Irreality was his new reality.

  Back at the Covel Group, Hal now had primary responsibility for what he called the Problem Project. With everyone hunkered down in their offices, the climate in the company was not conducive to problem solving. He decided he had to take some responsibility, and went in search of Evan.

  At last he got information which led him to the suite where Evan was in hiding. When he knocked on the door, Evan couldn’t do anything but admit him.

  “Evan, I’ll come directly to the point. The company’s drifting. I don’t know what’s wrong, but we need you to come back and take charge.”

  Silently Evan turned away.

  Hal did something he thought he would never do. He took Evan by the shoulders and turned him around. “You have to talk to me. The company needs you.”

  “I… I can’t. She attacked me. She tried to kill me.”

  Hal was dumbfounded. “What do you mean?”

  “The woman. The woman she must have sent.” Evan’s eyes were rolling in his head and he was trembling.

  Hal knew he couldn’t handle what he was seeing. “Evan, you need to talk to someone. I’ll send the company physician.” Evan just looked away as if distracted by something. Hal fled.

  When Hal arrived back at the Covel Group, he went directly to the office of the company physician. “Dr. Schmidt, I’m sure you must know that Mr. Covel hasn’t come to the company in days. I just left him. Mr. Covel seems…insane.”

  Schmidt remained seated at his desk with his hands folded in front of him. He dealt in physical disorders and injury, not mental or emotional disorders. And he did not want to hear this about the powerful man who ran their company.

  Schmidt looked for a way out. “Is there some family we can call on?”

  “Not as far as I know. He never married and he’s had a string of girlfriends. I never heard of any relatives. From what he said, there was a girlfriend involved in this, but I think it’s up to us to handle.”

  Shortly they were knocking on the door of Evan’s suite. Evan admitted them and then without a word turned away.

  Hal stood back while Schmidt tried to talk to Evan, who remained mute. Finally, he said, “I’m important. I’m in charge, and Brigid did this to me. I don’t understand what’s happening.”

  Schmidt was out of his element, feeling his own distress rising, but plunged ahead. “Take a deep breath and tell me about it. I’ll understand. Remember, it’s what I do.”

  Somehow Evan regained control. He outlined the event as best he could.

  Schmidt’s reply was calm. “Evan, sometimes we all experience a shock of some kind which violates how we think the world is and who we are. That’s how I’d describe this experience for you.”

  Evan turned, terrified. “What was that sound—a voice?” He jerked his head around, scanning the room.

  To Schmidt this looked like an acute psychotic episode. In one sense, he was correct; in another absolutely wrong, since it had a b
asis in experience.

  “Can you make it go away?” Evan asked desperately.

  Schmidt forged ahead. “Think of it as a form of post-traumatic stress. You’ve been under a lot of pressure lately and evidently experienced something threatening in a way that’s new to you. It should be temporary. But you can’t stay here.”

  Schmidt was not sure he could even begin to believe his own words. He was making this up as he went along. He wondered if Evan had been harboring a psychosis his entire life.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To a clinic where they deal with these kinds of stress disorders.”

  Evan’s eyes got wide in fear. “You can’t do that.”

  Schmidt insisted, “You can’t stay here with what you’re experiencing.”

  Evan’s cell phone rang. Reflexively he answered. “When? How was it done? Dear God—through the forehead? Thank you. I know you’ll handle it appropriately.” Evan instantly connected what he had been told with the images haunting him.

  He turned to the doctor. “Melanie from public relations has been murdered.”

  This revelation was just the leverage Schmidt needed. He felt relief as Evan’s resistance crumbled and was astounded by the passive, crushed man they led from the suite.

  In the private clinic, Evan sat on the end of his bed staring into nothingness. He had retreated deep inside himself where he could feel nothing and could not to be reached, especially by the woman who was haunting him.

  Chapter 45

  Seeking an Identity

  Turks and Caicos

  In a drawer, Avery found some playing cards and cajoled Philippa to join in a game of Crazy Eights. Celeste joined in and, to Avery’s delight, proved to be utterly inept. Avery, grateful for a respite from the drama into which she was being drawn, retreated into childlike play.

  Late in the day, Avery approached while Philippa was sitting going through papers with Celeste.

  “Philippa, not to intrude, but I have a question.” Avery pulled up a chair and leaned in. “What’s my name?”

  Philippa was taken aback. “What do you mean?”

  “You must have given me a name when I was born. What was it?” Avery’s gaze was riveted on Philippa.

  Tears came to Philippa’s eyes and she sat silently for a few moments. Avery began to regret bringing it up.

  “Avery, when I had to put away my feeling of loss, I had to put the name away too.”

  “I’m sorry Philippa. I didn’t know it would be so painful.”

  “No. You should know. I can’t hide from this anymore than you can. Your name was given to me by a French woman. It’s Chantia.” She spelled it out. “But it’s pronounced like ‘shantia’ with an S.”

  “That’s pretty. I like it.”

  “The woman said it’s an old Provençal name meaning ‘stone’ or ‘boulder’, but in her French family it meant a girl who sings to herself. As from the French word chant for ‘song’.”

  Avery took a deep breath.

  Philippa continued. “And as an infant, you sang yourself to sleep.”

  “I still do. Silently. I don’t know where the songs come from. They feel old and the words that come to me aren’t in a language I know.”

  Philippa wiped away tears. “You’re so strong, Avery. I think ‘stone’ or ‘boulder’ also fits. I’m glad you like the name.”

  “Let me turn it around and see if I want to use it.”

  Philippa smiled. “It’s your name. Do with it what you wish.”

  Suddenly Avery laughed. “And your last name is Desrochers. I believe that means of the rocks in French.”

  Philippa nodded. “It does. The name is French. Another piece of fate?”

  Avery thought for a moment. “I’ll have to think about that. But while we’re back on discoveries, I’d like to discover what I might be doing in the future. I can’t go back to Miami, since I’m not into being murdered.”

  Celeste entered the room, settled into a corner of the sofa and listened.

  “As a matter of fact, I’ve been mulling it over,” Philippa said. “You can have a new and fascinating career. Remember, you’re the Discoverer.”

  Avery shook her head. “Which means exactly what?”

  Philippa smiled. “I think it can mean what you want it to mean. You can pursue Tethyan history and meaning from within your new family. There will come a day when the story has to be told.”

  Avery started to speak but Philippa stopped her. “While the Tethyan history is long and important, we can’t be entirely clear what the future will hold for our people.”

  The look on Avery’s face said it all. “I don’t know what to do with that. I would have thought you were perfectly clear.”

  Philippa smiled in understanding. “I think I can clarify it for you. Think of words like revealed, unfold, intuition. They indicate how we live and who we are.”

  Avery clapped her hands. “Of course. Those words describe how you live, and naturally you’re in development. But I gather with a long history.”

  “Yes, a long history and many prophecies.”

  “Let me add something here, Philippa,” Celeste said. “We have libraries in all of our Tethys with what we have gathered over the millennia including most of the Alexandria library. The material covers many cultures and civilizations. Our librarians study these works looking for answers to the mysteries we find constantly.”

  “I didn’t know about the libraries,” Avery said.

  “You could help us in the work since you come from the outer world and yet you’re clearly one of us. Does such an activity interest you?”

  “I have no idea what that might involve, Celeste. Wait. Don’t say a word. We’ll find out, won’t we?”

  Philippa added, “I’m sure we will.”

  Avery nodded. “It’s an intriguing possibility. It gives me something to think about. It’s something I can explore with Beck.”

  “I’ll arrange a safe way for you to communicate. I know you must be missing him,” Philippa said.

  “I am. But one other thing. I know I’m going to have to move on from here. But how would I make a living studying in a library?”

  Philippa smiled. “I forget you’re used to making your own way. Think of it as being part of a family enterprise. You don’t need to be collecting a paycheck.”

  Avery furrowed her brow even as tears welled. A vision of a future began to dawn. “I hadn’t thought of it this way. The implications of these kinds of studies from the inside with our people—my people—are huge. I think I love it.”

  Philippa jumped up. “Enough of this talk. Let me go set up a secure connection for you to talk to Beck.”

  An hour later Philippa called Avery. “You can call your young man right now. I assume he gave you some contact information.” She stopped for a moment and considered something. “But before you call him, I have some information you might want to share with him.” She pulled out a piece of paper Avery had seen her working on. “It’ll tell him something about his own family.”

  Avery scanned the paper. Her eyes lit up and she laughed. “It really is beginning to get better and better. Do you think he knows?”

  Chapter 46

  Ordained Again?

  Turks and Caicos

  “Oh Beck—I miss you terribly! There’s so much to tell you. Chantia’s the name Philippa gave me at birth. I think I like it.” Avery rattled on without focus. Beck listened patiently.

  “So,” he said. “Tell me how you really feel.”

  “Avery laughed. “I don’t know. I’m confused. There are so many good and exciting things, but the life I thought I was building is trashed. Am I making any sense?”

  “Perfect sense.”

  “Oh, I forgot. I don’t know if I told you—no, I didn’t tell you, they’ve been going through the old records and your family turned up.”

  “Is that good?”

I don’t know if you’ll think it’s good. Do you want to know or do I need to shut up?”

  “Stop, Avery. I love the sound of your voice no matter what it tells me.”

  “You come from a Primal family. So you’re a Tethyan also. Is that great or what?” Her voice sounded as if she wanted to jump up and down.

  “It’s more like ‘what’. That doesn’t fit, but I don’t think they would have any reason to be lying to you. My father has this whole story about his climb from nothing to being a self-made man. From what you’ve told me about the Primals, they’ve been on top of the heap for a very long time.” He was silent for a moment—smiling to himself.

  Avery sat with the phone in her hand, wondering what she’d done. “Beck, are you there?”

  “Yes, I’m here, and I love you even if you do rattle on at times.”

  “Sorry. I’m excited and bewildered. I thought you might want to know about your family.” There was silence again.

  “Okay. I’ve been teasing you. I just came from visiting my parents. I was beginning to put two and two together. I think you’re going to like what I found out.” He told her the details of his visit.

  “Beck, that’s amazing! We’re both part of these people!” She fell silent for a moment. “I’m thinking back to when we talked about maybe our meeting wasn’t chance. What’s been going on? Is there some big secret?”

  “It’s not like it’s a secret. More like Gaia at work. I think you know how she works.”

  “Don’t even say the words, Beck.”

  “It looks to me that they were sent on a mission they weren’t clear about. You know the drill. But with this visit, I think we all got clear a little about what’s going on. Bottom line is it’s all about us meeting.” He let that sink in.

  She began slowly. “You mean this whole thing was arranged?” She was silent for a moment. “Now I’m somewhere between being furious, curious, and grateful.”


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