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Highland Healer

Page 7

by Florence Love Karsner

  "Well, too bad, lassie. He'll be gone tomorrow and that will be the last you see of him. Besides, you have much work to do here in this village. They have accepted you here and, so far, you seem to be safe enough." Willie looked up at her as if he had understood absolutely every word!

  After making sure that Ian was resting, Caitlin gathered her small basket and headed into the village. She managed to survive by trading her skills for food and supplies she needed for tending her patients. She hadn't been to town for several days, however, as she had been busy with the young MacKinnon lad.

  "Willie, stay here with Ian. Let no one enter the cave. Stay."

  Caitlin watched as her wolf stood up and after getting his instructions, went and lay down on the floor next to Ian's bed. He would stay here until such time as Caitlin "released" him. She was the master, and obey her he would.

  As Caitlin entered the village, several people greeted her, asking questions about their various illnesses. Most of them only required some sort of herbal mixture that was easy enough to provide. She was most relieved to see there were no soldiers waiting to be cared for. Hopefully, that meant that most of the fighting was done, for a while at least. To Caitlin, it seemed that man was forever finding something or the other to disagree about. Such was the curse of mankind.

  As she got her needed food and supplies, she began to walk back down the pathway to the cave. She was always careful to make sure she wasn't being followed. And she would take several different paths along the way just in case there was someone she didn't see. Today she saw no one and was truly glad of that.

  However, something was happening that she didn't quite understand. As she slowly walked on, she sensed that someone or something was watching her. Almost waiting. A new feeling that was unfamiliar to her. As it was, she could feel the hair on her arms begin to stand up, just a bit, and her hearing became more acute.

  She could hear a slight noise, somewhere behind her and turned quickly. She held her breath as there, not ten feet in front of her, stood a wild boar — probably exactly like the one that had left Thomas with a limp! His body was bulky, and massively built with short and relatively thin legs. His trunk was also short and the region behind his shoulder blades rose into a hump with a mane running along it. His head was very large, and thick mucus oozed from both sides of his snout. Deep set small eyes and long, broad, ears made for a really strange looking creature. And he definitely had well-developed canine teeth, several inches long, which protruded from his mouth. All these features together made for one scary looking animal!

  Caitlin had the etched staff in her hand, but didn't raise it up — not just yet. The animal stood very still, as if sizing Caitlin up also.

  "HUUT!" It had suddenly let out a loud grunt that sent chills up her spine. She might land one lucky hit with her staff, but she'd never win a fight with this wild hog!

  For one very long moment in which Caitlin trembled from head to toe, the boar raked his front feet through the dirt, as if getting ready to charge.

  "HUUT!" The boar let out another loud grunt had Caitlin's heart racing! She feared this could be a most brutal way to have her life shortened. She could think of many more palatable ones!

  Her arms quivered as she put as much strength into her swing as she could. Just at the last moment, the boar moved back just inches and she missed him!

  "Oh, Holy Rusephus!"

  Caitlin's knees gave ever so slightly and she was not sure she would be able to keep standing. She closed her eyes for second, not wanting to see what was coming. She felt sure he would be upon her in a heartbeat. Opening her eyes, she watched as the boar stopped in his tracks and looked at her. The air sizzled for a few moments, and Caitlin felt it throughout her body. Abruptly, the hog turned and dashed off into the forest leaving a trail of vile smelling droppings in his wake.

  Caitlin's pulse tried to find a regular rhythm, but it struggled to do so. She felt the hair on her arms retreat, and her body stopped shaking. And, as she had experienced several times over the last few days, she was aware of a faint aroma that called to a long ago memory that she just couldn't quite recall. But it always brought a sense of comfort whenever it drifted by. At this particular moment it was most welcome.

  But what had just happened with that boar? Why had he fled? Caitlin was too relieved to care why, but was glad he had.

  She decided then and there this would be the last trip she made without Willie at her side. His senses were much keener than hers, although she had always had a most acute sense of smell. Her hearing was also now beginning to pick up sounds she had never heard in the past. As she stood there next to the path, she could see a hummingbird getting nectary from the bluebell bush growing by the wayside, and she could hear its wings fluttering. Strange, but she didn't think she had ever heard that before.

  After this incident, she decided to hurry on back to the cave before darkness was upon her. It was already twilight, and with winter on the way, night would come sooner than usual.

  Willie heard her coming into the cave, but stayed at his post until she came and "released" him. He then greeted her with a short bark, and she rubbed his head. She still marveled at the size of him,. He was much larger than any of the dogs that she had seen Uncle Wabi work with and she thought he was more intelligent also, but maybe she just wanted to think that.

  Whatever the cause, spending time with her uncle and watching him train his dogs had been time well spent, as she knew how to work with Willie early on.


  Thomas Finlayson and Lord Warwick were more than just a little worried about not being able to find that little red-haired vixen. Thomas had known immediately that Caitlin had heard every word, and being unable to apprehend her at that time, he had waited until after midnight, shortly after he closed the pub, to find his way to the cottage where she lived with her old uncle. The old uncle was a bit strange looking, with his strange pants that only went to his knees, and wearing his hair tied back with a bit of leather string; and he had a scar that ran from his cheek all the way down his face, and across his upper lip. Thomas knew he had nothing to fear from the old man as he was very old and known to be jut a bit off — some said eccentric — but Thomas just thought the old man had lost some of his marbles. He was often seen in the village with one of his dogs beside him, and it seemed he was talking to the dog, or maybe himself. It was just another example of his feeble state of mind, Thomas figured.

  Thomas, being the whale of a man that he was, and struggling with his limp, had great difficulty climbing over the fence that surrounded Wabi's place. It was out of the village a ways, so he wasn't worried about being seen. He peeked through every window he could and that woman, that healer, wasn't to be found anywhere. Well, he would just come back tomorrow night and take care of her then. He quietly went back to the fence and was trying his best to get back over it when out of the blue came a loud growl, followed by the loudest barking he had ever heard! Then, something grabbed his foot and gnawed on it at the same time! He shook and shook his foot until the dog fell off, but in doing so, a large chunk of his calf came with it!

  "Jesus! Let go you varmint!." What pain!

  Then he heard the old man calling out, "Who's out there? Get off my property before I turn you into a toad, you miserable excuse for a man!"

  Thomas was so relieved to get over the fence that he didn't even think of looking back. The old man didn't seem to have a gun or weapon of any sort, so Thomas thought maybe he was going to get away, but damn that dog!

  "Well, I'll take care of him, too, before long," he said, still struggling to get his breath as he ran down into the woods trying to find his way through the forest. Just as he reached the edge of the woods, thinking he had reached safety, something hit him smack in the back of his head, causing him to topple over onto the ground.

  "Almighty God! What was that?" He saw nothing, but just then a large owl flew up in front of his face and startled Thomas, then headed to the tree tops. Thomas h
ad never known an owl to attack.

  "Just let me get out of this place!" He mumbled. Finally getting back to his feet, he was still muttering to himself.

  "Maybe I didn't find you tonight, but I will, my nosey little healer," he promised himself. It never crossed his mind to recall that it was this woman who had saved his life some years ago, and even if he had, he would still need to be rid of her. She could cause great trouble for himself and Lord Warwick.


  Caitlin rose early and went to check on Ian. He was lying there awake, but making no sound. She walked over to his table, where he had been lying for several days now. Caitlin sensed this young lad had need of someone to listen to his concerns, but, being very young, was reluctant to say much.

  "And good morning to you, Ian. Did you sleep any at all?" Caitlin touched his head, and then changed the dressing on his leg.

  "This will do, I believe!" She said it with some authority as she knew that usually went a long way in reassuring a patient they were on the mend.

  "No, no much I think. Do ye think I can go with Alex today?"

  "Yes, my good lad, I do think we can arrange that. Your wound is really healing well, and I have no doubt Alex and your other brothers will be able to care for you. It's a great thing to have so many looking out for you. Not everyone is so fortunate."

  "Oh, aye. They do look out for me, as ye say. But, still that's not the same as when our Mam was with us. She kept everyone on their toes, and everything was done properly and at the right time." He smiled.

  "Ye kinda remind me of her when ye start giving orders. She could get the four of us moving faster than a hive of bees coming after us!"

  "Well, then, she must have been quite a woman if she could keep the four of you in line! I don't envy her that task." Caitlin smiled back at the boy, who looked so forlorn that she fought a desire to enfold him in an embrace and soothe him with words. She was quite sure he might need that, but now was not the time. Perhaps she needed it also. Now, once again, she smelled that same aroma. It was related to her past, but what was it? And, again it left her with a feeling of warmth and comfort, as if being cared for.

  "So, now, let's get you dressed so you are quite ready when Alexander calls for you. He brought some clothing in this bag, I believe," she said, picking up a satchel that had been tied on one end. She reached down inside and pulled out another pair of those unusual pants, as well as a shirt, and there was a plaid there also.

  "Looks like these are what we'll use today. There's another pair also, but you can only wear one pair at a time."

  "My Mam made those for me. She thought they would keep me warmer as I was sickly much of the time. I got to liking them so I just kept on wearing them after she died. But, they're beginning to be just a bit tight, so I guess I'll go back to the plaids and trews again."

  "Yeah, I'm sure you miss your mother, Ian. There's never anyone to take her place, but memories can be called up whenever you wish." Caitlin observed the look on the young lad's face. He liked that thought.

  Getting Ian dressed was quite an ordeal. He cried out in pain when she moved him just the smallest bit. Caitlin certainly had second thoughts about letting Alexander take him today. But, she knew he would anyway, and certainly he had reason.

  "You'll make it alright, Ian. It may be difficult, but I know you four men have faced more difficult challenges than this one. You'll come through this one too."

  Willie darted to the front of the cave in order to properly greet their arriving guests. Caitlin smiled to herself. Willie was quite taken with Alex, and he wasn't the only one, she ventured to admit to herself.

  She walked outside, and the three brothers were all there walking toward her. These three men, each with his own confident stride, would make one think twice about crossing them. She had already decided not to do so in the matter of Ian, and it was just as well. Taking on one of them was one thing, but all three was something else entirely. Caitlin was certainly glad they had become friends, rather than enemies.

  "Ah, the Highland Brigade, I see!" Caitlin tried to make light of their arrival, but immediately realized they probably did not find the humor in her remark. They had done their share of fighting and wanted no more, and that was something she did agree with.

  "Caitlin, you seem to be in fine spirits today." Alexander came closer and bowed slightly. His scent came before him, an evergreen freshness she would always associate with him. Hector and Jack greeted her as well. "Good morning, Healer."

  "So, is the laddie ready for riding, do ye think?" Jack was about to walk on back but Alex caught his arm.

  "Hold a moment, brother. Caitlin will tell ye when ye can go back."

  Caitlin laughed aloud. "Thank you, Alex. Come, all of you. He's as ready as I can make him. And he'll do, he'll do. Quite a fine young man he is."

  "You two go on; I need to speak with Caitlin for a few moments." Alex wandered back outside and went over to the horses, fiddling with the straps on his saddle, which were already just right. Caitlin could see he was working up to saying something, but she had no idea what it could be.

  "Alex, come out with it. I see something is bothering you, so tell me what it is." Caitlin long ago learned to get her patients to confide in her. Sharing a problem often made it seem just a wee bit smaller.

  "Ye be right, Caitlin. Something is disturbing me. Well, actually, all of us. We spent a great deal of time working on this problem last night and now I need to make ye understand our plan." Ever the strategist!

  "We're all anxious to take Ian and depart from this area. We have a ways to go, but when we get there, chances are we'll all be safe and can return to our home back in the mountains, where we've lived all our lives. Our Da still keeps the place up, but with Ian having been gone these weeks, he's probably having a bit of a time just keeping the animals fed and the sheep in their pastures. So, we need to get back to him." He stopped rearranging the saddle straps and turned to face Caitlin. His face showed a look of determination that was not lost on the healer.

  "But, just listening to yer story, yesterday, it seems to me ye are actually in a worse predicament than we find ourselves. So, we've all agreed we should take ye with us, to safety that is. We have a crofter's hut ye would find a bit more comfortable than this cave, and we would be around if ye needed any protection. And certainly, a healer in our area would be most welcome. Mam used to help a bit with the villagers, but she certainly wasn't a healer like ye. Still, her help has been missed."

  "I see. You want me to go to the upper Highlands with you to a place of safety." Caitlin was never so shocked! She was having difficulty finding the right words to say to him.

  "Aye, that's it exactly."

  Caitlin shook her head as if in disbelief.

  "Oh, Alex. I thank you kindly, but I believe I'm pretty safe here. I've made a few friends in the village, and my skills are needed here as well. Plus, this isn't so far from Skye. Perhaps I might even see Uncle Wabi again if I don't stray too far away. He's getting on in years now and I would hope some of my problems will work themselves out and I might even return to our home one day."

  "Caitlin. We're able to take care of ourselves, and there are four of us. Ye are alone, with yer protector, of course, and a fine one he is. But, with three different men looking for ye, one of them is bound to find ye sooner or later. It would pain me to think something might happen to ye, lass. It would truly be better if ye came with us."

  Caitlin hardly knew how to reply. She found this man most intriguing, and being with him felt so right. But, to just leave and go with him? She walked closer to him, looking up so he might see the resoluteness in her face.

  "No, Alex. I must stay here. If I must leave this place for some reason, then perhaps I'll come to the upper Highlands and find you four. Some of my relatives were from that region, but I've never been that far. For now, though, staying here is what I must do."

  That decision did not sit well with Alex. It showed in his drawn face and t
ight lips. He pretty much made the decisions regarding his family, and he had expected any sane person would see this was a most reasonable plan. But, Alex was good at reading people also. He saw the set of Caitlin's jaw and chin when she said her piece. She wouldn't be changing her mind, not just yet anyway. But, he disliked not being able to persuade her to do what would keep her safe and close to him. He found this woman very much to his liking.

  His voice got louder. "So that's the way of it then? Ye'll no listen to reason, but stay here and become prey for any one of the three out to get ye?" His worry had now turned into anger and exasperation.

  By then Caitlin's temper was simmering a bit too. She turned to him, hands on her hips, face flushing.

  "Again, I thank you. But I'll be staying here!"

  Caitlin had been making her own decisions for quite some time now. Uncle Wabi had encouraged her to think long and hard before coming to any decisions about most anything. She accepted that most times she had made good ones, but she wasn't so sure about the latest ones.

  Did she really need to leave Skye? "Of course you did. You had to protect Uncle Wabi and your friends," she murmured under her breath.

  "And then, leaving the thatched hut? Was that really necessary? Yes, absolutely."

  She feared Commander Campbell much more than she did Thomas and Lord Warwick. Thomas was too lazy to give much pursuit, and the Lord didn't even know her on sight.

  Caitlin turned her back on Alex and marched inside the cave. Alex was following closely behind her, frowning and still fuming about her decision. He watched as she swirled about, the blue dress swinging around and her petticoat flashing in the process.

  "Damn woman. She ought to listen to reason for once!" He spoke to Willie, apparently, as Caitlin had walked on ahead of him.

  Hector and Jack had indeed built a "traveling bed" for Ian. They had spent the entire day yesterday making sure it wouldn't fall off once they had it secured on Ian's horse. Ian was a very thin young man, so weight didn't present much of a problem. Now they were both ready to see how this would work. And it must.


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