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Page 3

by Rose Temper

  After I helped with the dishes, I went up to my room and put on a t-shirt and pair of comfy shorts, nothing too revealing, and grabbed the DVD then went to his room.

  The door was closed. I remember to earlier in the day when he’d left it open and there was an immediate stirring between my legs. I took a deep breath, reminding myself that we were both responsible adults and we could handle this. I knocked lightly on the door, wondering if he might be undressed in there. Damn, where did those thoughts come from?

  “Come in,” he called out.

  I opened the door and walked in to find him sitting on his bed with no shirt on and wearing the same shorts he had on earlier, except this time they were in the correct place, not down around his knees.

  He smiled at me and my face started heating up. I tried to not look at his bare chest. I really did. But it was so hard. He had such a nice body and it was almost like he was flaunting it at me, knowing I couldn’t resist. I had the sudden thought that maybe he left the door open earlier on purpose, hoping I would catch him doing that dirty thing to himself while he said my name.

  No, that was silly.

  I smiled back at him. “Hey.”

  “You ready to watch a movie?”

  He was always so confident and commanding when he spoke. I loved that about him. “Yes… And I got you a little something.” Holding the DVD up.

  His eyes got big. “What? What is it?” He quickly got off the bed and came over to me. He was several inches taller than me and it was so apparent how toned his body was not that he stood right in front of me with his shirt off.

  I smelled the faint hint of his cologne and I wanted to lean in to get more of it but I resisted, handing him the movie instead. Our fingers brushed as he took it, sending a wave of pleasure through my hand.

  “No way! You remembered. Oh my gosh, this is the best gift ever.” He turned it over, reading the back. “The director’s cut? 30 minutes of unreleased footage? Wow, thank you so much Kaylee.” His entire face lit up, smiling at me, and I thought I might melt.

  Then he wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me in for a hug. Our bodies pressed close together and I could really smell him then.

  I inhaled deeply, savoring his manly scent, loving the way his naked torso felt against me. He squeezed me tight and my heart was pounding so hard I thought for sure he would be able to feel it and know what I was thinking.

  Finally, he let me go and went to setup the DVD player.

  I took my place on the bed, leaning back against the wall and crossing my legs. I was worried if I didn’t cross them bad things might happen. The warmth was already building and it wouldn’t belong before the wetness followed.

  He came and sat right next to me, our shoulders touching, then started the DVD.

  Soon, we were both laying down next to each other, enjoying the movie. Neither of us said anything about it but our bodies kept getting closer and closer as the movie went on, which meant my panties were getting wetter and wetter.

  By the time the movie was over I was so hot and bothered I knew I would have to go to my room soon and take care of myself. The credits started to roll by and I said, “Well, that was good wasn’t it?”

  No response.

  I turned my head to see that Tom was fast asleep. He looked so cute laying there right next to me, his eyes closed, and his breathing slow and rhythmic. I couldn’t help but take the chance to ogle is amazing chest and then my eyes slipped down to his shorts.

  There was an unmistakable bulge there that could only be an erection and I gasped when I saw it, looking back up to his face to make sure he was still asleep. This was the closest I’d ever been to a hard dick and it was driving me wild. My body was as still as a lake at dawn but inside the waves were crashing against the shore, threatening to sweep me away.

  The outline of his dick was so clear through his shorts I could even see the distinct bell-like shape of the head. His shorts were thin and baggy and I thought it wouldn’t take much at all to lift the bottom of them up to get a better look. It looked like he wasn’t wearing any underwear.

  I was horrified at what I was about to do but at the same time I couldn’t stop myself. My pussy was heating up by the second and a flitting excitement filled my stomach.

  Careful not to move around too much and wake him, I reached down and pinched the bottom of his shorts between my thumb and index finger then looked back up at his face.

  Still sleeping, oblivious to what his sister was about to do to him.

  I bit my lip then slowly lifted his shorts up an inch. He didn’t move so I lifted more. Still nothing. I moved the bottom of his shorts up to the point where If I moved them any farther his cock would be out in the open, and I paused, considering what I was doing. If I went through with it I would be crossing a definite line.

  I was reluctant but the outline of his cock pushed me forward. Taking a deep breath, and checking his face one last time for any sign of him waking up, I steeled myself and lifted the thin material up to reveal the crown of his dick.

  It was so beautiful and I could tell the spongy head was filled with blood. I bit my lip, lifted more to let the rest of his thick shaft out into the open. Without the shorts to constrict it, his cock lifted up and stood at attention, startling me when it moved.

  My pussy gushed into my panties and I throbbed so much I wanted to finger myself right there. His dick was so much bigger now that I saw it up close and without his hand wrapped around it. A clear substance had collected at the opening and I had the urge to lick it off. But I knew if I tried it would require moving my whole body and he was sure to wake and find out the dirty things I was doing to him in his sleep.

  Maybe I could get away with touching it though. It seemed like he was a deep sleeper. I’d come this far without him waking up after all.

  I reached my finger down and let it hover right over his mammoth dick, my heart pounding in my chest. Quickly, I let my finger drop down on the smooth skin of his head then back up again. There was no sign of him waking up so I dropped it back to his head and left it there.

  It was so warm and hard. Without thinking I grabbed the thing in my hand, wrapping my slender fingers around his entire girth, feeling the massiveness in my fist, my breath rushing over my moist lips.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and exhaled sharply through my nose, biting my lip. This was the farthest I’d ever been with a boy. Gently, I tugged on his shaft, the way I saw him do it earlier, squeezing the hunk of flesh in my hand.

  Suddenly, he sucked in a breath of air and moved his head slightly.

  I froze, my hand still wrapped firmly around his cock, waiting for the inevitable, for him to wake up and freak out. Or worse, wake up and not freak out then try to put his thing in me. I wasn’t sure if I could stop him.

  But he did neither. His breathing stayed at the same deep and easy tempo.

  I gave him one more tug, then let go, intending to go back to my room and take care of myself then fall asleep and forget all this ever happened.

  Before I could leave though, his hand came up and grasped my wrist, startling me. I froze, darting my eyes to his face. It was still the same, eyes closed, steady breathing. But obviously he wasn’t asleep. Sleeping people didn’t grab your wrist.

  Did that mean he was awake the whole time? My thoughts raced for an excuse to give him. Trying to come up with some reason I’d lifted his shorts up.

  Then he pulled my hand back to his cock. I wrapped my fingers around him, looking at his face for any sign of emotion, but his eyes were still closed and his face neutral and relaxed.

  Okay, obviously he was awake. I wasn’t dumb enough to think he grabbed my wrist and brought my hand to his dick all in his sleep. But with him pretending to be asleep it did make it a little easier to do what I did.

  My hand stroked up and down his throbbing shaft, just the way I saw him do it that afternoon. It was making me so wet, I wanted to touch myself at the same time but I didn’t want to disr
upt the delicate balance we seemed to have established so I kept working him up and down. I wasn’t really sure what I was doing and I was too afraid to ask if it felt good so I just did my best to mimic the way he did it.

  He must have liked it because his breathing quickened and the muscles around his mouth started to twitch and dance while I touched him.

  I brought my free hand up to my breast and squeezed it. A small moan escaped my mouth and I decided not to do it again, still worried about upsetting him or god-forbid making noise loud enough for our parents to hear and catch us.

  Then he groaned quietly, a pained expression came over his face and his hips bucked up ever so slightly before the tip of his cock exploded in a fountain of hot semen over his bare chest. The musky smell made it’s way to my nose as I continued stroking him, trying to get every drop out.

  Finally, it stopped coming out of him and his breathing slowed. He still showed no signs of being awake. I didn’t know that much about men but it didn’t take a genius to know he couldn’t sleep through that. Well, I was just fine keeping up that charade for now. What I just did was incredibly wrong and I had no desire to discuss it.

  I let go of his manhood and adjusted his shorts back down over his softening dick. Some of his sperm was still on my hand and as I got up and turned off the TV, I was careful not to wipe it off on anything; I wanted to inspect it more closely when I was back in my room.

  After taking one last look at his amazing body, I crept out of the room, careful not to make any noise as I left.

  When I was safely in my bed, my heart beating out of control and the entire area around my pussy burning with desire, I took the time to examine the sticky, warm substance on my finger, bringing it to my nose, inhaling the smoky scent of his essence. I plunged the finger into my mouth, closing my lips around it, letting his seed coat my tongue before swallowing it down.

  I didn’t bother taking my shorts and panties off. My pussy ached too much for that and I shoved my hand down the front, then using the same finger I just licked, I fingered myself like a madwoman. Rubbing my clit rapid-fire style, moaning and thrashing my hips around, plunging two, then three fingers between my folds until I climaxed in an orgasm, coming so hard, moaning and whispering his name, letting his essence pour through me, imagining him taking me in the most forbidden way possible.

  Afterwards, I laid in bed for sometime trying to figure out what the hell happened and what it meant until I finally drifted of to a fitful and interrupted sleep.


  The next day he was gone when I woke and I didn’t dare text him. He didn’t show up all day and I really started to worry he was mad at me when he called before dinner and told mom he was eating with his friend.

  I couldn’t eat a thing at dinner. I pushed peas around my plate, trying to listen to my parents conversation enough to be able to reply if they asked me something but I was in no mood for conversation.

  After they went to sleep I went up to my room, leaving the door open in case he came home. Well, it didn’t take long before I heard his familiar footsteps coming up the stairs and prepared myself for what would happen next. Maybe I should pretend to be asleep, I thought. Just so I could avoid talking to him. But I didn’t run from my problems and I wasn’t going to start now so I put on my brightest smile and went to my open door, waiting for him to come up.

  He was smiling, the same old Tom as always. “Hey,” he said, completely natural.

  “Hey.” I didn’t know what to do. Were we just going to ignore what happened?

  “You want to watch a movie?”

  I guess we were. “Sure.”


  I followed him in there, my eyes roving down to his cute butt that filled out his jeans so nicely and the familiar warmth between my legs was already back. I knew I should turn around and go to sleep but my feet kept going.

  When we got in his room, he closed the door behind me and smiled, still calm and easy, then went over to his bed and pulled his shirt off and started going through his DVD collection. “What are you in the mood for?”

  If he only knew what I was in the mood for. But how could he not know? “Action? Or, Comedy? I don’t know. Romantic comedy?”

  He looked over at me, his face serious like he was deep in thought, then his face cracked into a grin.

  “What?” I didn’t know what was so damned funny.

  “Nothing. You’re just cute.” Then he went back to looking through the movies.

  I was cute? Cute like sexy, or cute like a little dog? Why did he have to be so ambiguous all the time? I crossed my arms and my nostrils flared. I still couldn’t help but look at his muscled back though.

  He brought a movie out. “How about ’40 year old Virgin’”? Putting it in the DVD player without waiting for an answer.

  Was he trying to tell me something? This was all so new to me. I’d never had a serious boyfriend in my life. Gah! What was I even thinking? He was my brother not a potential boyfriend. I just need to keep reminding myself that.

  Then he gave me a look before quickly unbuttoning his pants, pulling them down so that he was standing there in the middle of the room in his boxers.

  My heart started pounding again. “What are you doing?”

  He shrugged. “If we’re going to watch a movie we might as well get comfortable. Don’t you find pants so constricting?”

  I didn’t know what to say. “Pants?”

  “Yeah, your pants.” He nodded to my legs. “Isn’t it hard to relax when you have them on?”

  “Umm, I don’t know.”

  “Well, try it. Come on. We’re family here. No reason to be shy.” He went and sat on the bed, his back against the wall like usual, looking at the TV not paying any attention to me.

  I could see the bulge in his boxers again and the taste of his cum was back in my mouth. It was true what he said though–pants were constricting. I pulled my t-shirt down making sure it was long enough to cover me, then undid my pants, stepped out of them and joined him on the bed.

  “Isn’t that nice?” He smiled at me.

  How could he be so cool right now? Totally calm like us sitting on his bed without pants was completely normal. My face felt flush all of a sudden. “Is it hot in here?”

  “Nah, I’m fine. You’re hot? Take your t-shirt off then.”

  “Oh, you wish.” I hit him on the shoulder, giggling.

  He shrugged and smiled.

  We started to get into the movie, sitting close to each other, our shoulders and legs touched, the same as always. Then his hand came up to my thigh, just resting it there.

  I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, then went back to the movie. My panties would definitely be soaked soon.

  Then, ever so slightly, he started moving his fingers across the smooth skin.

  I was glad I shaved my legs that day.

  His hand started working towards my inner thigh, just creeping along, going slow like he was testing me.

  My pussy was so warm at that point and it really was hot in there. I sighed loudly and his hand stopped moving, just rested there.

  I couldn’t take it.

  I put my hand over his and squeezed it, moaning lightly.

  Apparently that was his green light because he stopped moving slowly and his hand darted to my soaked panties.

  I gasped and pulled away from him. “Tom, wait.” I was almost out of breath. It was hard to get the words out. “We need to talk about this. About what happened last night.”

  His face turned red, his calmness fading against the crimson hue. “What are you talking about?”

  Good Lord. Was he really going to pretend it didn’t happen? “Fine.” I got up off the bed and gathered my pants, heading for the door.

  “Wait, don’t go.”

  I turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow, still ready to leave.

  “I’m sorry. Please, don’t go.”

  He did look sorry. I’d never seen such a worried look on his fac
e before and I went back and stood in front of him, still holding my pants over the front of my panties. “Tom, we need to talk about this. I’m confused. I don’t know what’s going on. Is what we’re doing even legal?”

  His forehead wrinkled and he squinted his eyes, looking off to the side. “I’m not sure.” Looking back at me.

  At least he was being honest, it seemed. I wasn’t sure either.

  “Technically we are related now that our parents are married. But we’re both adults and we aren’t related by blood. I don’t know about you but I have no intention of having sex with anyone before marriage.”

  I felt the tension roll out of my shoulders and I let out the breath I’d been holding onto. “I’m so glad you said that. I have no intention of doing that either.” I went and sat next to him on the bed. “The truth is I’ve never done much of anything with a boy.”

  “Really? You know I don’t have much experience either.”

  “Well,” I said. “Maybe it would be a good thing if we, you know, practiced on each other. Not sex, but other stuff. Just so when you eventually find a wife and I find a husband we’ll have some idea of how to make them happy. Is that bad?”

  He looked into my eyes. “No, I don’t think that’s bad at all. I think it’s a wonderful idea.”

  “Okay.” I smiled at him, biting my lip, and waited for him to make a move. If he didn’t do it soon I would probably maul him.

  “Okay?” he said.

  I nodded then he leaned forward and put his lips on mine.


  My lips parted, letting his furtive tongue inside my mouth, opening myself for him to do with me what he wanted. His tongue flitted across my teeth and I moaned into him, overcome by this new intimate connection between us, something I’d wanted for so long but kept pushing down.

  His hand came to my breast, caressing it, his large hand covering it completely.

  I gasped and pulled away from him, searching his face, still looking for confirmation that what we were doing was okay.


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