Is That All There Is?
Page 72
Egstrom, Milford (brother), 11, 16, 23, 118
Egstrom, Milford (uncle), 10
Egstrom, Minnie Schaumberg Wiese (stepmother; “Min”), 31–32, 169, 412
death, 18, 322
marries Marvin Egstrom, 15–21
PL relationship with, 15–21, 24–25, 28–30, 39, 41–43, 51–52, 54, 65, 70, 194–195, 225, 322–323, 360, 366, 380, 419–420, 424, 432
railroad work, 23–25, 36–39, 116, 322
second husband’s illness and death, 116–118
Egstrom, Norma Deloris. See Lee, Peggy (PL), early years as Norma Deloris Egstrom
Egstrom, Selma Anderson (mother), 11–14, 17, 19–21, 52, 404
Eigen, Jack, 305
Einstein, Albert, 167
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 146, 149
Eisenhower, Mamie, 149
Eisner, Michael, 458, 459, 502
Ekström. Eva G. Williams, 10–11
Ekström, Jan Magnus Eriksson (grandfather), 10–11
Ekström, Zelda, 10–11
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 287
Elizabeth Theatre Group, 408, 410–411
Ellington, Duke, 55, 73, 78, 88, 90, 137, 196, 198, 211, 217, 219, 222, 236, 337, 347–348, 477, 503
Elliot, “Mama” Cass, 317, 337
“Elmer’s Tune,” 69–70
Embers (New York City), 217
Emerson, Connie, 13, 31, 41, 47
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 56, 262
EMI (Electric and Musical Industries, Ltd.), 191, 270, 271, 285, 332, 478
Emmy, 292
“Empty Glass, An,” 267
Engemann, Karl, 272
Engstead, John, 290–291
Engvick, William, 98–99
Entertainment Weekly, 472
Entratter, Jack, 164
Enzinger, Jean. See Bach, Jean
Epic Records, 492
Erica (cook), 475
Erickson, Bonnie, 382
Erotica (album), 491
Ertegun, Ahmet, 272
Esquire, 200
Evans, Donald, 42
Evans, Gil, 152
Everybody Comes to Rick’s (film), 144, 148
“Everyday People,” 288
“Every Little Movement,” 392
“Every Night,” 195
“Everything Is Beautiful,” 317
“Ev’rytime,” 128
“Exactly Like You,” 60
Extra Special! (PL album), 269
Faithfull, Marianne, 155
Fallon, Larry, 426, 428
Fantasia (film), 95, 486
Fargo Theatre, 293
Farrell, Frank, 70
Father Divine’s Peace Mission and Truth Center (South Los Angeles), 50
Father Goose (film), 254–255
Fauré, Gabriel, 368
Feather, Leonard, 105, 127, 154, 155, 275, 336, 396, 441, 497, 514
Feather, Lorraine, 155, 160, 514
Fehr Sisters, 39
Feldman, Victor, 237
Feller, Sid, 128
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 243
feminist movement, 242, 243, 275, 278
Ferrazzano, Luis Fronde, 108
Ferrer, José, 123
Ferrer, Mel, 115, 137–138
Fetcher, Ella, 32
“Fever,” 1, 168, 196–202, 208, 212, 213, 216, 221–222, 238, 241, 269, 288, 313, 328, 330, 363, 389, 424, 428–429, 431, 433, 447, 451, 452, 468, 490–492, 499, 502, 514, 515–517, 518
Fiddler on the Roof (musical), 363
Fields, Dorothy, 454, 494
Fields, Sidney, 101
film appearances of PL
Jasper in a Jam (voice), 94–95, 201
The Jazz Singer, 138–146, 148, 172, 409
Lady and the Tramp (voice, songwriting), 1, 142–143, 148–150, 175–177, 179, 304, 455–462, 471–472, 478–488
Midnight Serenade, 94
Mr. Music, 121, 139
Pete Kelly’s Blues, 4, 13, 165–166, 170–173, 174–175, 177–181, 183, 221, 227, 231, 330–331, 413, 415, 455, 476, 482
The Powers Girl, 80, 121
Stage Door Canteen, 80–81, 121
tom thumb (songwriting), 201
financial issues of PL
after death, 514
costs of productions, 378
decline of hotel supper clubs, 382–385, 445
design proposal for Mitsukoshi Limited, 387–388, 394
fall in Waldorf-Astoria, 395–396
firing of Betty Jungheim, 373–375
home of sister, Marianne, 444
Internal Revenue Service, 157, 160, 171, 196, 277
Betty Jungheim and, 360, 373–374
loss of William Morris Agency representation, 385
Peg production, 405, 418
power struggle at end of life, 510–512
royalties for Lady and the Tramp video, 1, 455–462, 471–472, 478–488
“Fine and Mellow,” 462–463
Fine, Donald, 465–467
Fine Romance, A (Lehman), 134
Fiore, Frank, 356–359
“Fire and Rain,” 325
Firestone, Ross, 69
Fitzgerald, Ella, 151, 152, 164, 170, 173, 186, 198, 207, 208, 217, 219, 248, 264, 275, 383
5th Dimension, 304, 315, 318
Five Collegians, 53–54
Five Pennies, 90
Flack, Roberta, 347–348
Flamm, Matthew, 460
Fleet’s In, The (film), 86
Fleming, Rhonda, 185
Flett, Scarth, 351
“Flowers and Flowers,” 307, 433
“Fly Me to the Moon,” 230, 238, 448, 503, 509
Flynn, Errol, 138
folk music, 107–108, 152, 167, 234, 256, 273, 303, 308, 319
folk-rock, 272, 273, 363
“Folks Who Live on the Hill, The,” 3, 193, 229, 258, 503–504, 517
Fong, Albert, 485
Fontaine, Joan, 431, 434
Forde, Larry, 423, 426
Ford, Henry, 160
Fordin, Hugh, 398
Ford, Tennessee Ernie, 191, 270
“Forever Nicki,” 114
“Forgive Me,” 132
Forrest, Helen, 55, 64, 68–70, 82
“Forties in the Eighties” (Capitol Records anniversary concerts), 413–414
Foshko, Robert, 297, 299
Foster, David Allen (grandson), 253, 277, 320, 341–342
Foster, Dick (son-in-law), 244–245, 250, 322, 323, 341–342, 406
Foster, Michael (grandson), 277, 320
Foster, Nicki Lee Barbour (daughter), 3–5
birth and early years, 82, 85–86, 88–91, 95, 106, 118, 123–124, 129, 418
business support for PL, 232, 237–239, 320, 401, 415–416, 427, 472–473
childhood years, 141, 144, 145, 156, 157, 173, 186–187, 188, 202, 221, 294
children, 253, 277
death of father, 265–266
death of mother, 512, 513–514, 516
engagement and marriage to Dick Foster, 244–245, 406
in guesthouse of PL, 277, 318
moves to Cheviot Hills, 341–342
moves to Sun Valley, Idaho, 345
in Nicki Knight and the Hoops, 345
relationship with father, 95, 131, 141, 187–188, 245, 253, 265–266, 519
relationship with mother, 106, 320–324, 336–337, 339–340, 345, 420, 477, 506–514, 507–512, 519
Foster-Wells, Holly (granddaughter), 5, 277, 320
business support for PL, 403, 421, 446, 449–450, 475–476, 483, 514
death of grandmother, 512, 514
Four Freshmen, 413
Four of Us, The, 63–65
Foy, Mattie, 23, 25
Frampton, Peter, 364
Francis, Connie, 209, 305
Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers, 191
Franklin, Aretha, 288, 290, 303–304, 347–348, 354, 362–363, 433
Franks, Michael, 495
Freed, Alan, 209
Freedman, Bob, 236
Freeman, Alex, 234, 246, 259
“Freight Train Blues,” 22
Friedan, Betty, 243
Friedlander, Samuel, 406
Friesen, Gil, 364, 366
Frishberg, Dave, 152
From Here to Eternity (film), 192
Frontiere, Georgia, 411, 429, 430, 436
Fuerst, Ed, 211, 497
Fuerst, Eleanor (Ellie), 211, 497
Funny Girl (musical), 292
“Funny Man,” 244
Gabin, Jean, 127–128
Gable, Clark, 45, 102
Gabler, Milt, 128, 133, 154
GAC (General Artists Corporation), 90, 113
Gallaher, Eddie, 135
Galloway, Leata, 94, 327, 357, 358–360
Gardner, Ava, 102, 119, 234
Gardner, Hy, 256
Garfield, John, 138
Garland, Judy, 2, 102, 136, 164, 187, 191, 196, 206, 234, 246–247, 323, 326, 390–391, 406, 454
Garroway, Dave, 100
Garson, Greer, 144
Gary Lewis & the Playboys, 272
Gastel, Carlos, 89–90, 91–93, 95–96, 103, 106, 126, 127
Gates, David, 350–351
Gebhard, Paul, 201
Gelb, Arthur, 234
General Artists Corporation (GAC), 90, 113
Genghis (Lhasa Apso), 415
Genius of Ray Charles, The (album), 214–215
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (film), 135
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (musical), 473
“Gentle on My Mind,” 270
Gentry, Bobbie, 302
George, Boy, 418–419
George Shearing Quintet, 504–505
“Georgia on My Mind,” 206
Georgia’s Back (TV program), 281
Gerber, Ludwig H., 374
Gerdes Folk City (New York City), 256
Gershwin, George and Ira, 72–73, 184, 500
Gibbs, Georgia, 198
Gieske, Tony, 505
Gilbert, Frank, 110–111
Gillespie, Dizzy, 185, 236, 248
Gillette, Lee, 99–102, 271
Gillett, Eric Michael, 403
Gilmore, Mikal, 372
Gimbel, Norman, 260
Ginsberg, Belle May, 39
Giraudoux, Jean, 363
“Girl from Ipanema, The,” 403
“Glad to Be Unhappy,” 384
Gladys Knight and the Pips, 345
Glaser, Vera, 314
Gleason, Jackie, 270
Glickstein, Helen, 377, 379, 462
Glickstein, Wendy, 377, 378
“Glory of Love, The,” 195–196
“God Bless America,” 60
“God Bless the Child,” 104, 448–449
Godfrey, Arthur, 222
Godfrey, Cy, 510, 511–512, 514
“God Save the Queen,” 396
Going My Own Way (Crosby), 477
“Goin’ on a Hayride,” 128
“Goin’ to Chicago Blues,” 397
Goldberg, Albert, 147
Goldman, Albert, 278, 296
“Gold Wedding Ring, The,” 167
Gone with the Wind (Mitchell), 200
“Goodbye John,” 99
“Goodbye to Innocence,” 491
“Good for Nothin’ Joe,” 205
Goodman, Benjamin David “Benny,” 2, 34, 62, 64–83, 88, 98, 103, 132, 145, 183, 185, 207, 214, 216, 217, 218, 257, 290, 311, 358–359, 361–362, 381, 427, 432, 447, 493, 501, 508
Goodman, Rachel, 67
“Good Morning Heartache,” 105, 152, 448–449
“Good Times,” 267
Gore, Lesley, 256
Gorgeous (parrot), 254
Gormé, Eydie, 275, 296, 335, 407
Gortikov, Stanley M., 271–272, 302
Gould, Jack, 110
Goulet, Robert, 335
Grable, Betty, 102
Graham, Sheilah, 122
Grammy Awards, 4, 208, 236, 270, 292–293, 311, 315–316, 405, 492, 494, 501
Gramophonedzie, 516
Granata, Hugo, 219, 221, 294, 298–299, 328
Grand Funk Railroad, 270, 332
Grant, Cary, 96, 102, 188, 222–223, 234, 239, 254–255, 264, 268–269, 337, 418
Grant, Leonard, 397
Grant, Peter, 468, 490
Grappelli, Stéphane, 419
Grease (musical), 407
“Great Balls of Fire,” 197
Great Depression, 24, 33–34, 34, 184, 434
Greco, Buddy, 249, 513
Greenfield, Howard, 316, 392
Green, Freddie, 35
Green, Justin, 514
Green, Leonard (Lennie), 216–223, 256
Green, Lil, 78–79, 90, 104, 105, 462
Grethe (PL dresser/housekeeper), 229, 324, 329
Griffin, Merv, 329–330
Grossman, Larry, 381
Group IV Studios, 505
Grusin, Dave, 355, 356
“Guess I’ll Go Back Home (This Summer),” 184
Guettel, Mary Rodgers, 135, 477
Guinness, Alec, 179
Guitars a là Lee (PL album), 267
Gunter, Freeman, 369, 378, 385, 406
Guy, William L., 360–361
Gypsy (musical), 404
“Gypsy with Fire in His Shoes, The,” 166
Haber, Joyce, 292
Hagerman, Charles, 109
Haines, Connie, 87
Haines, Lyle “Doc,” 40–41
Hair (musical), 315–316, 357
Hale, Corky, 513
Haley, Jack, Jr., 353
Hallelujah, Baby (musical), 281
“Hallelujah, I Love Him So,” 206–207
“Hallelujah, I’m a Bum,” 108
Hallowell, John, 289, 301, 306, 311
Hamilton, Arthur, 136, 166, 174–175, 316, 398, 450
Hammerstein, Oscar, 119, 193
Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 503–504
Hammond, John Henry II, 35, 66, 69, 95
Hampton, Lionel, 66, 236
Hanks, Tom, 459
Hanson, Jon, 510, 514
“Happiness Is Just a Thing Called Joe,” 92
Happy Ending, The (film), 318
“Happy Monks, The,” 167
“Happy with the Blues,” 463
Harbach, Otto, 214
Harbach, William (Bill), 207, 214–215, 221, 225, 502
“Hard Day’s Night, A,” 257
“Hard Hearted Hannah,” 152
Hardin, Tim, 272–273
Harlem Hamfats, 78
Harlow, Jean, 368
Harnell, Joe, 202, 450
Harrington, Bob, 489
Harris, Julie, 413
Harrison, George, 332
Harris, Richard, 302
Harry, Deborah, 517
Harsh, Dona. See Benson, Dona Harsh
Hart, Lorenz, 73–74, 110, 127–128, 134, 380–381, 384, 445
Harvey, Jane, 427
Harvey, P. J., 515
“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” 351
“Have You Seen My Baby?,” 316
Hawks, Howard, 188
Hayes, Helen, 80–81
Haymes, Dick, 132
Hazard, Dick, 297, 398, 450, 511
Hazard, Jeanne, 511
health issues of PL. See medical issues of PL
“Heart,” 215–216, 222, 235, 448, 499
Heath, D. Michael, 427, 436, 438
heavy metal, 396–397
Heckman, Don, 450
Hefner, Hugh, 200
Hefti, Neal, 221
Heiberg, Elsie, 42
Heilman, Joan Rattman, 327
Helen Morgan Story, The (film), 144, 148, 164–165
Hellman, Lillian, 407
“Hello, Dolly!,” 257
Hemion, Dwight, 207, 213, 380–381
Henderson, Fletcher, 66
Henderson, Lew, 86
Henderson, Ray,
Hendrick, Lillie Mae, 141
Hendrickson, Al, 245
“He Needs Me,” 177
Henson Associates, Inc., 479
Hentoff, Nat, 290
Hepburn, Audrey, 115
Hepburn, Katharine, 46–47, 80–81, 311
Herb Alpert’s Tijuana Brass, 256
Herbert, F. Hugh, 200
“Here’s to You,” 275, 314
Herman, Woody, 114, 186
“He’s a Tramp,” 149, 175, 456, 468, 480, 488
“He Used Me,” 316
“Hey, Look Me Over,” 241
Hickey, Pearl, 23–26, 33
High Fidelity, 356
Hill, Arthur, 331
Hi-Lo’s, 207–208
Hilton, Baron, 295
Hilton, Conrad, 295
Hilton Hotel Corporation, 395–396
Hip Parade (album), 227
Hitchcock, Alfred, 401
Hoerburger, Rob, 2, 304–305, 465, 491
Hoffman, Dustin, 412
Holden, Stephen, 372, 414, 442, 490, 504, 516
Holden, William, 200
“Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me,” 135
Holiday, Billie, 2, 35, 66, 87, 95, 104–106, 119, 132–133, 151–152, 153–155, 213, 254, 288–289, 290, 334, 419, 448–449, 462–463, 477, 518
Hollywood Bowl, 147, 169–170, 496–497, 504–505, 517
Hollywood Professional School, 187
Hollywood Reporter, 139, 148, 458, 472, 478, 505
Hollywood Women’s Press Club, 145
Holman, Bill, 259–260, 419
Holmes, Ernest, 96–97, 113, 118, 141, 143–144, 145–146, 162, 167–168, 179, 185, 208, 225, 277, 414, 513. See also Science of Mind philosophy
Homem de Mello, Zuza, 500
homes of PL
Bellagio Road (Bel Air), 3–5, 401–402, 409–411, 414–418, 473–476, 501, 509–512, 514
Blair Drive (Hollywood Hills), 95, 109, 113–114
Coldwater Canyon home (first), 159
Denslow Avenue (Westwood), 109–110, 116, 122, 145–146, 157, 159
Dorchester (London), 349–351, 354, 392
Fairmont Hotel (San Francisco), 347
Le Parker Meridien (New York City), 501–502
Park Lane Hotel (New York City), 235–236
Waldorf-Astoria (New York City), 295, 337–338, 340–341, 345–347, 358–360, 377–380, 384, 463, 465
Kimridge Road (Coldwater Canyon), 159–161, 190, 211–212, 223–224, 231–232, 248–249, 253, 338
Monroe Street apartment (Hollywood), 85, 95
in North Dakota. See North Dakota years of PL
Palm Springs, 190, 194
River Tower (New York City), 421, 438
Shoreham Towers apartment (West Hollywood), 253–256
Tower Grove Drive (Beverly Hills), 258–259, 277, 297–298, 317, 324, 354–355, 363, 388, 397, 401
Homuth, Floyd “Red,” 43
“Honeysuckle Rose,” 347
honors and awards of PL. See awards and honors of PL
Hoover, Herbert, 293
Hoover, J. Edgar, 200
Hope, Bob, 110, 121, 145, 164, 311, 406